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':¡ij Match the columns and wríte the sentences.

carbon dioxide ._ is th e most abundant gas in our atmosphere.

/1 oxygen
.forms clouds in the bottom !ayer of the atmosphere.
is the gas that we breathe in.
water vapour •. is the gas that we breat he out.

1&I L,)bel me layersoí th~ 1coi;phere.

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l '7/1Label thc co n tin en ts and compl~te the text .

1->..Ó J
( b) .:J?..,~..-~
,e_,.,_ .... ,.
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( a) Amc:r1C."1
--- --···-·-···-·-

i he co n t incn t of ........~_ ..____ has thé P.acific Occ.::in on ooe side .ancl thC A tla ntic

Occ.ln o n thé o the r. Th e conti n enl·s ot ....·- ···--· ·······-··········"· and ·--·--· ·S:':"::
connec1ed. The lndian Ocean separ.::itcsAsia. -···-~ -~ --::::::.7.and ..,..C-___
The occan arouoo ··- -···- -·- ·····..-·..····--····· has thc same name as its coo ti nent .
1rftl la.b-etthe Ea rth'sg1o bc .

·~ v..,·~ 1~ A) r,-•;;.

F- - l
( .
1 1Com plete
the min dmap .
- ·•• ·•-· •- ·•••• ·~--•
Mlf.Cr cyck: • #
·--. •,v• - ··-•
votr.om. hydróóphere.
·•• •• • -~-·--------·-· ··••··· .. --·-··-··
<>:xygen. pollt.Jte. llmlte<,I
' \
L_:_ Q2G~-· g~~~-( 3:').. :_~~~~::.~.:~~'..':'~~

, .. is t11e lay eí of .....?.!:.
.....-.. aíound Earth .
is dht.dcd into top ~n o ······-····••··••N
•-l¿iyers .

' is madé 0 1ni trn ge n . ···~·····--·· and o the r gasés.

The a tmosphé íé .. Pcopic produce g3ses th.:it .................. the Jir .

.- is the layeí oi ·-····················-·········

Waté r exi s-ts in th í éé states: li<¡uid ,
....................... and soli d.
The ·-· ····-· -.........-·-·· ····-· 1sth e con s"tant
ci rculation of Ear th' :i.water.
The ·-·•··•--·•·•····
..···•·•·· - W.:itc-r is a ··-·-········--·····-·-··· resou rc e

is Earth'slayer ot -·-··-····-·······-·-···-

-e has three parts: core, mantte, ·····-·---··..·-·-····..

Earth has six ·-···-·--- -··-·-·····---·

- -- -----.,


Earth can be representedby globes..-•.•.•.....•...

and maps(2D).

Cardinal po ints, ..................................

. ...........
• and parallels allow us to find our loci tion.
Maps and location

l ·!t} 1Label the cardinal points. Look at the map and answer the question.
North South East West

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ar J"'I
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What fa the furthcs t cit y to thc South?

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