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Behold The Sun of Man

This information comes from the pamphlet "The Sun of Man" written by Universal Shaamguadd Allah
on the 20th Anniversary of the NGE. It proved to be right on time with today's degree in the Lost and
Found Lesson 1-40.
Wisdom Cipher degree-What are the prescribed laws of Islam of a said person of the ability? Answer:
That the civilized is held responsible for the uncivilized and must be punished by the nation of Islam.
These words written are from the mind and heart of the GOD Universal Shaamguadd Allah.
In the name of the Supreme Being, The True and Living God whose proper name is ALLAH, one to
whom all praises are due to forever and hereafter, and in the name of his son the universal savior GOD
and the Divine delivered Do I greet you my beloved Brothers and Sisters. In the Highest respects of the
Universe which is PEACE!
First as always I would like to open this issue of the Sun of Man with the hope that it will find you and
yours in the best of health, mentally as well as physically.
Now moving right along, this is our first anniversary issue of the Sun of Man which represents 13
months of publications, so in this Issue we are going to start of light and get heavier as we go along.
Pac-Math or Space Invader Lessons
My beloved brother and sisters, I find no joy in having to repeat myself, however, I have no choice in
the matter. The FATHER used to call us knuckleheads when he had to repeat certain facts to us that our
very lives would depend on in the future. Well if we were knuckleheads, then I would have to call
some of you knubskulls because he would have had to wear his knuckles down to the knub trying to get
a point across to some of you young brothers and sisters. Now don't take it personal, Just Listen and
I repeat, the Father taught us that our Lessons are the 120 original degrees. He instructed us to burn
those plus degrees because they would make you other than your own self which is a righteous God, a
righteous earth or righteous moon. I still find brothers and sisters walking around talking about the
manifestation of the Supreme Mathematics. This is a concocted Lesson, (Pins and Needles). First Born
Siheem Allah calls it Pac-Math and I agree with him one million percent. I'll even go a step further as
to call them and those other plus Lessons Space Invader Lessons, you say why? I'll tell you why!
Almighty GOD Allah taught us that all a young God needed to know was 120 degrees and that if he
was righteous and sincere, he would eventually be blessed with the Supreme Understanding of those
degrees, he explained that even the 1 to 14 was only a history lesson, which tells his story. However,
when Supreme Understanding is applied it becomes relative to the present and future. Now don't take
me wrong, I've known some brothers who thought this meant that N.Y.C. was the hot Arabian Desert
and that it was their job to chase the Devils across it, however this is not true supreme understanding, it
is Maximum Mis-understanding. I've even met a young brother who told me his name was General
Monk Monk Allah. Now if that isn't proof that his mental space was invaded by those plus lessons,
what is? I know brothers that pack a pistol and try to tell me that its there God-U-Nation or God-You-
Now. The Father taught me that a pistol was God-U-Not, giving praises or respect to a Pistol or a Gun
is as bad as a Christian saying he praises or prays to the cross because it was used to crucify Jesus
because they tried to crucify Allah with a Gun.
This month is the 20th Anniversary of Allah's Nation of Islam being birthed in the wilderness of North
America. Our 20th degree in the Lesson we call LIFE (the 1 to 40) ask us, What is the prescribed law
of Islam of a said person of that ability? And it was answered; That the Civilized is held responsible for
the uncivilized and must be punished by the Nation of Islam. One of the key words to the supreme
understanding in this Lesson is prescribed, pre meaning before scribed, meaning to write or writing
together, prescribed like in prescription which is like unto a remedy or solution. Almighty God Allah
taught me that in this year of 1984 the year of Supreme Understanding, that if we survived the Cain and
Able Syndrome and the Ostrich Syndrome that we as nation should be ready to rise again because we
would be the solution for what is presently destroying society as we know it today. You see;
Allah Blessed America
The Father explained that he was born in Dansville Virginia which represents the Divine Virgin of
Allah (the Supreme Alphabets unlike the Supreme Mathematics are flexible) Not Georgia like some
plus lessons would have you believe. He then came North where he was baptized by the wisdom of the
Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (similar) to the way Jesus was baptized , by the wisdom of John the
Baptist or like the honorable Elijah Muhammad was baptized by W.F.Muhammad. Now don't take me
wrong. This is not the dipping of one's body in physical water. It is the purification of one body and
mind through divine teachings; it is also called the Tilling of The Mental Soil. This is done so that the
body and mind of a said person of that ability will be both physically and mentally prepared for the
mission which Allah has planned for that individual. This is what Allah did to his First borns and to
each he gave a job and instructions. I remember mine clearly. The he told us to be honorable while
under the Jurisdiction of the United States of America. When one of us had a warrant out for our arrest,
he told us to go to court and take care of it if we wanted to be one of his righteous Gods. He explained
that to say your were God and have a warrant on you was to have sword above your head and that
when it was time for us to stand tall and do our jobs if we were not honorable, that the sword would fall
and the government would scoop you right up and cast you into prison to silence you. Now this may
sound strange to you, however, I assure you it's the Truth. I wish you could have seen the look on some
of the Judge's faces when we walked into Court with our towels, toothbrushes, toothpowder, etc. and
told them that we were there to surrender because we wanted to be righteous and clear our records. 9
times out of 10 they dismissed the charges because they saw that our intentions were honorable.
This is when Allah blessed America. He told the government that we the children were his blessing
and that they should not seek to destroy us because whatever tricks and traps they lay for us; the same
would befall their children only 10 fold. This why you read about the Kennedy children getting busted
for drugs, John Lindsay Jr. arrested for coke, killings and murders all over the country. Allah said it
works 2 ways, he who would seek to destroy my seeds shall himself be destroyed and he who gives
freely to them with respect and sincerity shall be blessed 10 fold for I have blessed you with my seeds.
Handle them with Love and Care for even in my absence I have the power to build and destroy you
with the sun!!
Now your may ask why the 20th year? There are many reasons. The most important being that this
was Allah's prescription for his children of their said ability, or so you say you're God, Show and
Prove! Brothers and Sisters when they were first trying to form the original black panther party, they
came to some of the first borns and took us up on the mountain by offering us Homes, Cars and
Unlimited Expense accounts if we would accept the leadership positions and teach and train their
troops. I'm glad to able to say that none of us accepted. The Father told me to observe closely what was
about to happen to the B.P.P. and I would get a Lesson in how a nation could be destroyed by
infiltration and the separation of the seeds and how just one infiltrator or snake in the right place giving
out false information could not only cause them to fight and kill one another, it could also destroy a
nation that thrived on violence. He said they would try this method against his Nation. However, it
would be unsuccessful as long as there was one righteous God to uphold his teachings. Another method
the Father mentioned is one that I like to call.
The ostrich syndrome is the most popular way that the Five Percenters tend to fall victim without
realizing their even taking a fall. The ostrich being a large bird that when it finds itself in danger tends
to bury its head in the earth, foolishly feeling that it cannot see the danger that it is safe while all the
time his behind or body remains exposed.
It's the same thing with human nature when some people don't get things their way or feel life isn't
treating them right they bury their minds or heads in the earth, by earth, I mean 6 Equality
(Drugs,Alcohol,Money,Food, Women,Cars,Crime,etc.) All seems well while the head is in Equality.
However, if the equality doesn't do permanent damage to the head or mind, when one finally pulls his
head out of 6 (the earth) he finds that not only is the problem or danger still there, it usually has
increased in size or in its threat, this is what happened to the most of us after the Father left us. And yet
another is the
Or the Cain and Able syndrome as I like to call it. This one goes back to the garden in Genesis, Chapter
4. When Cain slayed Able and Allah said unto Cain, where is Able thy brother, and Cain said I know
not: Am I my brother's Keeper? That 's the key to understanding right there! If you're not your brother's
keeper who the hell is, I'll tell you who is! If you don't show the Love and Concern that is prescribed in
the laws of Islam of brotherhood then the devil will gladly be your brother's keeper, he'll keep him in
prison, he'll keep him in drug addiction, he'll keep him in hospitals, he'll keep him in a mental death or
he'll keep him physically death. If you don't give a damn, why should he, and I just don't mean your
brothers and sisters in Islam, I mean your Physical Brothers and Sisters, your brothers and sisters in
tribulations. What do you think is meant by the Civilized is held responsible for the uncivilized?
Almighty God Allah taught us that when a brother attacked another brother or lifted his hand to him
that he was dead wrong and should be punished by the Nation of Islam, let alone pull a knife or gun.
He taught me that to even speak against your brother was a form of attacking him, and when people
outside of your family saw that you would attack your own kind; this would make them attack them
even quicker. He taught me that you should not bare false witness against your brother or be quick to
sit in Judgment over him because as ye Judge, so shall you be Judged because Allah has given certain
jobs or missions to certain brothers that we know nothing about, and that he alone is the best knower of
those who have carried out their mission. And always remember that a truly righteous God can act like
a Alcoholic, however, the real Alcoholic could not be a true God, that A.R.G. can act like drug addict,
however, a real drug addict could not be righteous God, that A.R.G could act like a crazy man,
however, a truly insane man could never act like a God and remember the mask that an actor wears is
apt to become his face if he is not truly righteous, because the final proof is in the Righteous pudding!!!
Which is Allah's recipe for Supreme Indignation.
To be continued.
I remain yours in the service of Allah-Universal Shaamguadd Allah.

Personally. Elevating. Allah's. Cultural. Existence.

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