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Senior Capstone Practicum Proposal Form 2018-19

Student Name: Jacob Du Period: 2

Topic (a few words): Data Security

Topic in full sentence (identifies the problem): How can we get people to take the necessary steps to protect their data

Description of practicum (What do you see this journey being for you?)

As an avid internet user, protection of private data will benefit the internet community as a whole.

**Questions used for Research (Annotated Bibliography):

1. Why do people not take steps to protect their data and how can that change?

2. How often is sensitive data accessed from an open wireless network?

3. What does a VPN Accomplish?

4. How does a VPN work?

5. How does HTTPS Protocol encrypt data safely?

What information did you learn through your research that you will apply to the practicum? Provide specific details. TO

I learned that a large majority of Americans do care about their data but simply don’t take steps to protect it.

Learning Goals/Outcomes: What will you understand and/or be able to do as a result of your practicum?

I will be able to help others protect their data with a few easy steps to keep their data theirs.

How will you make a difference in other people’s lives from your journey. What impact do you hope to have?

Others will know how to protect their private data on their devices.

List the steps you will take to complete the practicum and how will you document each and every step for completing
your product (emails, photos, videos, interviews- recorded or transcribed, surveys, phone call logs, etc...). You may add
steps/spaces as needed. A few steps will not do. Think of every possible step.
Step Evidence

Website The website

Articles The website

Having others read it Feedback

Set Up VPN Picture/Video of some sort

What organization (if any) will you work with and for what purpose?

Learning Stretch: How will this project be a new and meaningful challenge for you?

People are lazy and convincing people to do something about the problem may be the challenge.

How will you display your final practicum in your digital portfolio? (Pictures, videos, screencasts, etc…) Remember that
ALL of your evidence must be on your portfolio. An interview must be filmed or have a transcript. Every picture must
have a verbal explanation (screencastify?) Anyone should be able to access your website and be able to understand every
step you took. You saying you did something is not enough. You must have evidence of every step. Be thorough

I will post it on my website.

Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Teacher Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________

Accepted As-Is ___________ Accepted With Modifications ____________

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