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1 Introduction

1.1 Scope

This Operational Instruction describes the procedure to activate the Audit Log
function in the Adjunct Processor (AP).

2 Procedure

2.1 Prerequisites

2.1.1 Conditions

The following conditions must apply before this procedure can be completed:
�The AP is operating.
�An AUDIT LOG DEACTIVATED alarm is received.
�RDN ManagedElement=<MEId> is known. <MEId> is the Managed Element Identity.

2.1.2 Data

No data is necessary for this procedure.

2.1.3 Special Aids

No special aids are necessary for this procedure.

2.1.4 Documents

Before starting this procedure, ensure that you have read the following documents:
� Ericsson Command-Line Interface
� Managed Object Model
� Audit Logging Management

2.2 Actions

Switch to AP Local Mode

1.Switch to AP mode.
Use command APLOC.

Note: The prompt changes from (<) to the ECLI prompt.

Print Audit Log Function Properties

2.Print the current Audit Log configuration. Display all objects and attributes in
MO AuditLoggingM=1.Note: Make a note of the printed values.

Distinguished Name is:


3.Is the value of alogAdmState attribute is LOCKED?

Go to Step 4.

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