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Drive Mechanism Identification

Drive Mechanism typical performance curves

Driving Mechanism oil reservoir MB Technique

Strong aquifer drive (Aquifer

influx > production rate

Weak aquifer drive (Aquifer

influx < production rate
Driving Mechanism gas reservoir MB Technique
Water compressibility
Water Formation Volume Factor
Formation compressibility
Reservoir fluid types
The reservoir fluids divided into three types according to
the relation between the volume or density and pressure.
• Incompressible fluids
• Slightly compressible fluids
• Compressible fluids
Reservoir Fluid Flow regimes
• Steady-state flow
• Unsteady-state flow
• Pseudo steady-state flow
Reservoir fluid flow geometries
▪ Radial flow
▪ Linear flow
▪ Spherical and hemispherical flow
Reservoir Radial flow
Reservoir Linear flow
Reservoir spherical fluid flow
Reservoir fluid flow phases
• Single-phase flow (oil, water, or gas)
• Two-phase flow (oil-water, oil-gas, or gas-water)
• Three-phase flow (oil, water, and gas)
Basic Transient Flow Equation
The mathematical formulation of the transient-flow equation is based on
combining three independent equations and a specifying set of boundary and
initial conditions that constitute the unsteady-state equation.
a. Continuity Equation:
The continuity equation is essentially a material balance equation that accounts
for every pound mass of fluid produced, injected, or remain.
b. Transport Equation (Darcy equation)
describe the fluid flow rate “in” and “out” of the reservoir with the continuity
c. Compressibility Equation:
describing the changes in the fluid volume as a function of pressure.
d. Initial and Boundary Conditions:
There are two boundary conditions and one initial condition required to complete
the formulation and the solution of the transient flow equation.
• The diffusivity equation is essentially designed to
determine the pressure as a function of time t and
position r.
• It is one of the most important equations in petroleum
engineering. The equation is particularly used in analysis
well testing data where the time t is commonly recorded
in hours.
• The assumptions and limitations of the diffusivity
▪ Homogeneous and isotropic porous medium
▪ Uniform thickness
▪ Single phase flow
▪ Laminar flow
▪ Rock and fluid properties independent of pressure
Laplace’s equation for steady-state flow.

▪ The solution to the diffusivity equation needs to specify an

initial condition and impose two boundary conditions.
▪ The initial condition simply states that the reservoir is at a
uniform pressure pi when production begins.
▪ The two boundary conditions require that the well is
producing at a constant production rate and that the reservoir
behaves as if it were infinite in size.
▪ Based on the boundary conditions imposed on Equation there
are two generalized solutions to the diffusivity equation:
• Constant-terminal-pressure solution
• Constant-terminal-rate solution
The constant-terminal-pressure solution:
provide the cumulative flow at any particular time for a reservoir
in which the pressure at one boundary of the reservoir is held
constant. This technique is frequently used in water influx
calculations in gas and oil reservoirs.
The constant-terminal-rate solution:
The radial diffusivity equation solves for the pressure change
throughout the radial system providing that the flow rate is held
constant at one terminal end of the radial system. at the
producing well, these are two commonly used forms of the
constant-terminal-rate solution:
• The Ei-function solution
• The dimensionless pressure pD solution
constant-terminal-rate solution:
▪ The flow rate is considered to be constant at certain radius
(usually wellbore radius) and the pressure profile around that
radius is determined as a function of time and position.
▪ The constant-terminal-rate solution is an integral part of most
transient test analysis techniques, such as with drawdown and
pressure buildup analyses.
• Most of these tests involve producing the well at a constant
flow rate and recording the flowing pressure as a function of
time p(rw,t).
• There are two commonly used forms of the constant-terminal-
rate solution:
• The Ei-function solution.
• The dimensionless pressure pD solution

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