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School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Department of Electrical Engineering

EE-877 Mobile Robotics (MSEE Spring – 2018)

Assignement 2

Instructor: Dr. Latif Anjum Email: latif.anjum@seecs.edu.pk

Office: A-218, SEECS Faculty Block Phone: 051-90852123
Max. Points: 10
Thursday, March 29, 2018 Submission Deadline: Tue Apr 10, 2018

Q1: This assignment is about camera calibration. There are different ROS nodes available for
camera calibration. One of them is here: http://wiki.ros.org/camera_calibration
You are required to calibrate your laptop webcam (or better if you have an external usb camera).

On Tuesday April 10, you can visit my office (1100 ~ 1630 Hrs). Evaluation will be as follows:

- You will show your camera matrix evaluated and briefly explain how calibration is done.
[5 points]
- I will ask two questions regarding calibration. [5 points]

This assignment can be done in group of two people each.

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