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Battle Report

Tyranids vs Orks

Mission Played – Necron Implacable Advance

“Orkses is never beaten in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die so it don’t count as beat. If we
runs for it we don’t die neither, so we can always come back for annuver go, see!”

In this mission the Orks took the place of the Necrons.

The game was played down the length of the table, with the table being split into thirds. An
objective marker was placed in the centre of each third of the table.
At the end of the game the player that has captured the most objectives wins the battle.
Neither side may outflank in this mission.
The Orks won the deployment roll and choose their deployment zone.

Ork Deployment
The massed Ork forces spread across the width of the battlefield, with the Gretchin deployed
holding the objective in the Ork deployment zone. The Ork artillery was placed to the left & right
of the Gretchin. A unit of infiltrating Commandos was placed deep in the Tyranid deployment
zone, ready to strike at the unsuspecting aliens.

Tyranid Deployment
The Tyranid forces set up with the Raveners on their left flank and the warriors on the right. The
Trygon Prime, Hive Tyrant, Carnifex brood and Carnifex in the centre.

Tyranids won the initiative roll and went first.

Tyranid Turn 1
Everything in the Tyranid army moved towards the main Ork force and the objective by the
bridge with the exception of the Trygon Prime & the Carnifex. Both monstrous creatures headed
back to deal with the Ork commando threat.
The Tyranid shooting phase saw a few wounds against the commandos from the Trygon and the
Carnifex & the Carnifex Brood inflicted several wounds on the Stormboyz. There was no Tyranid
assaults this turn.
Ork Turn 1
The Ork force surged forward with the Hard Boyz leading the charge for the bridge and the all
important middle objective. The Ork shooting started well with the Zzap Guns and the Tank
Hunters inflicting wounds on a Carnifex, however the rest of the shooting phase was
disappointing with no other wounds being inflicted.
Unfortunately for the Commandos their lines of communication where closed by the Tyranids, so
they received no orders from their Warboss...

Tyranid Turn 2
The Tyranid Prime, a unit of Warriors, a Lictor and a Pyrovore became available from reserve this
The Pyrovore and its Mysetic Spore landed right on the mouth of the bridge, meaning the Orks
would need to destroy them to gain the objective. The rest of the Tyranid force moved forward to
prepare an assault on the objective/bridge.
This turn the Tyranids concentrated their fire effectively, with the Tank Hunters taking 8 wounds,
the Stormboyz taking 9 wounds, the Hard Boyz 7 wounds and a War Trukk being destroyed. The
Trygon Prime and the Carnifex shoot and assaulted the orderless Commandos, killing them to an

Ork Turn 2
The Stormboyz ignited their Jump packs and cleared the river ready to charge the Raveners, while
at the same time the Hard Boyz and the Warboss moved over the bridge towards the Pyrovore and
Mysetic Spore. The Ork War bikes also moved up into shooting range of the Tyranid force.
The shooting phase saw the Orks wound the Carnifex again as well as the Raveners. They also
killed 2 newly arrived Warriors.
In the assault phase the Stormboyz charged the Raveners, winning the combat but not forcing the
Raveners to run. The Hard Boyz assaulted the Pyrovore/Mysetic spore, beating and destroying

Tyranid Turn 3
The Tyranids now realised the threat the Hard Boyz and the Warboss could potentially be. The
Tyranids moved towards the Hard Boyz and just before charging in opened fire with most of the
army inflicting 13 wounds on the unit.
In the assault phase the Lictor joined the Raveners in trying to destroy the Stormboyz and
although the Tyranids won the combat they couldn’t force the Orks to run. In the centre the
Carnifex Brood and the Hive Tyrant charged the Hard Boyz and although the Boyz and the
Warboss put up a good fight bringing down one of the Carnifex, they were unable to deal with
three rampaging monstrous creatures and were slain outright.
Ork Turn 3
Undaunted by the loss of the Warboss the Ork force pressed forward determined to avenge his
death. The Biker Boyz prepared to cross the river, firing at the Carnifex as they went. The shootas
also killed another Warrior.
Finally the Stormboyz killed the Raveners & the Lictor in close combat and consolidated towards
the centre of the battlefield.

Tyranid Turn 4
The Termagants became available from reserve.
The Hive Tyrant moved onto the bridge within range of the Biker Boyz, supported by the Trygon
Prime and the Warriors. A lone Warrior started to move towards the back of the battlefield and
the Tyranids objective.
The Warriors and the Trygon Prime inflicted 7 wounds on the shootas this turn from firing with
the Carnifex destroying 1 War bike.
In the assault phase the Hive Tyrant charged the Biker Boyz wiping out the unit. However to the
Tyrants left the Carnifex could not destroy the remaining War Trukk.

Ork Turn 4
The Orks still determined to grab the win pushed on hoping to grab the all important middle
objective. Unfortunately for the Orks this turn their firing was extremely poor, only managing 1
wound from 7 units firing.
In the assault phase the shootas bravely charged the Hive Tyrant, trying to remove it from the
bridge. They lost 4 Orks in the combat but refused to run.

Tyranids Turn 5
The Tyranids now start to consolidate their position with most units moving to support each other.
Except for the lone Warrior who seems to being running from the battle...
Shooting for the Tyranids this turn produced 1 wound on the Tank Hunters. The assault phase
saw the Carnifex charge the Stormboyz, another Carnifex assault a War Trukk and the Hive
Tyrant & shootas continuing their fight. Somehow the Stormboyz survived the charge and the
combat was drawn. Unfortunately for the Orks the War Trukk and shoota unit were not so lucky,
both being destroyed.

Ork Turn 5
In a final throw of the dice the Ork pushed the Gretchin towards the middle objective, while
everyone else concentrated fire on the Hive Tyrant. The Gretchin, Hive Tyrant and Tank Hunters
all inflict wounds, with the Tank Hunters finally bring it down.
The only assaults this turn is another drawn combat between the Stormboyz and the Carnifex.
At the end of Turn 5 the battle ends with a roll of 1 or 2 on a d6. Unfortunately for the Orks a 2
comes up and the battle is over.

Tyranids 2 objectives - Orks 1 objective

Tyranid Win
Ork & Tyranid deployment
The Commandos await their orders...
…which never arrive.
The Ork Horde advances...
Battle for the bridge...
Stormboyz hold their ground...
The Warboss gives no quarter...
...but loses his life.
The battle for the bridge rages on...
and on...
until the Tyranids hold the bridge and the objective...

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