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A. Background

Mathematics is a science that studies about the structured concepts and related with

each other. Mathematics consists of four regionals namely arithmetic, algebra, geometry,

and analysis. Starting from the simple concepts until to more complex concepts. This case

same as when learning mathematics mainly for material within the scope of algebra,

students should understand the operation of algebra forms material before moving to the

application of algebra operations concepts such as the material equations and linear

inequalities two variables.

The operation of algebra forms is the main base from some of the algebra elementary

materials. Therefore, mastery of algebra is needed. The algebra forms operation is one of

the mathematics materials which was first time introduced and taught to students of junior

high school. In the teaching process of that material is expected to be a foundation of

knowledge for students because by learning and understanding the material, students will

more easily understand mathematics concepts or other materials that are interrelated.

But in the process of teaching and learning, not all can be ensured to run smoothly.

Most of students think that algebra material is a matter which easy to learned, but it can

not be denied that not a few of students who think otherwise. Surely it is not apart from

many factors or other circumstances which related with it. There are many kinds of factors

that can arise, but they can be classified into two factors. Internal factors are factors that

exist within the individual that is being studied, while external factors are factors that

outside of individuals.
The student’s attitude during the lesson materials is one of internal factors which

becomes one of the highlights in the process of mathematics learning in the classroom. The

student’s attitude to reject or accept a mathematics material usually begins from their

assumptions or experiences from others who they listens, so that a mindset is formed in

themselves. The student’s assumption about the difficulty of learning algebra form

operation which is one of mathematics materials could have been caused by a lack of

students’s confidence in their performance, student's belief toward the benefits of lessons,

the students’ interest in learning, student’s belief toward their ability, and it also can not be

separated from their perception to the motivation and guidance from the teachers in

learning reflected into the attitudes of students.

Confidence is one aspect of psychology which becomes capital to believe the ability

and efforts that have been achieved, it also improves the learning quality of students. Many

of the students who are less believe in doing their tasks, always feel hesitant to answer

questions, although previously maybe have been prepared themselves as well as possible,

then hesitation such it is affecting to confidence in the exams to answer the teacher's

questions and etc.

The students’ belief to the benefits of algebra affects how students receive the lesson

materials. The false belief, such as assume mathematics as a difficult subject, full of

formulas, and not too important, make a lot of students less concerned about that lesson.

Students' interest to do the algebra problems also play a role in the process of

mathematics learning. Mathematics is often feared and hated by many students, so that the

learning process of mathematics can not run properly. This is because the students do not

like mathematics and also have less or no interest to learning mathematics.

The above case is likewise with the students’ belief toward their ability to solve

algebra based on gender. The boys and girls have different characteristics to respond the
things that they learned. The characteristics are such as persistence to study mathematics.

Many problems which arise because students are not sure about their own abilities. Student

who cheats is one example that the student does not believe to his own ability, but rather

relies on others. This condition is indicating a lack of the student’s belief.

The teacher's role is not less important in the learning process. Motivation and

guidance from the teacher to the student also contribute as an incentive for students to

learn. But in the giving of motivation and guidance depend on students’ perception when

they receive it because manifestation of motivation and guidance, generally forms sincerity

and persistence of students to their task, and etc. Conversely, students who have less or no

motivation and guidance, are generally less able and spirited to learn longer and not

seriously do their tasks.

Therefore, there is the imperfection of understanding algebra material from students

causing imperfections to the learning process in the classroom. Finally, the imperfections

of understanding during the learning process would have an impact to the student

achievement. The right attitude toward understanding and concepts of mathematics

materials is expected to help the process of the mathematics learning more effectively,

efficiently, and accordance with the spirit of the age so that it makes the student

achievement to increase.

In Atnafu (2010), Schreiber said that several studies have shown that a positive

attitude is conducive to good performance. The statement was reinforced by Papanastasiou

states that many researchers have shown that there is a significant correlation between

attitude and achievement. However, it can not be concluded whether the positive attitude

always causes the high achievement in mathematics. For example, research was conducted

by Kiely (in Atnafu, 2010), showed that a small percentage of students who are not good

enough at math, obtained the high marks in the attitude test.

Results of research was conducted by Atnafu (2010) toward secondary school’s

students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, stated that there is a relation between the algebra

achievement and the attitude toward algebra based on five of attitude components which

consist of confidence, lesson benefits, student’s interest, lesson which is dominated by

male students, and the beliefs and expectations from the teacher. From five attitude

components, confidence contributed significantly to the achievement, but the four other

components were not significant to the achievement.

Related to that case, then an effort was taken to see how relation between attitude

toward algebra and student's algebra achievement which aimed to know whether students

who have learned mathematics already have had learning achievement expected in

understanding the material and doing algebra materials, then it has connected to their

attitude during and after receiving the algebra materials.

Based on the explanation above, the author interested to do research entitle

"Relation between Attitudes toward Algebra and Algebra Learning Achievement of

Grade 7 Students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar".

B. Identification of Problem

In the process of mathematics learning at SMP Negeri 1 Polewali Mandar, all of

students are expected to receive a lesson well because the success of the learning process is

the estuary of the entire activities of the teachers and students. This means that whatever

the form of activity that occurs in the classroom, all that aimed at achieving student’s

learning success.

Based on the initial observations and discussions with mathematics teachers at SMP

Negeri 1 Polewali Mandar, it was obtained that average of the students’ learning outcomes

in the algebra material did not fulfill the KKM. That case becomes a real proof of

imperfection of understanding during the learning process. One of factor in this case is
students’ attitude toward the algebra material. The teachers stated that during the learning

process of that material, most students prefer to be in silence or even timid to ask and

answer questions about that material. Meanwhile, from the perceptions of students, most of

them feel less confident on their ability and performance in learning mathematics, they do

not too interest to study it, they feel that the lack of motivation and guidance of the

teachers who teach, and many other reasons have mentioned by student. Such problems

can construct the student’s attitude in the learning process because they will have an

impact on how they will understand the algebra material which is evident in the student’s


C. Problem Statements

Based on the background that is explained above, the problem statements in this

study are:

1) How is the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali


2) How is the attitude of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar toward the

algebra materal learning?

3) Is there a positive relationship between attitudes towards algebra and algebra learning

achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 1 Polewali Mandar?

With refer to the five aspects which construct the attitudes toward algebra material,

the additional problem statements in this study are:

1) Is there a positive relationship between students’ confidence toward their performance

in algebra and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3

Polewali Mandar?
2) Is there a positive relationship between students' belief toward the benefits of learning

algebra and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3

Polewali Mandar?

3) Is there a positive relationship between students' interest to learn algebra with the

algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar?

4) Is there a positive relationship between students’ belief toward their ability in algebra

based on gender and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP

Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar?

5) Is there a positive relationship between students’ perceptions of motivation and

guidance from teacher and the student algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students

of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar?

D. Research Objectives

This study basically aimed to get answers for the problem statements are mentioned

above. Therefore, through this study, researcher wanted to obtain, process, and analyze

data about:

1) The level of the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3

Polewali Mandar.

2) The attitude of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar toward algebra

material learning.

3) The positive relationship between the attitude toward algebra and the algebra learning

achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

4) The positive relationship between each aspects that construct the attitude and the

algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

5) Aspects which formed the attitude that support a positive relationship between attitude

and algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali


E. Significances of Research

This research is important because the results or findings have the following benefits:

a. Theoretic Benefit

Generally, this research is expected to provide an additional knowledge on the

theoretical level for readers and researchers in an effort to discover the relationship

between attitudes toward algebra and students’ algebra achievement.

b. Practical Benefits

The results are expected to be useful in the practical terms, such as:

1) Provide an overview for the math teacher about whether there is or how is relation

between attitudes toward and mathematics achievement of students in algebra so that it

can be an important input in improving student achievement with respect to the

students’ attitude during the learning process.

2) Provide an information for students to make an evaluation in order to improve their

algebra achievement with act positively when they are receiving the lesson materials.


A. Literature Reviews

1. Attitute
1.1 Definition of Attitute

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the attitude has been a concern of the

psychologists. They argued that by understanding a person's attitude, they can also

understand behavior of that person. Historically, the attitude was first used by Herbert

Spencer in 1862, which at the time was interpreted by him as a person's mental status.

Attitudes which arise are not only determined by the condition of the object faced, but also

it is related to the past experiences, to the present situation, and to the hopes for the future.

Along the times, the theory of attitude has developed and defined in different versions by


Attitude of someone will give a color or pattern to the behavior or conduct of that

person concerned. By knowing the person's attitude, people can guess how the response or

behavior that will be taken by that person concerned toward a problem or situation which

is confronted to him. So, by knowing a person's attitude, people will get an idea of the

possibilities that arise from the behavior of the person concerned.

In Djaali (2007: 114), it is explained that:

Trow defined attitude as a mental or emotional readiness in some kind of actions on

the exact situation. Trow more emphasized on mental or emotional readiness toward
an object. Meanwhile, Allport suggested that the attitude is a mental and neurological
readiness which is formed through experience and directly influence to the individual
response for all objects or situations which are related to that object.

From both the expert opinions, it is explained that the attitude can be seen from a

mental or emotional readiness a person toward an object through the experiences related to

the object.
Harlen also suggested that the attitude is a readiness or tendency of person to act in

facing a specific object or situation. (In Yusuf & Nurihsan, 2006: 169).

Cardno (in Djaali, 2007: 115) defined that “Attitude entails an existing predisposition

to response to social object which, in interaction with situational and other dispositional

variables, guides and directs the overt behavior of the individual”.

The terminology of the tendency (predisposition) contains a meaning of action

direction will be performed by someone concerned with an object. That direction can be

approached or avoided. The actions approaches or avoids an object (person, thing, idea,

environment, etc.), based upon the assessment of the individual concerned toward that


There are many other definitions of attitude, actually they are rather opposite, but the

definition variation is caused by the viewpoint of the author concerned. However, if it

observed accurately almost all of the attitude limitations have a view commonality, that

attitude is a situation that still exists in humans.

Thus, based on the definition above, it can be concluded that the attitude is the

tendency of individuals to understand, feel, react and behave toward an object.

1.2 Characteristics of Attitude

Attitude is not only shaped a personal attitude but also it can be the social attitude.

Individual attitude is the attitude held by certain individuals, while social attitudes are the

attitudes of a group of people toward the objects. As has been explained previously that

attitude is a factor that can encourage certain behavior. Despite like that, this attitude has

differences from other psychological aspects, such as knowledge, belief, motive, and
intention. The following are the traits of attitudes according to Isbandi (in Puspasari, 2010:


a. Attitude always describe the relation between the subject and the object.

There is no attitude without a subject. These objects can be things, people,

ideologies, social values, community agencies and so on. Hence, the attitude is always

formed or studied in its relation to certain objects, namely through the perception process

to a particular object. Positive or negative relation between the individual and certain

objects will also cause a certain attitude of individual toward the object.

b. Attitude is not brought since born, but studied and shaped by experience and training.

This means that human beings are born at a time yet to bring certain attitudes toward

objects, then attitude is something that is formed in the development of the individual


c. Attitude can be learned, so that the attitude can change, although it is relatively difficult

to change.

Attitudes have tendency to stable even if the attitude can change. That attitude is

formed or studied in its relation to specific objects.

d. Attitude does not disappear even if the need is met.

The attitude will be difficult to change, and even if they could change, it will take a

relatively long time.

e. Attitude is not just one kind, but very varied in accordance to the object which becomes

the center of attention.

f. The attitude also includes the motivational factors and feeling.

This means that the attitude toward specific objects will always be followed by a

certain feeling that can be either positive (pleasant) or negative (unpleasant) to the object.
Beside that, attitude also contains motivation, this means that the attitude has the impetus

for individuals to behave in a certain way toward the object which faced.

1.3 The Formation of Attitude

As described above, the attitude is not brought since born, but it is formed during the

development of the individual concerned. The following chart describes the formation of

attitudes according to Walgito (in Puspasari, 2010: 19).

Figure 2. 1 Schema of Attitude Formation

Based on the schema, it can be argued that the attitudes that exist in a person would

be influenced by internal factors, the physiological and psychological factors. External

factors can be tangible the situations faced by individuals, the norms that exist in society,

or obstacles that exist in society. All this will have an effect on the attitudes that exist in a


According to Atnafu (2010), some aspects that can construct the attitudes of students

in this study are as follow:

1) Students’ Confidence toward Their Performance in Algebra

Self-confidence is an attitude that should be owned by people who want to achieve

success. Because without confidence, impossible for someone is able to face the problems.

Belief in oneself is also the description of the capabilities and truths in taking a conclusion

about what is the best to do in the life. Someone will have a greater chance to success

according to what is expected, if he has a firm confidence to himself although he has lack

to himself.

According to Thursan (2002: 6), the simple definition of confidence can be stated as

a person’ belief toward the symptoms of aspect of ability which have by the individual

have and that belief makes him feel able to achieve various goals of his life. According to

Goleman (2000), confidence is a self-consciousness which strong about the price and the

ability to self. People with these skills will be able to appear with confidence, dare to

acknowledge their existence, dare to voice their views which do not populer and willing to

sacrifice for the sake of truth and decisive, able to make good decisions in all uncertain and

depressed circumstances.

Meanwhile, according to Lauster (2003), belief in oneself which is too overdone is

not always be a positive attitude. This generally can lead to tireless efforts. People who are
too confidence in themselves are often not careful and casual. A person who acts with

excessive self-confidence, often gives the cruel impression and does not has much friends.

On the other hand, self-confidence which is excessive can make a person look

arrogant, especially when he does not has a social skill. People who have self-confidence

generally view themselves as productive, able to face challenges and easily master a job or

a new skill. They believe in themselves as the catalyst, movers, and shakers, and feel that

their abilities are superior compared to most of others.

Confidence in the language according to Vandenbos (2006) is believe to their own

capabilities and capacity is seen as a positive personality. That opinion shows that people

who believe themselves have a confidence to success.

Confidence can be considered as a person's belief that he has the ability to do the task

or job, based on whether he has been able to finish his work in the past or not. McPheat

(2010) stated that actually there are two aspects of self-confidence. The first is

competence, whether a person has the skills and abilities to complete the task. The second

is confidence, if one can believe that he has the ability to complete the task.

McPheat (2010) added that people who believe themselves to plan and execute

something without letting fear stop them. When someone is confident, they will:

a. Focus the attention on their strengths while overcome their weaknesses

b. Not be afraid to take risks

c. Like to challenge themselves and set high goals

d. Look for opportunities to improve themselves

e. Not be afraid to admit when they do not know anything

f. Be honest about their weakness

According to Frenson (in Rikasusanti, 2008: 26) there are some characteristics of a

high confidence, that are:

a. Accept and respect themselves and others.
b. Be optimistic and have confidence and abilities that he has.
c. Not have fear and dare try to do things in any situation.
d. Be sportive and dare to responsible and willing to accept its shortcomings and
e. Be independent which means it does not always depend on others and do not need
to compare himself with other

Therefore, a sense of self-confidence which is strong is actually only refers to the

existence of some aspects of the individual's life where he feels competent, confident,

capable and believes he can because it is supported by the experience, the actual potential,

achievements as well as realistic expectations for self.

Moreover, according to Frenson (in Rikasusanti, 2008: 26) there are several things

that can cause a lack of confidence in students, namely:

a. Internal factors, such as inner feeling and mental attitude which are less healthy. To

establish a healthy mental attitude will be influenced by self-esteem and interest. The

sense of self-esteem and interest will affect a healthy mental attitude, because with self-

esteem and interest is high, then the person's self confidence will increase.

b. External factors, such as parenting patterns, attitudes of others and the individual's

environment. External factors can affect a person's self-confidence.

From the above, it can be concluded that for someone who lacks confidence, any of

failure reinforce the sense of their inadequacy. The absence of self-confidence can be

manifested itself in the form of a sense of hopelessness, helplessness, and raising doubts to


According to Aunurrahman (2009: 184), self-confidence is one of the person's

psychological conditions that affect toward activity and mental in the learning process.

Confidence related to the ability in accomplishing something that is seen and judged

by others so that resulting to believable by others that will lead to self-confidence.

From the several definitions above, it can be concluded that self-confidence is the

belief in oneself to do everything which is wanted and feel satisfied to oneself.

A student's self confidence is usually evident after showing performance in the

learning. Mangkunagara (2000) defines performance as a result of the quality and quantity

of work that is achieved by students in carrying out the task assigned to them. Then

according to Sulistiyani (2003), the performance is a combination of ability, effort, and

opportunity can be judged from their work (in Hakim, 2010: 31). Student performance in

algebra can be interpreted as an effort that has been made to understand and do tasks as

well as problems concerning about algebra.

Therefore, the confidence to the performance of algebra in this study is a situation

when the students feel confident toward their efforts in doing mathematics tasks especially

in algebra materials without expect to the help from others. The confidence of students

toward their effort can help students to appreciate mathematics, so that they can create a

positive attitude in themselves toward mathematics especially algebra material.

2) Students’ Belief toward Benefits of Learning Algebra

A positive belief toward mathematics is important to be instilled to children early

because beliefs can be the basis for the disposition, the basis for action, the basis for the

change, and the basis for the learning (Chapman, 2008). The student belief toward the

subject matter in mathematics affect to how he "welcomes" the subject matter. According

to Kislenko (2006), belief is something which is students know or feel and affect to their

effort in learning, while Chapman (2008) stated that the belief refers to something which is

considered to be true by someone, and it could come from experience, real or just


Students' positive attitude toward mathematics means students have beliefs about

mathematics particularly to algebra material, the benefit of mathematics as a science or

math as the supporter of other sciences, for the life, the benefits and the importance of

learning math for themselves and for the nation's life. As stated by Skemp (in Nur'asyah,

2005: 26) that mathematics is a structure that formed from the abstractions and concepts

consecutively each other regularly.

The using of mathematics is a powerful communication tool, because it can arrange

and communicate ideas clearly, precisely, and accurately. This is accordance to the opinion

of Kline (in Nur'asyah, 2005: 26) who stated that mathematics provides benefits to inspire

in the social and economic, and even mathematical thinking will give color to the activity

of painting, architecture, and music.

As one of mathematics materials, algebra is often applied in daily life. By the

symbolic language, relations which arise, the problems which are solved simply.

According to PPPG Math Team (2004), competency of students in understanding and then

arranging the algebra form is a prerequisite for students to be capable or competent in

solving verbal problems involving both equality and inequality and its development. For

example, students can use algebra to manage pocket money given by parents each week.

Another concrete example is in the commerce world, algebra can help the traders to

calculate the gain or loss that can be obtained, and they can determine the amount of

capital needed.

The role of mathematics has been placed as one of the important subjects in the

world of education. For that, people will be more active and diligent to study mathematics

if they feel the benefits of having the knowledge in their life.

3) Students’ Interest to Learning Algebra

Attitude refers to a person's tendency to respond in relation with the 'like' or 'dislike'

toward a given object (such as people, events, or ideas). As the process of the construct of

beliefs, then the construct of students’ attitude toward mathematics requires a relatively
long time. If it is associated with fondness or dislike to something, this case will tend

toward the interest.

There are several opinions about the interest, but basically those opinions are

complement one another. According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, interest means a

high tendency of heart toward something. Interest is relatively settled in a person. Interest

has a considerable influence on the activities of a person. Because the interest, person

would do something of interest. Otherwise, without the interest, a person is not possible to

do something.

According to Slameto (2003: 180), interest is a preferred sense and relevance sense

to something/activity, without being told. Feeling to like or dislike is regarded as

psychological symptoms that have a subjective characteristic which is commonly related to

symptoms of recognizing and experiencing in the quality of happy or unhappy in the

various degree. Each of activity and experience that is done, will be always involved by a

feeling, happy or unhappy. Feeling like that as a non-intellectual psychological factors,

which specifically affects to the spirit of learning.

In terms of learning, if a student has an interest in a particular subject then the

students have to like that subject, then students will pay attention to the material provided.

Holland said that the interest is a high tendency of heart to something (in Djaali,

2007: 122). If a student establishes a rather spontaneous judgment through his feelings

about learning experiences in the school, and it results in a positive assessment then an

excitement will appear in their heart but if it is a negative judgment then a displeasure will

appear. Someone does the learning activities because there is an instigation. In this case, a

sense of excitement as the activator basic that encourages a person to learn and do a

learning activities within a certain time period.

Moreover, Ahmadi and Supriyono (2004) stated that volition will encourage the

student interest, encourage the activity movement for achieve an objective. So, the volition

symptoms want there is the implementation of activities. The volition is an encouragement

of the conscious inner, based on consideration of thought and right feeling, and all of one's

personal which is directed at achieving the goals related to his needs.

Sudarsono (2003) stated that interest is an interested attitude or fully involved in an

activities because recognizing of the importance of the activities.

From the opinions of experts in above, it appears that some of the elements contained

in the sense of interest, these elements are:

1) Happy feeling

2) Student’s attention

3) Volition to learning

4) Student’s involvement

Interest can be expressed through a statement which indicates that the student would

rather something than anything else, may be it can be manifested through a participation in

an activity. It can be concluded that the interest in learning is a situation where students

feel happy and give attention to the subject and a willingness to learn which raises the

attitude of everyone who want to learn.

4) Students’ Belief toward Their Ability Based on Gender

Belief or trust is a translation of the word ‘belief’. It is being derived from English.

Beside having a lot of synonyms, belief has a lot of definitions. Definition of belief is not

unique because definition of belief is adjusted with goals and objectives. If the objective is

to explain for ordinary people, the informal definition is more suitable, but if the goal for
the research, the formal definition is more useful. Lexically, in the Oxford Dictionary, the

belief is defined as a strong sense of truth or existence of something (a strong feeling that

something/someone exists or is true) or believe that something is good or right.

According to Cooper and Mc Gaugh (in Leder and Forgasz, 2002), belief is an

attitude which involves a number of cognitive structures. Operationally, people have

attitude and believe about an object. Belief connotes with a person's attitude toward an

object in depth. Someone uses belief as a basis for predicting what will happen then.

Talking particularly about mathematics, Presmeg (in Leder and Forgasz, 2002) said that

the term of beliefs and conceptions can be interchangeable in the context of mathematical

natural properties. For example, when the students were asked "What is mathematics?",

They replied by stating their views of the mathematical natural properties that can also be

called by beliefs or conceptions about mathematics. Broader definition is a belief as the

way we think about something in ourselves or around us (Hill, 2008).

Whether the student can or cannot complete their tasks, depend on the students'

belief toward their ability in understanding the course material. According to Kamus Besar

Bahasa Indonesia, the ability is a skill or strength. Thus, the ability is a skill (skill) which

someone has to be able to finish something. According to Nana (in Alidah, 2011: 42),

characteristics of student's ability are the knowledge and relevant skills in solving the

problems faced by student.

According to the developmental psychology, children's ability which is extensive is

divided into three major parts, namely, psycho affective, psychomotor, and psych cognitive

(Chatib, 2012: 69). Chatib (2012) continued to explain that the child's learning ability or

student can be said to be perfect if all three aspects of these capabilities are met. All

aspects of this capability are as follow:

a) Aspects of affective skills relates to attitudes and values which can be formed a

discipline or respect for the teacher.

b) Aspects of psychomotor skills associated to physical movement to demonstrate the

ability of the child after receiving a knowledge.

c) Aspects of cognitive ability related to thinking activity.

It can means that if a person is skillful to solve the mathematics problems correctly,

then that person has the ability to solve these problems. To be able to do math is not

enough to know how to do, but ought accompanied by the belief to the truth of its concepts

and procedures. Therefore, the ability of students can be interpreted as a proficiency of

students in absorbing and understanding the students' learning and the ability to work or

solve a matter.

Belief in ability to learn something depends on the student. Basically, each individual

has different capabilities. There are high ability, there are medium ability, and there are

low ability and it applies to all students, both girls and boys. These gender differences need

to be the spotlight of teachers due to differences in characteristics of female students and

male students will be seen when they are receiving subject matter.

Santrock (2008: 194) stated that gender is a socio-cultural and psychological

dimensions of men and women. The terminology of gender is distinguished from the term

of sex. The gender roles are social expectations that define how men and women should

think, feel, and act. The word of gender is being derived from English that means ‘sex’.

Humans who have the norm since birth had brought a gender nature individually either is

male or female. Each of individual along with his gender has a nature, intelligence, and

different characters respectively (Ngalim, 2003).

In general, the difference of male students and female students lies on the active

properties that are shown by men and passivity that are shown by women.
It can be concluded that gender differences will affect to belief in the ability, the way

of students to learn and the way of thinking of women and men that they show in the

learning process.

5) Students’ perception about Motivation and Learning Guidance from the Teacher

Human development in life is inseparable from processes of life; one of them is a

learning process. This process occurs because the human interaction with the environment.

From interaction, a person receives a variety of information that later produce knowledge,

experience. The information which is received as a result of human interaction with the

environment affect to aspects of life which is one of them is the perception.

According to Sukadi (2002: 16), perception is essentially a cognitive process

experienced by every person in the understanding of information about his environment,

either through sight, hearing, appreciation, feeling and smell. So, the key to understand the

perception lies in the introduction that perception is a unique interpretation about the

situation, and rather than a true note to the situation. This is in accordance with the opinion

of Thoha (in Sukadi, 2002: 16) that perception is a cognitive process that is complex and

produces a unique picture of a reality that is perhaps different from the reality.

Rakhmad (2001: 45) stated that perception is an experience of an event or object

relations obtained by inferring information and interpreting the message. In Kamus Besar

Bahasa Indonesia describes two perception definitions, that are:

1. Perception is the immediate response of an uptake.

2. Perception is the process of a person to gain knowledge about some things through the

five senses.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that the response or acceptance of a

person in knowing the outside world that can be an object, quality, events, and it is
preceded by sensing the sensory responses then are transmitted to the brain, and then

appears a process of psychological, so that people know and understand what is sensed.

In this learning activity, the teacher's role is crucial to develop students' motivation.

Students expect a lot from the teacher; if the expectations are met, the students will be

satisfied. Some of the expectations of the students during the learning process are the

motivation and guidance of teachers. Realizing that motivation and guidance closely

related to the needs, the teacher's task is to convince students in order to the learning

objectives are to be realized become a necessity for every student.

According to Aunurrahman (2009: 114), motivation is the stimulant force for a

person to have the energy or strength to do something passionately. Accordingly, Djaali

(2007: 101) argued that motivation is a physiological and psychological condition

contained in the oneself that encourage to perform the certain activities in order to achieve

a goal (requirement). Additionally, McPheat (2010: 12) stated that “A simple definition for

motivation is that it is a description of a persons’s motive to action”. In other words,

motivation can be defined as the driving force or motive that has been active or become

active at any given moment.

Santrock (2008: 510) also expressed the opinion that motivation is a process which

gives the spirit, direction, and persistence of behavior. That means, motivated behavior is a

behavior that is full of energy, directed and enduring.

From the three opinions are expressed above, it can be concluded that motivation is a

condition which encourages someone to passionate to attempt for achieve a goals.

Student who has the motivation to learn, will appear through the sincerity to involve

in the learning process. Conversely, the students who are not or less motivated, generally

they are less able to endure for longer study, less serious to do their jobs. A less positive

attitude in the learning is increasingly apparent when there is no teacher to watch them.
Motivation can be internal and external. If the motivation is provided by the teacher

when starting the lesson, the condition can be classified in the external motivation because

it comes from outside of the individual. According to Aunurrahaman (2009: 118), in order

to the students' motivation to grow well, then the teacher should strive to:

a. Design or prepare the teaching materials attractively.

b. Condition the active learning process.
c. Use the interesting methods and techniques of learning.
d. Strive the fulfillment of the needs for students in the learning (such as the need to
be appreciated, do not feel depressed, etc).
e. Convince the students that they are able to achieve an achievement.
f. Correct the students work as soon as possible and as soon as also notify the results
to the students.
g. Give the value of the lessons being learned and connect it with students real life.

Consequently, the teacher is always expexted to notice the interaction that happens in

the class in order to help the students to develop a positive attitude in themselves.

Apart from giving motivation, learning guidance is given by the teacher during the

learning process can influence the students' attitudes. Students may not be able to develop

skills or knowledge automatically, without any prior guidance. Students who receive

guidance well are more enthusiastic in learning than students lack of guidance.

According to Sukardi (2008: 2), guidance is the process of the assistance given to

person or group of people continuously and systematically by a supervisor, so the

individual or group of individuals become the self-sufficient person.

Further suggested by Prayitno (in Sukardi, 2008: 2) the meaning of the guidance is:

Process of giving aids conducted by the expert to someone or some people, children,
adolescents, and even adults so that people who are guided can develop skills by
themselves and self-contained with utilizing their own individual strengths and the
facilities which existing and can be developed based on the norm.

From the above statement, it can be concluded that the guidance is the aids given to a

person (individual) or a group of people so that they can develop to become self-sufficient

The provision of guidance mentioned above can be done through various ways and

by using any channels and existing materials. One of the guidances given by the teacher to

the students regularly is the learning guidance.

According to Sukardi (2008: 13), learning guidance can help the students to develop

themselves, attitudes, and good study habits to master knowledge and skills, and prepare

them to continue their education to a higher level.

Thus, the learning guidance is a form of activity in the learning process performed by

a person who has had more ability in many things to give to others in order to the others

can find a new knowledge that does not they owned and can be applied in the life.

Thus, students' perceptions of motivation and guidance from the teacher are the

presumption of the students about the power that can be an encouraging force for students

to utilize potentials in themselves and outside potentials of themselves to realize the

purpose of learning.

Based on the descriptions above, it is clear that the visible manifestation of the

attitude of a person's response is whether he accepts or refuses, agree or disagree to the

object or subject. Aspects that construct the attitudes relates to one another. That

connection collectively constructs the attitudes of individuals which is closely related to

student behavior.

2. The Algebra Concepts

2.1 Definition of Algebra Forms Operation

According to Wahyudin (2004: 103), the word of algebra is a word variation of

aljabr, of which the meaning is a meeting or combining the parts. Algebra is also a short

way in mathematics.

According to Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, algebra is a branch of mathematics

that uses signs or letters to describe or represent numbers.

The algebra form is a combination of values and the operations that can be used to

show how the two things are interrelated and mutually compared.

The operation is an action performed on one or two numbers to produce a number of

results. The types of operations in algebra are addition, subtraction, multiplication,

division, fractions, etc. (Sterling, 2005).

Therefore, operation of the algebra can be defined as an action which is done toward

the combination of values and operations that can be used to show how the two are related

and compare each other to produce a number of results.

2.2 Forms, Elements, dan Computation Operation of Algebra Forms

The following is an explanation of the concept of algebra in the algebra forms

operation material taught in the class 7 at junior level (in Nuharini and Wahyuni, 2008).

a. The Forms of Algebra and Its Components

The algebra is a form of mathematics that the presentation contains letters to

represent an unknown number. Furthermore, in a algebra form there are algebra elements,

including variables, constants, terms, factors, and coefficients. Variables is a replacement

symbols of a number that unknown its value clearly. The variable is called variable.

Variables are usually denoted by lowercase letters a, b, c, ..., z.

Constants is the terms of an algebraic form that formed into numbers and does not

contain variables. Terms is a variable along with its coefficients and constant in the form of

algebra operations that are separated by sum (+) or difference (-). If a number a can be

changed into 𝑎 = 𝑝 × 𝑞 with a, p, q are integers, then p and q are called the factors of a.

The coefficient is a factor of the rate constants in the forms of algebra.

b. Computation Operation to the Algebra Forms

1. Addition and Substraction of Algebra Forms

In the algebra forms, addition and subtraction operations can only be performed on

similar terms. Adding or subtracting the algebra forms performed with using distributive


Example: 3a – 2b + 6a +4b – 3c = 3a + 6a – 2b + 4b – 3c

= (3 + 6)a + (-2 + 4)b – 3c

= 9a + 2b – 3c

2. Multiplication and Divison among the Algebra Forms

a. In the integers multiplication applied the distributive properties of multiplication to

addition, that is 𝑎 × (𝑏 + 𝑐) = (𝑎 × 𝑏) + (𝑎 × 𝑐) and the distributive properties of

muplication to substraction, that is 𝑎 × (𝑏 − 𝑐) = (𝑎 × 𝑏) − (𝑎 × 𝑐), for each integers

a, b, and c. This properties also applied to the algebra forms multiplication.

1) Multiplication between constants with the forms of algebra

Multiplying a constant number k with the algebra form of the unique term and

binomials stated as follows.

k(ax) = kax

k(ax + b) = kax + kb

In constant multiplication with the algebraic forms, if a constant number is

specified, then the other constants are not valid numbers. This is done in order to get a

correct statement of the results of multiplication operations between the constants with

the algebraic forms.

Contoh: 3(x – 2) + 6(7x + 1) = 3x – 6 + 42x + 6

= (3 + 42)x – 6 + 6

= 45x

2) Multiplication between two algebra forms

Regarding constant multiplication with the algebraic forms, to determine the

result of multiplying two algebra forms, we can use the distributive properties of

multiplication to the addition and the distributive properties of muplication to the

substraction. Beside this way, to determine a result of multiplying two algebra forms,

we can use the following way.

(𝑎𝑥 + 𝑏)(𝑐𝑥 + 𝑑) = 𝑎𝑥 × 𝑐𝑥 + 𝑎𝑥 × 𝑑 + 𝑏 × 𝑐𝑥 + 𝑏 × 𝑑

= 𝑎𝑐𝑥 2 + (𝑎𝑑 + 𝑏𝑐)𝑥 + 𝑏𝑑

b. In the divison among the algebra forms, the quotients of the two forms of algebra can be

obtained by firstly determining each common factor of algebra forms, and then make

division to the numerator and denominator.

6𝑎3 𝑏2 3𝑎2 𝑏 × 2𝑎𝑏

Example: = (common factor is 3𝑎2 𝑏)
3𝑎2 𝑏 3𝑎2 𝑏

= 2𝑎𝑏

c. Subtitution to algebra forms

Subtitution to algebra forms is inputting or substituting any number on variables of

the algebra forms. If a number from any numbers is specified to be a value of certain

variable in an algebra forms, then the other numbers are not valid numbers. This is done in

order to get a correct statement from the results of algebra form solution.

Example: If m = 3, then the value of 5 – 2m is . . .

Subtitute the value m = 3 to 5 – 2m, then obtained

5 – 2m = 5 – 2(3)

= 5 – 6 = -1

3. Fraction of algebra forms

Fraction is the number that can be expressed into form “ 𝑏 ”, with a and b are

integers, b ≠ 0, b is not factor of a, number a is called numerator and b is called

denominator. The definition applies to fraction of integers, similarly with fraction of

algebra forms. Fraction of algebra form has the numerator or the denominator which one of

1 𝑏 𝑥+𝑦
them contained algebra forms, or both contained the algebra form, like as 𝑎 , 2 , .

1) Simplify the fraction of algebra forms

An algebra fraction is said as a simplest form when the numerator and denominator

no has common factors except 1, and the denominator is not equal to zero. To simplify the

algebra fraction can be done with dividing the numerator and denominator of the fraction

by the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of both. According to Hardi (2009: 12), the

Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) from two or more numbers is the largest natural number

that is a member of the common factors which divide both numbers. This case is also valid

in the algebra form.

3𝑥 3𝑥 ∶ 3𝑥
Example: = (GCD of 3𝑥 and 6𝑥 2 𝑦 is 3𝑥)
6𝑥 2 𝑦 6𝑥 2 𝑦 ∶ 3𝑥

= 2𝑥𝑦

3𝑥 1
Thus, the simply form of is .
6𝑥 2 𝑦 2𝑥𝑦

2) Computation of the algebra fractions with the denominators of the unique term

a. Addition and substraction

The operations of addition and subtraction in algebra form fractions can be solved

only if they have same denominator. If the denominators is not same, then it must be

equated by using of LCM (Least Common Multiple) in order to be solved. According to

Hardi (2009: 12), Least Common Multiple (LCM) from two or more numbers is the

smallest positive integer which is divisible both numbers. After equating the denominator,

then the next step is adding or subtracting the numerator.

1 5 1×3𝑞 5×2𝑝
Example: + = +
2𝑝 3𝑞 2𝑝×3𝑞 3𝑞×2𝑝
3𝑞 10𝑝 2𝑞 + 10𝑝
= + =
6𝑝𝑞 6𝑝𝑞 6𝑝𝑞

b. Multiplication and divison

𝑎 𝑐 𝑎𝑐
The form of fraction multiplication can be expressed as follows: × = , for
𝑏 𝑑 𝑏𝑑

𝑏, 𝑑 ≠ 0, with b, d is not factor of a and c. This formula can also be applied to the

multiplication of algebra fractions.

4 𝑎𝑏 4 ×𝑎𝑏 2𝑏
Example: × = =
3𝑎 2 3𝑎 ×2 3

The division is an invers of multiplication operation. Therefore, it can be said that

devide a fraction with other fraction of algebra fractions equals to multiply the fraction

with its invers.

𝑏 𝑐 𝑎𝑐
𝑎∶ =𝑎×𝑏 = for 𝑏 ≠ 0 , 𝑐 ≠ 0 and b is not factor of a and c.
𝑐 𝑏

𝑎 𝑎 1 𝑎
∶ 𝑐 = 𝑏 × 𝑐 = 𝑏𝑐 for 𝑏 ≠ 0 , 𝑐 ≠ 0 and b, c are not factor of a.

𝑎 𝑐 𝑎 𝑑 𝑎𝑑
: =𝑏×𝑐 = for 𝑏 ≠ 0 , 𝑐 ≠ 0 and b, c are not factors of a and d.
𝑏 𝑑 𝑏𝑐

3. Learning Achievement

3.1 Definition of Learning Achievement

The issue of education has always been an interesting topic of discussion, both

among the general public, even more for education experts. All this is a normal matter

because everyone is concerned and involved in the educational process. Moreover the

mathematics problems are always be spotlight because the low of student achievement in

the learning.

The understanding of the definition of learning achievement generally should start

with the understanding of learning itself. To that, the experts expressed the various

opinions according to their views.

Learning is a change that happens in the humans behaviors as stated by Ormrod

(2009). That statement related to a statement by Slameto (2003) which is said that learning

is a process that someone do to get a new behavior change totally, as a result of their

experiences in the interaction with their environment. Muhibbinsyah (2002) added that

learning is a change step from all of the individuals behavior which relatively sedentary as

a result of observation and interaction with the environment that involve the cognitive


Based on some of the opinions above, learning is an activity that is done consciously

and regular in one's self, so that he will experience a change individually, well the

knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior resulting from the exercise and the individual's

own experience in interacting with his environment. Thus, it can be observed that someone

has said to have learned if he has undergone a process of certain activities so that there is a

behavior change.

To determine a person's success or failure in learning, it is necessary to do an

evaluation in order to determine the achievement obtained by student after learning


Achievement is an activity that has been done, created either individually or in

groups. In Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, achievement is defined as a result that has been

achieved. Meanwhile, Wingkel (2007: 91) stated that the achievement is the successfulness

of the effort that attainable. In this case, Wingkel defines the achievement as a result of

performance achieved by students after accomplishing a learning activity, where that result

is a description about mastery of knowledge and skills of the students.

From the definition above, achievement is the result of a person's activities or groups

activities that have done, created and pleased that obtained by working.
The definition of achievement in the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia is the mastery

of knowledge or skills developed by the subjects, usually indicated by test scores or

number given by the teacher. In this case, the achievement represents an advance in the

development of the student after he participated in the study over time. All the knowledge,

skills, abilities and behavior of individual are formed and evolved through learning


Suggested by Slameto (2003: 2), the achievement is the result of the measurement

and assessment of learning effort. Based on that understanding, it was explained that

learning achievement is the level of humanity owned the student to accept, reject and

assess the information obtained in the process of teaching and learning.

Students’ learning achievement that accordance with any degrees of success in

learning the subject matter is expressed in values or report cards in every field of study

after involved the learning process. Students’ achievement can be determined after did an

evaluation. The results of the evaluation show about high or low of students’ achievement.

It can be concluded that the achievement in learning as achieving a result with ability

which they have and is characterized by the development and behavioral changes in a

person that gained from learning with a certain time through an evaluation.

3.2 The factors which Influence to Learning Achievement

Student's learning activity is not forever proceed properly, sometimes smoothly and

sometimes not, sometimes quickly capture what is learned, it is sometimes difficult to

understand. In the spirit case is sometimes high and sometimes difficult to be able

concentrate on learning. The fact like that we often encounter on every student in his daily

life in the teaching and learning activities.

Every student does not same, this individual difference is causing the difference of

learning behavior among students, thus causing a difference in learning achievement.

Learning achievement is the result of a process where there are a number of factors

that influence each other, the high or low of learning achievement depends on those


According to Muhibbinsyah (2002), the factors which affect to student's achievement

can be divided into three kinds, namely:

a) Internal factors (factors in student’s self), that are situation/condition of student’s

physical or spiritual.

b) External factors (factors outside of student’s self), that are environments situation

surrounding of student.

c) Learning approach factors (approach to learning), that are the types of student efforts

which include strategies and methods used by students to carry out learning materials


From the above, it can be concluded that student achievement in schools has relative

properties, meaning that it can change at any time. This occurs because student

achievement is highly related to the factors that influence it, these factors are interrelated

between the one another. Weakness of one factor may affect one's success in learning.

Thus, the level of achievement of learning achieved by students at the school are supported

by internal and external factors.

B. Frameworks

Framework as a foundation or basis used in this study is based on the literature

reviews and experience in that field that the different attitudes in receiving or

responding to a case may be will bring positive or negative impact during the learning

process. The difference in attitude can be formed from various aspects, such as self-

confidence in the performance, the belief toward the benefits of learning, interest in
learning, belief toward the ability, perception to motivation and guidance which will

further impact on student achievement.

1) Relation betweeen Attitude toward Algebra and Algebra Learning Achievement

Students’ learning achievement cannot be separated from learning activities because

the learning activities as processes and achievements as a result of the learning process.

Student’s learning achievement at the school certainly does not appear or achieved by

itself. There are many factors related to achieving of the learning achievement which

students obtained, one of them is students’ attitude in learning mathematics especially

algebra material.

The student's attitude toward the algebra material is one of the important factors that

can determine the algebra learning achievement. The attitude of student can be seen from

several aspects, such as, students' confidence toward their performance in learning algebra,

belief to the benefits of the algebra material they had learned, an interest in learning

algebra, students’ belief to their ability and performance in learning algebra based on

gender, and the students’ perception to the giving of motivation and guidance from the

teacher in the learning of algebra.

Learning mathematics especially algebra materials will be done earnestly when the

students have a positive mind, attitude and pleasant towards materials of mathematics

lessons so that the learning process occurs effectively. The existence of a positive attitude

toward the matter of mathematics makes students tend to be ready to learn mathematics

with a great attention to mathematics and will cause the encouragement to learn

mathematics in more depth. Thus, one's achievement will be better.

Therefore, if the students have a positive attitude toward algebra then the

achievement of learning algebra is also high, and conversely if students have a negative

attitudes toward algebra then the achievement of learning algebra is also low. In other
words, it is assumed that there is a positive relationship between attitude of students toward

learning algebra and algebra achievement. That is, the better the students' attitudes toward

algebra, the higher also their algebra achievement. On the contrary, the lower the students'

attitudes toward algebra, then the lower also their learning achievement.

2) Relation between Confidence toward Performance and Algebra Learning


Self-confidence is a belief to able to solve a problem, so it can also master new skills,

effort, and creative, full of confident and accompanied the responsibility toward the

learning activities which undertaken to make a person achieve good learning performance.

Similarly, students who have high confidence will endeavor to try any difficult and

challenging task to able resolved, while students who do not have the confidence would be

reluctant to do so. The higher the confidence of the students, the higher the learning

achievement earned.

With the firm confidence of a student, then student seem to has a strong faith and

conviction. To further students can try a variety of ways in solving math problems at

school which lead to good performance on all subjects faced. Thus, it is assumed that there

is a positive relationship between confidence and student's algebra achievement.

3) Relation between Belief toward Benefits of Learning Algebra and Algebra

Learning Achievement

The students’ positive belief toward mathematics has a meaning that students have a

good belief about mathematics, especially in algebra material, benefits, either algebra as a

matter of mathematics or as supporting of other sciences, for the life and the importance of

studying math benefits for themselves or for the benefit of the nation. It will make students

be happy to do algebra and have a positive tendency in selecting and determining strategies

to learn algebra and other materials of math.

Algebra learning achievement of students is the students' performance in cognitive

areas, such as, memory, comprehension, application of the facts, skills, concepts and

principles in mathematics that will be higher if students are be more focus in the learning.

Assumed that if the belief of students toward benefits of learning algebra is positive,

then student's achievement is also high and conversely, if students' belief toward the

benefits of learning algebra is negative, then the achievement is also low. In other words,

assumed that there is a positive relationship between the belief toward benefits of algebra

and students' achievement. That is, assumed that the better the students' beliefs to the

benefits of learning algebra, then the higher also the students achievement. On the

contrary, the worse the belief toward benefits of learning algebra, then the lower also their

algebra learning achievement.

4) Relation between Interest in Learning Algebra and Algebra Learning


Interest is a person's consciousness, that an object, a person, a thing or a situation has

a relation to himself. By having high interest in something, then he would love to do an

activity and not get bored at it, so the result will be satisfying for him. Similarly in learning

activities, students who are interested in learning, will feel happy and willing to do all the

actions in the learning process because the interest that grows from needs of himself is a

motivating factor for student in conducting his business.

Interest affects student’s achievement, if someone is not interested to learn

something, then there is no hope that he will success, otherwise if someone learn

something with interest, then it can be expected that the results will be better.

The Interest role in teaching is very important for students who are experiencing the

learning process, because of the high interest is expected to be produced good learning

outcomes as well. If a student has an interest to learn, then the student has the desire to
learn the concepts that exist in algebra. It certainly has an important impact on improving

the achievement of learning algebra. Accordingly, assumed that there is a positive

relationship between the interest in the learning algebra and student's algebra learning

achievement. In other words, the higher the student's interest in learning algebra, then the

higher also the student's algebra achievement. Conversely, the lower the student's interest

in learning algebra, then the lower also the student's algebra achievement.

5) Relation between Belief toward Ability in Learning Algebra Based on Gender and

Algebra Learning Achievement

Gender differences between men and women affect the mindset psychologically

emotions and behavior. From these circumstances will be produced a different learning

achievement, this is due to the difference in learning between men and women. In the

process of learning, differences in boys and girls can be seen from the confidence toward

the capabilities of each student.

Belief to the ability has an important role in the learning process as a force in

achieving the learning achievement optimally. The force which encourages students to

success in learning. Learning can be said to be success if it can result a high achievement.

Student who has a high confidence to his ability will supposedly obtain high learning

achievement as well. On the contrary, the student who has low belief toward his ability

will supposedly obtain low learning achievement as well.

6) Relation between Perception toward the Giving of Motivation and Guidance from

the Teacher and Algebra Learning Achievement

Motivation and guidance are very involved in learning. Motivation can come from

themselves or from outside. One is motivation gained by students from the teachers during

the learning process. With the motivation and guidance, students become to be diligent in

the process of learning. With them, the quality of the student achievement may able also be
realized. But the motivation and guidance of teachers will achieve an optimal algebra

learning achievement, if students perceive them as the good thing.

Student's perception toward motivation and guidance of teachers relates to the

learning achievement because perception is the earliest stage in understanding something.

Perception is a relationship between events or past experiences and upcoming events which

gives an effect to any absorption, assumption, and interpretation.

If students perceive motivation and guidance given by their teachers during the

learning process to be able fulfill the needs as the basis for understanding the algebra

material in math, then it will form a positive perception to the algebra, and in its turn will

further motivate the students to study hard. So, it will give an impact on the high of

students’ algebra learning achievement. Conversely, if students have a negative perception

toward the motivation and guidance of the teacher usually can be one resistor factor for

achieving high learning achievement. Thus, it is assumed that there is a positive

relationship between student's perception to motivation and guidance and student's algebra


C. Hypotheses of Research

Based on the problem statements and the frameworks presented, the hypotheses in

this study are formulated as follow:

1. There is a positive relationship between attitude toward algebra and algebra learning

achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

For the purpose of statistical testing, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H0: β1 = 0 versus H1: β1 > 0


β1 = parameter of relationship between attitude toward algebra and the student’s

algebra learning achievement

Pair hypothesis of it are:

H0 : There is not a positive relation between attitude toward algebra and algebra

learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

H1 : There is a positive relation between attitude toward algebra and algebra

learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

2. There is a positive relationship between confidence toward performance in learning

algebra and the algebra achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali


For the purpose of statistical testing, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H0: β2 = 0 versus H1: β2 > 0


β2 = parameter of relationship between confidence toward performance in algebra and

the algebra learning achievement.

Pair hypothesis of it are:

H0 : There is not a positive relation between confidence toward performance in

algebra and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP

Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

H1 : There is a positive relation between confidence toward performance in

algebra with the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP

Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

3. There is a positive relationship between belief toward the benefits of learning algebra

and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali


For the purpose of statistical testing, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H0: β3 = 0 versus H1: β3 > 0


β3 = parameter of relationship between belief toward the benefits of learning algebra

and the algebra learning achievement.

Pair hypothesis of it are:

H0 : There is not a positive relation between belief toward the benefits of learning

algebra and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP

Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

H1 : There is a positive relation between belief toward the benefits of learning

algebra and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP

Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

4. There a positive relationship between interest in learning algebra and the algebra

learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

For the purpose of statistical testing, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H0: β4 = 0 versus H1: β4 > 0


β4 = parameter of relationship between interest in learning algebra and the algebra

learning achievement.

Pair hypothesis of it are:

H0 : There is not a positive relation between interest in learning algebra and the

algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali


H1 : There is a positive relation between interest to learning algebra and the

algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali

5. There is a positive relationship between belief toward ability in algebra based on gender

and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali


For the purpose of statistical testing, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H0: β5 = 0 versus H1: β6 > 0


β5 = parameter of relationship between belief toward ability in algebra based on gender

and the algebra learning achievement.

Pair hypothesis of it are:

H0 : There is not a positive relation between belief toward ability in algebra based

on gender and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP

Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

H1 : There is a positive relation between belief toward ability in algebra based on

gender and the algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP

Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

6. There is a positive relationship between perception toward the giving of motivation and

guidance from the teacher and the student algebra learning achievement of grade 7

students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

For the purpose of statistical testing, the hypothesis is formulated as follows:

H0: β6 = 0 versus H1: β6 > 0


β6 = parameter of relationship between perception toward giving motivation and

guidance from the teacher with the students’ algebra learning achievement.

Pair hypothesis of it are:

H0 : There is not positive relation between perception toward the giving of

motivation and guidance from the teacher and the algebra learning

achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

H1 : There is a positive relation between perception toward the giving of

motivation and guidance from the teacher and the algebra learning

achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar.

As for the testing criteria on the significant degree (∝) = 0, 05 is as follows:

H0 is acceptable if 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 ≤ 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (1−𝛼) : 𝑑𝑓

H0 is rejected if 𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡 > 𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 (1−𝛼) : 𝑑𝑓



A. Types of Research

The type of this research is ex-post facto research or often called after the fact, that is

the research done after the fact or activity exists, without manipulating the variables and to

explain or discover how these variables relate to each other in the research by using

quantitative approach. It means that all of information or research data are presented in the

number forms which are analyzed statistically and their results described.

B. Time and Places of Research

1) Time of Research

The research was conducted in the odd semester of academic year 2016/2017 at

September, 2016.

2) Place of Research

The research was conducted at SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar located at Jl. Mr. M.

Yamin No. 4, Subdistrict of Polewali, Regency of Polewali Mandar.

C. Population, Sample, and Sampling Technique

1) Population

The population in this research is all students of class VII as many as 236 students

consisting of 7 parallel classes.

2) Sample
In this research, researcher took two of ten classes as the samples, namely, students

of class VII2 and VII6, where each class consists of 33 students. So the total sample in this

research is 66 students.

3) Sampling Technique

The sampling technique used in this reseach is a cluster random sampling technique.

In this research, the steps of cluster random sampling technique that the author did

are as follow:

1. Identifying all classes VII of SMP Negeri 3 Polewali Mandar at Academic Year

2016/2017 are spread in 7 classes by looking whether the number of samples in each

class has a balance and a homogeneous characteristics.

2. Making a sampling frame with the class as a sample unit. Number of all students in each

class can be shown in Table 3.1 below.

Table 3.1 the Distribution of Students of Each Class in 7 Classes

1 VII1 32

2 VII2 33

3 VII3 36

4 VII4 32

5 VII5 34

6 VII6 33

7 VII7 35


3. Choosing two classes randomly from the sampling framework established. All students

of two chosen classes become the respondents in this research.

D. Design of Research
From the framework described previously, the correlation design in this research can

be described as follows:

Figure 3.1. Design of Research



X3 Y




x1 = Confidence toward performance in algebra

x2 = Belief toward the benefits of algebra

x3 = Interest in learning algebra

x4 = Belief toward the ability in algebra based on gender

x5 = Perception toward the giving of motivation and guidance from the


Y = Algebra learning achievement

E. Operational Definition of Variables

Operationally, the research variables which are investigated defined as follow:

1. Attitude toward algebra is a score obtained from the result of completing the

questionnaire of student’s attitude toward algebra as one of the mathematics course’s

subject. As for the aspects which measure the attitude are confidence toward

performance, belief toward the benefits of algebra, interest in learning, belief toward the

ability, and perception toward motivation and learning guidance from the teacher.
2. Confidence toward performance in the learning algebra is a score obtained from the

result of completing the questionnaire of student’s attitude toward algebra on aspect of

self-confidence toward performance. The indicators of this aspect are the readiness,

optimistic, and satisfaction.

3. Belief toward the benefits of algebra is the score obtained from the result of completing

the questionnaire of student’s attitude toward algebra on aspect of belief toward the

benefits of algebra. The indicators of this aspect are the awareness and interest.

4. Interest in learning algebra is the score obtained from the result of completing the

questionnaire of student’s attitude toward algebra on aspect of interest in learning

algebra. The indicators of this aspect are happy feeling, volition, and engagement.

5. Belief toward the ability based on gender is the score obtained from the result of

completing the questionnaire of student’s attitude toward algebra on aspect of belief

toward the ability based on gender. The indicators of this aspect are the intelligence,

adversity, courage, and responsibility.

6. Perceptions of motivation and guidance of the teacher is the score obtained from the

result of completing the questionnaire of student’s attitude toward algebra on aspect of

perceptions of motivation and guidance from teachers. The indicators of this aspect are

the feedback, attention, and enthusiasm.

7. Algebra learning achievement is a score which is the result of achievement test about

Operation of Algebra Forms provided by the researcher.

F. Research Instruments

Research instrument is a tool chosen and used by researcher in the data collection

activities for these activities to be systematic and facilitated by it (Arikunto, 2006: 158). In

this research, researcher used two instruments, namely, a questionnaire for the assessment

of attitude and achievement test in the form of multiple choice.

1. A questionnaire used to know about attitude of grade 7 students toward algebra. To

measure the attitude is used a technique known as Likert Scale. This scale measures

how far a person has the characteristics that want to be observed. The assumption used

in the using of this technique is that the statements can be classified into two categories,

namely, favorable and unfavorable. This questionnaire contained statements which

include five the forming aspects of attitude, namely, student’s confidence, benefits of

learning algebra, student’s interest, student’s belief to the ability based on gender, and

student’s perception toward the motivation and guidance from teacher where

respondents asked to answer each item by using a five-point scale such as very agree,

agree, undecided, disagree and very disagree. The giving of scores depends on the form

of a statement item. For the favorable statements, the scores of each are SS = 5, S = 4,

RG = 3, TS = 2, and STS = 1, whereas unfavorable scores on the contrary to the

statement that SS = 1, S = 2, RG = 3, TS = 4, and STS = 5. The results of questionnaire

further were scored by scoring procedure to change the Likert Scale scores into interval


2. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) used to know the student’s learning achievement in

understanding the subject of Algebra Form Operation which are developed by the

author with the help of the supervisor.

G. Validity and Reliability Test of Instruments

Before research instruments used, firstly they must be validated by two validators

who have conducted research related to the issues in mathematical research. After the

instrument is approved, those instruments delivered to 64 students.

1. Validity Test

Validity is a measurement that indicates the validity levels of an instrument

(Arikunto, 2006: 144). To test each item on the instruments stated as valid or not, then
needed tested by an analysis of items from the alignment of items with the total score.

Analysis was used to test the validity of the questionnaire was Karl Pearson product

moment and has a positive value.

2. Reliability Test

According to Arikunto (2006: 154), reliability refers to the notion that an instrument

can enough be trusted to use as a tool of collecting data because the instrument was already

good. Reliability is one of important techniques after validity, when validity considered

very important, then reliability becomes very necessary in the testing of instrument.

Empirically, the level of reliability indicated by a number called the coefficient of

reliability. Reliability coefficient was analyzed by using Cronbach Alpha value. Cronbach

alpha value which more approaches to 1.00 showed the consistency of the measuring

results that more perfect (reliable).

3. Result of Validity and Reliability Test

The results of the calculation of each instrument described as follows:

a. Instrument of Algebra Learning Achievement Test

The developmental process of achievement test instrument begin with the

arrangement of instrument items as many as 30 items with four answer choices. Data of

tryout results were used to determine the level of difficulty, the different power, validity,

and reliability of the instrument. According to Sugiyono (2011), an item could still be valid

as long as rcount is not smaller than rcritical is 0.300.

From the result of data analysis by using the Pearson correlation formula, known that

from 30 items were tested on 64 people (nonsample), obviously 2 items of 30 items did not

valid, namely, the item 14 and 26 because the value of their correlation coefficient are

smaller than rcritical value at significance level α of 0.05.

The calculation results of the reliability of the achievement test instrument obtained

that reliability coefficient r11 = 0.850 and the Cronbach Alpha value was located between

0.80 to 1.00 that means the tryout result of instrument has very high reliability. Therefore,

it can be concluded that there are 28 valid and reliable items that can be used as the tools of

collecting data.

b. Instruments of Student’s Attitude toward Algebra

The developmental process of attitude’s instrument begin with the arrangement of

instrument items as many as 50 items with five answer choices. Data of tryout results were

analized to determine the validity and reliability of the instrument. The validity analysis

used in this test was the items validity with correlating between the value of each item and

the total score of items of attitude’s scale toward algebra.

Based on the results of those calculations, obtained that 4 items did not consistent,

namely, the item 3, 21, 28, and 42. Thus, it must be eliminated, so that empirically, there

were 46 items suitable to use as the instruments of attitude toward algebra.

Based on the calculation resulst of the reliability coefficient of the attitude toward

algebra instrument obtained that r11 = 0.733 and the Cronbach Alpha value was located

between 0.60 to 0.79 that means the tryout result of instrument has high reliability.

Therefore, it can be concluded that there are 46 valid and reliable statement items that can

be used as the data collection tools.

H. Source and Data Collection Method

1. Data Source

Data source used was the empirical data source which is the most important data

source as an accurate source, where the data obtained from research and observation

directly. The source of empirical data on this research was grade 7 students of SMP Negeri

3 Polewali Mandar.
2. Data Collection Techniques

Data collection techniques which are conducted by the researcher to collect the

research data are:

a. Distributing of Questionnaire

Distributing of questionnaire done by giving a set of written statements to the

students (respondents) to be given the responses accordance with demand of researcher.

Form of the questionnaire used is closed questionnaire, that is, a form of questionnaire

where respondents just choose the alternatives answer available.

b. Giving an Achievement Test

Achievement test used to obtain the value of students' cognitive ability about algebra.

This test intended to evaluate the things that have been obtained in an activity. Researcher

gave a test where this test measure student’s achievement based on student’s mastery and

ability in the subject concerned. After the students were given a test, researcher gave an

assessment based on the results of test’s working. After that, be done a calculation the

average value of all the students.

I. Data Analysis Techniques

To make the proper conclusion from this research, then firstly it must analyze the

data obtained. The data analysis techniques used are:

1. Descriptive Statistical Analysis

Descriptive statistical analysis performed in this research aimed to describe the

characteristics of each variable, by using the distribution table that presents the mean

scores, standard deviation, minimum score, maximum score, frequency and categorization
of scores of each algebra achievement test results and attitude with the forming aspects of


Data types of algebra learning achievement of grade 7 students of SMP Negeri 3

Polewali Mandar then categorized based on the decision of Departemen Pendidikan dan

Kebudayaan (Sipora, 2006: 20) as follow:

Table 3.2 Interpretation of Category of Algebra Learning Achievement

Score Category
0 – 34 Very Low
35 – 54 Low
55 – 74 Medium
75 – 84 High
85 – 100 Very High

For the scale scores of attitude’s assessment toward algebra and the forming aspects

of attitude which are ordinal have been transformed into interval scores by using the

weighting on each category for each instrument. The steps of the weighting are done with

using the steps that is proposed by Edwards (Ramli, 2011), namely:

1) Calculating the frequency (f) of each category in each statement of attitude.

2) Determining the proportion (p) by dividing each frequency by the number of the


3) Determining the cumulative proportion (cp) which is the proportion of a category with

previous proportions.

4) Determining the midpoint of the cumulative proportion (f_mid) from two cumulative

proportion which adjacent.

5) Determining the value of Z (Value_Z) of proportions midpoint respectively.

6) Adding of a number so that Z value which negative become zero, and

7) Rounding until three decimal places.

The criteria used to determine the attitude category are made based on "Method

of Summated Rating" or assessment method which is added. The midpoint of the score of

each response category (very agree, agree, undecided, disagree and very disagree) are the

interval boundaries of categories. Determination of the boundaries of the categories

obtained by making the criteria (Ramli, 2011) by the following steps:

1) Add up the scores for each category based on score weighting.

2) Mark the numbers of the result of sum the scores on the number line.

3) Determine the midpoint for each of two consecutive numbers.

Based on the criteria described above, obtained the intervals as a criterion to

determine attitude category are presented in Table 3.3 as follow:

Table 3.3 Interpretation of Attitudes Toward Algebra Category

Scores Categories
0.00 – 28.29 Very Low
28.30 – 76.25 Low
76.26 – 117.82 Medium
117.83 – 164.79 High
164.80 – 189.83 Very High

For score of five the forming aspects of attitude are also categorized as follow:

Table 3.4 Interpretation of Aspects of Self-Confidence to Performance

in Algebra Category
Scores Categories
0.00 – 6.53 Very Low
6.54 – 16.77 Low
16.78 – 24.56 Medium
24.57 – 33.28 High
33.29 – 37.93 Very Hig
Table 3.5 Interpretation of Aspects of Belief toward Benefits in
Learning Algebra Category

Scores Categories
0.00 – 4.74 Very Low
T Inter 4.75 – 12.29 Low
a preta 12.30 – 18.77 Medium
b tion 18.78 – 26.81 High
le of 26.82 – 31.19 Very High
3. Aspe
6 cts

Scores Categories
0.00 – 4.35 Very Low
4.36 – 12.20 Low
12.21 – 19.63 Medium
19.64 – 27.98 High
27.99 – 32.40 Very High
Table 3.7 Interpretation of Aspects of Belief to Ability in Learning
Algebra based on Gender Category

Scores Categories
0.00 – 5.94 Very Low
T Inter 5.95 – 17.42 Low
a preta 17.43 – 28.95 Medium
b tion 28.96 – 41.68 High
l of 41.69 – 48.40 Very High
e Asp
3 ects
. of
8 Perc
ns to

Scores Categories
0.00 – 6.74 Very Low
6.75 – 17.57 Low
17.58 – 25.91 Medium
25.92 – 35.04 High
35.05 – 39.92 Very High

2. Inferential Statistical Analysis

The method chosen to analyze the data should be in accordance to the pattern of

research and variables researched. The inferential analysis intended to test the hypothesis

in the research.

Correlation test conducted to answer the problems in this research, that was the

relation between attitude toward algebra (X) seen from subvariabel of attitude (X1, X2, X3,

X4, and X5) toward algebra and the algebra learning achievement (Y). Correlation test used

were product moment from Pearson.

To be able to give interpretations toward the strength of the relation, then can used a

guidelines as shown below (Sugiyono, 2011: 257):

Table 3.9 Guidelines for Provide Interpretation of Correlation Coefficient

Interval Coefficients Relationship Levels

0.00 – 0.199 Very Low

0.20 – 0.399 Low

0.40 – 0.599 Medium

0.60 – 0.799 Strong

0.80 – 1.000 Very Strong

Based on the table above, the relationship level of research variables can be known

by finding firstly the correlation coefficient, but that relationship only applies to the

sample. To test the significance of the relationship, ie whether the relationship found can

be applied to the entire population of 337 students, then it needs to be tested the

significance by comparing it with the values of correlation coefficients in the table "r"

product moment or can be by using the significance formula of product moment

correlation which is shown as follows (in Sugiyono, 2011: 257).

𝑟√𝑛 − 2
√1 − 𝑟 2

t = Coefficient of Product moment correlation significance

r = Coefficient of Product moment of correlation

n = Number of respondents

r2 = Coefficient of determination

Value of tcount are then compared with the value in the ttable at the significance level

of 0.05 by determining the degrees of freedom (df) firstly.

Inferensial statistical analysis can be continued by calculating the regression

equation. Regression equation can be used to predict how high the relationship value of the

variable that is viewed with other variables, if one of variables manipulated. In this case, it

used a simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis at the level of 95% (∝ =


Simple regression model used is as follows:

𝑌 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽𝑖 𝑥𝑖 + 𝜀

by the estimated function:

𝑌̂ = 𝑏0 + 𝑏𝑖 𝑥𝑖

Multiple regression model used is as follows:

𝑌 = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 𝑥1 + 𝛽2 𝑥2 + 𝛽3 𝑥3 + 𝛽4 𝑥4 + 𝛽5 𝑥5 + 𝜀

by the estimated function:

𝑌̂ = 𝑏0 + 𝑏1 𝑥1 + 𝑏2 𝑥2 + 𝑏3 𝑥3 + 𝑏4 𝑥4 + 𝑏5 𝑥5


𝑌̂ = Algebra learning achievement scores

𝑥𝑖 = Scores of attitude and the forming aspects of attitude

𝛽𝑖 = Parameters in regression (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

𝑏𝑖 = Estimators for 𝛽𝑖 (i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

𝜀 = Regression error
3. Factor Analysis

According to Agung (in Sappaile, 2005: 75), the role of factor analysis correctly and

accurately can be used to know how many factors are needed to explain (statistically) the

set of items of an instrument. The objective which is achieved in the factor analysis is

finding the factors considered to be the basis for each of research variable.

The analysis used in developing the instrument of students' attitudes toward algebra

is confirmatory factor analysis. With the reason that variable of student’s attitudes toward

algebra have been defined or known before. But keep in mind more further, whether the

items or many dimensions of the instrument after tested empirically are still consistent

(Sappaile, 2005: 125).

According to Ruslan (2006: 2), the confirmatory approach used to test whether the

number of factors obtained empirically are suitable with the number of factors that have

been arranged theoretically or to test the hypotheses about the existence of constructs and

also to answer the question whether the number of factors that have succeed extracted can

be used to describe significantly the relationship between the indicators.

According to Agung (in Sappaile, 2005: 125), factor analysis was performed with

indirect factor analysis with the following steps:

a. First, a factor analysis performed for each of the dimensions or indicators (factor

analysis based on the statement items).

b. Second, conducted a second factor analysis was based on factors obtained from the first

factor analysis.

In order a factor analysis can be done, its main requirements must be fullfilled,

namely, the value of KMO and Bartlett Test to correlation between each variables is > 0.5,

the research significance is 0.05 and the value of MSA (Measure of Sampling Adequacy)

must be greater than 0.5. Subsequently, to see the correlation between the independent
variables can be seen at Anti-Image Matrices table. The value that be noticed is MSA

(Measure of Sampling Adequacy). The value of MSA ranged from 0 to 1, with the

following requirement: (Santoso, 2006: 20):

1. MSA = 1, the variable is predictable without error by the other variables.

2. MSA> 0.5, the variable is predictable and can be analyzed further.

3. MSA <0.5, the variables is not predictable and can not be analyzed further, or expelled

from other variables.

Determination of the numbers of factors formed are determined by the eigen-values

and percentage of cumulative variation. Agung (in Sappaile, 2005: 125) stated that among

all of the early statistics in each of the most important factors considered are the eigen-

values and the percentage of variation (pct of var) including its cumulative.

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