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mrqfdq fuar mccril w fudr ffie cilErw

oqm /qru / zotg / / ,t6 f+n6 , 14/ oe /

S 2o1s

B.TCrrs oTfunrft (HTw) fudr cnc-wt

frw :- 3TrPf6 tD.qfr qrtr (Economically weaker sections) d qfrrrqT mt Income

&Assest Cerrificate qfft S,{i d qTqeT fr t

r$.1- :- Irgq ytNFT HErq H[qrk6 alrq 1'q erffior f+il-q-q{Tf{ d Td[fi
w'1 t 0 / aTT"m.q. ZfiffiS7ur=vrerH / N / t+zze H-6 12.os.zo1s

B.r0w frqqrsifn qd srsiFro T;r d rJ=qrf fr +q t m qrqrko qrtr

qq eTffif,r fdqrr qqf{ t qrw qRqf rtrr 1iFril6 qt Erqffi, E{ S Hrsr
qEr.;I oa lM W +s t fu cTrrr qRqe fr frt .rS fr{srr5slr sKr g+Trur
qe qrft mri of qroa-fl fuqr cil.rT
ttfrtrqf, of r

HETGT :- sqtR[rgsR
; gEI{q

onw /qrr /zotg / /464 Hm :/!/$/201s

qfrftfr :- T6{snil{ (rrwr) fudr enErxt

ed(Fil, 3ilFl.N
l.-IEIiP,ilIT iffiIiEli[
qd ftffir
d.l+/'r;arts61 rffi {lqrrF=, h"}H # dlt} nragV t

IFBrn.*p rt$/wa;q/Slffi1 ,its/'l ilLJ,$ lil*rg.r' ftFriEF t}ft},E

ffi ,:*sTIf,ffEF ffish* rrrT 6f_corronric'ally- W.eaker $uctions )d frl lncoro,e &
A:ssesr,.re-rtifisare ffi ffi d wetT fi

Eq ds B fu antt*, Eil6 ftr+T{m \q Eqra Efencrq (mtHffi W sftIEtpT
fuiH ) Ed ' r,,tlr,:f, \ffiflr ts ffi{itr{
.1{g1 SoOSgrl\12y,tg-'E5'l'1'(ltl}r$ ...fu@ 181,,01,..

ao.ts, $i qffiq d lialw ,(uw- fu fuffi e{ trtcft, rrTwf iwer* + . ftffi

+-fg1 tr, [fsit[.4l2r0tg ]tr,I' '1I.01,ZO:1B ffi.t Fq*r. BilHry rrfr f:Econornfcally
vf:ea,l<er s,cctlsns ) + H, tr mn (ffi Hft ffiffi *e * Bf A ffid B1
rrr+ ernwt * GlfHftffi) f'( d elrF-qu*1 W thntrm tt vtfl R 10 sfun
a.fiEg.,s,r ffif (isEFFT q)
rffi. m IFqI B iE,
srrftfffi' qr
fff fEconomically Weaker :Sections ). #. q,frro]'fi giffi sT'rteflI ffi"I
HFT rqrt mlri frf Efu *
tncome & Assesr, Certificatc mT qrstt rft rnirn {rrq[R HILT d
fuqr qiqr $ I vl fu*Annexure-r qg ffiir{ fr]r ,*frH t I BEffi {-tsq -fi tS, oni-q,o 6} vqru{
cfgffi qft,
--r6e,u1 'iillt'fi "i.:f fu 't[E{, Eht SItrefi E 'syn', ,qrf
qft, qff tl, t[,
=rfr E\. n fl TlE{t aft. er,,"q ft$gl ,erf ffi' {ilfr 'ir,.t'l'
gxft qpn q.lEL
fr -v,rw+*rn tr'q fr @Iffifi BTIT, , ur[IN flqr ,srf,rkgtur-+r H;qim
W z(rlD0;F7A-x'.1/Z:0it9 crq5 nfi" v.z,{r}
1e;02,20'r,9:, y,i[ E. iffi /ilI*2 /ints \ilqgE
{Aqlml 22.0,2,8019 Er{f qtcq * EUIUO .rr ltlco-n,ornica:fiy,
,Weakel' S:eeti,ons. ]' d
isM'mt (pa-g n qrft; q--{srfr E,srnul fuEI qlf'"+ qM ffi} g1qr.r'ut d I
.rsq tH::slffq tt,cneft, w e-) Tiwfieff ql H I,tfr, tor gBylm "ornctqt ,HI $Itqsrq fu"ql rrql
, ( $:orq qRRrE rT, q )
+tri ffif rr.utr:d sI ,fufr W,SqIm *i fi fu fu fffu ef
f,litonomic:tr:llyr Weaker .$e'ctions] ) * q;ffi EFt. fl{WI m Frr{ F,.E-IT ffi
-.q&. S
'tTqq . EE,[ Ing,g,mp &, A$,,icllt ,Cer:ii,ficfl.te iFr furfRf, glqg' ( Anu**{1,gr! } ffi fu'.
r{q.t B t '.r".rrr rlriq .l t0, qrig:$ HHru{ qa Ed fuqr trrrtfi d fr EIw"

effi+a srTfr, 'wmTft q Mu: illf \d il.-w Bf,-q frffEr'grt frii" q.{t '4, r+frrfua
trfr ri r

qqriqfl +refr fr \'q vrsq frt $-qrcil w *€TFm irserrcil it, srrqqvr m{ f,rq n:{f,
ffi.tn fi,,$, 1:1180Rrc. & As.$cst Certi:fi,catc d grr+r,r,,tr.ol mt $ffi..t,fd gtl sr,rffi d ftt.,
oflftF q=r arr tilsq, FEai wf,rn fbt \n * ffi ,rsnrilcil ffi q$t ,(nnnexu,pe-,*'] ,m,fi'{ EE{
riftn 'it
(IEI fi :fr,€ nri t-t-w et, tfrIfifi. wi 'tt , sfsq{Tgfi fr emeilur' .mJ -eJrrT ,. ffi,'EF-..{q *H

hqtftti qr{itq fl Incorn,c & Asscsr ccrtifica,le Brft m-ti fu vrw fr qqrsrTlkt 'J:q',s,,g artstrrft
lrerq $fqq,ffi tti r

+,1=trrc] iIIt.I irm lrlf,ourcl & Asscst (lcrtificats !{IRI m-e * ffi ''tl'lllz,- +ffin,fttrtRir
iffi'-i,rf, qfr gsq{ sfr€t.rtr wf i,mi$-ffi g{rww, $, fr m\ effil-'Frig'1 0ila:ffi nrtrl, t
-rt* --"- srft+,rfto.llra ui"".* \dEriir{ *-* ilo, **.-wsr ddi ,tt Rqm, E, -.m
,lfti.Ifrt, ;t,le7:1B11n:i rn-iii, irrtr siiil,.far UT{T sTt-il{q rrf q
,ra} sftqft{T lt"i},m .fi
qd} t
(1;rcrri 'fi' .l"l {:rfi,:Tfti[ r] Tflp.l ,,ri.r,--trs-crl-cl oh] I flsil q6 cri,w fih
L $edr;iri fiIit. # ';ffi ''-,rrpqt Ufet8rfi r,;tj 'r1ft. rill5tug lrffftl
-i$;,{1f Flrr {a vigit' r'l
,.frtfr*$ Itai1rg .i:l.tii-rrlF1 6tr4'

$fi q,frlt rr,E * ,flsrr ffi
q-{ TIw /Emr{: giFFffi 6,.r{{, H,I{I']fu.t r,ft, ft ' rilg**'qgqif

*J.iHi:#'fu{ip" ffi'*liw rnuomo,&, Assesr cerrificate- 15 tr-,tr{ #.arqB fr ffi
r!^:!'t '
, :q lncom,e & Assesg. eprtiftcate ryffi * ffi $Iq \{q
ffi ffil:"*#
qFHG fi fr rfi '$ qow,

wq,fr, #; u 1iF'ffi W*'

iili # ry l:HgontrE & Assest e,e-rtificate.8ilIfi " ^q "lrlf'fi .q*
r Tre
w rdti fistrr ffir
ffi";f i=-,ffi sdrril ry
:,(-tcrrifi.**r""ffi'*ue *ii Sffi,d
d-@ rfr q$ S TEF
,m w, tiffi, flL* frIt Elrft ' }.{,{
lhco*rre Assesr
;1,ffi1ffi#-uf,l*#r,'ffir'asn yE".4 Ip +:fr,q ffi'ffi rltil S dt qns 'ftd
ffim,.l,nco,ri.e,, & :Assost ,caritifi"; fturiff;lnqJ<df
'sffi .t,i.nn*o ,& :Asse,sr f:ertincri. *t .dffi frm ffiFrdr{ grtI mra ITIa S ry'frqt
: r EIsfi $-fld t'# di , ffi'ffi 'qld sfu'ffiff ser'q alr'fr
*k*rysmmffi---ry* qrr5trr:B.rr .E rsRffi

ffii llulm-{'Hi;rd* ,,ftr&, F* 1qfo ry*ru) g np t- -RTfttfftr,

{-Hf'rr, .fl.r #r
J-rm1J,*r.yr r?+riirr d ans,
H6n *r1fu. ffi m
l={rfilf, 'ffi' ffi nd ddf (ffi.
frnnff "dq Fetqil m,qf.*il *fl,ffi) S
ir,"ro, itr) Iii:rnirrirn
Aceesr Cortificate 6{i tg
rr$ftcarc sTF ry{-i 3il.tEH ft-m'
tf, gRFf 9TRT ffi Incorn€ &
fu--qf Gf&-fi l *ff
.lerq Eiril .ffi ftd indjt


iJo -ffi,-**Tffi'6
sftRFt frr*i A ar+r*l \s $r{116 tnrffi fu ifto f;:-
t) ,tlfi.t, r15p1lIq tl.r]ttlsl rl(ipl?.1. {fuTtcll;l Ulqtft, Y{5t
ti Uft*'qi'HE7 uRr.* u 'gq,rirfi, Twri{r inlql-.-as. i[!Idsdl-a: tIFffi :ltrsqq I
:y .rf-tru tthe. r;w rll?r=0. 'll$l'tP.ll'l ullllry
ni, qdrlq,{,r[,',i1.tri.,'r]6
'i,Hn, l]tqrluit qri'titrtt. rfarcrrt" qry id. l?t ),t, ? ; ;r
Fa ."ro'' Sfoltrd fqeff I
ii rr,rrqat qf$rrq{ Haittr tial1.a.a
ql(.J tfJ
llihE,' rtrnfli;rm '",r,lil :g{ slfi+;fflAr, V,1.1.ffi, ltif'l:l-. I

7) sltIlsr{ .ll-rIlli; II9-.S(T trtfite.ilil e$fiin

tl iiltlnr: rE'rri?fl {til{Tl iidlr.r"t7 qitru: rf{IflI: try WiW n

tb) q$g'lilmniitsa, 16ffie{l.i{ lrlt'Flr; yqg3

trt) r'if . .r,1ffitilit,ftu,H*pl. tlrtt;t $t}rilHu.'fiugx.
,1,2) uf a, ,{runa{{ ,ar,r' #n. srriri, '1t,ri['{3lfTl \r.sg{
wlq|fl' * fg'rt ,
r,i.l t,tt*, {;rtr*sffi,etfif'ngl dailhrrrn ]l'.i Tt'd, GI"qq{

l4) {lrr{tl .lnwIu 3ilqiltl...,,..............:.1..ilr..,,.!...]..",,:,,..... a A \. ^

i,ii, r:r,,no, iStt{r n eq']i 6\ d1u1mt litdttro f :n u,rdl
-E qRm, fr.,:qPlnr,litrd tllfiIt {,1['']'[tgril'm.'{itt r

l6) It'rR{'l ,iirnar 1ffil.,3l{St{tir,,,,::;...i:..:..i.;i;i.,...i,iii...i';..-.ir}

rrfl';, f.iiffii ;Uttr\i,t I -q.l.ti
i':ft1 ..,.:.
l:r)l .r!l i) i{ltt. / {:{gt.trli: {i\rl tt.l,r ,, {l\t,il rrlltill8n \li: rrrl.iI urpilrut ,;u{*tr;ld).1''4'11,1,1fl:it.ir '{Ntttt

iiit{,l.ri,i.ill' !.

3(),) ,il'.'i t;;idt'l

Government of Rajasthan
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)
Certificate No. date:

:::::::1 ::11 :i::

*::f:::1"*;;;i VALID FOR THE YEAR

;;;il;i ;i :-:: : - :::*11::$lll5yJgi,":[

.......Post Office...... ..District.. .... in the State/Union
Territory.. ..........Pin Code....... .............."whose photograph is
attested below belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the gross annual income* of hisher
lfamily "n*is- below Rs. 8(Rupees Eight Lakh only) for the financial year.......................
His/her family does not own orpossess any of the following assets***:

l. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;

1. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;
ll. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities; .
lV. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.
2.Shri/Smt./Kumari. the......
belongs to caste
which is not
recognized as a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Backward Classes (Central List)
This certificate is recognizedfor Centre.
Passport size
photograph of
the applicant

Signature with seal of



"Note1. lncome covered all sourcesi.e. salary,agriculture, business, profession, etc

Note2.The term "Family" for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her
parents and siblings below the ageof 18 years as also hiVher spouse and children below the ageof
Note 3:The property held by a'Family" in different locations or different places cities have been clubbed
while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.
Note 4: This certificate is in relation to office memorandum number 360391112019&ESTT(RES) date
31-01-2019 & F No:12-412019 U1 date 17-01-2A19 issued by department of personnel and Training,
Ministry of personnel, public grievances and pensions, and Department of Higher Education,
Ministryof Human ResourceDevelopment.
Government of Rajasthan
(Name & Address of the authority issuing the certificate)
Certificate No. date:


This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari ............ .....son/daughter/wife
of ....permanent resident of .....Mllage/Street

in the State/Union Territory ........Pin Code....... ......"whose

photograph is attested below belongs to Economically Weaker Sections, since the gross annual income*
of his/her 'family "*nis below Rs.
8(Rupees Eight Lakh only) for thefinancial
year........ His/her family does not own orpossess any of the following assets*** :

l. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;

1. Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above;

ll. Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities; .

lV. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.

2.Shrilsmt./Kumari. belongs to the...... caste

which is not
recognized asa Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Other Bacl<ward Ctasses (Central /State List).
This certificate is recognizedfor both Centre /State of Rajasthan.
Passport size
photograph of
the applicant

Signature with seal of


"Note1. lncome covered all sourcesi.e. salary,agriculture, business, profession, etc

Note2.The term "Family" for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her
parents and siblings below the ageof 18 years as also his/her spouse and children below the ageof
Note 3:The property held by a'Family" in different locations or different places cities have been clubbed
while applying the land or property holding test to determine EW$ status.
Note 4: This certificate is in relation both (a) office memorandum number 360391112019&ESTT(RES)
date31-01-2019& F No:12412019 U1 date 17-01-2019 issued by department of personnel and Training,
Ministry of personnel, public grievances and pensions, and Department of Higher Education, Ministry of
Human Resource Development. (b) F TlllDOPlA-1112019 date 19-02-19 and F TlllDOPlA-lllzO19 dated
22-02-2019 issued by Department Of personnel, Government of Rajasthan.
i l,!r rr' !!Frr?


, ,i$q, 6
wffq]Ix a-nrl(Ecohonrically: Weaker Sections) $. frI,q ryE
iffiinrr/{tgr-{eriT qqq.E d sltfr{ [dt sfu t{I3ii + frri w qwf
ft d
fi silsrtg e[NeTrT fu,* Incorne & Assest Certificate
ffi Fg :!r{ ffiJ srffi

dq isr+T{/qsq rr*Drq d
{ fuq s+
fi frilf,{ trrnr/qrrft "Hfu
f,*B# qd Sf,rftE EiFaiEh
q,dI ofiq tg s@ep $q fi ffi tr'tr ft&
silIry d rtetl t[ r+ilqT qe wrft rnr,q m oqd I fi enrr ffi--{rA q q,ffqrt
ifro B,-
gn' O-rd''ffiR-. .:.i-ii.i.r.r.,...i.j..!:r
\ ;Il-q-..-...................:i:ir.i..:.r.r....r.j..........;.....
1. 3mrfiF o-I wI
,(,e-e srf;r-$ fi)

(q) s{r.d wr- :-."::-::" ..";":,. .--"--j-:-*::-:-""::*

E. trrrT oiltt# Eht .$fffr s,{qr-fi/Irlw{r rf,tcFrt gmr gTffim: ql1-{frf, qlHZ
q-gffi /cr';q W@*i frtuqfr, ffid' *qrffi, t(d
q1-Tfl q.fr t dI mffi ffi_qfh tBI qrq ft|dl-.....,,..,:.........*i
6.ft6*, g{w/ffi ffin fur,H*,frHlfrf,,I$fufrffi

frf,] q,ft q,. *.

.FI). ln.mffiffi*
fi) e/irwl
(q) W Ig ffi{I,lT dtr '{FI-
(e) 'fureqrq, I rsfr qfr E\{ dI-
,(F) s.*f,fl Frgftf, qft

(z) ffi(ffiq srrfi sflErunet--Tigffi TrE, {ffSln'.ftw strPzl TfrEIq cTrfr {

pf), fir;On ,aTI +lTrI
(q) rrE qH
,ffi *o rt, qrffo-quJ g-frqi ,qR' ftt.*. d

Ertrq onE ffirw{ q
F) qm+
(u) TfTe? a?:r qlrl
(e) qq qTq
(q} t lgGH,'qR urt{ Cr
(E) uW ,th1 il
(+1 ftr nmrd u'-d ot ,flt E( ruln'ffi r,a onR d ffi{
(u) r{rro EET nH
(u) vq nq
(u) towrt, qr'fr-tnwl Hfrn, qR d{ dl
(O o*o ffidn dt nr'ffs-

F) fl{ffi mf , *1 uitg,ffi{) ErrqrE, \'Ei'BEif{r sTrfr

F) sqrsftfrffl/ffi mr

iql $Tls gq frryor'*

iv ffiqfuA , d ,qiE{ qIKTRI' $il=q-ffriq EGIIS*...-i..'..r'ri'..'!!',

(sT} q-r-q /ffi-' rfrmf, {5ffi' fr m'e*E A qrf*fi cffi-
(r) qft. arrsFl q srql {*-fi t eilq-
'qlmfi * grm*

W sTIq r'rFr ir{qt +l Fnffin) -

(e) qmry qt{ st gfrnd-

,fr, srgs{r 'Eig S ft'' BilrfUiE qr{{ , T*t 'm ftnfRfr

t' -CIt .qFr
,t6g6rjm,** { o* u-,df # ,frs fr,s frEe' siT.srfl ,f,1 r+m"*ffi T' $
i"*'{ di' :Wff S,,fteqr \rEi
frd :fl ffi.qri'9, - ffi"ltq!fl{:ffiir
}rfiI ffi+.
o*, qf srqffi at
{tu ffi
W,uilq sdrditq f, trfi lFrffi,* ffi ffi
ff dtffiTrfiffiffi utffi: m qfrffi,r
.-1r .

,grr+t!ffi d, Effi_{fiI{

qtc- srrtff qe d ffisI Frrifuil rrnq q* tt sfuII ffiinrrfi uq t Tfil'{ ffi-

1. strilffi.m tl {eilrt.x ffiw +-tcJ ffi opn vS v-ffiffi qfu t
rrdilq'fr -mqlif I

i, gfi mt , fu iflH-I{ qF[d ,qtr ffi1ffiI+t ffir,g'rnr ;rw't/ffiI'qSEII'q qE[ '!hT

f ;d-:s ,1ffi \E qffi * fuf,'d K"No' mtt
s, rsd'm fu d Eilrfr'# HEq fu ry:=t.rm ffi- {fr afr wmq*/Htr
sTITu1 g1/ffi 'W
yq1v{ l 'qTr(
, Iaffirfl HIWL
qr, frmrH'qrff, Tn{
@,ftT.q+t qrft ei.Hif, Eir frt HqlFm ffi (pH
rifl{n Hr{r,qtfi rlrcrus: d tft dt) t
a. ['d eT il-$ q'fr fur r dEIH "qtqfug1 .s-.T{ Effi6:-1,6
ffi, sfr
5" .Tr*lrffis Erqffiq/msfu fi fi rnr*r,* ,m, *t , Eillqt ,qrfr qlffiffi"ttrt
trflqr q[ qrrd qsil*--1o .of gfr r

* q;U delT Eq+ U. W m d slRE fr .,.,.,... (I?EE eR TR t[QtrT...",,........' qtf

rriw 3rpff 6e Z B En\ fr qqfrr. etf ffi fi{r +l'.lr{ {iffi stil fi .rnw * I

k'{i ,-.=

F{f,'ff;fi'. 'T,eg'
F. iffi-{ Ff.'ftl{ ii.iii..,ri


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