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PAULO 59(2):51-56, 2004




Leandro Yoshinobu Kiyohara, Lilian Kakumu Kayano, Lorena Marçalo Oliveira,

Marina Uemori Yamamoto, Marco Makoto Inagaki, Nilson Yuji Ogawa, Polo
Eduardo San Martin Gonzales, Rosana Mandelbaum, Sílvio Tanaka Okubo, Thaís
Watanuki and Joaquim Edson Vieira

KIYOHARA LY et al. - Surgery information reduces anxiety in the pre-operative period. Rev. Hosp. Clín. Fac. Med. S. Paulo
59(2):51-56, 2004.

PURPOSE: Patients preparing to undergo surgery should not suffer needless anxiety. This study aimed to evaluate
anxiety levels on the day before surgery as related to the information known by the patient regarding the diagnosis, surgical
procedure, or anesthesia.
METHOD: Patients reported their knowledge of diagnosis, surgery, and anesthesia. The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory (STAI) was used to measure patient anxiety levels.
RESULTS: One hundred and forty-nine patients were selected, and 82 females and 38 males were interviewed. Twenty-
nine patients were excluded due to illiteracy. The state-anxiety levels were alike for males and females (36.10 ± 11.94 vs.
37.61 ± 8.76) (mean ± SD). Trait-anxiety levels were higher for women (42.55 ± 10.39 vs. 38.08 ± 12.25, P = 0.041). Patient
education level did not influence the state-anxiety level but was inversely related to the trait-anxiety level. Knowledge of
the diagnosis was clear for 91.7% of patients, of the surgery for 75.0%, and of anesthesia for 37.5%. Unfamiliarity with the
surgical procedure raised state-anxiety levels (P = 0.021). A lower state-anxiety level was found among patients who did not
know the diagnosis but knew about the surgery (P = 0.038).
CONCLUSIONS: Increased knowledge of patients regarding the surgery they are about to undergo may reduce their
state-anxiety levels.

KEY WORDS: Anxiety. Information. Surgery. Anesthesia. Diagnosis.

Interaction between the patient anxiety even without using medicines1. surgical procedure prior to surgery. In
and the anesthesiologist often occurs It is important to also consider that there addition, the most desired piece of in-
during a unique visit on the day be- might be some consideration as to how formation was the estimated length of
fore the surgery. The anesthesiologist detailed the information should be that stay in the hospital2. In a Danish study,
may follow a short check-up guide, is given to the patient. patients asked more about pain,
perform a specific physical examina- In a British study, 82% of patients anesthesia duration, and risk of impair-
tion, and prescribe sedatives. Usually, who underwent surgery had expressed ment of daily activities and less about
this is the first or even the only oppor- their desire to know more about the sedatives or complications3. In a study
tunity for the anesthesiologist to con- conducted in the United States, anxi-
tact the patient. ety in the preoperative period was re-
In order to avoid unnecessary anxi- From the Anesthesiology Department, duced by information about anesthesia
ety, it is advisable that the patient who Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, procedures, provided either by leaflets
University of São Paulo - São Paulo/SP,
is to undergo surgery does not fear the Brazil. or video4.
upcoming procedure. The anesthe- Received for publication on Anxiety is defined as behavioral
February 19, 2003.
siologist’s attention can greatly reduce manifestations that can be classified

Surgery information reduces anxiety in the pre-operative period REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 59(2):51-56, 2004
Kiyohara LY et al.

into 2 categories: state and trait anxi- The Spielberger State-Trait Anxi- ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni test
ety. State anxiety refers to any acute ety Inventory (STAI) was used to meas- for multiple comparisons. Results were
situational-driven episode of anxiety ure the anxiety levels. State anxiety considered statistically significant at P
and does not persist beyond the trig- indicates anxiety related to the present < 0.05. Statistical analyses were per-
gering situation. Trait anxiety is a pat- moment while trait anxiety indicates formed using SigmaStat 2.0 software
tern of anxiety that can be considered a stable dimension of personality5. The (SigmaStat for Windows Version 2.03,
a personality trait. High state-anxiety inventory was presented to the patient SPSS Inc.).
levels indicate high levels of anxiety to be read and answered. Those patients
at the moment of evaluation and high unable to read or understand the ques-
trait-anxiety levels indicate an anx- tions were considered illiterate, and RESULTS
ious personality5. their data was discarded after the in-
This study aims to observe the terview. The following cut-off points One hundred and forty-nine pa-
state-anxiety level on the day before have been suggested to define catego- tients were selected and interviewed,
surgery as related to the amount of in- ries of symptoms of trait-anxiety lev- but only 120 interviews were used; 82
formation the patient knows regarding els: low is less than 33, medium ranges females and 38 males were interviewed.
the diagnosis, surgery procedure, and from 33 to 49, and high is above 496. Twenty-nine patients had their inter-
anesthesia schedule. After the interview, students re- views discarded due to illiteracy and
viewed the patient’s clinical files re- were excluded from the state-trait anxi-
garding the diagnosis and prescribed ety statistical analysis. Patient ages
METHOD surgical for comparison with the an- were females, 48.7 ± 13.0, and males
swers from the interview. Those coin- 49.3 ± 16.0. Education levels were el-
The Institutional Ethical Commit- cident answers were considered correct ementary schooling, 76 (63.3%); high
tee Board approved the protocol. The even with some lack of precision with school grade, 30 (25%); and graduate
study protocol was designed as an ob- the medical nomenclature regarding achievement, 14 (11.7%).
servational investigation, which dic- the procedure; for example, “cholecys- There was no difference in state-
tated that no interference was to be tectomy” from medical files compared anxiety levels between males and fe-
made regarding the provision of infor- to “surgery to get rid of stone in the males, (36.10 ± 11.94 vs. 37.61 ± 8.76,
mation to the patient. Patients were se- gallbladder” from patient’s answer. P = 0.439). However, the mean trait-
lected randomly from a list of sched- The anxiety level was compared anxiety level was higher for women
uled surgical procedures. Patients were among patients with regard to their in- (42.55 ± 10.39) compared with men
chosen by means of a table of random formation about the diagnosis, surgi- (38.08 ± 12.25) (P = 0.041). The edu-
numbers 2 days in a week, with 10 pa- cal procedure, and anesthesia, which cation level did not influence the state-
tients in each group. Each patient was was classified into 2 groups: those anxiety level (P = 0.964). It is interest-
visited by 2 students the evening be- who were informed correctly and those ing to note, however, that the trait-anxi-
fore the surgery; 5 groups of visiting who were not. The influences of edu- ety level was inversely related to edu-
students were used. Pregnancy, trans- cation level and gender on the state- cational achievement with a statisti-
plant surgery, neurological diseases, trait anxiety were also considered. cally significant difference (Table 1).
and patients aged under 16 or older All measures are expressed as mean The majority of the patients had
than 80 were excluding conditions. ± SD. Values for state-anxiety as well as correct knowledge of their diagnosis
After explaining the questionnaire trait-anxiety levels from the STAI ques- (110, 91.7%). Ninety (75%) described
and obtaining the signed consent, the tionnaire were compared with educa- the surgical procedure quite correctly,
patients answered open questions tion level using analysis of variance but only 45 (37.5%) knew about the
about their education level and their (ANOVA). The STAI results separated by anesthesia procedure. The information
knowledge about the diagnosis, gender, as well as those from correct or about diagnosis (P = 0.456) or
upcoming surgery procedure, and type incorrect answers related to surgery, di- anesthesia (P = 0.229) did not influence
of anesthesia. The written questions agnosis, or anesthesia information, were the state-anxiety. However, patients
were: 1) “Do you know what your di- compared using Student’s t test. The re- who did not know the surgery proce-
agnosis is?” 2) “Do you know what lationship between STAI results for dure had higher state-anxiety levels (P
type of surgery you will be under- gender and the patient’s information re- = 0.021) (Table 2). There was no differ-
going?”, and 3) “Do you know what garding diagnosis, surgery, or ence in trait-anxiety levels between pa-
type of anesthesia you will receive?” anesthesia was analyzed using two-way tients who did or did not have correct

REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 59(2):51-56, 2004 Surgery information reduces anxiety in the pre-operative period
Kiyohara LY et al.

knowledge regarding their diagnosis (P Table 1 - State-trait anxiety results as related to gender and education level.
= 0.624), surgical procedure (P =
0.181), or anesthesia (P = 0.946). State (Mean ± SD) Trait (Mean ± SD)
There was no interaction of gender Sex Female 37.61 ± 8.76 42.55 ± 10.39
and surgery information with state- Male 36.10 ± 11.94 38.08 ± 12.25
P 0.439 0.041
anxiety (P = 0.419), but for those who
Education Elementary 36.95 ± 10.70 43.17 ± 11.39
knew about the surgical procedure the High School 37.43 ± 7.82 40.73 ± 9.03
anxiety level was lower. It is interest- Graduate 37.50 ± 9.52 30.93 ± 8.44
ing to note that state-anxiety levels in P 0.964 <0.001
men were significantly lower when they
had correct knowledge about their sur-
gical procedure. (P = 0.036). There was
Table 2 - State-trait anxiety results as related to information for diagnosis,
no interaction of gender and informa- anesthesia, or surgery.
tion about the anesthesia (P = 0.431) as
well as for that regarding the diagnosis
State (Mean ± SD) Trait (Mean ± SD)
(P = 0.311). Trait-anxiety was higher,
Diagnosis Known 37.34 ± 9.63 40.98 ± 11.42
although not statistically significant, Unknown 34.90 ± 12.40 42.80 ± 7.95
among women regardless of whether P 0.456 0.624
they had correct knowledge of their di- Anesthesia Known 36.29 ± 10.62 41.19 ± 11.29
agnosis (P = 0.513), surgical procedure Unknown 38.53 ± 8.33 41.04 ± 11.05
P 0.229 0.946
(P = 0.639), or anesthesia (P = 0.266).
The interaction between diagnosis Surgery Known 35.94 ± 9.33 40.34 ± 10.69
Unknown 40.70 ± 10.66 43.50 ± 12.34
and surgery information was not sig- P 0.021 0.181
nificant for state-anxiety (P = 0.170).
However, a lower state-anxiety was
found for those who had no informa-
tion about diagnosis but knew about
the proposed surgical procedure (P =
0.038) (Fig. 1). There were no statisti-
cally significant differences in state-
anxiety levels in the interaction be-
tween anesthesia and surgery (P =
0.432) and between anesthesia and di-
agnosis (P = 0.120).
Patients whose files recorded a
written diagnosis of cancer (20) did
not have higher state-anxiety level (P
= 0.351) or trait-anxiety (P = 0.069)
compared to those having a non-can-
cer diagnosis.


The findings of this study suggest Figure 1 - Surgery information reduces state-anxiety levels (Lower state-anxiety levels were
seen for patients with information about their prescribed surgical procedure regardless of their
that patients who have information re- information about diagnosis).
garding the surgical procedure they are
about to undergo may have lower
state-anxiety levels. Few patients were levels. In this sample, trait-anxiety was anxiety levels but the trait-anxiety
informed about anesthesia, but this higher for women. The education level level was inversely related to it.
finding did not affect state-anxiety apparently does not influence state- There is evidence in the literature

Surgery information reduces anxiety in the pre-operative period REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 59(2):51-56, 2004
Kiyohara LY et al.

that the practice of giving preoperative more information has been investi- limits to their time and attention, and
information can reduce patient anxi- gated15. However, there is still the pos- perhaps they find that the better way
ety4-8. However, some controversy still sibility that no substitute for a physi- to deal with such large amount of in-
remains, since for cardiac surgery, cian presence and attitude could do formation is to be abbreviated in talk-
information delivered either perso- any better. ing with patients rather than to be in-
nally or by pamphlets produced no The use of pamphlets or standard formative about all the treatment pos-
benefit9-11. It is also interesting to note written information might be ques- sibilities.
that any complete or minimal written tioned. Besides being indifferent to The number of patients familiar
information regarding anesthesia, the patients’ needs, such material does with the surgery proposals was rela-
while not significantly changing the not aid anxiety control9. Patients from tively low (73.2%), and very low for
state-anxiety levels, could increase the this sample with the correct informa- anesthesia (37.5%), possibly arousing
knowledge regarding anesthesia12. tion about surgery had reduced anxi- questions about whether the public
A previous study among Brazilian ety regardless the diagnosis informa- health system in Brazil fails to pro-
patients revealed several risk factors for tion (Fig. 1). This may suggest a sick vide information about medical proce-
preoperative anxiety. History of can- person might have more fear about un- dures. Providing information about
cer, psychiatric disorders, self-percep- expected surgery outcomes, in addi- anesthesia to the general population
tion, depression, trait-anxiety level, tion to dealing with the threat of a has been considered before. In one
pain, history of smoking, extent of the changing lifestyle. Patients may not study, among a sample of 401 patients,
proposed surgery, female gender, level necessarily have a proper background the most frequent concern was fear of
of education, and physical status ac- or family support to cope with all of the unknown17. The state-anxiety find-
cording to ASA constituted independ- these challenges. All things consid- ing in this sample correlates well with
ent risk factors for high preoperative ered, the physician would still have to the STAI measured anxiety in a 734-
state-anxiety levels13. Although not di- participate in this situation, and the patient study related to anesthesia pro-
rected towards investigating risk fac- use of guidelines may help but not cedures18. Also, the population studied
tors, the present study confirms some substitute for his role. in this hospital could have been ad-
of those previous findings and contrib- Trials on preoperative education versely affected by functional illit-
utes further in that it shows that pa- have not always shown differences be- eracy somehow. How this might affect
tients who could express their knowl- tween those who received or did not the state-anxiety outcome has not
edge about the proposed surgery had information regarding the surgery. been addressed and may deserve fur-
lower state-anxiety levels. Shuldham concludes that such con- ther investigation.
The patient’s right to receive all the flicting findings could be the result of An important limitation of these
information they might want is by no distinct study designs 16. This study results is that a variety of other valu-
means a subject to be preserved and protocol called for no interference with able information has not been ad-
taught to undergraduate medical stu- the patient’s knowledge of hospital dressed. The severity of illnesses, the
dents. However, doctors may have a rules, surgery procedures, or anesthesia prognosis, the possibility of life-threat-
weak awareness of their patients’ re- proposals at the time of investigating ening situations, the type of surgery as
sponses to the diseases they face, con- for anxiety. It is reasonable to believe palliative or curative, the unexpected
sidering them to be more negative than that any information they had may adverse effects from the disease, sur-
are the patients’ actual thoughts14. Ac- have come from a variety of sources, gery, or even the anesthesia can all af-
cordingly, it would be reasonable to such as the media, and not only from fect state-anxiety levels in other impor-
consider that not just any information medical services. This possibility may tant ways. Since this investigation was
would reduce anxiety, but the attend- bring into focus at least 2 considera- an observational study, it would be in-
ing physician has to know the right tions. One is related to the human im- teresting to proceed with further inves-
form and amount of information to pro- agination that can be calmed with tigations to address these considerable
vide. This is probably the case for this proper education and careful informa- factors even by means of controlled
sample, since knowledge of the diag- tion. The other is the diversity of medi- situations.
nosis did not influence the anxiety cal information provided by the media, In conclusion, patients who do not
level, whereas information regarding either by the Internet (World Wide hold information about surgery had
the surgical procedure did. A cost-ef- Web) or by the regular press, which ad- higher state-anxiety levels, and this
fective way of identifying patients dresses a multitude of events but in a study suggests such information may
who would most likely benefit from very impersonal way. Physicians have reduce anxiety regardless of diagnosis

REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 59(2):51-56, 2004 Surgery information reduces anxiety in the pre-operative period
Kiyohara LY et al.

information. Knowledge about anes- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS de Pesquisa (CNPq), to Leandro Y.

thesia or diagnosis did not influence Kyohara as a undergraduate student.
state-anxiety levels. The percentage of This study was supported by a We also wish to express our grati-
patients informed about anesthesia was grant from the Brazilian National Re- tude to the patients who agreed to par-
low and might be considered a subject search Council - Conselho Nacional ticipate.
to be addressed.


KIYOHARA LY e col. - Conhecimen- rio de Spielberger, State-Trait Anxiety tico fora claro para 91,7% dos pacien-
to sobre cirurgia reduz ansiedade Inventory (STAI), mediu a ansiedade. tes entrevistados, cirurgia para 75% e
pré-operatória. Rev. Hosp. Clín. RESULTADOS: Cento e quarenta anestesia para 37,5%. O desconheci-
Fac. Med. S. Paulo 59(2):51-56, e nove pacientes foram selecionados, mento da cirurgia elevou a ansiedade-
2004. 82 mulheres e 38 homens foram entre- estado (P = 0,021) cujo menor índice
vistados. Vinte e nove pacientes foram foi encontrado entre pacientes que não
PROPÓSITO: Pacientes que vão excluídos do estudo por analfabetis- conheciam seu diagnóstico, mas sabi-
ser operados não devem sofrer ansie- mo. A ansiedade-estado foi semelhan- am sobre a cirurgia (P = 0,038).
dade. Este estudo tem por objetivo te para homens e mulheres, (36,10 ± CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento
comparar o grau de ansiedade no dia 11,94 vs. 37,61 ± 8,76) (mean + SD). sobre a cirurgia a ser realizada pode re-
anterior à cirurgia entre pacientes que A ansiedade-traço foi maior entre mu- duzir o estado de ansiedade.
têm informação sobre seu diagnóstico, lheres (42,55 ± 10,39 vs. 38,08 ±
cirurgia e anestesia. 12,25, P = 0,041). O nível de educa- UNITERMOS: Ansiedade. Infor-
MÉTODOS: Pacientes referiram ção não influenciou a ansiedade-esta- mação. Cirurgia. Anestesia. Diagnós-
seu conhecimento sobre o diagnósti- do mas mostrou-se inversamente rela- tico.
co, a cirurgia e a anestesia. O inventá- cionado à ansiedade-traço. O diagnós-


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