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An Integrated Approach for Mango Production and Quality Management

Conference Paper · January 2009

DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3405.9529


1 162

10 authors, including:

Laurent Urban Frédéric Normand

Université d´Avignon et des Pays du Vaucluse Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le développement


Pierre-Eric Lauri Sylvie Jaffuel

French National Institute for Agricultural Research Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le développement


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ARIMNET project: Apple and Peach in Mediterranean orchards – Integrating tree water status and irrigation management for coping with water scarcity and aphid
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An Integrated Approach for Mango Production and Quality
M. Jannoyer L. Urban, M. Léchaudel and
Département FLHOR du CIRAD F. Normand
TA 50 / PS4, Boulevard de la Lironde Département FLHOR du CIRAD, UPR PFI
34398 Montpellier cedex 5 Station de Bassin Plat, BP 180
France 97455 Saint Pierre cedex, Reunion Island

P.-E. Lauri S. Jaffuel

Equipe INRA-AGRO.M Architecture et UMR T51 AMAP, TA40/PS2
Fonctionnement des Espèces Fruitières Boulevard de la Lironde
UMR 1098 2, place Pierre VIALA 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5
34 060 Montpellier Cedex 2 France

P. Lu J. Joas
CSIRO, Departement of Plant Industry Département FLHOR du CIRAD
Private Bag 44,Winnellie, NT 0821 UPR TROPIQUAL, Station de la Bretagne
Darwin BP 20, 97408 Saint Denis Messagerie
Australia cedex 9, Reunion Island
M.-N. Ducamp
Département FLHOR du CIRAD
UPR TROPIQUAL, 73 rue JF Breton
TA50/PS4, 34 398 Montpellier, Cedex 5

Keywords: modelling, tree architecture, training, post-harvest physiology, Mangifera

indica, integrated production

The aim of this paper is to present an original, integrated approach
developed in Reunion Island by Cirad in collaboration with other agronomic
research organizations (Inra-France, Csiro-Australia). Our objective is to improve
our understanding of the mango tree architecture and physiology in relation to fruit
quality and shelf life in order to improve orchard management techniques (pruning,
irrigation, harvest date…) and post-harvest practices. We postulate that innovative
approaches should restrict or even ban the use of chemicals in order to meet the
requirements of consumers for integrated fruit production. Our central hypotheses
are that: i) tree functioning is mainly controlled by the availability of carbohydrates,
ii) flower induction is controlled by both carbohydrate status and leaf
age/temperature, and iii) fruit quality depends on pre–harvest (tree carbohydrate
status) as much as on post-harvest conditions. The actual stage of development of
our approach is presented. Our major validated models are a biochemical model of
leaf photosynthesis capable to account for the presence of inflorescences and fruits,
and a carbon and water-based model of fruit quality determination at the branch
level. Models of carbohydrate management at tree level and phenology are in the
process of being built. The possibility to include the effect of irrigation on
photosynthesis and the effect of growing conditions on the post-harvest behaviour of
mangoes are currently investigated. Additional studies have been carried out with
the aim of extrapolating our findings to cultivars other than ‘Cogshall’, our major
plant model so far. The expected outcomes of our modelling approach are discussed
in the light of our results. The prospect of including pest and disease management in

Proc. VIIIth Int. Mango Symposium

Ed.: S.A. Oosthuyse 239
Acta Hort. 820, ISHS 2009
our global approach is evoked.

Although mango production is cultivated since long, yield and quality are still at
rather low levels. Average yield in the world is less than 10 t/ha because of poor control
of flowering and, generally speaking, poor tree management. Fruit quality, defined either
in terms of size, organoleptic characteristics or shelf life potential, varies a lot within
trees, at the orchard scale, and from one location, and even year, to another. The low and
unpredictable yields, in addition to the irregular quality of fruits clearly limit the potential
of mango production for the local as well as for the export market.
Our general hypothesis is that mango production and fruit quality are managed
mainly by carbohydrates fluxes, at the branch and tree levels. We considered too that tree
ecophysiology is a key point to orchard and fruit quality management (Wolstenholme and
Whiley, 1995).
This modelling work conducted by this team is based on the principles of
biotechnical models’ construction which have been defined in the INRA Integrated Fruit
Production project (Habib, 2000). We thus strive to take the entire production cycle into
account, which means considering the effects of phenology and cultural practices
(girdling and irrigation at this stage) on photosynthesis and carbohydrate allocation at the
whole tree level. We consider the individual fresh product and its characteristics
(Léchaudel, 2004) and we try to account for the variability of fruit quality at different
organizational scales, as well as the impact of cultural practices (field and post harvest
techniques). The modelling approach allows us to integrate effects of environmental and
growing factors, as well as their interactions at different integrating scales: organs (leaf
and fruit), branches, and the whole tree. The major physiological functions and processes
we take into account are: carbon assimilation, carbohydrate storage and mobilization,
vegetative growth (linking branch and root growth), flowering, fruit growth, fruit quality,
and post harvest behaviour. This global approach aims at explaining the effects of
interactions between environmental and technical factors within the framework of a
global model.
Most of the experiments were conducted at the Cirad Flhor Bassin Plat station at
Saint-Pierre-de-la-Réunion (20°52’48’’S, 55°31’48’’E; 150 m ASL). Some trials were
realized in collaboration with some producers. Mango trees ('Cogshall' variety grafted on
'Maison Rouge' rootstock) of ages ranging from 4 to 12 years were managed according to
usual recommendations, with a density of 4 m x 6 m, light pruning after harvest,
fertilisation after harvest and at the beginning of fruit set and before withholding
irrigation (from May to July).
Different modelling approaches were developed in parallel. For the photosynthesis
model, we adapted the biochemical model of Farquhar (Urban et al., 2003). For fruit
growth and quality, we worked on girdled branches that allow controlling the leaf-to-fruit
ratio (i.e. the source/sink relationships). We used a model of water and carbohydrate
fluxes (the “Cashoo” peach model of Lescouret et al., 1998 adapted by Léchaudel, 2004),
as well as the biophysical representation of fruit growth of Fishman and Génard (1998).
To allow up scaling to the whole tree level, we measured at six key-stages (before
flowering, during flowering, during fruit growth, at harvest and during vegetative flushes)
of the productive cycle, sugar contents in all tree compartments (roots, trunk, branches,
growth units, inflorescences, fruits, leaves). In this last experiment, we studied the
phenology effect on the total sugars content in relationship with irrigation.
To link field and post harvest fruit quality, we analyzed field conditions of fruit
growth (mainly leaf-to-fruit ratio, irrigation and light) with fruit conservation along with
the post-harvest evolution of organoleptic quality criteria (aromatic contents, sugar
contents, acidities, texture) (Delroise, 2004). We studied, using molecular biology
techniques, the fruit fermentation processes during the mango fruit maturation, in

particular during the climacteric peak. We moreover tested several coatings and films
wrapping materials with different selective gas permeability properties to obtain
determined modified atmosphere to get longer shelf life and to allow transportation for
matured mangoes (Thai Thi et al., 2002; Varoquaux et al., 2002).


Our global approach is synthesized in Figure 1.

Detailed results about the photosynthesis model are presented in a separate paper
in this symposium (Urban et al., 2006). They show that prospects for simulation of carbon
gains are rather good, although the complexity of factors involved in photosynthesis
inhibition during the flowering period seems difficult to integrate. They also stress the
need to develop a model of stomatal conductance taking into account the effect of
limiting water supply (Urban and Jannoyer, 2004). This issue is currently addressed by a
PhD student. Moreover, up scaling the model from the leaf to the whole tree level will
require to develop a model of light interception.

Tree Structure and Functioning

Using architectural analysis, we studied the elaboration of the mango aerial
structure. We completed this approach with the analysis of the set up of the growth units’
successions to confirm if specific structures were built to bear fruit. Comparing the
vegetative growth of several commercial mango varieties, we demonstrated that tree fruit
load had an effect on the tree vegetative growth and flowering. These results are detailed
in separate papers in this symposium (Jannoyer and Lauri, 2006; Normand et al., 2006).
Further works (cartography and modelling) are still in process to up scale, at the tree
level, carbohydrate reserves dynamics according to the tree phenology and the field
practices (irrigation).
Fruit Quality and Conservation
A strong link was found between water and carbon accumulation in each fruit
compartment (peel, pulp and stone) regardless of treatments. The pulp is the compartment
for which the size increased the most along with the leaf-to-fruit ratio. Fresh mass and dry
matter content are the main quality traits affected by assimilate supply in mango
(Léchaudel et al., 2002). Calcium, malic and citric acids, as well as fructose
concentrations were higher, and those of sucrose were lower in fruits from the treatment
with the lowest assimilate supply. In our conditions, water supply affected weakly mango
fruit quality (Léchaudel et al., 2004).
The effects of assimilate supply on source/sink balance at the shoot bearing fruit
level was analyzed through experiments and using models. The model computed
processes such as leaf photosynthesis, maintenance and growth respiration, reserve
storage and mobilization in leaves and stem, and fruit growth. Simulations using various
climatic conditions were used to assess the respective contributions of climate changes,
initial fruit dry mass and leaf-to-fruit ratio on processes involved in fruit growth
(Léchaudel et al., 2005). Plant and fruit relations (water potential, turgor and osmotic
pressures) and diurnal fruit growth were determined with the objective of studying and
modeling reversible and irreversible fruit enlargement processes in mango. The model
simulates changes in elastic and plastic fruit growth (reversible and irreversible fruit
growth) under various conditions of assimilate supplies, with a set of parameters, as using
the elastic modulus, the cell wall extensibility and the turgor pressure threshold which
may change during growth in mango (Léchaudel et al., 2004). Simulations in shortage of
water or assimilate supply were analyzed to study how it affects fruit water relations and
fruit composition, and the consequences on fruit fresh mass.
All these sub-models were integrated in a global model which predicts at harvest
fruit quality traits, like namely fruit fresh mass, dry matter content, and the concentrations

of the major non structural compounds involved in sourness, sweetness, and shelf life.
Simulations have shown that early fruit size affects positively fruit growth. Increased
early fruit size improves eating quality at harvest (sweetness, sourness) but reduces
quality aspects linked to shelf life.
We are actually working on physiological criteria to optimize fruit quality at
harvest and after conservation, while integrating the impact of conservation techniques
(temperature, coating) to increase shelf life without any reduction in fruit quality. Next
step will consist in deepening our understanding of fruit maturity analyzing the role of
ethylen in the fruit maturation and in the aromas genesis.

Literature Cited
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: already done ; : to be done ; : in progress

: Input (external factor) : output data (indicators);

: output model ; : intermediate model

Fig. 1. Conceptual model of the relationships between mango tree architecture and
physiology, and yield and fruit quality, developed at Cirad Réunion Island.


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