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Violations of Ethics in the Neighborhood Around the Residence.

Ethics is the order of life in society. Without us knowing, there are many people around us who
do not pay attention to the importance of ethics in social life. According to the results of the
observations that we have made, we have gotten some people's behavior that does not pay
attention to the ethics, values and norms that apply. The following are the observations we made:

Observation 1: Many elementary school children who have smoked in public. This is an ethical
violation, because for children of this age it is inappropriate for smoking and they ignore the call
for a ban on smoking.

Observation 2: A motorcycle rider who breaks a red light. This is an ethical violation because it
does not comply with traffic signs.

Observation 3: A motorcycle rider who breaks into the fuel filling queue in the future. This is a
violation of ethics because they do not want to respect others and be selfish.

Observation 4: Dispose of trash carelessly in place. This is very easy to find because there are
still many people who do not care about their own environment.

Observation 5: Do not park according to the place. Obviously there are no parking signs, but
there are still many people who ignore it. Or parking at will while blocking other people's
motorbikes who want to get out.

Observation 6: A mother who breaks through the queue while shopping at the convenience store.

Observation 7: Do not pay attention to the warnings that have been written in the public
bathroom. Like, don't throw sanitary napkins, turn off the faucet if it's not used, turn off the lights
when not in use and keep the bathroom clean.

Observation 8: A group of high school students who use school uniforms sit in a roadside coffee
shop, so they should have gone to school and attended teaching and learning activities in their
schools, but instead they sat hanging around in a stall while smoking cigarettes there.

Observation 9: A bus passenger of a young person who does not respect a elderly grandmother
who stands up while the young man sits down. The young man should give in and give his
grandmother a seat.

Observation 10: A restaurant employee ejects beggars in a loud and impolite tone, so that the
employee can say well without having to speak loud and rude.

Observation 11: A motorcyclist who breaks through the sidewalk when traffic jams occur.
Sidewalks that should be used by pedestrians are even misused by motorists.
Observation 12: A person who is driving a car intentionally removes trash in the street or throws
away cigarette sticks on the street. Especially if the waste that is disposed is garbage that can
endanger other road users.

Observation 13: Charges committed by high school students that endanger the surrounding
people and of course the child himself.

Observation 14: Do not knock on the door when visiting someone else's house.

Observation 15: Use harsh words when speaking. Especially when talking to parents you should
use subtle words
Observation 16: Not paying attention to the ethics of eating well. Namely eating while lifting
your feet on the table to eat or eat while walking.
Ethics are terminology with various meanings. In short, ethics relates to how one must act and
how they make contact with others. Ethics not only illustrates something, but is more concerned
with determining the norms or standards of one's life and what should be done (Mandle, Boyle
and O’Donohoe, 1994). Ethics are focused on the question of what is good and bad, the character
or motive or action that is right or wrong. If defined in general, moral and ethical terminology
are the same, although there are slight differences in meaning. A writer who defines ethics as
terminology that is different from moral, directs ethical terminology for philosophical
investigations or studies of certain problems or dilemmas, where morals describe actual
behavior, habits, and beliefs of a certain group of people or groups. Moral has a social character,
(Davis and Aroskar, 1991).
Based on the theory above, we conclude that as someone who already knows what ethics is well,
it should begin to apply to oneself. The application of good ethics will produce good results too.
The understanding and application of ethics provides benefits such as a sense of mutual care for
others, the creation of harmony, harmony and warmth for other communities. To get good
results, the application of ethics must be done with a correct understanding of the understanding
of ethical theory and real practice in social life. Therefore, besides applying to oneself, trying to
remind others of violating ethics politely and not offending the person.
Potter, P.A, Perry, A.G.Buku Ajar Fundamental Keperawatan : Konsep, Proses, Dan
Praktik.Edisi 4.Volume 1.Alih Bahasa : Yasmin Asih, dkk. Jakarta : EGC.2005

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