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Android Emulator usage: emulator [options] [-qemu args]

-sysdir <dir> search for system disk images in <dir>
-system <file> read initial system image from <file>
-datadir <dir> write user data into <dir>
-kernel <file> use specific emulated kernel
-ramdisk <file> ramdisk image (default <system>/ramdisk.img
-image <file> obsolete, use -system <file> instead
-init-data <file> initial data image (default <system>/userdata
-initdata <file> same as '-init-data <file>'
-data <file> data image (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.i
-partition-size <size> system/data partition size in MBs
-cache <file> cache partition image (default is temporary f
-no-cache disable the cache partition
-nocache same as -no-cache
-sdcard <file> SD card image (default <system>/sdcard.img
-wipe-data reset the use data image (copy it from initda
-avd <name> use a specific android virtual device
-skindir <dir> search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins
-skin <name> select a given skin
-no-skin don't use any emulator skin
-noskin same as -no-skin
-memory <size> physical RAM size in MBs
-netspeed <speed> maximum network download/upload speeds
-netdelay <delay> network latency emulation
-netfast disable network shaping
-trace <name> enable code profiling (F9 to start)
-show-kernel display kernel messages
-shell enable root shell on current terminal
-no-jni disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime
-nojni same as -no-jni
-logcat <tags> enable logcat output with given tags
-no-audio disable audio support
-noaudio same as -no-audio
-audio <backend> use specific audio backend
-audio-in <backend> use specific audio input backend
-audio-out <backend> use specific audio output backend
-raw-keys disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping
-radio <device> redirect radio modem interface to character d
-port <port> TCP port that will be used for the console
-ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge
-onion <image> use overlay PNG image over screen
-onion-alpha <%age> specify onion-skin translucency
-onion-rotation 0|1|2|3 specify onion-skin rotation
-scale <scale> scale emulator window
-dpi-device <dpi> specify device's resolution in dpi (default 1
-http-proxy <proxy> make TCP connections through a HTTP/HTTPS pro
-timezone <timezone> use this timezone instead of the host's defau
-dns-server <servers> use this DNS server(s) in the emulated system
-cpu-delay <cpudelay> throttle CPU emulation
-no-boot-anim disable animation for faster boot
-no-window disable graphical window display
-version display emulator version number
-report-console <socket> report console port to remote socket
-gps <device> redirect NMEA GPS to character device
-keyset <name> specify keyset file name
-shell-serial <device> specific character device for root shell
-old-system support old (pre 1.4) system images
-tcpdump <file> capture network packets to file
-bootchart <timeout> enable bootcharting
-charmap <file> use specific key character map
-prop <name>=<value> set system property on boot
-nand-limits <nlimits> enforce NAND/Flash read/write thresholds
-memcheck <flags> enable memory access checking
-qemu args... pass arguments to qemu
-qemu -h display qemu help
-verbose same as '-debug-init'
-debug <tags> enable/disable debug messages
-debug-<tag> enable specific debug messages
-debug-no-<tag> disable specific debug messages
-help print this help
-help-<option> print option-specific help
-help-disk-images about disk images
-help-keys supported key bindings
-help-debug-tags debug tags for -debug <tags>
-help-char-devices character <device> specification
-help-environment environment variables
-help-keyset-file key bindings configuration file
-help-virtual-device virtual device management
-help-sdk-images about disk images when using the SDK
-help-build-images about disk images when building Android
-help-all prints all help content

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