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Jessica Soles
Prof. Hughes
English 1201
Working Bibliography
My essay will be about ADHD and are there consequences of switching medications on a

regular basis. What are the consequences of going untreated with this diagnosis?

Berezin, Robert. "No, There Is No Such Thing As ADHD". Psychology Today, 2015,


such-thing-adhd. Accessed 1 Mar 2019.

Robert Berezin discusses his opinion that ADHD is not real and that kids are just being

kids. He claims that doctors are misdiagnosing kids and making them feel like they're not normal

and that they should conform to how others are acting. He states that young boys have

temperamental attributes that they are and active child that is more of an externalizer, rather

than an internalizer. Most of the defiance comes from not being ADHD but an emotional

problem that stems from the family. Instead of fixing the problems, parents like to medicate.

Berezin says that the drugs that are given make the doctors equivalent to drug dealers.

Focusing on the child's needs and their behavior are an important key to really understanding

their diagnosis. The focus of this article is open the eyes of those unaware of how many

children are being misdiagnosed with ADHD, based on hyper activity and acting out.

Busch, Susan et al. "ADHD Medication Use Following FDA Risk Warnings". Pubmed Central

(PMC), 2019, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3896970/. Accessed 1

Mar 2019.

This article is about the FDA risks associated with prescription drugs related to ADHD.

Studies have shown that some medications have caused cardiac and psychiatric problems. The

FDA does a survey called the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) and this survey

calculates how many children and adults fill prescriptions throughout the year and what kind.

The risks involved with ADHD medication isn't always listed on the pamphlet or on the bottle

because it wasn’t' forced to be applied. This caused parents to wonder just how dangerous these

medications can be while taking them and long-term damage. Hallucinations have occurred

while taking certain meds, this was broadcast over 10 news media outlets because it wasn’t listed

under warnings for the medication itself. This article has valuable information regarding how

many americans are diagnosed with ADHD as well as the medications and the risks involved. I

plan to use this in my final essay to show how serious this diagnosis is and that it’s important to

know all the facts before subjecting your child or yourself to the medication.

“Gray and White Matter Segmentation Method in MRI Images for ADHD Detection.” 2018

Electric Electronics, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineerings’ Meeting (EBBT),

Electric Electronics, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineerings’ Meeting (EBBT),

2018, 2018, p. 1. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1109/EBBT.2018.8391448.

This article gives the results of MRI images that are done on children and adults with

ADHD. It shows how the differences between how a brain without ADHD looks versus a person

who does have ADHD. I chose this article because it shows medically that ADHD is very real.

Kessler, Eve, and Alan Watchel. 2019. "Untreated ADHD: Lifelong Risks | Smart Kids." Smart

Kids. Retrieved March 17, 2019 (https://www.smartkidswithld.org/getting-


Watchel says in this article that children with ADHD who are untreated are more likely to

use drugs, to self-medicate. Along with emotional problems, social and education problems, that

follow them into adulthood. These problems can have lasting effects, and ultimately ruin lives if

untreated. This article explains the risks of not taking medication and the problems that follow.

Manos, Michael et al. "ADHD: Overdiagnosed And Overtreated, Or Misdiagnosed And

Mistreated?". Consult QD, 2018, https://consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/adhd-

overdiagnosed-and-overtreated-or-misdiagnosed-and-mistreated/. Accessed 29 Feb 2019.

The doctors in this article explain the problems with misdiagnosis, guidelines in

diagnosing, and healthcare plans that can be taken to help the person with ADHD. Many doctors

are not following the proper guidelines when diagnosing someone with ADHD, which causes

many to be on medication that is not needed. As stated in the article $143 billion dollars to $266

billion dollars have been spent in healthcare costs from families alone on doctor visits and

prescriptions. This is where the problems with treatment stem from. Pharmaceutical companies

are getting rich off the diagnosis of ADHD patients. Many are taking too many medications, or

not enough, and some shouldn’t be taking it at all. This article is full of statistics and information

regarding ADHD misdiagnosis and treatment.

TED Talk. Failing At Normal: An ADHD Success Story. 2017,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiwZQNYlGQI. Accessed 3 Mar 2019.

This is the story of Jessica McCabe and her story of living with ADHD. She talks about her

childhood, her struggles, her success, and her failings at being normal. I think that this video

shows that whether or not having ADHD, your life is still yours to live. Taking medications or

not taking medications is a choice that has to be made based on your will power, along with your

determination to not be a statistic.


Watch Mojo. Top 10 Inspirational People With ADHD. 2016,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6LxfDFSZ0s. Accessed 1 Mar 2019.

This YouTube video is 10 musicians and or Actors who have ADHD and how they’ve

learned to live with it. Some of them didn’t know they had the disorder until they were in their

teens, but once they got on medication their lives changed for the better. Others who chose not to

take medication say that it’s okay if those who take it need it. Although there are alternative

ways around it. This video shows both sides and is very inspirational to those who may be

questioning their emotions and actions affiliated with ADHD.

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