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Ch 5

Cyprus Beach Project

Construction of 600 ms Restaurant

Ch 5

Workmanship Contract
Mr. JK has asked our company for a complete offer that includes the following BOQ items

ID Task Name Qty Unit

03.1 Concrete Raft slab 300 mc
06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitions 160 ms
06.2 Wooden roof 160 ms
09.1 Brick floor tiles 40x40 cm 600 ms
22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320 mr
26.1 Electrical cabling and wiring 2x4+4 mm 425 mr

Guidelines available:
Period of the whole project not to exceed 120 calendar days
Starting date is on 27-07-2016
Assess the total cost of the project
Provide a detailed schedule of work and the labor force needed

Scope of the Works

The Works included in this Contract comprise the construction of 600 ms Restaurant as detailed on the drawings,
described in the Specifications and as required and needed for the proper execution
of the Works including the strict observance of Employer Requirements.

Site Conditions

The Contractor shall be deemed to have visited the Site, studied the Tender and Contract Documents and,
by his own independent observations and inquiry, acquainted himself fully with local conditions,
the existence and accuracy of local records, the accessibility of the Site and proper execution of the contract.

Progress of Work: Review and Control

During the course of the Work, site progress meetings shall be held at regular intervals of not more than one week
in the presence of the Consulting Engineer to review and control the progress of work, and submitting reports such as:

i) A list of the activities which have been completed.

A list of those activities currently in progress with an estimate of the

time required for completion.

A list of any variation in starting dates and durations of outstanding

activities from planned dates and times.

Time for Completion

The time for Completion stated in the Contract is “ one hundred and fifty calendar days” Start Date 27 July 2016
and deemed to include all Sundays, and other non- working days including those of inclement weather, etc…
and no extension of time will be considered in respect of same.

Ch 5

Certificates and Payments

For all work executed or services, the Contractor shall be entitled to:

The actual unit price due to be paid by the owner, and in accordance with the contract, namely, the general conditions,
the particular conditions, and the specifications book.The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer after the end of each
month a statement, showing the amounts to which he considers himself to be entitled up to the end of the month.

GM Special Notes:

Conditions of the work - Owner

1 Duration is limited to 120 calendar days

2 Start date is 27 July 2016
3 Workmanship contract Re-measured quantities
4 ALL materials and accessories are purchased directly by the owner
5 The owner will provide all workers and staff free bed rooms

Conditions of the work - Contractor

1 Medical insurance is done through our company

2 The PM will travel every week end to check up the progress of works
3 Average laborer costs 3 times more than the Lebanese rates
4 Skilled workers in Cyprus cost 130$ /day and S. Skl costs 110 $ for wooden construction
5 Average construction rate of wooden construction is 120-100$/ms
6 No need for any workers (foreigners) except the above mentioned
7 Working hours to be 9 Hr daily
8 Accommodation is provided on site, and no transportation is required
9 Staff on site required is 1 senior engineer and 1 foreman
10 Lebanese workers, foremen and engineers shall earn twice their fees inside Lebanon
11 No other allowances is granted to any of our staff except the agreed fee

Please provide a detailed Estimation for all our expenses and overheads, and
and allow a net profit factor of 20% on the selling price.

Thank you

Ch 5

Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus

Date 01-04-16
ID Task Name Qty Unit
Project Total
03.1 Raft footing 300.0 mc
06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitions 160.0 ms
06.2 Wooden roof 160.0 ms
09.1 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 600.0 ms
22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320.0 mr
26.1 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm 425.0 mr

Steps to follow in ESTIMATION

1 Input all Labor Daily rates and their relevent working teams
2 Set the Productivity Unit/1 Hr, or the Rate/Unit
3 Select the working hours /day
4 Select the number of each working Crew
5 Analyze the U.Price of materials
6 Read the first outcome of your Results
7 Apply the V.E methodology to Labor productivity
8 Read the second Factored outcome
9 Set all Indirect costs
10 Distribute the indirect amount according to your requirements
11 Choose the Profit factor and SET the final BOQ

Ch 5

Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus

Date 01-04-16
ID Task Name Qty Unit U.Rate $ Amount $
00-48 Total Direct Cost
03.1 Raft footing 300.0 mc
06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitions 160.0 ms
06.2 Wooden roof 160.0 ms
09.1 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 600.0 ms
22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320.0 mr
26.1 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm 425.0 mr

Ch 5

Average Rate /hr - Calculation Sheet

ITEM Unit $ /Skl No $ /S.Skl No $ /Lab No Lab No/crew Total cost AV.rate /hr

03.1 Raft footing mc 50.0 2.0 40.0 2.0 25.0 2.0 6.0 230.0 4.8

06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitions ms 130.0 1.0 110.0 1.0 2.0 240.0 15.0

06.2 Wooden roof ms 130.0 1.0 110.0 1.0 2.0 240.0 15.0

09.1 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm ms 45.0 2.0 35.0 2.0 22.0 2.0 6.0 204.0 4.3

22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage mr 50.0 1.0 35.0 1.0 25.0 2.0 4.0 135.0 4.2

26.1 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm mr 45.0 1.0 35.0 22.0 2.0 3.0 89.0 3.7

Ch 5

Unit / Hr - Calculation Sheet

ITEM Unit AV.rate $/hr Rate $/unit Wor.Hr/day Unit/1 hr Unit/ day

03.1 Raft footing mc 4.8 45.0 9.0 0.11 0.96

06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitions ms 15.0 120.0 9.0 0.13 1.13

06.2 Wooden roof ms 15.0 100.0 9.0 0.15 1.35

09.1 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm ms 4.3 8.0 9.0 0.53 4.78

22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage mr 4.2 3.5 9.0 1.21 10.85

26.1 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm mr 3.7 1.0 9.0 3.71 33.38

Ch 5

Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus Use Data for

Date 01-04-16
Unit/ Lab No Selc Day/ 1 Day/ Tot Lab Rate
ID Task Name Qty Unit Unit/day Hr /day Hr Work Day Work Lab hr
1 hr /crew crew crew crews No /hr
00-48 Project Total 6,673.6 741.5 215.1 104.7 45.0 6,673.6

03.1 Raft footing 300.0 mc 0.96 0.11 6.0 3.0 9.0 2,817.4 313.0 52.2 17.4 18.0 2,817.4 4.8

06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitio 160.0 ms 1.13 0.13 2.0 2.0 9.0 1,280.0 142.2 71.1 35.6 4.0 1,280.0 15.0

06.2 Wooden roof 160.0 ms 1.35 0.15 2.0 2.0 9.0 1,066.7 118.5 59.3 29.6 4.0 1,066.7 15.0

09.1 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 600.0 ms 4.78 0.53 6.0 2.0 9.0 1,129.4 125.5 20.9 10.5 12.0 1,129.4 4.3

22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320.0 mr 10.85 1.21 4.0 1.0 9.0 265.5 29.5 7.4 7.4 4.0 265.5 4.2

26.1 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 m 425.0 mr 33.4 3.7 3.0 1.0 9.0 114.6 12.7 4.2 4.2 3.0 114.6 3.7

Ch 5

Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus

Date 01-04-16
ID Task Name Qty Unit Lab hr Rate /hr Tot Lab cost

00-48 Project Total 6,673.6 8.2 55,045.0

03.1 Raft footing 300.0 mc 2,817.4 4.8 13,500.0

06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitions 160.0 ms 1,280.0 15.0 19,200.0

06.2 Wooden roof 160.0 ms 1,066.7 15.0 16,000.0

09.1 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 600.0 ms 1,129.4 4.3 4,800.0

22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320.0 mr 265.5 4.2 1,120.0

26.1 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm 425.0 mr 114.6 3.7 425.0

Ch 5

Daily Labor Productivity Factors

Description Weight Select %
Major Delay -2 Worst Delay -60%
Minor Delay -1 Best Advance 20%
No Delay
Minor Advance 1
Major Advance 2
Weight Frequency
Select the main 10 Labor Poductivity factors Factor
1 Cash availability 1 100% 1.00 10%
2 Special safety regulations -1 100% -1.00 25%
3 Weather conditions during the construction period -1 50% -0.50 50%
4 Remote locations 1 100% 1.00 75%
5 Equipment utilization. 1 100% 1.00 100%
6 Productivity of experienced manpower -2 100% -2.00
7 Contractual agreements. -2 100% -2.00
8 Temporary work stoppage due to imaterial shortage -1 25% -0.25
9 The need for overtime work -1 100% -1.00
10 Sick leave hours -1 50% -0.50
Net Result for Laborer Productivity Factor -13% -4.25

Ch 5

Selc Nor Hr Day /1 Day / Nor Lab

00-48 Project Total Qty Unit Day Work Tot Lab No Nor Rate /hr
crew Work crew crews cost

03.1 Raft footing 300.0 mc 3.0 2,817.4 313.0 52.2 17.4 18.0 4.8 13,500.0

06.1 Wooden skeleton & partitions 160.0 ms 2.0 1,280.0 142.2 71.1 35.6 4.0 15.0 19,200.0

06.2 Wooden roof 160.0 ms 2.0 1,066.7 118.5 59.3 29.6 4.0 15.0 16,000.0

09.1 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 600.0 ms 2.0 1,129.4 125.5 20.9 10.5 12.0 4.3 4,800.0

22.1 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320.0 mr 1.0 265.5 29.5 7.4 7.4 4.0 4.2 1,120.0

26.1 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm 425.0 mr 1.0 114.6 12.7 4.2 4.2 3.0 3.7 425.0
6,674 742 215 105 45 8.2 55,045

Tot Hr Day /1 Day / Tot

Prod Fac Day Work Tot Lab No Nor Rate /hr
WORK crew crews COST

13% 3176.6 353.0 58.8 19.6 18.0 4.8 15221.3

13% 1443.2 160.4 80.2 40.1 4.0 15.0 21648.0

13% 1202.7 133.6 66.8 33.4 4.0 15.0 18040.0

13% 1273.4 141.5 23.6 11.8 12.0 4.3 5412.0

13% 299.3 33.3 8.3 8.3 4.0 4.2 1262.8

13% 129.2 14.4 4.8 4.8 3.0 3.7 479.2

13% 7,524.4 836 243 118 45 8 62,063

Ch 5

Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus

Date 01-04-16
ID Task Name Qty Unit Lab hr Rate /hr Tot Lab cost Bonus Gross Tot
00-48 Project Total 7,524.4 8.25 62,063 22,375.2 84,438.5

032022 Raft footing 300 mc 3,176.6 4.8 15,221.3 15,221.3 30,442.5

063042 Wooden skeleton & partitions 160 ms 1,443.2 15.0 21,648.0 21,648.0

063046 Wooden roof 160 ms 1,202.7 15.0 18,040.0 18,040.0

096025 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 600 ms 1,273.4 4.3 5,412.0 5,412.0 10,824.0

223514 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320 mr 299.3 4.2 1,262.8 1,262.8 2,525.6

264014 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm 425 mr 129.2 3.7 479.2 479.2 958.4

Ch 5
Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus
Description Qty Unit Ind.Rate $ Amount $
Item Total Indirect Costs 55,950.0
01A250 Special Project Procedures 0.0
01A251 Water Meters and Special Payments 0.0
01A252 Electrical Meters and Special Payments 0.0
01A253 Municipality Legal and Permit Forms 0.0
01A254 Final Housing Permit 0.0
01A255 Cost of Land 0.0
01B250 Insurance Policies 0.0
01B251 C.A.R Insurance 1.0 ea 5,500.0 5,500.0
01B252 Workmen's Compensation 0.0
01B253 Third Party Liability 0.0
01C250 Surface Investigation and Soil Test 0.0
01C251 Concrete Compressive Strength Test 0.0
01C252 Reinforcing Steel Yield Strength Test 0.0
01C253 Other Laboratory Tests 0.0
01D250 Construction Schedule 0.0
01D251 Progress Reports 4.0 mth 800.0 3,200.0
01D252 Site Organization Chart 0.0
01D253 Certificates 0.0
01D254 Warranties and Bonds 0.0
01D255 Shop and as Built Drawings 0.0
01E250 Temporary Site Fences 0.0
01E251 Paint for Site Fences 0.0
01E252 Electricity for Site Fences 0.0
01E253 Special Site Fences Installation 0.0
01E254 Site Notice Boards 0.0
01E255 Removing Site Fences 0.0
01E256 Miscellaneous Site Fences Expenses 0.0
01F250 Rental of Laborer Rooms 0.0
01F251 Purchase of Laborer Rooms 0.0
01F252 Furniture for Laborer Rooms 0.0
01F253 Prefabricated Site Rooms 0.0
01F254 Rental of Site Offices 0.0
01F255 Purchase of Site Offices 0.0
01F256 Furniture for Site Offices 0.0
01F257 Clearing and Demobilization 0.0
01F258 Other Site Rooms Expenses 0.0
01G250 Food and Drink Expenses 0.0
Starting date is on 27-07-2016 0.0
01G252 Transportation Expenses 0.0
01G253 Medical Expenses 0.0
01G254 Site Running Expenses 0.0
01J251 Project Engineer Fees 4.0 mth 6,000.0 24,000.0
01J252 Site Engineer Fees 0.0
01J253 Coordinator Engineer Fees 0.0
01J254 IT Engineer Fees 0.0
01J255 Planner Engineer Fees 0.0
01J256 Foreman Fees 4.0 mth 3,000.0 12,000.0
01J257 Storekeeper Fees 0.0
01J258 Watchman Fees 0.0
01J259 Technical Site Staff Fees 0.0
01J260 Other Staff Fees 0.0
01J261 Overtime Fees 0.0
01K257 Electrical Generator Set 0.0
01K258 Machinery Purchase 0.0
01K259 Truck Purchase 0.0

Ch 5
01K260 Dozer Purchase 0.0
01K261 Excavator Purchase 0.0
01K262 Roller Purchase 0.0
01K263 Fuel and Lubricants for Plant 0.0
01K264 Maintenance of Plants 0.0
01K265 Repairs and spare parts 0.0
01K266 Plant operators and drivers 0.0
01K267 Transport and Custom Duties 0.0
01L250 Office Management Fees 0.0
01L251 Office Engineer Fees 0.0
01L252 Office Coordinator Fees 0.0
01L253 Office Planner Engineer Fees 0.0
01L254 IT Department Fees 0.0
01L255 Telecommunication Engineer Fees 0.0
01L256 Civil Engineer Fees 0.0
01L257 Architect Fees 0.0
01L258 Electrical Engineer Fees 0.0
01L259 Mechanical Engineer Fees 0.0
01L260 Internal Decorator Fees 0.0
01L261 Quantity Surveyor Fees 0.0
01L262 Estimator and Cost Control Engineer Fees 0.0
01L263 Draft man Fees 0.0
01L264 Human Resources Fees 0.0
01L265 Technical Office Fees 0.0
01L266 Secretarial Work Fees 0.0
01L267 Office Bonus and Rewards 0.0
01L268 Office Overtime Fees 0.0
01L269 Traveling Expenses 45.0 pc 250.0 11,250.0
01L270 Start date is 27 July 2016 0.0
01L271 Free Engineering Consultations 0.0
01L272 Telephone Bill 0.0
01L273 Electrical Bill 0.0

Ch 5

Selling factor
Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus Combined Direct and Indirect Costs

Date 01-04-16 Subcontractor and Material 1.20

ID Task Name Qty Unit Dir Amount $ Ind Amount $ Tot Amount $ U. Rate $ Sel Rate $ Budget $

00-48 Project Total 84,438.5 55,950.0 140,388.5 168,466.2

032022 Raft footing 300.0 mc 30,442.5 20,171.6 50,614.1 168.7 202.5 60,736.9

063042 Wooden skeleton & partitions 160.0 ms 21,648.0 14,344.2 35,992.2 225.0 269.9 43,190.7

063046 Wooden roof 160.0 ms 18,040.0 11,953.5 29,993.5 187.5 225.0 35,992.2

096025 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 600.0 ms 10,824.0 7,172.1 17,996.1 30.0 36.0 21,595.3

223514 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 320.0 mr 2,525.6 1,673.5 4,199.1 13.1 15.7 5,038.9

264014 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm 425.0 mr 958.4 635.0 1,593.4 3.7 4.5 1,912.1

Project Wood Restaurant - Cyprus

Date 01-04-16
ID Task Name Days Qty Unit U.Rate $ Amount $
00-48 Project Total 168,466.2 hyperlink

032022 Raft footing 17 300.0 mc 202.5 60,736.9 MS project

063042 Wooden skeleton & partitions 36 160.0 ms 269.9 43,190.7
063046 Wooden roof 30 160.0 ms 225.0 35,992.2
096025 Ceramic floor tiles 40x40 cm 10 600.0 ms 36.0 21,595.3
223514 4" UPVC pipes for drainage 7 320.0 mr 15.7 5,038.9
264014 Electrical cabling 4x4x16 mm 4 425.0 mr 4.5 1,912.1


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