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Chapter 1


A. Background

The curriculum is a very important learning tool for teachers as a guide in a learning.

kurikulum contains lesson plans that will be given to students in a period of

education are made to facilitate the learning activities. The payload in the curriculum

should contain several components in the form of objectives, materials, media,

teachers in teaching strategies. The same thing was said by Widodo Winarso

(2015:2): "Kurikulum ialah sejumlah mata ajaran yang harus ditempuh dan

dipelajari oleh siswa untuk memperoleh sejumlah pengetahuan. Mata ajaran

dipandang sebagai pengalaman orang tua atau orang-orang pandai masa lampau,

yang telah disusun secara sistematis dan logis".1

According to S. Nasution, the curriculum is a plan drawn up to launch the process

of learning under the guidance and responsibility of the school or educational

institution as well as teaching staff.2

The curriculum is a rule that is used to teach students to fit the purpose of education

in order to create quality human beings. For the curriculum must be flexible for the

needs of human qualities in the perspective of the work will change in every level

of an unexpected time. This is confirmed in UUD No. 20 of 2003 on the national

education system.3 Curriculum development is not just an abstraction, but prepare

Widodo Winarso (Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Sekolah) 2015 Page 2
S. Nasution In (Pengembangan Kurikulum Dasar Dan Tujuannya) Page 17
Widodo Winarso (Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Sekolah) 2015 page 6
various examples and alternatives for action that is inspired by some of the ideas and

any adjustments that are considered important. According to Audrey Nicholls and

Howard Nicholls, as understood by Oemar Hamalik that curriculum development is

planning learning opportunities intended to bring students to the direction of the

desired changes and assess the extent to which such change has occurred on


In Indonesia has undergone several changes of curriculum as what is described in a

journal entitled "CURRICULUM FROM THE PAST TO THE FUTURE (Assessing

SMA Phasing Education Curriculum in Indonesia)" By Fitri Wahyu is shortened to

several periods as follows: Period Before Independence, Period After Independence

(Kurikulum 1947, Kurikulum 1952, Kurikulum 1964, Kurikulum 1968, Kurikulum

1975, Kurikulum 1984 (Kurikulum CBSA), Kurikulum 1994, Kurikulum 2004

(KBK), Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP), Kurikulum 2013.5

Curriculum 2013 were government efforts in developing the previous curriculum

that has the purpose to balance the skills, attitudes and knowledge. Character

education becomes the focus of the curriculum in 2013, it became clear in the core

competition that includes religious and social attitudes on every all subjects. As said

by the said Director of Teacher Education, Ministry of Education Culture, Anas M.

Adam. “Semua muatan pelajaran bermuara ke arah sikap religius dan sikap sosial

Oemar hamalik in (pengembangan kurikulum dasar dan tujuannya) page20
Sukardjo, M ,, et al. Idi Abdullah. Fitri Wahyu. Taqwim Islami. Priest. In In (KURIKULUM DARI
MASA KE MASA (Telaah Atas Pentahapan Kurikulum Pendidikan di Indonesia) by Fitri wahyuni page
yang baik. Sikap-sikap ini bukan sekadar menjadikan religiusitas dan sosial

menjadi pengetahuan. "6

Curriculum 2013 is the curriculum used in Indonesia is now in implementing the

learning. However, there are many teachers who are still experiencing difficulties

in implementing the curriculum of 2013. As already described this curriculum

prefers a balance between understanding, ability and character education. Students

in demand to be able to understand, participate actively in discussions in class with

a high manners.

curriculum in 2013 using a scientific approach which consists of 5M that is

Mengamati, Menanya, Mencoba/Mencari Informasi, Menalar .This is in line with

Permendikbud No. 22 in 2016 and No. 103 of 2014 permendikbud is "Learning in

the Curriculum 2013 using a scientific approach or process-based approach to

science. "7

In this curriculum was students who will play an important role in learning in a

classroom, students are given a problem then they will resolve the issue by using

5M formula as described above.

This makes it difficult for teachers to change the perspective of student learning in

the previous curriculum, which students are usually taught by using lecture methods

Apart from teachers, students also have difficulty in implementing learning with

Risky ramdan (Monday, November 27, 2017 | 2:15 pm) Pendidikan Karakter Menjadi Fokus
Utama Pada Kurikulum 2013, 6 July 2018, <https: // HAI-online.com / Pendidikan- Karakter
Menjadi- Fokus- Utama -Pada -Kurikulum -2013 />
scientific approach. Students have difficulty in formulating questions. It also

happens because teachers are still difficult to guide students in formulating

questions so that students difficult to formulate questions. In addition students also

have difficulty in applying what is taught by the teacher as in attitude. Students are

still difficult in using learning media so that teachers need to do guidance and also

mentoring in using learning media. The handbook also an obstacle teachers in

implementing the curriculum in 2013. this is because the condition of schools

outside Java island that the distribution is quite old and not just in order because the

publisher of the book that gets permission to print the handbook of 2013 curriculum

is still small. In addition, In the learning process, the allocation of time used by

teachers often exceeded the plans made or not in accordance with the RPP made.

This happens because time allocations are often interrupted with other lessons so

that learning should continue the next day. In addition, teachers also have difficulty

in making the media because many activities that use the media then the teacher

difficult to make and get it. Furthermore students, teachers also still need to provide

guidance in using the media to the students.8

B. Focus of research

Based on the above description, the author would like to see "What are the

difficulties of english teachers to implementing the 2013 Curriculum in junior high


hasil wawancara dengan guru bahasa inggris di smp 3 sumalata
C. Research question

1. are the english teachers have difficulty in making RPP.?

2. are the english teacher difficulties in the implementation of learning because

there is no book.?

3. are the english teachers have not been able to guide students formulate


4. are the english teachers have difficulty in evaluation or evaluation.?

5. are the english teachers difficult to adjust the allocation of time between RPP

with the implementation of learning.?

6. are the english teachers difficult to find learning media.?

D. The aim of research

Based on the identification of the problems described above, the researcher will

determine the focus of the research, as the scope of this research is about ;

1. The Difficulties of Implementation of the 2013 Curriculum in Junior High


E. the significance of research

1. Theoretical benefits

This research is used to develop scientific and insight in scientific activities.

Development of this science by examining what english teachers need to do to

overcome difficulties in implementing the Curriculum 2013 in learning activities in

junior high school.

2. Practical Benefits

a. Benefits to Master

Provide information to English teachers in overcoming difficulties in implementing

the 2013 Curriculum in learning activities in junior high school.

b. Benefits for English Students.

Providing knowledge to students about the problems that exist in junior high school,

especially related to difficulties in implementing the Curriculum 2013 in learning


c. Benefits to the Local Education Department

Knowing the field conditions related to the difficulty in implementing the 2013

Curriculum in the learning activities as an effort to follow up the training services

in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum in junior high school.

d. Benefits for Students

The results of this study are expected to improve the motivation of learning and

student activeness, along with the improved implementation of the implementation

of Curriculum 2013 conducted by English teachers.

Chapter II

Theoritical review

A. Curriculum

1. Definition of curriculum

The term of the curriculum comes from the Latin Curriculum its beginning has a sense

of a running course and in French courier which means to run means running. The term

is then used for a number of subjects or courses that must be pursued to achieve a degree

of awards in the world of education, known as diplomas.9

This is in line with what Professor Grace Chibiko Offorma said “The term curriculum

has been differently defined by different people. These definitions are dependent on

their different conceptions of education and the functions of school and the types of

products they expect from educational institutions. The origin of the word curriculum

was from the Latin word 'currus', which means to run a race. This means that once a

child starts to learn, he/she begins to run the race. This race is comprehensive in nature

because, in the course of the race, the child or the learner encounters a lot of

experiences, which may be intellectual, social, moral, spiritual or physical. These

experiences are provided to produce the total man. The experiences may be formal and

planned or informal and accidental or unplanned. In the course of the race, the child

may also encounter some obstacles which he/she must surmount either through his/her

Abdullah Idi, Pengembangan Kurikulum Teori Dan Praktek (Jakarta: Gaya Media
Pratama, 1999), in PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM- DR. H. Hasan Baharun
M.PD dkk page 2
efforts or by the assistance of someone else to enable him/her to attain the expectations

of the society. The child is the main focus of the curriculum.”10

According to Taylor (1966) curriculum means all the learning which is planned or

guided by the school, whether it is carried in groups or individually, inside or

outside the school.

Kerr (1968) says, "Curriculum means all the learning which is planned or guided

by the school, whether it is carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside

the school”.11

In the dictionary webster's New International Dictionary that the word curriculum

derived from the Greek curikula which originally meant a way to pedati or race.

This term is then used in education into roads, businesses, activities to achieve

teaching objectives. Then the term develops into a number of subjects (syllabus)

given in an educational institution to obtain a certain diploma..12

In a broader sense, as mentioned in the Law on National Education System

(Sisdiknas) no. 20 of 2003 that the curriculum is: "A set of plans and arrangements

concerning objectives, content and lesson materials and ways used as guidelines for

the implementation of learning activities to achieve certain goals"13

page 77

Ms. Megha Sahebrao Jadhav. Dr.(Ms) Pratibha S Patankar- ROLE OF TEACHERS’
DR. H. Hasan Baharun M.PD dkk. PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM page 2
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 Tentang Sintem
Pendidikan Nasional, (Bandung: Citra Umbara, 2003), in PENGEMBANGAN
KURIKULUM - DR. H. Hasan Baharun M.PD dkk.
2. Function of Curriculum

a. The Adaptive Function

Adjustment function implies that the curriculum as an educational tool must be able

to direct students to have a well adjusted nature, that is able to adapt itself to the

environment, both physical and social environment. The environment itself is

changing and dynamic. Therefore, students must also have the ability to adapt to

changes that occur in their environment.

b. The Integrating Function

The integration function implies that the curriculum as an educational tool must be

capable of producing intact personalities. Students are essentially members and an

integral part of society. Therefore, students must have the personality needed to be

able to live and integrate with their society.

c. The Differentiating Function

The function of differentiation implies that the curriculum as an educational tool

must be able to provide services to individual student differences. Each student

has a difference, both from the physical and psychological aspects, which must be

respected and served well.

d. The Propaedeutic Function

The preparatory function implies that the curriculum as an educational tool should

be able to prepare students for further study to the next level of education. In

addition, the curriculum is also expected to prepare students to be able to live in

society if they can not continue their education.

e. The Selective Function

The selection function implies that the curriculum as an educational tool should be

able to provide opportunities for students to choose learning programs that suit their

abilities and interests. This election function is closely related to the function of

differentiation because the recognition of individual differences in students means

that they also provide opportunities for these students to choose what suits their

interests and abilities. To realize these two functions, the curriculum needs to be

structured more broadly and flexibly.

f. The Diagnostic Function

The diagnostic function implies that the curriculum as an educational tool should

be able to assist and direct the students to understand and accept the strength

(potential) and weaknesses they have. If the student is able to understand the

strengths and weaknesses that exist in him then it is expected that students can

develop their own potential strength or improve their weaknesses.14


According to Oemar Hamalik (1990), there are three important curriculum roles,

namely conservative role, creative role, and critical / evaluative role. Please

consider the description of the curriculum role below, then discuss with your friends

the extent to which it can be implemented in the curriculum implementation in

primary schools today.

Asep Herry Hernawan-HAKIKAT KURIKULUM,8-9
a. Conservative Role

The conservative role emphasizes that the curriculum can serve as a means of

transmitting or passing on cultural values of the past that are still considered

relevant to the young generation, in this case the elementary school students. Thus,

this conservative role essentially places a curriculum oriented to the past. This role

is very basic, adapted to the fact that education is essentially a social process, in

which one of the tasks of education, namely to influence and foster student behavior

in accordance with the social values that live in the community.

b. Creative Role

The development of science and technology and other aspects always happen all

the time. The creative role emphasizes that the curriculum must be able to develop

something new in accordance with the development that is happening and the needs

of society in the present and the future. The curriculum should contain things that

can help each student develop all the potential that is in him to gain new knowledge,

new abilities, and new ways of thinking needed in his life.

c. Critical and Evaluative Roles

This role is motivated by the fact that the values and culture that lives in the

community are constantly changing so that the inheritance of past values and

culture to the students needs to be adjusted to the conditions that occur in the

present. In addition, developments that occur in the present and the future is not

necessarily in accordance with what is required by students. Therefore, the role of

the curriculum not only passes on existing values and cultures or implements new
developmental results, but also has a role to assess and select the values and culture

and new knowledge to be passed on. In this case, the curriculum has a role as a

control or social filter. Social values that are no longer compatible with present

circumstances and demands are eliminated and modifications or enhancements are


3. Teachers And Curriculum

Educators or more popularly said as Teachers are qualified personnel as teachers,

lecturers, counselors, tutors, widyaiswara, tutors, instructors, facilitators and other

designations in accordance with their specificity, and participate in conducting


Importance of curriculum in teacher education

A curriculum guides the instructional lessons that teachers use. A curriculum

defines what the learner will learn and can possibly guide when the learner learns

the information from the lesson. A curriculum offers teachers the ideas and

strategies for assessing student progress. A student must meet certain academic

requirements in order to go to the next level. Without the guidance of a curriculum,

teachers cannot be certain that they have supplied the necessary knowledge or the

opportunity for student success at the next level, whether that the levels involve a

high school, college or career. Curriculum can help students to achieve some

personal control over their learning, to plan their semester, and to manage their time

effectively, and describes Active Learning. Students often conceive of learning as

Asep Herry Hernawan-HAKIKAT KURIKULUM,10-11
E. Mulyasa, Menjadi Guru Profesional. (Bandung: Penerbit PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2008). In
the acquisition of correct information, but they may not know what it means to take

an active role in the process, beyond rote memorization and recall, students should

be given some idea about what they should already know and what skills they

should already have before taking course so they can realistically asses their

readiness, sets the course in a Broader Context for Learning, describes Available

Learning Resources.17

In a broad sense, the teacher assumes roles as a cognitive measure, as a moral agent,

innovator, and cooperative.

a. Teacher As Cognitive Size

The teacher's job is generally to pass on knowledge and skills to students. The things

that will be inherited it must necessarily be in accordance with the measures that

have been determined by the community and is a picture of the social, economic,

and political conditions of the community concerned. Therefore, the teacher must

meet the size of ability needed to carry out his duties so that students can achieve a

high educational measure. Teaching result is the result of interaction between the

elements, motivation and ability of the student, the content or subject matter

presented and learned by the student, the teacher's skill convey and the teaching

aids that assist the inheritance.

b. Teacher As a Moral and Political Agent

The teacher acts as a moral agent of society because of its function of educating

citizens to literacy, clever numeracy, and has a variety of other cognitive skills.

Ms. Megha Sahebrao Jadhav. Dr.(Ms) Pratibha S Patankar- ROLE OF
Such skills are viewed as part of the moral educational process because a well-read

and experienced society will try to avoid itself from criminal acts and take care of

the size of society. Teacher is also a picture as well as a role as a political agent.

Teachers convey the attitude of culture and political action menmen society to the

younger generation. The powers of society are delivered in the process of teaching

in the classroom.

c. Teacher As an Innovator

Thanks to the advancement of science and technology, society is constantly

changing and developing in all aspects. These changes and developments demand

the innovation of education which gives rise to new and qualitative materials

different from the previous ones. The responsibility for implementing the

innovation, among others, lies in the providers of education in schools, and teachers

play a major role. Teachers are responsible for disseminating new ideas to students

through the process of teaching in the classroom.

d. teacher Holds Co-operative Role

In performing their duties, the teacher may not work alone and rely on his ability

individually. Therefore, teachers should work together, either in cooperation with

fellow teachers, social works, prisons or by parent-student unions. The role of

cooperation in teaching among teachers is formally developed in the team learning


Anas Salahudin, Bimbingan dan Konseling (Bandung: Penerbit Setia Pustaka, 2012),
in pengembangan kurikulum - DR. H. Hasan Baharun M.PD dkk,5-7
4. Kurikulum 2013

the 2013 curriculum is a curriculum construction that integrates two major

frameworks of competence and character in learners. That is, this curriculum tries

to internalize a unity of intellectual qoutient, emotional qoutient, and spiritual

qoutient. Furthermore Loeloek Endah (2013: 286) emphasized that the kurikulum

2013 emphasized the development of abilities and skills and aspects of character in

carrying out tasks with certain performance standards, so that the results could be

felt by students, in the form of mastery of a particular set of competencies. From

this curriculum gave birth to a character-based thematic-integrative learning pattern

with a very broad dialogical space between teachers and students, so that this space

provides freedom for students to actualize their potential and construct their
normative-spirituality knowledge, values and norms.

A. Basic Framework for 2013 Curriculum

The basic thing from the 2013 curriculum, according to Mulyoto is the problem of

the approach to learning. So far, the approach used is material. So the material is

given to students as much as possible so that they master the material to the fullest.

Even for the sake of mastery of the material, drilling has been given since the

beginning, long before students face the national exam. In this type of learning,

learning objectives of learning objectives are achieved more to the kgnitif aspect by

negating the psychometric and affective aspects.

KONTEMPORER- A. Sulaeman,76-78
These three aspects have actually been emphasized in our curriculum so far. At

the time of the 2003 Competence Based Curriculum (KBK), cognitive,

psychomotoric and affective aspects (known as Bloom's taxonomy of

educational goals), have also become integral competencies to be achieved. Then

at the time of the 2006 Curriculum, through character education, the affective

aspect that seems to be forgotten by educational practitioners, is echoed. But in

the praxis plain, only the cognitive aspects are pursued. The reason is that the

curriculum is not guarded by a synergistic policy, but instead is stamped with the

national exam policy.

The national exam questions only test the achievement of cognitive aspects.

Achievement of psychomotor and affective aspects can not be measured using this

test. Though this test is the determinant of graduation. So the learning that happens

is a material-based learning regardless of planting skills and attitudes. In fact, from

the outset students have been accustomed to facing questions of the national exam

model. Learning refers to the basic competencies that will be tested in the national

exam. In fact there are also teachers who use the national exam questions that have

been tested in the previous year as a reference in learning. Ahead of facing a

national exam, the teacher gives a national exam to the students. Anything that has

nothing to do with the national exam is abolished.

Based on experience so far, this must be supported by a consistent policy, namely

an evaluation system that measures balanced achievement of cognitive,

psychomotor and affective abilities. It is undeniable that national exams must be

abolished, so that the determination of graduation will be a transcript of grades

obtained from report cards each semester. Because report card values as a result of
learning evaluation contain all three aspects, the learning will also be given

thoroughly in all three aspects. With the removal of the national examination, the

authority to re-evaluate the teacher so that the teacher's authority is complete;

preparing lesson plans, implementing learning activities and carrying out evaluation

activities. This is in accordance with Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education


B. The Legal Foundation Of The 2013 Curriculum

In every curriculum development there must be foundations used. The following

are the bases used in the 2013 curriculum development.

1. Philosophical Ground

a. Pancasila philosophy which provides various basic principles in education


b. Educational philosophy based on noble values, academic values, needs of

students, and society.

From other sources explain the philosophical foundation of the 2013

curriculum as follows:

1. Education is rooted in the culture of the nation, the life of the present and the
foundation of future life.

2. Education is the process of inheritance and cultural development.

Mulyoto, Strategi Pembelajaran di Era Kurikulm 2013, in e-journal KERANGKA
Nomor 1, Januari - Juni 2017),16-17
3. Education provides a basis for students to participate in building present life.

4. Education develops the potential of the learners

5. Education is the process of developing the identity of students.

6. Education puts the learner as a learning subject.21

2. Juridical Foundation

Jurisdictionally, curriculum is a public policy based on the nation's philosophical

foundation and juridical decision in the field of education. The juridical foundation

of the curriculum is Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, Law number 20 of 2003

concerning the National Education System, Government Regulation number 19 of

2005, and Minister of National Education Regulation number 23 of 2006

concerning Graduates Competency Standards and Minister of National Education

Regulation number 22 of 2006 concerning Standard content.

1. RPJMM 2010-2014 Education Sector, on changes in the Learning

Methodology and Curriculum Arrangement.

2. PP. No.19 of 2005 on National Education Standards.

3. INPRES No. 1 of 2010, on the acceleration of the implementation of the

National Development Priorities, the improvement of curriculum and active

learning methods based on the nation's cultural values to shape the foreign

power and character of the nation.

S. Hamid Hasan, Workshop/ kurikulum 2013 di SMP 19/materi pelatihan IPS kur
2013/penyegaran narsum 2013/milenium 26-28 Juni 2013, in e-journal KERANGKA DASAR
Juni 2017),17
Some juridical basis of the Act as follows:

1. The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

2. Law number 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system

3. Law no. Law No. 17 of 2005 on national long-term development plans, together

with the provisions set forth in the national medium-term development plan, and

Government Regulation no. 19 of 2005 on the national standard of education as

amended by Government Regulation no. 19 of 2005 concerning national

education standards.

3. Conceptual Basis

a. Relevance of education

b. Competency and character based curriculum

c. Contextual learning

d. Active learning

e. Valid, complete and comprehensive assessment.22

4. Theoretical foundation

The curriculum is developed on the basis of educational theory based on standards

and theories of competency-based education. Education based on standart is

education that sets national standard as the minimum quality of learning result

applicable for each curriculum. National quality standards are stated as Graduates

E. Mulyasa, Pengembangan dan Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 (Bandung: PT. Remaja
Rosdakarya, 2013), , in e-journal KERANGKA DASAR DAN LANDASAN
PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM 2013,( Volume VI, Nomor 1, Januari - Juni 2017),18
Competency Standards. Standart Competency Graduates are the minimum quality

graduates of a ladder or educational unit. SKL covers attitudes, knowledge and

skills (PP nimor 19 year 2005).

5. Empirical Platform

Various changes have occurred id Indonesia. Progress has occurred in some

sectors in Indonesia, but in some other sectors, especially education, Indonesia

remains in place, or even retreats. Such matters indicate the need to change the

curriculum orientation by not burdening the learners with the content, but on the

essential skills aspect that all citizens need to participate in developing the

country in the future.

In one educational system, the curriculum is dynamic and should always be done

change and development, in order to keep up with the development and

challenges of the times. Nevertheless, curriculum change and development must

be directed and not perfunctory.23

C. Objectives of 2013 Curriculum Development

Curriculum 2013 aims to prepare Indonesian people to have the ability to live as

individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and

affective and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state, and world


Volume VI, Nomor 1, Januari - Juni 2017),18-19

D. Characteristics Of The Curriculum

Some of the new things in the upcoming curriculum include:

1. Science-based curriculum

2. 2013 curriculum for elementary, thematic integrative. Science and social

studies subjects are subject matter for all lessons (science and social studies

are integrated into all subjects).

a. IPA will be a subject for discussion on Indonesian language and

mathematics lessons

b. IPS will be a discussion of Indonesian Language and PPKN subject


3. Competence to be achieved is a balanced competency between attitudes,

skills and knowledge, in addition to the holistic and enjoyable way of


4. The learning process emphasizes cognitive, affective, psychomotor aspects

through test-based assessment and complementary portfolios. The number

of subjects is 7:

Religious education,

Pancasila and civic education,



Cultural arts and workshops,

Sports physical Education and health,

Allocation of time lessons

primary school = 35 minutes

Junior high school = 40 minutes

senior High School = 45 minutes

5. Many lessons per week

primary school = class I = 30 hours,

class II = 32 hours,

class III = 34 hours,

class IV, V, VI = 36 hours

Junior high school = 38 hours

senior High School = 39 hours.25

Competency-based curriculum is a "outcomes-based curriculum" and therefore

curriculum development is directed at achieving competencies formulated from

SKL. Similarly, the assessment of learning outcomes and curriculum results is

measured by the achievement of competencies. The success of the curriculum is

defined as the achievement of competencies designed in curriculum documents

by all students. The characteristics of the competency-based curriculum in the

2013 curriculum are:

tunas63.wordpress.com/2012/11/16-karakteristik-kurikulum-baru-2013/ (Diakses 14 mei 2016). In
KURIKULUM 2013,( Volume VI, Nomor 1, Januari - Juni 2017),19-20
1. The content or curriculum content is a competency expressed in the form

of Core Competence (KI) subjects and further details into Basic

Competencies (KD).

2. Core Competence (KI) is a categorical description of the competencies

that students must learn for a school, class, and subject level.

3. Basic Competence (KD) is a competency that learners learn for a subject

in a particular class.

4. The emphasis of the competence of attitude, cognitive skills,

psychomotor skills, and knowledge skills for a unit of education and

subjects is characterized by the number of subjects KD. For elementary

school development attitudes are the main concern of the curriculum.

5. Core competence becomes the organizational element of competence not

a concept, generalization, topic or something derived from a

"disciplinary-based curriculum" or "content-based curriculum"


6. Basic Competencies developed are based on accumulative principles,

mutually reinforcing and enriching between subjects.

7. The learning process is based on the effort to master the competence at a

satisfactory level by taking into account the characteristics of content

competence where knowledge is content that is thorough (mastery).

Cognitive and psychomotor skills are the ability to master content that

can be trained. While the attitude is the ability to master content which is

more difficult to develop and requires an indirect educational process.

8. Assessment of learning outcomes covers all aspects of competence, is

formative and results are immediately followed by remedial learning to

ensure mastery of competence at a satisfactory level (Minimum Criteria

of completeness can be a satisfactory level).26

5. teachers' difficulties to implementing the curriculum 2013 in junior

high school

"Understandably, the assessment process is considered to be complicated,

and many do not understand the assessment in the implementation of the

2013 curriculum," said Tuti at PGRI Building, Central Jakarta, Thursday


Second, said Tuti, the teachers still have difficulty implementing the

scientific approach in teaching and learning activities. According Tuti, the

method is used because it sees a gap between levels of education, either

elementary to junior high, high school to high school, high school to college.

"It's a surprise to see the PISA results, but it's been a long time ago and it's

been there from five steps of scientific approach: observing, asking,

Abdima.blogspot.com./2013/02/karakteristik-kurikulum-berbasis.html. (accessed 14
Mei 2016). ). In journal KERANGKA DASAR DAN LANDASAN
PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM 2013,( Volume VI, Nomor 1, Januari - Juni
reasoning, trying, and networking, which is often missed," said Lecturer at

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology ITS) Surabaya.

The third obstacle, said Tuti, is to make students active. Because, in the 2013

curriculum, teachers must be smart to be facilitators so students ask

questions. Unfortunately, not all teachers have been able to implement it. 27

implementasi-kurikulum-2013-(accessed 15-072018)
Chapter III

Methodology Of Research

A. Jenis dan Pendekatan Penelitian

Judging from its kind this research is qualitative research. According to Bogdan and

Taylor cited by Lexy J. Moleong, defines "metodologi kualitatif sebagai prosedur

penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang-

orang dan perilaku yang dapat diamati".28 Qualitative research aims to gain deep

understanding about a phenomenon that will be studied.

Qualitative research as a human instrument, which functions to determine the focus

of the research, choose information as a data source, collect data, assess data

quality, analyze data, interpret data and make conclusions on its findings.29

analytical procedures that do not use statistical analysis procedures or other ways

of quantification that do not make calculations.30

B. Tempat dan Waktu Penelitian

The implementation of this research is in the even semester of the 2018/2019 learning year.
The location that was used as the object of this study was at SMP GORONTALO UTARA.

1Lexy J. Meleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif,(Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007), 4
Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2011), 306

Lexy J. Meleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif,3.
C. Instrumen Of Research

The Instruments To Be Used In This Research Is:

1. Observation
Observation or also called observation, is a technique or method of collecting data

by making observations of ongoing activities. In this study using non-participatory

observation, the observer only plays a role in observing the activities, not

participating in the activities observed.

2. interview
According to Esterberg (2002), in Sugiyono "The interview is a meeting of two people to

exchange information and ideas through question and answer, so that it can be constructed

meaning in a topic." Esterberg also put forward several kinds of interviews, namely

structured, semi-structured, and unstructured interviews.31

3. Documentation

According Sugiyono (2013: 240) document is a record of events that have passed.

Documents can be in the form of writing, pictures, or monumental works from a person.

Writing documents such as diaries, life histories, stories, biographies, regulations,

policies. Documents in the form of images such as photos, live pictures, sketches and

others. Documents in the form of works such as works of art, which can be images,

sculptures, films and others. Document study is complementary to the use of observation

and interview methods in qualitative research.32

Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D, hlm. 317-320
D. Sampel of Data Source


2. English Teachers in SMPN GORONTALO UTARA


E. Technique of Collecting Data

Berdasarkan intrumen penelitian diatas adapun alasan peneliti menggunakan
instrumen tersebut;

1. Observation

This method is used to obtain data and collect information about the problematics

of applying Curriculum 2013 on learning English in SMPN GORONTALO

UTARA. As well as the general condition at NORTH GORONTALO SMP

2. Interview

In this interview, the researcher uses semi-structured interviews. The objective is to

find the problem more openly, in which the interviewees are asked for opinions and

ideas. This method is used to collect data on the implementation of the 2013

curriculum in English subjects and its problems at SMPN GORONTALO UTARA.

3. Documentation

In this study Information or data collected through documentation studies include:

a. Document of vision and mission of SMPN GORONTALO UTARA

b. Documents on the condition of the school environment (teacher data,

administrative staff, and learners)

c. Documents on school facilities and infrastructure.

d. Document on the performance assessment of English subjects teachers

e. Document on Lesson Plan, Annual Program, Semester Program Of English

f. Documents on the value and achievement of learners Learners in English subjects

g. Documents about learning resources (English subject books, owned by teachers

and students).

F. Technique of Data Analysis

In this analysis the researcher uses three types of analysis, namely data reduction, display
(data presentation), and data verification or conclusion.

1. Data reduction
This initial step to facilitate an understanding of what has been collected, data

reduction is defined as the process of selecting and simplifying rough data obtained

from written notes from the field. Data reduction is done by grouping data based on

the aspects of research problems.

2. Display

the next data it must be done data verification by studying existing data. The

presentation of data is interpreted as a set of arranged information, which can

provide the possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. The data has been

reduced, then presented in the form of description based on aspects and research,

data presentation is intended to facilitate researchers interpret data, analyze data,

and draw conclusions.

3. Verification of data and conclusions

Conclusions and verification are carried out based on an understanding of the data

that has been collected. In qualitative research, this conclusion is carried out in

stages, first drawing a temporary conclusion and will change if strong data is found

that supports the collection stage. Based on this data verification, the researcher

can draw the final conclusions of the research findings.

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