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By M. Fugazza1 and L. Natale, 2 Member, ASCE

ABSTRACT: In the present engineering practice, direct formulas are not given for
the preliminary hydraulic design of Jarlan-type breakwaters: Only qualitative ob-
servations and heuristic considerations are reported. The writers analyze the wave
attenuation produced by the permeable structure and propose design formulas that
can be used for the optimized hydraulic design of Jarlan-type breakwaters. The
proposed model, based on the linear wave theory, is validated by comparison of
the theoretical results with the experimental measurements of other authors. The
results show that the Jarlan-type breakwater with a single chamber gives the most
effective wave reduction in the range of practical applications and that no particular
configuration of the porous wall can be suggested as the best one. The size of the
breakwater cannot be standardized, since the optimum hydraulic design of the
structure is linked to the parameters of the design wave. Moreover, the proposed
design formulas may be used to approximately predict the response of the structure
to incident irregular waves.


Since the early application proposed by Jarlan (Jarlan 1961, 1965), per-
forated breakwaters were extensively adopted to reduce wave motion in
front of vertical wall breakwaters (Quinn 1972). Perforated breakwaters
were installed on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea: In Italy such structures
were used in the port area of Naples as breakwater wharfs as well as external
breakwaters in Porto Torres, Sardinia, and Palermo, Sicily.
The perforated breakwater is a wave chamber that occupies the body of
a caisson breakwater; the seaward wall of the chamber is perforated and
the backwall is impermeable. The longitudinal span of the wave chamber
is restrained by solid walls; sometimes perforated walls are inserted in the
chamber. The incident waves can partially pass through the front face of
the breakwater so that the reflection is reduced. The interference of the
waves on the front and back of the perforated face and the energy dissipation
of the water jets issuing from the wall holes are the main hydraulic mech-
anisms that control the phenomenon.
Perforated breakwaters of a special type were proposed more recently
(Ijima et al. 1976, Onishi and Nagai 1979).
Ikeno et al. (1988) proposed a technological improvement of the Jarlan-
type breakwater: They suggested to pressurize the wave chamber and to
vary the resonant mode of the breakwater in order to tune its response to
the period of the incident wave.
Initially the studies of the hydrodynamic behavior of the structure were
essentially heuristic (Marks and Jarlan 1968; Terret et al. 1968). A first
attempt to explain in a general way the hydraulic phenomenon was presented
by Richey and Sollit (1970). They were able to explain the resonant behavior
•Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Hydr. and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of Pavia, Via Abbiate-
grasso 213, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
Prof., Dept. of Hydr. and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of Pavia, Via Abbiategrasso 213,
27100 Pavia, Italy.
Note. Discussion open until June 1, 1992. To extend the closing date one month,
a written request must be filed with the A S C E Manager of Journals. The manuscript
for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on January 27,1990.
This paper is part of the Journal of Waterway, Port,-Coastal, and Ocean Engineering,
Vol. 118, No. 1, January/February, 1992. © A S C E , ISSN 0733-950X/92/0001-0001/
$1.00 + $.15 per page. Paper N o . 26512.

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

of the perforated breakwater only in terms of interaction between the jets
of water and the inertia of the water stored in the chamber. Sawaragi and
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Iwata (1973, 1978, 1979) interpreted the wave system generated at the bar-
rier as a superposition of infinite number of progressive waves. These au-
thors adjusted their formulas using experimental results.
Kondo (1979) considered only incident and reflected progressive waves
in the open sea and in the chambers: Kondo's simplified approach is valid
with hypotheses that are acceptable in many real situations (Natale 1983).
In spite of the simplicity of the proposed method, Kondo did not give explicit
formulas for the hydraulic design of the breakwater.
Other authors (Horiguchi 1976; Natale 1983; Hagiwara 1984) used a stan-
dard dividing region method to solve the boundary value problem derived
from the linear description of the water wave system diffracted by the
perforated breakwater. The first two authors considered the same water
depth inside and outside the chamber. In this way they consistently reduced
the complexity of the solution of the mathematical problem. Their ap-
proaches, which will be discussed in the next section, lead to design formulas
of the perforated breakwater; the general approach of Hagiwara requires
cumbersome computations. Horiguchi (1979) extended his procedure using
Stokes' second-order wave theory. Fugazza (1983) gave the solution for the
multichamber breakwater.
At present, in the engineering practice, simple formulas are not available
for the preliminary design of perforated breakwaters; generally only qual-
itative observations and heuristic considerations have been reported (Goda
In the present paper the authors propose a very simple method that can
be used for the optimized hydraulic design of Jarlan-type breakwaters.


Let us consider the structure sketched in Fig. 1, where h is the Stillwater

depth and B is the length of the chamber, and suppose that the Stillwater
depth is the same inside and outside the chamber. Let us assume mono-
chromatic, long-crested and small-amplitude waves normally incident on the
barrier: The wave number of the incident wave is k = 2-n/L, where L denotes
the wave length, and the wave height is H.
The solution of the linearized wave problem, as presented in Appendix
I, is set in the form of velocity potential $ of superposed systems of incident
and reflected progressive waves and of evanescent waves, with (dx<i>, 3Z$)
= (u, w) and d,<t> = — pip.
The fluid velocity vector is v = (u, w),p = p(z) is the dynamic pressure,
and p is the density of the water.
Trie movement of the fluid in the external field ft0 (open sea) is connected
to the movement in the inner field Oj (wave chamber); for incompressible
fluid the continuity equation at the perforated wall is:
«o = «i (1)
and the dynamic equation is:
£l _ £2 « ^yi f dUdl = Q (2)
p p 2 ' ' h '
where U = ruQ is the mean velocity of the water in the pores; / = the length
of the jet flowing through the pores; and a = the loss coefficient. The

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.
z i
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V _l ( 0 , 0 ) ( B , 0)
1 G> X
1(0,-h) (B,-h)

One-chamber Breakwater

V | ( 0 , 0 ) 11 .. .
1 1—7''
I 1 Q, 1 1
11 a„ a I <j> I
i I ' 1
'' _jo ,• i _ l i ± |2 / ./ 1 N- 1 N
.. .•
n '•!

Multichamber Breakwater
FIG. 1. Definition Sketch and Coordinate System

porosity of the wall r is defined as r = A„/(A0 + A p ), where A„ and A p

are, respectively, the area of the perforated and solid portion of the wall.
The importance of the local inertia term is feeble so that the length of
the jet / may be assumed to be equal to the thickness of the wall b.
Indeed experiments of Urashima et al. (1986) have showed that the length
/ changes with the wavelength but its value is always very small: The results
depend very weakly on the value of this length.
The head losses at the wall are computed using the plate orifice formula
when the diameter of the pores D is relatively large (D/b > 0.5); otherwise
the pipe formula must be used.
In their experiences Hattori (1972) and Kondo (1979) evaluated the losses
of head using the plate orifice formula:

J_ - 1 (3)
where Cc = the contraction coefficient for the jet.
From the data presented by Kondo (1979) it seems that the contraction
coefficient increases with decreasing D/b. When D/b is greater than 0.5, the
contraction coefficient assumes the standard value for plate orifice Cc —
0.6; when the wall is relatively thick, Cc assumes the meaning of discharge
coefficient and IICc = 1 . 5 . The coefficient does not seem to depend on
Reynolds number in practical situations.
Hattori (1972) did not give any systematic interpretation of his experi-
ments but concluded that the discharge coefficient ranged from 0.4 to 0.75.

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

The change of the aspect ratio of the pores could partially explain the scatter
of the experimental results obtained by Hattori.
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For the solution of the wave problem, the velocity potential must be
introduced in (1) and (2). Usually the head-loss term in (2) is linearized as
3 A - d,$ 0 - (3ax<D0 - /ax,4>0 = 0 (4)

The expression of the parameter (3 will be obtained using Lorentz's trans-

formation (Ippen 1966), which equals the dissipation of energy computed
by means of a linear term to the nonlinear dissipation. Horiguchi (1976)
took into account explicitly the variation of the linear loss coefficient p along
the wall; he defines the coefficient p as a function of the depth of the pores,
P = P(z). Natale (1983) computed the loss coefficient by averaging the
power along the wall so that p could be regarded constant. The assumption
P = constant is partially consistent with the assumption of r = constant
along the perforated wall. However, on ground of expediency, only walls
with uniform porosity are usually constructed: The porous wall can have a
solid heel without any influence on the reflective response of the breakwater
when the relative depth is large enough.
The solutions proposed by the two different authors give equivalent results
as shown in Fig. 2, where the same situations were examined: water depth
fi = 3 m , wave height H = 1 m, and chamber length B = 4 m .
The design procedure discussed in this paper is based on the formulas
proposed by Natale: For the sake of completeness the formulas are given
in Appendix I.
After some algebraic manipulations, from (31) and (32) of Appendix I,
the reflection coefficient Kr (ratio of the amplitude of the reflected wave
to the amplitude of the incident wave) is obtained:
_ V(C 2 + W2)2 + W2R\W2R2 + 2C 2 - 2W2)
C2 + W2(l + R)2 (5)




Kr 0,6



J i I i L
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

FIG. 2. Reflection Coefficient Kr versus B/L; Comparison between Theoretical

Results of Horiguchi (1976) and Natale (1983)

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

where the following dimensionless parameters are defined:
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P = Ik, R = (3 ( - ] , W = tan(kB), C = 1 - PW

with co being the wave angular frequency of the progressive incident wave.
Moreover, the reduction coefficient KA (ratio of the amplitude of the par-
tially standing wave at the front face of the breakwater to the amplitude of
the perfect clapotis) of the perforated breakwater may be obtained:
_ V ( C 2 + W2R2 + W2R)2 + C2W2
~ C2 + W2(l + R)2 (6)

The dimensionless parameter R is linked to the unknown linear dissipation

coefficient (3:
8a W 5 + cosh(2kh)
9TT VW 2 (« + l) 2 + C2 2kh + sinh(2kh) { )


The validity of the formulas expressed by (5) and (6) was checked com-
paring the theoretical results to experimental measurements: Reference is
made to the laboratory tests carried out with monochromatic waves by
Liberatore (1974) and Kondo (1979) and to the experiments with irregular
waves presented by Sawaragi and Iwata (1979).
These authors tested breakwaters having perforated walls with relatively
large diameter of the pores.
Since the assumption of constant p in (5) and (6) underestimates slightly
the head losses at the sudden enlargement, (3) was empirically modified:

£)"-' »
Slight improvement was obtained using Cc = 0.55 instead of Cc = 0.6 as
will be shown in Fig. 3.
Liberatore considered breakwaters with one and two chambers; the dif-
ferent arrangements were tested changing the width of the chamber(s) and/
or the porosity of the wall(s). The amplitude and the period of the incident
wave were not changed; the partially standing wave in front of the porous
wall was measured. For different porosities of the wall(s), Liberatore gave
the reduction coefficient KA as a function of the ratio of the total width of
the breakwater B to the wavelength L.
The theoretical results are compared to the experimental data in Figs. 3
and 4, where r1 is the porosity of the seaward perforated wall and r2 the
porosity of the intermediate wall.
Kondo (1979) tested breakwaters with one and two chambers; the width
of the chamber(s) was kept constant, and the period of the incident wave
was varied. Kondo gave the reflection coefficient Kr as a function of the
relative width BIL. In Figs. 5(A) and 5(b) the values of Kr measured by
Kondo are compared to the theoretical results.
In their experiments, Sawaragi and Iwata (1979) generated composite
waves summing up a finite number of sinusoidal waves with given wave

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

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0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

FIG. 3. Reduction Coefficient KA versus B/L; Comparison between Theoretical

Results and Experimental Data for One-Chamber Breakwater (Liberatore 1974)

1,0 1 1 1 ' 1 - • -

r=0.33 -
0,9 - o\ + rl=0.33-r2=0.2
O .



I . I .

0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5

FIG. 4. Reduction Coefficient KA versus B/L; Comparison between Theoretical

Results and Experimental Data for Two-Chambers Breakwater (Liberatore 1974)

phase to approximate irregular wind waves: Sawaragi and Iwata defined the
efficiency of the breakwater by means of the parameter (Kcp)m, (Kcp)1/3,
(Kcp)mo, which is the ratio of the zero upcrossing height (maximum, %,
Vio) of the standing wave at the point of the maximum water-level fluctuation
seaward the breakwater, to the corresponding zero upcrossing height of the
incident wave.
The tests of Sawaragi and Iwata were numerically simulated in the present
work with the hypothesis that the component waves do not interfere each
other strongly when they pass through the porous walls. In this case the
linearized head loss due to each wave may not be affected by the presence

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

O rl=0.34 - r2=0.2
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• r = 0.34

0,4 0,6 1,0

FIG. 5(a). Reflection Coefficient K, versus B/L. Comparison between Theoretical
Results and Experimental Data (Kondo 1979)

1,4 "IIL " T i • 1

, ,_
' • r=U.2
1,2 — O r l - 0 . 2 - r2=0.2

1,0 •

0,8 - \ / ® \ •

a --"
J"'" ° V
0,2 •

• 1 1
0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0
FIG. 5(b). Reflection Coefficient Kr versus B/L. Comparison between Theoretical
Results and Experimental Data (Kondo 1979)

of the other components. Using the superposition of the computed results

for each component with given height and period, (Kcp)m was deduced from
the computed wave envelopes by means of the same procedure as the ex-
periments: In Fig. 6, the computed values of (Kcp)m and the experimental
values obtained in the test series W18 of Sawaragi and Iwata are given as
a function of BIL.
Subsequently, for monochromatic waves with the heights Hm and Hmo
and the periods T1/3 and Tmo, the parameters Kcp were computed. Fig. 7
shows that the theoretical values based on the monochromatic approxi-
mation agree rather well with the measurements when BIL is small enough.

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

2,0 -• i • i • 1 • r
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0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 1,4

FIG. 6. Reflection Coefficient Kr versus BIL for Irregular Waves; Comparison

between Theoretical Results Considering Composite Wave and Experimental Data
(Sawaragi and Iwata (1979)




K 1,6



0,0 0,1 0,3 0,2 0,4 0,5
FIG. 7. Reflection Coefficient Kr versus BIL for Irregular Waves; Comparison
between Theoretical Results Considering Monochromatic Wave and Experimental
Data (Sawaragi and Iwata 1979)

The agreement becomes worse as the relative width of the wave chamber


The theoretical model allows us to analyze in detail the hydrodynamic

phenomenon. The perforated breakwater behaves as a resonant system with
dissipation. At resonance the wave reflection is at its minimum and the
reflected wave is approximately out of phase with the incident wave.

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

At resonance the value of KA can be smaller than 0.5 as shown in Fig.
3, i.e., the amplitude of the clapotis at the front face of the breakwater can
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be smaller than the amplitude of the incident wave. Theoretically, at res-

onance the structure can dissipate almost completely the energy of the
incident wave as shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b). Neglecting the influence of
the inertia term, the resonant condition for one chamber breakwater is given
B L n=
" = ^J^ °' 1 ' 2 <9>
However, the resonant mode of practical interest is the fundamental mode
(n = 0), i.e., B = 0.25L because of the width limit of the breakwater.
In view of the results shown in Figs. 4 and 5, the insertion of an inter-
mediate porous wall may reduce KA and Kr only for values of BIL > 0.35.
Therefore the insertion of internal porous walls is not justified hydraulically.
It is hence recommended that the structural reinforcement of the wave
chamber should interfere as little as possible with the movement of the
The dissipation associated with the flux throughout the intermediate wall
may increase the total loss of energy, but the increase of the number of
intermediate walls hampers the movement of the water in the wave cham-
bers. When the fluid velocity is reduced, the efficiency of intermediate
barriers may be reduced.
If the length of the incident wave is of the order of 100 m, structural
requirements restrict the relative width BIL of the wave chamber to be
smaller than 0.25.
The optimum hydraulic design of the Jarlan-type breakwater requires
that, for the design wave, the porosity r and the width B should be chosen
so as to minimize the reflection coefficient Kr. The best hydraulic design
suggests that the wave chamber should be chosen as wide as possible in
order to approximate the resonant condition. Consequently, for the break-
water of given width, the minimum condition for Kr requires dKJdr = 0
[as Kr = Kr(r) is concave]. Assuming that the inertia effect related to / is
negligible and C = 1 in (5), after some manipulations the minimum con-
dition leads to the equation:
W4R4 + 2W4R3 - 2W2(1 + W2)R - (W2 + l) 2 = 0 (10)
Correspondingly, (7) can be rewritten as:
R2[l + W2(l + R)2] = G2a2s2 (11)
where 5 = H/L is the steepness of the incident wave and:
16W[5 + cosh(2fc/Q]
9[2kh + sihh(2kh)]
Substituting the unique real positive solution of (10) in (5) and (11), the
following design formulas are obtained:

^ = w + VWTTT: (12)

^2(1 + W2) (1 + W2 + W\/W2 + 1) -


J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

1,2 1,6
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1,2 1,6

FIG. 8. Reflection Coefficient Kr and Design Parameter 6 as Function of kB and

min «

The nomograph of Fig. 8 gives the design parameter 0 = as and the min-
imum reflection coefficient Krmjn as a function of the dimensionless param-
eters kh and kB. The porosity r is obtained by inserting the value of a in
(8) or in the equivalent one.


The results discussed in this paper show that the Jarlan-type breakwater
with a single chamber gives the largest reduction of wave reflection in the
range of practical applications.
The design formulas allow us to make the following conclusions:

1. Eq. (12) gives a lower bound to the reflection capacity of the breakwater
that depends only on the relative width BIL of the wave chamber.
2. The hydrodynamic behavior of the breakwater is influenced by the energy
losses at the wall only through the parameter a for this simplified analysis; this
value can be obtained with different combinations of porosity, shape of the
holes, thickness of the wall. Therefore, no particular configuration of the porous
wall can be suggested as the best one.
3. Since the optimum hydraulic design of the structure is linked to the pa-

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

rameters of the design wave, the size of the breakwater cannot be standardized
and is site specific.
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The procedure suggested can easily guide the engineer for the preliminary
design. Moreover, the design formulas may be used to predict the response
of the structure to irregular incident waves. However, a detailed design will
require site-specific model tests.


In the flow field Oy(/ = 0,1) the wave potential is given in terms of the
eigenfunctions Fs{z) = cosh[&y(z + hj)] and Fjn(z) = cos[My„(z + /z,)]:
<J>, = Re{Fj(z) [(cij + ibf)el^x-^ + (c, + idy)e''<*'*+0">]}

+ Re I f Fjn(z) [(a,„ + ibjn)e~Mi»* + (cJn + id^e^e'A (14)

where i = V - l , a0 = H g/[2w cosh(koh)] with k0 = k being the wave

number of the progressive incident wave, b0 = 0.
The height of the incoming wave is H; g is the acceleration of gravity, T
is the wave period, and to = 2ir/T is the angular frequency.
The dispersion relationship is given by:
to2 = g kjtanh(kjhj) = - g MJntan(Mj„hj) (15)
which determines the eigenvalues kj and Mjn.
For the case of h} = h (constant) (15) gives kj = k, MJn = Mn, Fj(z) =
F(z), and 7v„(z) = F„(z).
At the porous wall located at x = 0, the following matching conditions
must be satisfied:
dx*„ - M»i = 0 (16)
3 A - d,*0 - |33,<&o - /drffco = 0 (17)
At the solid back wall located at x = B the no-flux conditions must be
fl**i = 0 (18)
Eq. (14) with; = 0 and 1 is inserted in (16)—(18). The resulting equations
are solved by means of the dividing region method: These equations mul-
tiplyed by F(z) and F„(z) are integrated over the interval ( — h,0). Because
of the orthogonality of the eigenfunctions, the system of linear equations
in the unknowns c0, d0, au bu clt d1 and c0„, d0n, aln, bln, cln, dln (n =
1,2, . . .) results:
d0 - h - dx = 0 (19)
c0 + ax - cx = a0 (20)
Pc0 + (R + l)d„ + bj, - dy = Pa0 (21)
(R + l)c 0 - Pd0 - ax - Cj = (R - 1)A0 (22)
W0l + bi + Wcj. + di = 0 (23)

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

«! - Wbt - cx + Wd1 = 0 (24)
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c0„ + fli„ - c ln = 0 (25)

do„ + bln - dln = 0 (26)
RnCor, - (P„ + l)d0n + bln + dln = 0 (27)
(P„ + l)c0„ + fl„< - «i„ - cln = 0 (28)
auE- - clnE: =0 (29)
buE£ - duE- =0 (30)

P = Ik, R = p (-), W = tan(JtB)

K = Pf^j, P,, = /M„, £ - = exp(±M„B)

Eqs. (19)-(30) are independent. The system of (25)-(30) is homogeneous

and its rank is maximum so that the null solution only exists:
Co, = d0„ = aln = bln = cln = dln = 0 (n = 1,2, . . .)
which suggest that evanescent waves vanish. In fact, (1) and (4) with (3 being
constant are compatible with the same distribution of velocity potential along
both faces of the porous wall: Evanescent waves are not required to match
the wave systems on the front and back face because of the assumption of
constant p.
Eqs. (19)-(24) give:
C 2 - W 2 (l - R2)
° ~ "o C 2 + W 2(1 ^ i (31)

d0 - a0 C
^ 2 _+,_ W2n
W2(l M+ wR)2 ( 32 )

with C = 1 - PW.
Moreover the expressions of the coefficients a1,bucl,d1 can be obtained.
In the case of the multichamber breakwater (Fig. 1 with N > 1) the system
of 4N + 2 equations is obtained (Fugazza 1983).
From the matching conditions similar to (16) at the /'th porous wall be-
tween the regions / and / + 1 (/' = 0,1, . . . , N - 1),2N equations are
Wfl, + bj + Wfy + dj = W,a,+1 + bi+1 + Wjcj+1 + dj+l (33)
a, - b,W, - cj + Wjdj = aJ+1 - b]+1Wj - cj+1 + WjdJ+1 (34)
For the matching conditions similar to (17) at/th porous wall (/ = 0, . . . ,
N - 1) 2N equations are derived:
[Pj + Wj(l - Rj)}ai + (1 - Rj)bj - [Pj + W,(l + R,)]c,
- (1 + R,)dj = W,a,+1 + bJ+1 - WjCj+1 - dJ+1 (35)

J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

(1 - R,)a, - [Pj + W,(l - R,)]bj + (1 + RJ)CJ
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'- [Pj + Wj(l + R,)]d, = aj + 1 - Wjb,+1 + cj + l - Wjdj + 1 (36)

From no-flux condition at the solid back wall (/ = N), two equations are
WNaN + bN + WNcN + dN = 0 (37)
aN - WNbN - cN + WNdN = 0 (38)
The dimensionless parameters W,-, Pj, Rj contain the distance Bj of the ;'th
porous wall from the origin, the jet length /,, and the linear coefficient of
dissipation p ; at the / t h porous wall:
8a,-,...,,. 5 + cosh(2kh)
Py = ^ tfrunh(tt) 2kh + s.nl(2k h) (39)
Uj = k cos(kBj)
V K - + bj - Wfa + CjW + [fly - cj - Wj(bj - dj)f (40)


Fugazza, M. (1983). "Efficiency of perforated breakwaters and preliminary approx-

imate design." Int. Report 148, Dept. of Hydraulic and Envir. Engrg., Univ. of
Pavia, Italy (in Italian).
Goda, Y. (1985). Random seas and design of maritime structures. Univ. of Tokyo
Press, Tokyo, Japan.
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The following symbols are used in this paper:

Av = perforated portion of porous wall;

Ap = solid portion of porous wall;
B = width of wave chamber;
b = thickness of porous wall;
C = relative jet length = 1 - PW;
Ce = contraction coefficient at porous wall;
g = acceleration of gravity;
H = height of incident wave;
h = water depth;
KA = reduction coefficient of breakwater;
Kr = reflection coefficient of breakwater;
k = wave number of progressive wave;
L = wavelength;
/ = jet length;
M„ = wave number of evanescent waves (n = 1,2, . . .);
P = dimensionless jet length = Ik;
p = pressure;
R = rate of energy decay = pfc/co;
r = porosity of wall;
s = wave steepness;
T = wave period;
u = horizontal fluid velocity;
w = vertical fluid velocity;
U = mean velocity of water in pores;
W = dimensionless width of chamber = tan(kB);
a = dissipation coefficient at the porous wall;
(3 = linearized dissipation coefficient;
d, = partial derivative respect to /;
$ = velocity potential;
p = density of water;
w = wave angular frequency; and
9 = design parameter = as.


J. Waterway, Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 1992.118:1-14.

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