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Welcome to the Moderation team!! Being a moderator is both a privilege and a lot of 
responsibility. A good moderator will have the ability to make hard decisions while 
staying mindful of the impact those decisions will have on the community. A lot of trust 
is being placed in your hands. Please use it wisely. Try your best to make the server a 
better place through your leadership. We are privileged to have you on the team. Thank 
you for your willingness to help keep the community thriving. 

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) 

You must immediately set up 2FA on your discord account before gaining full access to 
moderation functions. This also helps ensure the security of the server. If you need 
assistance with this process, contact an Admin.

One of the most important things to be mindful of is consistency and fairness. Try your 
best to be unbiased when making moderation decisions. A good way to remain 
unbiased is to train yourself to focus on the action(s) displayed by a person and not the 
name of the person performing them. It is tempting to be lenient on friends and strict on 
people you dislike, but being fair is far more important for the health of the server. Our 
aim is to keep the server politically neutral by welcoming all political alignments (except 
Nazism) and treating every user with impartiality.  
Moderators are expected to be considerate to all staff and members. A moderator 
should not take advantage of their rank to intimidate, abuse, or dominate fellow users. 
No user should receive special treatment. Users should only be given roles they have 
expressly asked for (within the boundaries of the #select-roles channel) and not as a 
form of favoritism or punishment. All text chat warnings should be in the form of a 
$warn command (explained below). Both warnings and mute reasons need to be 
expressed in a professional manner. Do not flaunt your power; it reflects poorly on the 
server and creates toxicity within the community. 

Moderators need to follow all server rules. We set the standard for users to follow. 
Consistent rule-breaking and abuse of power may lead to your demotion and/or 
removal from the moderation team.  

Mod Chat 
Mod chat should be reserved for moderation discussion only. Topics unrelated to 
moderation would be better suited for #general-chat or #mod-banter. This will prevent 
pertinent information from getting buried while encouraging activity in public chats. 

Timeout Channel Etiquette

When you use a bot command to mute a person, they are muted from other chats and 
restricted to the #timeout channel. Use this as an opportunity to explain the reason for 
the mute, answer any relevant questions the user may have, and then leave the 
channel. The #timeout channel is not intended to be used to insult, argue, or bargain 
with users over their punishments. Do not engage in lengthy fights with users over the 
rules. There are always other chats that need to be attended to.  
Moderation Commands 
The first tool in your arsenal is the $warn command, which sends a user a message 
warning them that their behavior is not acceptable. This gives people a chance to 
correct their behavior before further punishment. Use the #bots channel (under the Mod 
Chats menu) when performing this command. Do not use this command in any public 
channel. The format is as follows: 
$warn @user reason 
Example: $warn @Dooby#8008 Stop being a wizard.  
The most frequently used punishment is the $delmute command. This command mutes 
and confines the user to the #timeout channel for 30 minutes. The format is as follows: 
$delmute @user reason 
Example: $delmute @Naho#1306 being way too awesome for this server 
Be professional and polite while listing the reason for warns and mutes. This reason 
will be sent to the user privately through Direct Message (DM). 
For more stringent punishments, use the following command: 
$mute @user time reason 
Example: $mute @bubbles#2182 1h Being too nice 
For bannable offenses, use the following command: 
$detain @user 
Use the following guideline to help you determine the appropriate punishment for 
the behavior in question. 

Muting Guideline 
There are three categories of rule-breaking behavior: minor violations, moderate 
violations, and major violations.  
Text Chats 
Examples of minor violations: 
● Emoji reaction spam 
● Slurs/slur shortening (context should be considered) 
● Excessive incivility outside of political discourse (flame wars that overtake and 
disrupt discussion) 
● Persistent complaints about moderation (advise to speak to an Admin) 

For minor violations:  

➢ Always delete the rule-breaking behavior  
➢ First offense: Issue a $warn in the #bots channel  
➢ Second offense and beyond: issue a $delmute 
$warn @user reason 
$delmute @user reason 

Examples of moderate violations:  
● Threats of violence against groups or nonspecific individuals  
● Telling someone to kill themselves (in a game or otherwise)  
● Excessive message spam (non raid) 
● User or moderator impersonation  
● Offensive profile picture - mute and ask to change, unmute upon compliance 
For moderate violations:  
➢ No warning is necessary  
➢ Delete rule-breaking behavior  
➢ First offense is a delmute  
➢ Second is 1hr mute.  
➢ Third and beyond are 2hr mutes 
$delmute @user reason 
$mute @user 1h reason 
$mute @user 2h reason 

Example of major violations:  
● Advertising without Admin permission 
● Serious threats of violence against specific people 
● Doxxing, sharing personal details or photos of users 
● Porn 
● Gore 
● Sexualization or pedophilic grooming of minors 
● Supporting or promoting pedophilia 
● Server raiding 
● Ban evasion 
● Promoting and/or threatening rape 
● Admission of nazism 

For major violations: 

➢ Deletion of rule-breaking behavior 
➢ An immediate $detain @user 
➢ Ping an available Admin in #modchat with violation details 
$detain @user 

What​ NOT ​to mute for: 
● Multiple accounts if not ban evading  
● Someone disagreeing with your political views 
● Minor insults to yourself. If you feel you are being harassed, contact a Deputy 
Admin or higher. Do not take action yourself. 
● LARPing or trolling, if it breaks no rules 
● Offensive nicknames (ask user to change, manually edit if user refuses) 
● Light incivility between users 

Voice Chats 
Examples of minor violations: 
● Interrupting (2-3 times in 10 minutes) 
● Overt aggression and loudness 
● Ad hominems and personal attacks 
● Excessive background noise, feedback, or open mic 
● Using racial or ethnic slurs 
● Interrupting/overtalking moderation in progress 

For minor violations: 

➢ Verbal warning to discontinue problematic behavior and/or reminder of rules 
➢ Manual mute (less than 5 mins) to maintain flow of discussion 
➢ Manual mute (more than 5 mins); DM user with reason and record mute in 
➢ Issue a $delmute 
$delmute @user reason 
Examples of moderate violations: 
● Threats of violence against groups or nonspecific individuals  
● Telling someone to kill themselves in a game or otherwise  
● Yelling or repeating the same word or phrase to disrupt discussions 
● Purposeful derailing of an ongoing discussion 
● User or moderator impersonation  
● Offensive profile picture - mute and ask to change, unmute upon compliance 
● Misusing Rhythm bot or a soundboard to disrupt chat 
● Disrupting voice chat events 
● Excessive channel switching or join/leaving the same channel (not during a raid) 

For moderate violations:  

➢ No warning is necessary  
➢ First offense is a $delmute  
➢ Second is 1hr mute.  
➢ Third and beyond are 2hr mutes. 
$delmute @user reason 
$mute @user 1h reason 
$mute @user 2h reason 

Example of major violations: 
● Advertising without Admin permission 
● Serious threats of violence against specific people 
● Doxxing, sharing personal details or photos of users 
● Recording without Admin approval 
● Sexualization or pedophilic grooming of minors 
● Supporting or promoting pedophilia 
● Server raiding 
● Ban evasion 
● Promoting and/or threatening rape 
● Admission of nazism 

For major violations: 

➢ An immediate $detain @user 
➢ Ping an available Admin in #modchat with violation details 
$detain @user 

What​ NOT ​to mute for: 
● Multiple accounts if not ban evading  
● Someone disagreeing with your political views 
● Minor insults to yourself. If you feel you are being harassed, contact a Deputy 
Admin or higher. Do not take action yourself. 
● LARPing or trolling, if it breaks no rules 
● Offensive nicknames (ask user to change, manually edit if user refuses) 
● Light incivility between users
Offense counts should be considered reset every day. Please do not mute people 
for long periods of time based on behavior from more than 24 hours previous. 

Probationary Period 
All moderators begin their journey in the probationary role of “Mod.” During this time, 
we will determine if you are a good long-term fit for the team. This is a time to 
familiarize yourself with moderator rules and expectations. 

Moderators are promoted based on activity and overall contribution to the server.
Willingness to help with duties such as hosting events, providing services to the team,
and forging partnerships will weigh heavily in future role promotions. Moderators will
also be judged on how well they adhere to server rules and the mod manual. Likewise,
moderators can be demoted or demodded for unsatisfactory performance.
If you have any questions about what moderation actions you should take in a situation 
that is not mentioned in this manual, please feel free to ask in #modchat for the 
opinions of others. It is better to have an informed opinion than to wing it. Asking 
questions is greatly encouraged, no matter what rank you may be. 
Thank you again for volunteering your time and effort. Let’s make this server great. 

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