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* build/make
27ccb19 build: Use lz4 Legacy format for lz4 compressed ramdisks [Kyryljan

* device/xiaomi/markw
97c8a5e doze: update [Razziell]

* frameworks/base
4e9acee SystemUI: Slashify Ambient Display Tile [Kyryljan Serhij]
6d01611 Update Ambient Display tile long click intent [Kyryljan Serhij]
93475f6 QS: SystemUI: AmbientDisplay tile [Adnan Begovic]
38e161e Default zen rules updated. [Beverly]

* packages/apps/DeskClock
76bbdd7 Revert "Adding Notification Channel" [Razziell]
ff4aafd Update UK and RU translation [Kyryljan Serhij]

* packages/apps/Settings
080867d Clean up battery settings [Alex Cruz]


* build/make
5568ba4 build: add support for lz4 compressed ramdisks [Dan Pasanen]

* packages/apps/Settings
6f6bdf0 Settings: expose AmbientDisplay settings for AD & AOD tiles [maxwen]


* packages/services/Telecomm
70dffca Telecomm: Squash changes to default SIM handling [LuK1337]




* device/xiaomi/markw
0271aaa Boardconfig: update kernel toolchain to Linaro 7.4.1 [Razziell]
d1b687f gps: lower gps debug level [Razziell]

* frameworks/base
125ebe7 Don't try to show crash dialog for dead app [Jan.Bjernler]
7f939f3 binder: Hide annoying warning spamming logs [mydongistiny]
3b3231f Add XiaomiParts themes [2/3] [Kyryljan Serhij]

* system/core
507e03a healthd: Include libcutils static lib [The-DarkBeast]
57e6639 healthd: Support alarm in power off charging mode [Matthew Qin]


* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linaro-8.x
8de3563 Initial commit [Kyryljan Serhij]

* system/core
43dc865 healthd: WIP Upgrades and fixes [Adrian DC]
75b5348 healthd: charger: Add board overrides in mode_charger [Chunmei Cai]


* packages/apps/MagicalWorld
8192061 Allow to set 0 ms delay for screenshot [Kyryljan Serhij]


* prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/aarch64/aarch64-linaro-7.4.1
21fdd0a initial commit [Kyryljan Serhij]


* packages/services/Telephony
bdcec75 Expand Advanced Mobile network settings when Expand settings switch is
enabled [Kyryljan Serhij]

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