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Materials Transactions, Vol. 48, No. 10 (2007) pp.

2659 to 2664
#2007 The Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity

Finite Element Analysis of V-Bending of Polypropylene

Using Hydrostatic-Pressure-Dependent
Plastic Constitutive Equation*
Kunio Hayakawa1 , Yukio Sanomura2 , Mamoru Mizuno3 ,
Yukio Kasuga2 and Tamotsu Nakamura1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu 432-8561, Japan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tamagawa University, Tokyo 194-8610, Japan
Department of Machine Intelligence and Systems Engineering, Akita Prefectural University,
Yuri-Honjo 015-0055, Japan

In the present paper, V-bending of polypropylene (PP) is analyzed by the finite element method using a plastic constitutive equation for
hydrostatic-pressure-dependent polymers proposed by one of the present authors. The yield surface is expressed by the first and second
invariants of stress to describe the hydrostatic-pressure dependence. A plastic potential that is different from the yield surface is employed to
describe the incompressibility of polymeric materials. Isotropic hardening is assumed. The proposed constitutive equations are implemented in
the finite element code MSC.Marc with user subroutines. The calculated load-stroke curves appropriately describe the effect of introducing the
hydrostatic-pressure dependence of PP. Moreover, the calculated results agree with the experimental ones for various thicknesses of specimens.
Finally, the calculated distributions of bending stress and bending strain in the specimen also show the effects of hydrostatic-pressure
dependence. [doi:10.2320/matertrans.P-MRA2007878]

(Received March 29, 2006; Accepted July 3, 2007; Published September 25, 2007)
Keywords: V-bending, finite element method, constitutive equation, hydrostatic-pressure-dependent plasticity, polypropylene, load-stroke
curve, user subroutines

1. Introduction the present paper has been developed in the framework of the
isotropic hardening rule, the modified von Mises-type yield
Recently, a great many parts and components made of surface and the non associate flow rule.5,6)
polymers have been used in, for example, automobiles, The equation is implemented into the commercial finite
cellular phones, electric appliances, and office automation element code MSC.Marc employing user subroutines. The
appliances. For the structural analysis of these parts, the static effect of the hydrostatic-pressure dependence on the calcu-
finite element method using the J2 flow rule and von Mises- lations is discussed. Furthermore, calculated results are
type yield surface have mainly been performed.1–3) compared with the corresponding experiments of V-bending
It has been reported that polymer has a significant strain performed by the present authors.
rate dependence and a hydrostatic-pressure dependence.4) As
a first approximation, however, the strain-rate dependence 2. Elastic-Plastic Constitutive Equation of Hydrostatic-
can be negligible in the structural analyses if the distribution Pressure-Dependent Polymer
of the strain rate of the deformed part is regarded as being
almost uniform. On the other hand, the consideration of the Let us summarize the elastic-plastic constitutive equation
hydrostatic-pressure dependence of polymer is important to of the hydrostatic-pressure-dependent polymer used in the
achieve more precise estimation of the stress distribution of present study.5,6)
the polymer part subject to deformation. The total strain tensor can be divided into elastic and
One of the present authors has developed a time- plastic parts as
independent plastic constitutive equation that properly
"ij ¼ "eij þ "ijp : ð1Þ
describes the hydrostatic-pressure dependence, from the
abovementioned standpoint. The effect and limitation of the The elastic deformation of the polymer is assumed to be
proposed equation have been verified by calculating the isotropic linear elastic and is given as
uniaxial loading behavior of a polymer that has a significant
hydrostatic-pressure dependence, such as polypropylene "eij ¼ ij  kk ij ; ð2Þ
(PP).5–7) E E
In the present study, the V-bending of PP is analyzed in where ij is Kronecker’s delta, and E and  are Young’s
order to verify the effect of using the hydrostatic-pressure- modulus and Poisson’s ratio, respectively.
dependent plastic constitutive equation for the structural or The hydrostatic-dependent yield surface is given as
processing analyses by the static finite element method. The 9
f ¼ ð1  Þeq þ I1   ¼ 0
hydrostatic-pressure-dependent constitutive equation used in rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi =
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 ; ð3Þ
I1 ¼ kk ; eq ¼ 3J2 ¼ sij sij ;
*This Paper was Originally Published in Japanese in J. Jpn. Soc. Technol.
Plasticity, 46-531 (2005), 332–336. where I1 and J2 are the first invariant of stress tensor and the
2660 K. Hayakawa, Y. Sanomura, M. Mizuno, Y. Kasuga and T. Nakamura

second invariant of deviatoric stress tensor, respectively, and  ¼ Fðb þ " p Þn ; ð7aÞ
eq is the equivalent stress. Furthermore,  represents the p
 ¼ Y þ ðY  Y Þ½1  expðc" Þ; ð7bÞ
isotropic strain hardening as a function of the equivalent
plastic strain " p . where F, b, n, Y , Y and c are material constants.
Moreover, the coefficient  is introduced to express the
extent of the hydrostatic pressure dependence. If  ¼ 0, no 3. Stress Rate-Strain Rate Relation of Hydrostatic-
hydrostatic pressure dependence is considered. Pressure-Dependent Polymer
Although the hydrostatic pressure dependence is signifi-
cant, most polymers have been reported to exibit incompres- The proposed equations are to be implemented into the
sibility. Therefore, in order to take the incompressibility into commercial finite element code MSC.Marc employing the
account in the plastic constitutive equation, a plastic potential user subroutine HYPELA for calculations of the V-bending
g is introduced as of the polymer.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi The stress rate-strain rate relation is given as
g ¼ 3J2 : ð4Þ ep
_ij ¼ Cijkl "_kl ; ð8aÞ
According to the normality rule with respect to the potential ep e
g, a plastic constitutive equation is given as Cijkl ¼ Cijkl
@g e e
2 e
"_ijp ¼ _ ; ð5Þ Cijpq spq ð1  Þsmn Cmnkl þ eq mn Cmnkl
@ij 3
4 2
where _ is a positive scalar function obtained using the e s s
eq H þ ð1  ÞCijkl ij kl
consistency condition of the yield surface f_ ¼ 0. 9
Equation (5) can be rewritten using eqs. (3) and (4) as ð8bÞ
  9 8
1 3skl 3sij > > @g
"_ij ¼ ð1  Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ kl _kl pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi >
> >
< 1; if f ¼ 0 and @ _ij  0
H 2 3J2 2 3J2 = ij
Z t  : ð6Þ ¼ : ð8cÞ
d 2 p p >
> >
> @g
H ¼ p ; " ¼ p
"_ij "_ij dt >
; >
: 0; if f < 0 or _ ij < 0
d " 0 3 @ij
For evolution equations of ð" p Þ, Swift’s law and an For the plane-stress problem, Eqs. (8a)–(8c) can be
exponential function are employed so that the actual plastic rewritten, using the Voigt notation, as
behavior can be properly expressed as

8 9 2 0
1  0
1 0 13 8 9
> _ >
< = 6 E B
x S x x S x y ð1  ÞSx Sxy >
< "_x >
B 1 0 C C 1 B ð1  ÞSy Sxy C
_y ¼ 64 1  2 @ A @ S y x S y y A75> "_y ; ð9aÞ
: ; > 1 SH : >
_xy 0 0 Sxy x Sxy y Sxy 2
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 9
eq ¼ x2  x y þ y2 þ 3xy 2 ; >
E E >
Sx ¼ ðsx þ sy Þ; Sy ¼ ðsx þ sy Þ; >
1  2 1  2 >
E 2 E : ð9bÞ
Sxy ¼ xy ; Seq ¼ eq ; >
1þ 3 1  2 >
4 2 >
SH ¼ eq H þ ð1  ÞðSx sx þ Sy sy þ 2Sxy xy Þ >
9 >
x ¼ ð1  ÞSx þ Seq ; y ¼ ð1  ÞSy þ Seq
For the plane strain problem, Equations (8a)–(8c) can be rewritten as
_z ¼ ð_x þ _y Þ >
1 p >
¼ eq þ E" ðeq þ E" p Þ =
2 ; ð10aÞ
eq ¼ fð 2  þ 1Þx2 þ ð2 2  2  1Þx y >
þð 2  þ 1Þy2 þ 3xy
2 1=2

8 9 2 0
1  0
1 0 138 9
> _
< x= 6 > Sx x Sx y ð1  ÞSx Sxy >
< "_x >=
E B  0 C 7
_y ¼ 6 B 1 C 1 B
@ Sy x Sy y ð1  ÞSy Sxy C
A7 "_ ; ð10bÞ
> 4 ð1 þ Þð1  2Þ @ A 5> y
: > ; 1  2 SH 2 : >
_xy 0 0 Sxy x Sxy y Sxy
Finite Element Analysis of V-Bending of Polypropylene Using Hydrostatic-Pressure-Dependent Plastic Constitutive Equation 2661

4 2 3 E >
SH ¼ eq H þ ð1  Þ ; >
9 2 1þ >
2 E >
Seq ¼ eq ;
3 ð1 þ Þð1  2Þ : ð10cÞ
E E E >
Sx ¼ s x ; Sy ¼ sy ; Sxy ¼ xy ; >
1þ 1þ 1þ >
x ¼ ð1  ÞSx þ Seq ; y ¼ ð1  ÞSy þ Seq

Note that the elastic-plastic stiffness tensor (8b) and

tangent stiffness matrices (9a) and (10a) are asymmetric,
because the non associate flow rule, in which the yield
surface f is different from the plastic potential g, is

4. Experiments and Finite Element Analyses of V-

bending of PP

4.1 Experimental conditions and apparatus

In the present experiments, specimens were plates of PP
(GrandPolypro J106W) that had been prepared by milling
from extruded round bars. The width and length were b ¼
15 mm and l ¼ 95 mm, respectively. The specimens had
three different thicknesses of t ¼ 4, 5 and 6 mm, in order to
examine the effect of the thickness on the bending behavior.
Figure 1 shows the experimental apparatus and the geo-
metries of the punch and die used. The tip radius of the punch
was Rp ¼ 9 mm, the bottom radius of the die was RD ¼ (a)
10 mm, the interval between the die shoulder was 2L ¼ 70
mm, and the radius of the die shoulder was rD ¼ 1 mm. The 70
punch speed was set to vp ¼ 0:5 mm/min. This slow speed
was selected to avoid the effect of strain rate during the
bending deformation of the specimens. Punch
Plenty of mechanical oil was supplied to the specimens and
tools to avoid the effect of friction. 90°

4.2 Analytical conditions Specimen

Figure 2 shows a discretized model of the finite element
analysis. Only the right side of whole specimen was modeled
because of symmetry. The elements used were 4-node 90°
quadrilateral isoparametric elements. The numbers of ele-
ments and nodes were 446 and 522. The punch and die were

modeled as rigid bodies.

Friction between the specimen and tools was neglected by
adopting Coulomb friction coefficient ¼ 0.
The material constants in the constitutive equation were
determined so that the equation can properly express the
experimental results of the uniaxial tension and compression,
and were given as (b)
E ¼ 1:97 GPa;  ¼ 0:36 >
F ¼ 67:2 MPa; b ¼ 6:53  104 ; n ¼ 0:217 = Fig. 1 V-bending apparatus and geometry of punch and die (a) V-bending
; ð11Þ apparatus (b) geometries of punch and die.
Y ¼ 14:0 MPa; Y ¼ 35:7 MPa; c ¼ 60:0 > >
 ¼ 0:17 equation can accurately predict the difference between
so that the results of uniaxial tensile and compressive tests tensile and compressive stresses. The stresses estimated
were expressed properly. using Swift’s law (7a) are higher than those estimated using
Figure 3 shows the experimental and calculated results of exponential function (7b) in the range of large strain.
the uniaxial tensile and compressive tests of PP. The ordinate
and abscissa show the absolute values of uniaxial stress and 4.3 Calculated results and discussion on V-bending
strain, respectively. It is found that the proposed constitutive Figure 4 shows the influence of Swift’s law (7a) and
2662 K. Hayakawa, Y. Sanomura, M. Mizuno, Y. Kasuga and T. Nakamura

600 β = 0.17, plane stress β = 0, plane stress

Punch β = 0.17, plane strain β = 0, plane strain
500 t = 6 mm

Load FB / N
Swift's law [Eq. (7a)]
Specimen 400
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stroke S / mm
Fig. 5 Load-stroke curves for V-bending under plane stress and plane
strain with hydrostatic-pressure dependence  ¼ 0:17 and 0.

Fig. 2 Discretization of model analyzed.

Absolute true stress | σ | / MPa


40 tension
20 dependence β = 0.17
10 Calculated [ Eq. (7a)]
Calculated [ Eq. (7b)]
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Absolute true strain | ε |

Fig. 3 Identification of material constants under uniaxial tension and Fig. 6 Distribution of plastic bending strain for V-bending at stroke
compression. S ¼ 1:5 mm under plane stress.

600 Swift's law [Eq. (7a)] Figure 5 shows the FB -S curves in the case of t ¼ 6 mm.
Exponential law [Eq. (7b)] The results without the effect of hydrostatic pressure ( ¼ 0)
500 hydrostatic-pressure dependence β = 0.17 are also shown for reference. Regardless of , results
plane stress
Load FB / N

400 t = 6 mm obtained under the plane-strain state yield higher estimates

of load than under the plane stress. This is because the
t = 5 mm deformation in the direction of width is constrained in the
200 case of the plane-strain state.
100 For the effect of hydrostatic pressure, FB when  ¼ 0:17 is
t = 4 mm larger than that when  ¼ 0. From the results, it can be
0 concluded that the conventional von Mises-type yield surface
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
essentially yields a value of FB smaller than the actual value.
Stroke S / mm
The plane-stress state is used hereafter, because this state
Fig. 4 Load-stroke curves for V-bending under plane stress calculated yields the better approximation in the range of the ratio of
using Eqs. (7a) and (7b) with hydrostatic-pressure dependence  ¼ 0:17. width to thickness of the specimen used in the present study,
b=t ¼ 2:5{3:75.8)
Figure 6 shows the distribution of the bending plastic
exponential function (7b) on load FB -stroke S curves under strain when S ¼ 1:5 mm, with the effect of the hydrostatic-
the plane-stress state. Solid and dashed lines are the results pressure dependence taken into account. Tensile bending
obtained using eqs. (7a) and (7b), respectively. Both equa- plastic strain is observed on the tensile side of the bent
tions give similar FB before reaching the maximal value. specimen, whereas no compressive bending plastic strain is
After the maximal value, FB obtained with eq. (7a) is more observed on the compressive side. This is because of the
stable and less scattered than that obtained using eq. (7b). consideration of the effect of hydrostatic-pressure depend-
This is because the stress increment in eq. (7b) becomes ence. As observed in Fig. 3, the tensile yield stress is less
almost zero as the strain increases. By considering the result than that of compression because of the hydrostatic-pressure
of Fig. 4, Equation (7a) was employed in the calculations dependence. Therefore, yielding on the tensile side takes
hereafter in the present study. place in advance of that on the compressive side.
Finite Element Analysis of V-Bending of Polypropylene Using Hydrostatic-Pressure-Dependent Plastic Constitutive Equation 2663

600 Experimental 600 Without friction, µ = 0.0

Calculated With friction, µ = 0.3
500 500
Plane stress Plane stress

Load FB / N
Load FB / N

400 Swift's law [Eq. (7a)] 400 Swift's law [Eq. (7a)]
t = 6 mm t = 6mm
β = 0.17
300 300 β = 0.17
t = 5 mm
200 200

100 100
t = 4 mm
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Stroke S / mm Stroke S / mm

Fig. 7 Calculated and experimental results of load-stroke curves for V- Fig. 8 Effect of friction coefficient on load-stroke curve for V-bending.
bending of various thicknesses.

β = 0.17 β = 0.0
0.4 plane stress, Eq.(7a) 0.4
plane stress, Eq.(7a)
t = 6 mm t = 6 mm

Bending strain εB
Bending strain εB

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

-0.2 -0.2 S = 2 mm S = 5 mm
S = 2 mm S = 5 mm
S = 10 mm S = 15 mm S = 10 mm S = 15 mm
-0.4 S = 20 mm S = 25 mm -0.4 S = 20 mm S = 25 mm

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Vertical position from center of thickness y / mm Vertical position from center of thickness y / mm
(a) (b)

Fig. 9 Effect of hydrostatic-pressure dependence on bending strain distribution at each stroke (a) With hydrostatic-pressure dependence
 ¼ 0:17 (b) Without hydrostatic-pressure dependence  ¼ 0.

β = 0.17 β = 0.0
50 plane stress, Eq.(7a) 50
Bending stress σB / MPa

Bending stress σB / MPa

plane stress, Eq.(7a)

t = 6 mm t = 6 mm
0 0
S = 2 mm S = 2 mm
S = 5 mm S = 5 mm
-50 S = 10 mm -50 S = 10 mm
S = 15 mm S = 15 mm
S = 20 mm S = 20 mm
-100 S = 25 mm -100 S = 25 mm

-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Vertical position from center of thickness y / mm Vertical position from center of thickness y / mm
(a) (b)

Fig. 10 Effect of hydrostatic-pressure dependence on bending strain distribution at each stroke (a) With hydrostatic-pressure dependence
 ¼ 0:17 (b) Without hydrostatic-pressure dependence  ¼ 0.

Figure 7 shows the experimental and calculated FB -S Figure 8 shows the effect of friction on the FB -S relation.
relations for t ¼ 4, 5 and 6 mm. The solid lines and symbols The solid and dashed lines are results calculated without
show the calculated and experimental results, respectively. friction ( ¼ 0:0) and with friction ( ¼ 0:3), respectively.
Good accordance between the experiments and calculations It is observed that FB increases because of the existence of
during the loading process is observed. On the other hand, the friction. However, the effect of friction is less significant in
behavior is not expressed properly during the unloading V-bending than in other processes such as upsetting. There-
process. This is because the simple isotropic hardening rule is fore, the assumption of no friction seems reasonable in the
employed in the present constitutive equation. To achieve a present study.
more precise description, constitutive equations that can
predict the complicated hardening and time-dependent 4.4 Distribution of bending stress and strain
behaviors will be necessary.9,10) Figures 9 and 10 show the effects of hydrostatic-pressure
2664 K. Hayakawa, Y. Sanomura, M. Mizuno, Y. Kasuga and T. Nakamura

dependence on the distributions of bending stress and strain, bending strain were revealed to be considerably influenced
respectively in the specimen. These calculations were carried by the hydrostatic-pressure dependence. It is found that more
out under the plane-stress state and with the thickness of precise analysis of parts or components made of polymer can
t ¼ 6 mm. The abscissa of these figures shows the vertical be realized by using the constitutive equations that can
position from the center of the thickness and is denoted by y. properly describe the effect of hydrostatic pressure.
In Fig. 9, the distribution of the bending strain is almost
linear, namely, elastic, when S is small. The neutral axis Acknowledgement
corresponds to the center of the thickness (y ¼ 0). As S
increases, the distributions become nonlinear, or plastic. A part of the present paper is the result of the activity of the
Furthermore, the neutral axis moves to the compression side Group of Development of Constitutive Equation and Imple-
of the bent specimen. This is because the width of the mentation to General-Purpose Finite Element Code. The
specimen on the compression side becomes larger than that authors would like to acknowledge the Simulation-Integrat-
on the tensile side due to the incompressibility of PP. The ed-System Committee of the Japan Society of Technology of
movement of the axis becomes greater when the effect of Plasticity for the financial support of the group.
hydrostatic-pressure dependence is taken into consideration.
The effects of  are observed significantly in case of the
bending stress shown in Fig. 10. The compressive stress in
 ¼ 0:17 is much larger than that in  ¼ 0. REFERENCES
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