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Communication skills are vital for a student’s academic success and

future career prospects. In today’s challenging environment, students must not

only possess academic expertise, but also the requisite skills to enhance their

learning and employability prospects in the future. Communication is a dynamic

process as it involves an interaction between two or more people, sender and the

receiver. The main purpose of communication is to transmit thoughts and beliefs

to another person. The school environment takes this learning a notch higher by

teaching the student how to interact with peers and teachers alike. Confidence is

another vital aspect of good communication. A person may know the subject and

yet not communicate adequately if he lacks confidence. The major components

of communication are verbal communication or oral communication and non-

verbal communication. Oral communication is the process of expressing ideas

through the medium of speech and this plays a crucial role in the life of students

(Anton Lucanus, 2017).

The variations in the level of proficiency of communication skills can

improve academic performance in different ways. Communication in its very

basic form is the transmission of messages between two parties or more.

Communication is said to be a natural occurrence in the daily life of each

individual. As said by Adler et al. (2010), we communicate even without any

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intentions since a simple blush is considered a form of non-verbal

communication. Communication skills are the ability to use language

(repressively) and express information (expressively), and these skills include lip

reading, finger spelling, sign language, and interpersonal relations. Perceived

oral communication skills are the acknowledged skills an individual is assumed to

use or possess in their day-to-day communication with other people. Perceived

communication skills is said to be part of a student’s self-esteem, whether they

are confident with themselves when it comes to interacting verbally or whether

they find themselves facing trouble communicating with one another. This self-

confidence will affect the way they communicate, and hence compromising the

effort they put in order to perform well in their studies since communication skills

are needed in classroom discussions and presentations (Malissa Maria Mahmud,


Communication skills are essential for the successful future career of a

student. Into days competitive world, communication skills in business are the

most sought after quality of an educated person. Reading, writing and listening

carefully are the three most important communication skills for students. These

skills like most of the communication skills sounds too familiar as a result of

which we take them for granted. As regards reading and writing, the only thing

that we need to tackle is to adapt with our growing age and concentration. With

these two qualities, it is possible to develop reading, oral communication skills

and writing skills. What deserves more attention is that most of the students do

not feel confident to perform dance, sing, spoken word, musical theatre, and

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speech. But realizing the importance of these skills in modern day life, most good

schools have made it a regular part of their curriculum. Expressive skills are

those which are used to express our feelings, thoughts and expressions and thus

get across our point successfully to the listener. To develop expressive skills,

students need to learn is how to communicate effectively and get the full

attention of the listeners (Priya Singh, 2017).

Performance arts help naturally build mental skills, such as imagination,

observation, abstract thought and pattern recognition. The NASAA ( study of

high school students showed that those who participated in dance scored higher

on standardized tests of abstract thought than did non-dancers. This connection

makes sense; dancers need to picture how their movements look from the

outside and how they fit into a larger context. Likewise, musicians study patterns

of notes and sounds, a skill they can transfer to other learning. Thus, students

creating and appreciating art build their observational skills. Performance arts

usually involve a community, which gives students the opportunity to socialize

with others who share their passion. However, art has deeper implications for

social development, as well. According to a 1999 study conducted by the UCLA

Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, participation in art has

been linked to higher student motivation and engagement in school. Getting

ready for a performance or completing an art project helps foster responsibility,

as well. A 2002 NASAA study focusing on juvenile offenders shows that not only

does dance promote confidence, it helps develop tolerance. Creating art is

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personal, and the acts involved have the ability to change children’s self-image

for the better (Nadia Archuleta, 2017).

It is evident that Performing Arts form an important part of a broad and

liberal education. They can embrace all subject disciplines as well as social

activities, and because of the confidence and communication skills that they

equip children with, children become empowered in whatever career path they

decide to follow as they become adults. The Performing Arts play a hugely

significant role in helping children to develop their creative skills. While

Performing Arts allow children to develop creative passions, they simultaneously

teach children language and communication skills, helping them to communicate

effectively with others with confidence. Performing Arts are all about self -

expression, exploring alternative options and embracing individuality. It’s not

black and white, or about right or wrong answers, and this allows children to

develop self-confidence and belief in themselves. With improved self -confidence

and self- belief, comes a natural pathway for children to go on to master many

more skills that will equip them for life. Performing Arts in schools, whether

studied and enjoyed by children as its own dedicated subject, to build on English

language and literacy lessons, or as a cross-curricular medium to support other

subjects such as history or science, allow children to experiment. Children learn

to trust others and build relationships as they learn to share their thoughts and

ideas with confidence, to listen to others and to learn about respect for one

another through positive, constructive criticism. This is why Performing Arts are

so important in developing “the whole child” and helping children to enjoy and

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make the most out of school life. Used regularly as part of school life, Performing

Arts can really help to strengthen the school community. Children develop a

sense of individuality, perform well and as such are happier within themselves in

the school environment (Emma Homan, 2017).

Stage performance is a challenging art form. Whether you’re acting out a

role in a musical theatre setting, giving a speech in front of a crowd, or even

playing a solo at an open mic night, the experience can be nerve-wracking even

for seasoned performers. It can be even more anxiety-inducing if you’re a

perfectionist, as that can breed a fear of failure and from there; performance

anxiety can feel even stronger. Performance anxiety (commonly referred to as

stage fright) can devastate a performer’s career and enjoyment of their craft, but

it doesn’t have to, performance anxiety is a normal human reaction and a

completely curable condition if given the right resources, patience, and support

system. For anyone who may experience it like musicians, actors, dancers,

speakers, educators, and students. If you wish to understand and improve

anxiety issues that are holding you back from giving your best performances.

Performance anxiety (stage fright) in particular is nervousness or unease about a

specific future event in which you will be required to execute a task, such as a

song, a scene, speech, or test and usually when you’ll be in front of an audience.

Symptoms may be present during the task, for weeks or months leading up to it,

and sometimes after the event is over (Suzy S., 2015).

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Theoretical Framework

The study is based on Communication Accommodation theory by Howard

Giles (2005), who gives emphasis on the adjustments of what the people does

while communicating. He developed the theory, according to him “When people

try to emphasize or minimize the social difference between the others whom they

interact with” Emphasizing that “the factors that lead to the accommodation

activity are adjustments which can be through verbal communication or through

gestures.” The theory was evolved from speech adjustment theory, which

demonstrates the value of psychological concepts to understand the dynamics of

speech. But the theory encompasses more fields such as non-verbal and

gestures. The Communication accommodation theory elaborates the human

tendency to adjust their behavior while interacting. The reason behind this their

behavior is explained as to control the social differences between the interact

ants. People accommodate their communication activities to get approval and to

set a positive image in front of interacting the environment in which they are

interacting also affects the communication behavior.

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Conceptual Framework

Guided by the principles and guidelines of the Department of Education

Orders and Memorandums, “No student can be claimed to be truly educated

without basic knowledge and skills in the arts.” (DepEd Order, No. 15, s. 2016).

This serves as the legal basis of the study of the researcher.

Throughout history, the stage performances or art education has been

honored and claimed as a part of the formal basic education. (Beyond the

classroom: Performance Arts can shape life, 2016). All forms of arts offer their

unique source of mental, social which includes the enhancement of the

communication skills of an individual (Jordan, Jeremy, 2012). He added, that

Performance arts develop creativity of the imagination, develop voice projection,

unlock and encourage personal expression and lastly and more importantly, it

improve communication skills. Most of the students do not ask question because

of fear, hesitation and low confidence. Communication skills help them to listen,

understand the point of view of teachers.

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Boost Self- Stage Fright

Confidence Lack of

your skills
StagePerforman Lack of Self

ces -Esteem

the school
community Lack of

Develop Afraid to
creative Speech Singing

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Pros and Cons of Stage Performances on

the Communication Skills of the Grade 10 Students at Laoac National High


It specifically sought to answer the following sub-problems.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in the terms of the following variables:

a. Age;

b. Sex;

c. Monthly family income;

d. Academic Standing?

2. What are the effects of stage performances on the communication skills to the

respondents in terms of the following aspect:

a. Dancing;

b. Musical theatre;

c. Speech;

d. Singing;

e. Spoken word?

3. Based from the findings, what are the best identified activities of the respondents

to enhance their talents and skills in stage performances?

4. What are the programs or activities can be proposed to enhance the

communication skills of the respondents?

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Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to prove the importance of stage performances in

communication skills which is to produce more innovative and productive

learners. The students could gain benefits from this study and which is the

improvementof communicating skills and confidence since stage performances

can offer so many features that suit the choices of the students. This result of this

study will benefit the following:

Teachers.The result of this study will benefit the teachers to improve their

students on their communication skills by sharing the students practical and

deeper knowledge about stage performances.

Students. The result of this study will help the students to enhance their

ability to understand and share their feelings to each other. This study will also

help them to improve more skills and attitude while interacting with others.

Parents. The result of the study will help the parents to know how they

can deal with their children with regards to this millennial age. This study will

certainly help them to boost their children self-confidence.

The Researcher. The outcome of the study will be useful in providing

chances for learning based on the student’s wants. This study will also help her

to improve her communication skills in conducting her studies.

The Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide for the future

researchers in conducting their research in the near future.

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Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus only on assessing the effectiveness of stage

performances as a tool in improving their communication skills. Though ,stage

performances and other forms of performances can have benefits in the

performance of the students, this study will only focus on the Stage

Performances: Its Pros and Cons on the communication skills.

The respondents in this study are the Grade 10 students at Manoag

National High School only.

Definition of Terms

For clarity and understanding the terms are operationally and lexically


Dance. The movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music

and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, and

releasing energy. Dancing is when you move your body and feet in a way which

follows a rhythm usually in time to music.

Musical Theatre. This is the combination of music (singing), acting and

dancing It is also the easiest forms of theatre to introduce people to as an

audience member, as there as so many possible points of engagement.

Speech. Is the ability to speak or act of speaking, the ability to express

thoughts and feelings.

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Singing. Is the activity of making sounds with your voice. Singing is the

act of producing sounds.

Spoken Word. Is used to refer to language expressed in speech, for

example in contrast to written text or music. Used to express your fellings.

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This chapter discusses the research design and methodology, population

and locale of the study, data gathering procedures and treatment of data

whichbe utilized by the researcher in conducting the study.

Research Design

According to Lustre (2012), “Descriptive method focuses at the presents

condition of person, events or class and may involve induction, analysis,

classification, enumeration and measurement. The purpose is to find the “what

process gos beyond gathering and tabulation of data. It involves an element of

interpretation of the meaning or significance of what is being described.

Sources of Data

The sources of the study include the Grade 10 students. The Grade 10

students are from Laoac National High School. A total number of forty (40)

students are my respondents from the municipality of Laoac.

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Table 1

Respondents of the Study

Municipality Number of the Students Students

Laoac 40 40

Total 40 40

Total enumeration is also used for the students-respondents.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researcher generated the questionnaire based on literature and

articles. On the first part, the researcher will use a five-point likert scale: Agree a

lot (5), Agree a little (4), Neither agree nor disagree (3), Disagree a little (2),

Disagree a lot (1), distributed to the following aspects: Dancing, Musical Theatre,

Speech, Singing, and Spoken word.

The researcher will askpermission prior to the administration of the final

copies of the questionnaire. A letter of request the conduct the study will be

submitted to the school principal for approval.

The gathering of data will be made through the collection and analysis of

data that provided the respondents who will accomplish the given questionnaire.

In accomplishing the questionnaire, the researcher will schedule it during the

respondents break time and it will be properly done in their respective classroom

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of assignment. The researcher will distribute and retrieve the questionnaire

personally. The researcher will schedule her travel at Laoac National High

School assignments for orderly floating of questionnaires.

The retrieved questionnaire will be tallied and organized through the

Microsoft excel. The anonymity of the data will be maintained in the study . All

data will be handled with utmost confidentially.

Tools for Data Analysis

The information collected through the questionnaires will be collected,

analysed and interpreted, which will provide answers to the problems embodied

in this study.

The profile of the respondents was determined through frequency counts and

percentage wherein the following formula was used:

x 100 = %

Wherein: n = number of respondents of a certain profile;

N = total number of the respondents.

To determine the impacts of poor nutrition, average weighted mean was

used with the following formula:


Wherein: N = total of the respondents

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Average Weighted Mean (AWM) will be used to determine the level of

stage performances:its pros and cons on the communication skills in terms of the

following aspect: Dancing, Musical Theatre, Speech, Singing and Spoken Word.

The level of stage performances: its pros and cons on the communication

skills of the grade 10 students is interpreted as follows:

Scale Statistical Descriptive Equivalent

5 4.20 – 5.00 Agree a lot

4 3.40 – 4.19 Agree a little

3 2.60 – 3.39 Neither Agree nor Disagree

2 1.80 – 2.59 Disagree a little

1 1.00 – 1.79 Disagree a lot

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This chapter presents the details of the analysis and interpretation of the

data in relation to the problems posed in this study.

Specifically it presents the four significant parts of the study through which the

data gathered had been discussed. These include the following namely 1) profile

of the grade 10 students in terms of age, sex, monthly family income, and

academic standing 2) the effects of stage performances on the communication

skills in terms of dancing, musical theatre, speech, singing, and spoken word 3)

the proposed programs/activities to be proposed to enhance the communication

skills of the respondents 4) based from the findings, what are the best identified

activities of the respondents to enhance their talents and skills in stage



A profile is one representation of biographical sketch and unique

qualifications. The profile of the respondents, the grade 10 students of Laoac

National High School is shown in different charts. The charts show the

differentprofile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, monthly family income,

and academic standing.

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Age refers to the time an organism has lived. It can be gleaned from the

data in the graph that majority of the respondents belong to age 15 to 16 percent

of the total number of respondents. Further, the graph shows that none of them

answer the 13 to 14 years old, 38 or 95 percent belong to 15 to 16 years old, 2 or

5 percent belong to age 16 to 17 years old. This implies that the students still

have a lot of years ahead of them to improve their stage performances on the

communication skills.

5% 00

13-14 years old

15-16 years old
16-17 years old


13 - 14 years old
15 - 16 years old
16 - 17 years old and above

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Also include the profile variable of the respondents in terms of sex. This is

classified as male or female. The graph shows that there are more females that

comprise 27 or 67.5 percent while male respondents were only 13 or 32.5

percent. This means that the male group of respondents is outnumbered by the

female group.







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It is the total monthly compensation received by all family members age

15 or older living in the same household. In this study the monthly family income

of the respondents was included which is believed to be one variable to consider

in determining the level of the respondents in the stage performances. It revealed

from data in the graph that 4 or 10 percent of the respondents are receiving Php.

25,001 and below each month, 5 or 12.5 percent are receiving Php. 20, 001 –

25,000, 5 or 12.5 percent are receiving 15,001 – 20,000, 10 or 25 percent are

receiving Php 10,001 – 15,000, 8 or 20 percent are receiving Php 5,001 –

10,000, 8 or 20 percent are receiving 5,000 and below. This could mean that

majority of the respondents are receiving Php 10,001 – 15,000 monthly.


20% 10% Php. 25,001 and above
Php. 20,001 - 25,000
25% 12.50% Php. 15,001 - 20,000
Php. 10,001 - 15,000

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Php. 25,000 and above
8 4 5
Php. 20,001 - 25,000
8 5
Php. 15,001 - 20,000
Php. 10,001 - 15,000
Php. 5,001 - 10,000


It can be seen on the graph that majority 23 or 57.5 percent of the

respondents are belong to the rank list while the remaining 17 or 42.5 percent of

them are not belong to the rank list. This implies that the most of the respondents

give importance on their academic achievement and performances.


42.50% belongs to the rank list

do not belongs to the rank list

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17 belong to the rank list

23 do not belong to the rank list

Table 1

Distribution of the Respondents Profile Summary


Profile Categories Frequency Percentage

Age 13-14 years old 0 0

15-16 years old 38 95%

16-17 years old 2 5%

Sex Male 13 32.5%

Female 27 67.5%

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Academic Standing

Yes 23 57.5%

No 17 42.5%

The table 1 above illustration that most of the students respondents from

Laoac National High School in the Grade 10 Class are none of them answer the

13 – 14 years old, 95 percent are 15 – 16 years old, 5 percent are 16 – 17 years

old. Female respondents are 67.5 percent while the male population from the

respondents are 32.5 percent.

On the other hand, the students that are belong to the rank list are 57.5 percent

while the students that do not belong to the rank list are 42.5 percent.

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Table 2


Indicators Weighted Mean Interpretation

1.Improves my physical fitness 4.37% AGREE A LOT

2.Works my brain 4.20% AGREE A LOT
3.Helps me to learn teamwork, focus 4.26% AGREE A LOT
and improvisational skills
4.Makes my bones strong 4.35% AGREE A LOT
5.Improves the condition ofheart and lungs 4.05% AGREE A LITTLE
6.Encourages me to social bonds and friendship 4.57% AGREE A LOT
7.Helps me express my creativeness 4.35% AGREE A LOT
8.Increases my attention 4.12% AGREE A LITTE
9. Reduces my stress, anxiety and depression 4.27% AGREE A LOT
10. Makes me physically strong 4.4% AGREE A LITTLE



4.20 – 5.00 = Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19 = Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39 = Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79 = Disagree a lot

According to the study of (Rounds, Samantha 2016) Dance is indeed not to

confine to simply a component of the performing arts even thought that in and

itself I a method of communication. Significantly, dance plays a bigger role in

communication; it is communication through physical movements not reliant on

vocal elements and sounds.

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1.Improves my physical fitness

0% 0%

Agree a lot
50% Agree a little
37.50% Neither a agree nor disagree
Disagree a lttle
Disagree a lot

Weigthed Interpretaion Legend:


4.37% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00 = Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19 = Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39 = Neither Agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79 = Disagree a little

From the illustration above the indicators check “Improves my physical fitness”

the majority of the respondents 20 or 50 percent indicate “Agree a Lot” 15 or 37.5

percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 5 or 12.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

It helps the students to improves their body to be physically fit.

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2.Works my brain

2.50% 0%

37.50% Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weigthed Interpretaion Legend:


4.2% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00 = Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19 = Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39 = Neither Agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79 = Disagree a little

From the illustration above the indicators check “Works my brain” the majority of

the respondents 19 or 47.5 percent indicate “Agree a Little” 15 or 37.5 percent of

the respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 5 or 12.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate

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“Disagree a little” o percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”. It helps

the students to works their brain.

3. Helps me to learn teamwork, focus and

improvisational skills
0% 0%


17.50% Agree a lot

Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Mean Interpretation Legend:

4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

4.26% Agree a lot 3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little

2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree

1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little

1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Helps me to learn

teamwork, focus and improvisational skills” the majority of the respondents 29 or

72.5 percent indicate “Agree a Lot” 7 or 17.5percent of the respondents indicate

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“Agree a little” 4 or 10percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor

disagree” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of

the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”. It helps the students to learn

teamwork, focus and improvisational skills.

4.Makes my bones strong

0% 0%


Agree a lot
Agree a little

35% Neither agree nor disagree

Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.35% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Makes my bones strong”

the majority of the respondents 20 or 50 percent indicate “Agree a Lot” 14 or

35percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 6 or 15 percent of the

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respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

It helps the students to make their bones stronger.

5.Improves the condition of my heart and

2.50% 0%

Agree a lot
Agree a little

32.50% Neither agree nor disagree

Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.05% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Improves the condition of

my heart and lungs” the majority of the respondents 20 or 50 percent indicate

“Agree a Lot” 13 or 32.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 6 or

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15percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or

2.5percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

6.Encourages me to social bonds and

3% 0%

Agree a lot
Agree a little

67.50% Neither agree nor disagree

Disagree a little
dDisagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.57% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Encourages me to social

bond and friendship” the majority of the respondents 27 or 67.5 percent indicate

“Agree a Lot” 8 or 20 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 4

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or10percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”. As you can see this indicators has the

highest AWM 4.57% among the others.

7.Encourages me to social bonds and

0% 0%


47.50% Agree a lot

Agree a little

40% Neither agree nor disagree

Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.35% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Helps me express my

creativeness” the majority of the respondents 19 or 47.5 percent indicate “Agree

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 32

a Lot” 16 or 40 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 5 or

12.5percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent

of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a lot”.

8.Increases my attention

0 0%

42.50% Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
35% Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.12% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Increases my attention" the

majority of the respondents 17 or 42.5 percent indicate “Agree a Lot” 14 or

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35percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 9 or 22.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

9.Reduces my stress ,anxiety and depression

0% 0%


47.50% Agree a lot

Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4..27% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Increases my attention"

the majority of the respondents 19 or 47.5percent indicate “Agree a Lot” 13 or

32.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 8 or 20percent of the

At OLMIS, we make a difference as we observe LEARNING with VALUES.

Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 34

respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

10.Makes me physically strong

2.50% 2.50% 0%

27.50% Agree a lot

Agree a little
57.50% Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.4% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Makes me physically

strong" the majority of the respondents 23 or 57.5 percent indicate “Agree a Lot”

11 or 27.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 5 or 12.5 percent of

the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree”1 or 2.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a lot”

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Table 3

Musical Theatre

Indicators Weighted Mean Interpretation

1.Improves my verbal and non-verbal 3.7% Neither agree

Communication nor disagree
2. Improves my vocal projection, articulation 3.95% Agree a little
and tone of speech
3. Helps me to improve expression 4.05% Agree a little
4. Develops my self-confidence and maturity 4.45% Agree a lot
in interpersonal skill
5. Helps me to understand or how to appraise 4.05% Agree a little
6. Makes me concentrate better 4.12% Agree a little
7. Improves my ability to memorize 4.12% Agree a little
8. It enhances my self-awareness 3.07% Neither agree
nor disagree
9. It enriches my organization skills and 4.1% Agree a little
my management
10. It boosts my dedication to perform 4.12% Agree a little



4.20 – 5.00 = Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19 = Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39 = Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79 = Disagree a little

According to the study of (Angela Fraser, 2017) Communication is very important

when it comes to musical theatre productions. In order for the production to

smoothly, the light designer must communicate with the director, who

communicates with the actors and so on. If one person slips, then the whole

show goes wrong

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1.Improves my verbal and non-verbal



15% Agree a lot

Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


3.7% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Improves my verbal and

non-verbal communication" the majority of the respondents 18 or 45percent

indicate “Agree a little” 13 or 32.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a

lot” 6 or 15percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 2 or

5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

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2.Improves my vocal projection, articulation

and tone of speech


Agree a lot
22.50% Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagre a litlle
Disagree a lot


Weighted Interpretation Legend:


3.95% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Improves my vocal

projection, articulation and tone of speech " the majority of the respondents 14 or

35percent indicate “Agree a lot” and 14 or 35percent of the respondents indicate

“Agree a little” 9 or 22.5percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor

disagree” 2 or5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

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3.Helps me to improve expression



Agree a lot
42.50% Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot


Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.05% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Helps me to improve

expression" the majority of the respondents 17 or 42.5percent indicate “Agree a

Lot” 12 or 30 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 8 or 20percent of

the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 2 or 5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a lot”.

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4.Develops my self-confidence and maturity

in interpersonal skills

17.50% Agree a lot

45% Agree a little

Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a litlle
32.50% Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.45% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Develops my self-

confidence and maturity in interpersonal skills" the majority of the respondents 18

or 45percent indicate “Agree a Lot” 12 or 32.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Agree a little” 18 or 17.5percent of the respondents indicate “Neither

agree nor disagree” 2 or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a

little” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

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5.Helps me to understand or how to appraise


20% Agree a lot

37.50% Agree little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.05% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Helps me to understand

or how to appraise situation" the majority of the respondents 15 or 37.5percent

indicate “Agree a lot” and 15 or 37.5percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a

little” 8 or 20 percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1

or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5 percent of

the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

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6.Makes me concentrate better

2.50% 2.50%

Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.12% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Makes me concentrate

better" the majority of the respondents 15 or 45percent indicate “Agree a little” 15

or 37.5percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 5 or 12.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a lot”. As you can see this indicators has the highest AWM

4.12% among the others.

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 42

7. It improves my ability to memorize

2.50% 2.50%

Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.12% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It improves my ability to

memorize" the majority of the respondents 45 percent indicate “Agree a Little”

37.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 12.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 2.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a little” 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a

lot”.As you can see this indicators has the highest AWM 4.12% among the


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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 43

8.It enhances my self awareness

2.50% 2.50%

Agree a lot
42.50% Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


3.07% Neither agree 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

Nordisagree 3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It improves my ability to

memorize" the majority of the respondents 17 or 42.5 percent indicate “Agree a

Lot” 16 or 40percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 5 or 12.5 percent

of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a lot”.

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 44

9.It enhances my organization skills and my

time management

17.50% Agree a lot

Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.1% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It enriches my

organization skills and my time management" the majority of the respondents 18

or 45percent indicate “Agree a little” 14 or 35 percent of the respondents indicate

“Agree a lot” 7 or 17.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor

disagree” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 45

10.It boosts my dedication to perform



12.50% Agree a lot

42.50% Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.12% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It boosts my dedication to

perform" the majority of the respondents 17 or 42.5percent indicate “Agree a Lot”

15 or 37.5percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 5 or 12.5 percent of

the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 2 or 5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a lot”.As you can see this indicators has the highest AWM

4.12% among the others.

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 46

Table 4


Indicators Weighted Mean Interpretation

1. It helps reach my full potential 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

2. It helps me to improve speaking English 4.20% AGREE A LOT
3.It develops my self-esteem 4.15% AGREE A LITTLE
4.It helps me build friendship by communicating 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
Andinteracting with one another
5. It gives me higher opportunities for social 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
interaction with other students
6.It helps me to improve my ability to understand 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
written communication
7.It develops my awareness of the importance of 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
oral communication
8.It enable me to directly connect to a large 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
number of people
9. It serves as my imperative tool for learning and 4.05% AGREE A LITTLE
interacting with others
10. It helps my emotional and social skills to 4.25% AGREE A LOT



4.20 – 5.00 = Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19 = Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39 = Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79 = Disagree a little

According to the study of (Connie Ringlee 2019) Speech Communication, a

major in the Department of English, helps students develop their understanding

and appreciation of the human communication process and enhances their oral

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 47

and written communication practice. Speech Communication students develop

an awareness of the importance of oral communication.

1.It helps reach my full potential




Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a litte Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It helps reach my full

potential " the majority of the respondents 16 or 40 percent indicate “Agree a Lot”

and 16 or 40 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 7 or 17.5 percent

of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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2.It helps me to improve my speaking english better

0% 0




Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It improve my speaking

English better" the majority of the respondents 18 or 45 percent indicate “Agree a

Lot” 12 or 30 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 10 or 25percent

of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lIttle” 0 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.20% Agree a lot 04.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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3.It develops my self-esteem

0% 0%

Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree a nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot


From the illustration above the indicators check “It develops my self-

esteem" the majority of the respondents 16 or 40 percent indicate “Agree a Lot”

and 14 or 35percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 10 or 25 percent

of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.15% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 50

4.It helps me build friendship by

communicating and interacting with one
2.50% 0%

Agree a lot
40% Agree a little

Neither agree nor diagree

Disagree a little
40% Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It helps me build

friendship by communicating and interacting with one another" the majority of the

respondents 16 or 40percent indicate “Agree a lot” and 16 or 40percent of the

respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 7 or 17.5percent of the respondents indicate

“Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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5.It gives me higher opportunities for social interaction

with other students




Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It gives me higher

opportunities for social interaction with other students" the majority of the

respondents 22 or 55percent indicate “Agree a little” and 13 or32.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 4 or 10 percent of the respondents indicate

“Neither agree nor disagree” 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a

little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 52

6.It helps me to improve my ability to understand written





Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It helps me to improve

my ability to understand written communication" themajority of the respondents

45 percent indicate “Agree a little” 37.5 percent of the respondents indicate

“Agree a lot” 15 percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree”

2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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7.It develops my awareness of the importance of oral

2.50% 0%




agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It develops my

awareness of the importance of oral communication" the majority of the

respondents 16 or40 percent indicate “Agree a lot” and 16 or 40percent of the

respondents indicate “Agree a little” 7 or17.5percent of the respondents indicate

“Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 54

8.It enables me to directly connect to a large number of






Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree or disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It enables me to directly

connect to a large number of people" the majority of the respondents 18 or

45percent indicate “Agree a little” and 15 or 37.50percent of the respondents

indicate “Agree a lot” 5 or 12.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Neither

agree nor disagree” 2 or 5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little”

0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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9. It serves as my imperative tool for learning and

interacting with other




Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It serves as my

imperative tool for learning and interacting with other" the majority of the

respondents 16 or 40 percent indicate “Agree a little” and 14 or 35 percent of the

respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 8 or 20percent of the respondents indicate

“Neither agree nor disagree” 2 or 5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree

a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.05% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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10.It helps my emotional and social skills to develop

7.50% 0%




Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor diagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It helps my emotional and

social skills to develop" the majority of the respondents 18 or 45 percent indicate

“Agree a lot” and 17 or 42.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 2

or 5 percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 3 or 7.5

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.As you can see this indicators has the

highest AWM 4.25% among the others.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.25% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Table 5


Indicators Weighted Mean Interpetation

1.Improves my mental alertness 4.05% AGREE A LITTLE

2.It helps me to be confident which links to 4.30% AGREE A LOT
a positive self-concept and an ability to
3.It provides an outlet for my feelings 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
4.It enables me to maximize my potential to 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
5.It enhances the possibilities of my emphatic 4.45% AGREE A LOT
relationships with those around me
6.It fosters my intellectual engagement with 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
7.Helps me to be more competent in my own 4.20% AGREE A LOT
8.It improves my reading skills 4.30% AGREE A LOT
9. It supports my social skill development 4.22% AGREE A LOT
10. It enables young people of different ages 4.35% AGREE A LOT
and abilities to create something special in arts



4.20 – 5.00 = Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19 = Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39 = Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79 = Disagree a lot

At OLMIS, we make a difference as we observe LEARNING with VALUES.

Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 58

According to the study of ( SusanBrizick, 2013) There are so many elements of

singing that impact our overall ability to communicate- not only can you learn

how to express songs with agility and ease, but can improve your ability to really

connect with others and share your thoughts at a new and profound level.

1.Improves my mental alertness

7.50% 0%
Agree a lot
Agree a little
17.50% 37.50%
Neither agree nor diagree
37.50% Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “Improves my mental

alertness" the majority of the respondents 15 or37.5percent indicate “Agree a

little” and 15 or 37.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 7 or

17.5percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 3 or 7.5

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.05% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

At OLMIS, we make a difference as we observe LEARNING with VALUES.

Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 59

2.It helps me to be confident which links to a

positive self-confidence and an ability to
2.50% 0%

Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagreee
37.50% Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It helps me to be

confident which links to a positive self-confidence and an ability to communicate"

the majority of the respondents 19 or 47.5 percent indicate “Agree a lot” and 15

or 37.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 5 or 12.5 percent of

the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.05% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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3.It provides an outlet for my feelings



Agree a lot
42.50% Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It provides an outlet for

my feelings" the majority of the respondents 17 or 42.5% percent indicate “Agree

a lot” and 15 or 37.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 6

or15percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 2 or5

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 61

4.It enables me to maximize my potential to

communicate with others
0% 0%

Agree a lot

42.50% Agree a little

Neither agree nor diagree
Disagree a little

32.50% Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It enables mr to maximize

my potential to communicate with others" the majority of the respondents 17 or

42.5 percent indicate “Agree a lot” and 13 or 32.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Agree a little” 10 or 25percent of the respondents indicate “Neither

agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 62

5.It enhances the posibilities of my emphatic

relationships with those around me
2.50% 0%

17.50% Agree a lot

37.50% Agree a little
Neither agree a nor disagree
Disagree a little

42.50% Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It enhances the

possibilities of my emphatic relationships with those around me" the majority of

the respondents 17 or 42.5 percent indicate “Agree a little” 15 or 37.5 percent of

the respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 7 or 17.5 percent of the respondents

indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.45% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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6.It fosters my intellectual engagement with


Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree a nor disagree
Disagree a little

50.00% Diisagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It fosters my intellectual

engagement with music " the majority of the respondents 20 or 50 percent

indicate “Agree a little” 14 or 35percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a lot”

7 or 12.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 1 or

2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.07% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 64

7.It helps me to be more competent in my

own language
2.50% 0%

Agree a lot
40% Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
42.50% Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It helps me to be more

competent in my own language" the majority of the respondents 17 or

42.5percent indicate “Agree a little” and 16 or 40 percent of the respondents

indicate “Agree a lot”6 or 15 percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree

nor disagree”1 or 2.5 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0

percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.2% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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8.It improves my reading skills

0% 0%


Agree a lot

45% Agree a little

Neither agree nor diagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It improves my reading

skills" the majority of the respondents 18 or 45 percent indicate “Agree a lot” 16

or 40 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a little” 6 or 15 percent of the

respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the respondents

indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate “Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.03% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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9.It supports my social skill development

0% 0%


Agree a lot

45% Agree a little

Neither agree a nor diagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It improves my social skill

development" the majority of the respondents 19 or47.5 percent indicate “Agree

a little” and 18 or45percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 6 or7.5

percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a lot”.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.22% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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10.It enablesyoung people of different ages

and abilities to create something special in
0% 0%

Agree a lot
Agree a little
Neither agree nor disagree
Disagree a little
Disagree a lot

From the illustration above the indicators check “It improves my social skill

development" the majority of the respondents 18 or 45 percent indicate “Agree a

little” and 18 or 45 percent of the respondents indicate “Agree a lot” 4 or 10

percent of the respondents indicate “Neither agree nor disagree” 0 percent of the

respondents indicate “Disagree a little” 0 percent of the respondents indicate

“Disagree a lot”.As you can see this indicators has the highest AWM 4.35%

among the others.

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.35% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Table 6

Spoken Words

Indicators Weighted Mean Interpratation

1. It allows me to express my imagination 4.20% AGREE A LOT
2. It allows me to have a personal connection 4.20% AGREE A LOT
to my poem.
3. It helps me lower the rate of my mood 4.5% AGREE A LITTLE
swings as I write poems
4. It serves as an outlet to vent out my feelings 5% AGREE A LOT
5. It allows me find comfort through expressing 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE
my feelings
6. It gives me to have a positive and rewarding 4.12% AGREE A LITTLE
7. It helps me to be an active voice in school 4.07% AGREE A LOT
8. It makes me more comfortable in 4.20% AGREE A LOT
participating in school
9. It develops my revision skills and use of 3.95% AGREE A LITTLE
poetic devices
10. It allows me to find out vocabulary word 4.10% AGREE A LOT



4.20 – 5.00 = Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19 = Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39 = Neither Agree nor Disagree
1.80 – 2.59 = Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79 = Disagree a lot

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According to the study of (Katie Ailes, 2015) Spoken poetry is increasingly being

used in schools as a tool to improve students’ confidence and public speaking

abilities, as well as to offer them an outlet for creative expression. A spoke poetry

practice can hugely improve a young person’s communication skills and ability to

articulate complex feelings to others.

1.) It allows me to express my imagination

0.00% 0




Agree a Lot Agree a Little Never Agree nor Disagree Disagree a Little Disagree a Lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.2% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

In chart 1 with the indicator “It allows me to express my imagination.” Can be

revealed on the chart above that majority, 16 or40% of the respondents

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 70

answered agree a lot, while the 16 or 40% of the respondents answered agree a

little, further, the 8 or20% of the respondents answered never Agree nor

Disagree, and 0% of them answered Agree a Little and 0% of them answered

Disagree a Little.

2.) It allows me to have a personal connection to my peom





Agree a Lot Agree aLittle Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree a Little Disagree a Lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.2% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 71

In chart 2 with the indicator “It allows me to have a personal connection to my

poem.” Can be revealed on the chart above that majority, 19 or 47.50% of the

respondents answered agree a lot, while the 11 or27.50% of the respondents

answered agree a little, further, the 9 or22.55% of the respondents answered

neither Agree nor Disagree, and 1 or2.5% of them answered Agree a Little and

0% of them answered Disagree a Little.

3.) It helps me lower the rate of my mood swings as I

writes peom
2.50% 0

22.50% 32.50%


Agree a Lot Agree a Little Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree a Little Disagree a Lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.05% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 72

In chart 2 with the indicator “.) It helps me lower the rate of my mood swings as I

writespoem.” Can be revealed on the chart above that majority, 13 or42.50% of

the respondents answered agree a little, while the 17 or32.50% of the

respondents answered agree a lot, further, the 9 or22.50% of the respondents

answered neither Agree nor Disagree, and 1 or2.50% of them answered Agree a

Little and 0% of them answered Disagree a Little.

4.) It serves as an outlet to vent out my feelings





Agree a Lot Agree a Little Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree a Little Disagree a Lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


5% Agree a lot 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 73

In chart 4 with the indicator “It serves as an outlet to vent out my feelings.”

can be revealed on the chart above that majority, 18 or45% of the respondents

answered agree a lot, while the 15 or37.50% of the respondents answered agree

a little, further, the 6 or15% of the respondents answered neither Agree nor

Disagree, and 1 or2.5% of them answered Agree a Little and 0% of them

answered Disagree a Little. As you can see this indicators has the highest AWM

5% among the others.

5.) It allows me find comfort through expressing my self in

the community
2.50% 0



Agree a Lot Agree a Little Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.17% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 74

In chart 5 with the indicator “It allows me find comfort through expressing my self

in the community.” Can be revealed on the chart above that majority,18 or45% of

the respondents answered agree a lot, while the 12 or30% of the respondents

answered agree a little, further, the 9 or 22.50% of the respondents answered

neither Agree nor Disagree, and 1 or2.5% of them answered Agree a Little and

0% of them answered Disagree a Little.

6.) It gives me to have a positive and rewarding





Agree a Lot Agree a Little Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree a Little Disagree a Lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.12% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 75

In chart 6with the indicator “It gives me to have a positive and rewarding

experience.” Can be revealed on the chart above that majority, 16 or40% of the

respondents answered agree a lot, while the 15 or37.5% of the respondents

answered agree a little, further, the 7 or 17.50% of the respondents answered

neither Agree nor Disagree, and 2 or 5% of them answered Agree a Little and

0% of them answered Disagree a Little.

7.) It helps me to be an active voice in school




Agree a Lot Agree a Little Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree a Little Disagree a Lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.07% Agree a little4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 76

In chart 7 with the indicator “It helps me to be an active voice in school.” Can be

revealed on the chart above that majority, 19 or47.50% of the respondents

answered agree a little, while the 14 or35% of the respondents answered agree

a lot, further, the 5 or12.50% of the respondents answered neither Agree nor

Disagree, and 1 or2.50% of them answered Agree a Little and 0% of them

answered Disagree a Little.

8.) It makes me more comfortable in participating in school

0 0



Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a Little Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.02% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 77

In chart 8 with the indicator “It makes me more comfortable in participating

inschool.” Can be revealed on the chart above that majority,15 or37.50% of the

respondents answered agree a little, while the 13 or32.50% of the respondents

answered agree a lot, further, the 12 or30% of the respondents answered neither

Agree nor Disagree, 0% of them answered Agree a Little and 0% of them

answered Disagree a Little.

9.) It develops my revision skills and use of poetic devices

2.50% 0



Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


3.95% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 78

In chart 9 with the indicator “It develops my revision skills and use of poetic

devices.” Can be revealed on the chart above that majority, 15 or 37.50% of the

respondents answered agree a little, while the 30% of the respondents answered

agree a lot, further, the 13 or30% of the respondents answered neither Agree nor

Disagree, 1 or 2.5% of them answered Agree a Little and 0% of them answered

Disagree a Little.

10.) It allows me to find out more vocabulary words





Agree a lot Agree a little Neither agree nor disagree Disagree a little Disagree a lot

Weighted Interpretation Legend:


4.1% Agree a little 4.20 – 5.00= Agree a lot

3.40 – 4.19= Agree a little
2.60 – 3.39= Neither agree nor disagree
1.80 – 2.59= Disagree a little
1.00 – 1.79= Disagree a lot

At OLMIS, we make a difference as we observe LEARNING with VALUES.

Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 79

In chart 9 with the indicator “It allows me to find out more vocabulary words.” Can

be revealed on the chart above that majority, 18 or45% of the respondents

answered agree a little, while the 16 or40% of the respondents answered agree

a lot, further, the 4 or10% of the respondents answered neither Agree nor

Disagree, 2 or 5% of them answered Agree a Little and 0% of them answered

Disagree a Little.

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 80

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the summary of the study, the conclusion derived

from the findings and the recommendations based on the data gathered by the

researcher. It puts into depiction the information which relevant to the result of

the study entitled “Stage Performances: Its Pros and Cons on the

Communication Skills of the Grade 10 Students at Laoac National High School.


Specifically, the problem number 1 determined the profile of the respondents in

terms of their age, sex, monthly family income and academic standing.

Problem number 2 determined the effects of stage performances on the

communication skills to the respondents in terms of the following aspect dancing,

musical theatre, speech, singing, and spoken word.

Problem number 3 based from the findings, what are the best identified activities

of the respondents to enhance their talents and skills in stage performances

Problem number 4 determined their programs or activities can be proposed to

enhance the communication skills of the respondents.

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The following are the salient findings of the study based on the specific problems

posed in this study.

1.) Majority of the Grade 10 Students at Laoac National High School are aged of

15 – 16 years old, which considered young, female, that majority of them receive

10,001 – 15,000 monthly family income and most of them are belong to the rank


2.) The Grade 10 Students answered the effects of stage performances on the

communication skills in terms of the following aspect: a) dancing were interpreted

as “Agree a Lot” with an overall weighted mean of 4.49%; b) musical theatre

were interpreted as “Agree a Little” with an overall weighted mean of 3.97%; c)

speech were interpreted as “Agree a Little” with an overall weighted mean

4.16%; d) singing were interpreted as “Agree a Lot” with an overall weighted

mean 4.24%; and d) spoken word were interpreted as “Agree a Lot” with an

overall weighted mean 4.25%.

3.) Based from the findings the best identified activities are dancing, singing, and

spoken word with over all weighted mean 4.49%, 4.23% and 4.25%.

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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 82


The following conclusion were made based on the finding of the study:

1. The Grade 10 Students at Laoac National High School vary in their profile


2. The Stage Performances: Its Pros and Cons on the Communication Skills at

Laoac National High School were found “Agree a Little” on the following

aspect:Musical Theatre and Speech. On the other hand, Dancing,Singing ang

Spoken word were found “Agree a Lot”.

3. The programs or activities can be proposed to enhance the communication

skills of the respondents are english festival and seminar it can help them to

improve their communication skills through oral or non verbal communication.


For the Teachers

1. The Teachers should be aware of the pros and cons of joining stage


2. The Teachers should strictly monitor the pupils and students on joining stage


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For the Students

1. Students should know the pros and cons of joining stage performances on

their communication skills.

2. The Students should know the importance of joining stage performances.

For the Parents

1. The parents should support their children in joining stage performances.

2. The parents should guide their children in having that kind of activities.

For the Researcher

1. The outcome of the study will be useful in providing chances for learning

based on the student’s wants.

2. This study will also help her to improve her communication skills in conducting

her studies.

For the Future Researchers

1. This will encourage future researchers to conduct studies about activities that

will help the students to show their talents.

2. This will help them to have better understanding about the effects of stage


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Our Lady of Manaoag Innovative School, Inc. 84

















information-to deped-order-no-7-s-2016-school-year-sy-2015-2016-end-of-





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13-14 years old 0 0

15-16 years old 38 95%

16-17 years old and 2 5%



Male 13 32.5%

female 27 67.5%



Php. 25,001 and above 4 10%

Php., 20, 001 – 25,000 5 12.5%

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Php. 15, 001 – 20,000 5 12.5%

Php. 10, 001 – 15, 000 10 25%

Php. 5,001 – 10, 000 7 20%

Php. 5,000 and below 8 20%



Yes 23 57.5%

No 17 42.5%



1 20 15 5 0 0 4.37% AGREE A LOT

2 15 19 5 1 0 4.2% AGREE A LOT

3 29 7 4 0 0 4.26% AGREE A LOT

4 20 14 6 0 0 4.35% AGREE A LOT

5 20 13 6 1 0 4.05% AGREE A LITTLE

6 27 8 4 2 0 4.57% AGREE A LOT

7 19 16 5 0 0 4.35% AGREE A LOT

8 17 14 9 0 0 4.12% AGREE A LITTLE

9 19 13 8 0 0 4.27% AGREE A LOT

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10 23 11 5 1 0 4.4% AGREE A LITTLE






1 13 18 6 2 1 3.7% NEITHER AGREE


2 14 14 9 2 1 3.95% AGREE A LITTLE

3 17 12 8 2 1 4.05% AGREE A LITTLE

4 18 13 7 1 1 4.45% AGREE A LOT

5 15 15 8 1 1 4.05% AGRRE A LITTLE

6 15 18 5 1 1 4.12% AGREE A LITTLE

7 18 14 6 1 1 4.12% AGREE A LITTLE

8 17 16 5 1 1 3.07% NEITHER AGREE


9 14 18 7 0 1 4.1% AGREE A LITTLE

10 17 15 5 2 1 4.12% AGREE A LITTLE



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1 16 16 7 1 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTE

2 18 12 10 0 0 4.2% AGREE A LITTLE

3 16 14 10 0 0 4.15% AGREE A LITTLE

4 16 16 7 1 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

5 13 22 4 1 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

6 15 18 6 1 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

7 16 16 7 1 0 4.17% AGREE A LITLE

8 15 18 4 2 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

9 14 16 8 2 0 4.05% AGREE A LITLE

10 18 17 2 3 0 4.25% AGREE A LOT






1 15 15 7 3 0 4.05% AGREE A LITTLE

2 19 15 5 1 0 4.3% AGREE A LITTLE

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3 17 15 6 2 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

4 17 13 10 0 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

5 15 17 7 1 0 4.45% AGREE A LOT

6 14 20 5 1 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

7 16 17 6 1 0 4.2% AGREE A LITTLE

8 18 16 6 0 0 4.3% AGREE A LITTLE

9 18 19 3 0 0 4.22% AGREE A LOT

10 18 18 4 0 0 4.35% AGREE A LOT






1 16 16 8 0 0 4.2% AGREE A LITTLE

2 19 11 9 1 0 4.2% AGREE A LITTLE

3 13 17 9 1 0 4.05% AGREE A LITTLE

4 18 15 6 1 0 5% AGREE A LOT

5 18 12 9 1 0 4.17% AGREE A LITTLE

6 16 15 7 2 0 4.12% AGREE A LITTLE

7 14 19 5 1 0 4.07% AGREE A LITTLE

8 13 15 12 0 0 4.02% AGREE A LITTLE

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9 12 15 12 1 0 3.95% AGREE A LITTLE

10 16 17 4 2 0 4.1% AGREE A LITTLE




At OLMIS, we make a difference as we observe LEARNING with VALUES.

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