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Principles of Management

Nature of Management

1) Define management. Bring out its nature and characteristics.

 The process of dealing with people or controlling things or
people is known as management. Managing people requires
the skills to communicate with them effectively and to
command them to get things done through them. Managers
should also make efforts to understand nature of the people
they work with.
 The nature and characteristics of management can be stated
as follows:
1. Continuous Process: Management is a continuous
process which the managers have to deal with on a
regular basis. The managers have to plan activities and
manage the subordinates according to that, they also
have to organize resources for activities and managers
are responsible for controlling the activities.
2. Follows Established Principles or Rules: Managing well
requires the managers to follow the principles of
managing such as unity of command, delegation of
authority, maintaining discipline and division of work.
These principles help to solve problems in the
organization and also to prevent any problems in the
organization. Without following the principles and
rules in an organization there can be no good outcome
therefore the managers should put in practice the
rules and regulations of the organization.
3. Aided but not replaced by computers: Computers are
used by all managers. They help the managers to plan
effectively and take accurate decisions. But computers
cannot replace the managers as the managers take the
main responsibility of any work and also the final
decisions are made by the managers. Therefore,
computers help managers in their work but the
managers cannot be replaced by computers.
4. A group and not an individual activity: Management
cannot be done alone, it is a group activity. It uses the
group efforts to achieve the group objectives. It tries to
satisfy the needs and wants of the group. Nowadays,
importance is given to the team and not to individuals.
5. Management is all pervasive: Management is
something that is required in our day to day life. Not
only managers but students, employees etc. have to
manage their time and work effectively so as to get a
good result out of it. Management is therefore a must
for all activities.
6. Management is intangible: Management is not
something that can be seen by the eyes but it is
something that has to be felt by its results. If the
results are good then managing is done effectively and
it brings success to the organization.
7. Multidisciplinary: Managing requires getting things
done through people therefore the mangers should
have knowledge from various disciplines such as
economics, sociology, psychology, etc. The managers
should know how to get things done through their
subordinates by providing them with proper guidance
and techniques.

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