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md 1/19/2019

Conversation editor for HBS's Battletech.

Battletech uses a binary data format for its conversations. It isn't possible to edit those files directly so this
tool is being developed to allow for editing and creating new conversations.

Latest release: v1.2 | Download

Complimentary Mods

ExtendedConversations mod | Adds more dialog tags, actions, conditions and features | Download


Editor View
In-Game Edited Conversation

README.md 1/19/2019

Conversation with Yang

Copy & Links Functionality
Drag Rearrange Functionality
Time Skip Action (Requires ExtendedConversations)
Set Current System Action (Requires ExtendedConversations)

Installation Instructions
Download and install .NET 4.72 Runtime
Download the latest release and unzip it
Copy ShadowrunDTO.dll and ShadowrunSerializer.dll from your
BATTLETECH/BattleTech_Data/Managed directory into the ConverseTek application folder
Run ConverseTek.exe from the ConverseTek application folder

Some questions are answered in the FAQ section.

All feedback is welcome in the issues section.

Load and Save sim game conversations
One-on-one conversations
Group conversations
Edit existing dialog
Create new conversations
Add actions and conditions to dialog nodes
Link dialog nodes for conversations that loop back on themselves
Flexible support for future conditions, actions and value getters
JSON definition extension support
Full support for ExtendedConversations mod
Flashpoint compatibility

Dialog Tags
BattleTech uses dialog tags which are replaced at runtime with the appropriate text. To access it use the
following in your dialog text.


Square brackets will show a short yellow hover-over enabled tooltip. Once mouse overed, the tooltip will
display the full text. In this case the full tooltip text is taken from the base descriptions definition file. It checks
the DataManager and allows you to select information. For example,

[[DM.BaseDescriptionDefs[LoreThomasCalderon],Protector Calderon's]]

README.md 1/19/2019

[[DM.CastDefs[...and so on


Curly braces enable reflection on the game object registered to the handler. You can access the game
variables and properties with this approach. For example,

{COMPANY.DaysPassed} - Gets how many days have passed since the start of the game
{COMMANDER.FirstName} - Gets the commander's first name
{TGT_SYSTEM.Habitable} - Checks if the current star system is habitable

Richard Griffiths (CWolf)



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