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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington

Jessica: Many of us are clear on what we don’t want. We don’t want debt. We
don’t want relationship problems. We don’t want health challenges, but
are we clear on what we do want? Is it really that important to be this

“Yes,” says Dr. Patricia Carrington. In this interview you’ll learn an

important technique used in most peoples’ tapping practice called the
Choices Method that was created by Dr. Carrington. If you already know
about the Choices Method stay tuned because you will learn tips and tricks
on how to improve your practice.

For those who’ve never heard of it, no worries. We’ll make sure you end
this interview being clear on exactly how to do it yourself. To lead the
way in teaching us Dr. Carrington’s Choices Method is Dr. Carrington

Dr. Carrington from masteringeft.com is a former lecturer and faculty

member in the Department of Psychology at Princeton University and is
now a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson
Medical School. She really is a leading voice in the EFT community and I
am thrilled that she is with us. Welcome Dr. Carrington.

Dr. Carrington: Hello there, Jessica. It’s always so exciting to be on the Summit. I’m
looking forward to it.

Jessica: I am too and I’m looking forward to this topic, but before we dive into it I
have to ask. You have a very impressive bio and you’ve been traditionally
trained as a psychologist. How did you come across tapping and what
were your first impressions?

Dr. Carrington: I came across tapping because I have been really very open to new things
in the psychological field. I was a specialist in using meditation to help
people and I wrote a lot about that and I was an expert and so forth, did a
lot of research.

So, a friend of mine who knew me in New Jersey here, a psychologist,

called me up one day. This was in 1987, a long time ago. He said to me
on the phone, “Pat, there is a new method you have got to look into it. I
know you are interested in increasing your ability to help people with
problems in new ways. So, look into it,” and he told me about Roger
Callahan’s book, which was called The Five Minute Phobia Cure.

Well, I bought the book and I didn’t like the title because it seemed
impossible and in a sense it is. It was exaggerated. We do occasionally
get something in five minutes that is amazing, but it’s sort of like 1 in
1,000 times. So, it doesn’t really add up. I thought, “That sounds
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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
impossible.” So, it stayed on my book shelf for one year. I didn’t touch it.
A year later I picked it up and I started using the method and I was blown
away. It was so effective. So, I immediately started using it.

Then, what I did was I began to develop it along certain lines of my own
and train people in it, my clients and groups and so forth. What happened
was that in 1995, I guess it was, I started using EFT, which was very like
my method, the adaptation that I had done.

Then here’s what happened. You just asked me how I got into using EFT
in the first place and choices. Well, traditional EFT as it was taught at that
time and still is actually is wonderful as is Roger Callahan’s method TFT
to get rid of the distress, of the negative thoughts, of the negative feelings.

It is state of the art actually on that, but it doesn’t do quite enough. At that
time Gary had, “I deeply and completely accept myself” as the standard
phrase people use. It’s a lovely phrase and it’s applicable to a lot of
things, but it doesn’t do the whole job because you can get rid of the
distress and the anxiety or the anger or the sadness, whatever it is you
want to work with and then where are you going?

If you put in a positive goal at that point specific how the person really
wants to feel, where they really want to go with their life, what they really
want to do, it is so powerful.

So, I introduced another kind of phrase, which is, “I choose to.” I choose
to feel calm and confident or I choose to feel whatever it is the person
wants and let them develop that phrase themselves and they put it in to the
tapping procedure, wonderful results. People all over the world,
practitioners now use that method and a number of your listeners will have
heard the words “I choose” used as someone is going through a tapping

Jessica: Right, and when someone is taking the time to do the tapping themselves,
when is the ideal time for them to begin to incorporate the Choices

Dr. Carrington: Well, there’s no exact time, but basically you use it as you begin to feel
more at ease with the situation at hand. It’s not so desperate that you’re
just beside yourself. Then, you start using it, but I built in the timing
really into my choices trio, which is a three-part standard protocol for
using choices. We’re going to learn that today. So, I’ll be showing people
because the first step in that is the standard EFT or TFT, standard tapping.
It gets rid of the negative and then the second and third steps develop the
choices and the direction for you.

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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
Jessica: Dr. Carrington, I would love to learn exactly how we create our own
choice statements and then I know that you’re going to lead us through
some tapping in two different areas of our lives. So, I’m really excited
about this, but the first step is how do we figure out our own choice

Dr. Carrington: It is really very simple and here’s what you do. You take a sheet of paper
and you draw a vertical line down the middle of the sheet. So, you’re
separating it into a left column and a right column and in the left hand
column you write down some things. If you’re doing this for yourself you
write down one or several things in your life that you already have, but
you don’t like having. You don’t want to feel that way or you don’t want
this situation to be that way or whatever. Them, in the right hand column
you’re going to write the exact opposite of what you had in the left.

So, you switch it around. On the left you said what you didn’t want and
on the right you are going to write what you do want. Now, I want to give
you a little caution there because suppose you had written something like
recurrent headaches. You don’t want that. Well, you’re not allowed to
use any negative statements in the choices method. So, you can’t put over
on the right hand, “I don’t want to have headaches” because that don’t or
no or any of those negative statements are not what we want. We don’t
want to concentrate on what you don’t want, but what you do want.

So, what you would say is something, you’d make up your own words, but
something like, “I want to have my head feel comfortable and healthy and
normal.” You want to say what you do want to feel. Another great thing
to put in the right is a memory of when your head, because we’re talking
about the headaches now, when your head felt perfectly, wonderfully,
comfortable when you know that you didn’t have a headache and you
were at your best. You might want to say, “I choose to have my head
look,” wait a minute, sorry.

You might say, “I choose to have my head feel the way I felt when I was
in the lounge chair sitting by the water and I heard the ripples of the water
and felt the sun and I was just so comfortable.” Specific memories are
wonderful to put in as choices. They bring back the feeling of what you
really want now.

Okay, I’ll go on a little bit more about the choices. There are six basic
rules for making effective choices. I’m not going to go into all the details
about those now. We will have them in more detail in the workbook if
anyone wants to look at that, but I’ve already mentioned one thing, which
is being specific. You really want to be specific, not general.

Jessica: Be specific and not say the negative.

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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington

Dr. Carrington: And not say the negative. Those two things I’ve already told you. Being
specific means something like not saying, “I choose to be happy.” That is
so general, it kind of doesn’t mean it. I choose to feel the way I did when
I was graduating from high school and the world seemed so wonderful. I
choose to feel the way I did when I was running in a race. I choose to feel
my whole body tingling with excitement and vitality. You want to get

Now another important thing to remember is that you’re going to make

choices that apply to you, not to anyone else. I’ll give you an example of
what I mean. You’re not allows to choose another person’s behavior for
obvious reasons. That’s their business. Really, that’s their destiny if you
will or the way they’re going to be. You don’t intrude upon that and try
and manipulate anyone else.

Jessica: So, for example you wouldn’t say, “I choose for my husband to agree with

Dr. Carrington: Exactly. I remember one time I was giving a workshop and a woman
wanted to make the choice, she had a boss that she felt didn’t appreciate
her. She wanted to make the choice, “I choose to have my boss appreciate
me.” I explained to her for just the reason I just explained to you, “No,
you cannot choose for another person to be any different than they are, but
what you can choose is to feel as though your boss appreciated you.”

I said, “See what that does and you’ll be surprised.” She made that
choice. She went home and the next week she came back to the next
meeting of the workshop and she said, “You don’t have any idea what
happened.” She said, “In the first place I was making this choice. I was
doing it every day and I began to notice some things my boss did that did
seem rather appreciative. I’ve never noticed them before.”

Then she said, “But, on Friday he came into my office and he said to me,
‘You know I really think you handled that phone call so well.’” She said,
“He never said a thing like that to me before.” She was just blown over by
it. Obviously her change in attitude about the boss had affected him. She
was probably behaving very differently to him than she ordinarily did. So,
it changed his behavior, but you don’t do it in order to change someone’s
behavior. You do it so you’re going to feel better.

Jessica: Right.

Dr. Carrington: Of course, the Law of Attraction would say by putting out a different
energy, you would attract back to you a different energy. So, that’s how
you handle what you do with other people.
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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington

Jessica: Absolutely. Okay, so just to recap. We have our piece of paper. We put a
line down the middle. On the left hand we write what we don’t want and
on the right hand we write the opposite as long as it’s in a positive form,
it’s not a negative and it can’t be about another persona and it should be
positive. So we get that down.

Dr. Carrington: Absolutely. There are a couple of other ways you can tweak it to make it
even more effective and I’ll have all of those listed in the workbook, but
this is the basics you need to know.

Jessica: Okay, so now we’re looking at the right column and we know what our
choices are, how to we begin to take that and do the tapping. I know that
you have a process called the choices trio. I’d love to talk about it a little
bit more and then experience it.

Dr. Carrington: Great. I just want to add that you do put the word “I choose now” in front
of what you put in the right hand column. So, it’s “I choose” to do
whatever it is. That’s a very powerful thing to do. Making a choice is a
wonderfully free and powerful step. So, anyway to answer your question
the choices trio is a three-step process and it can clear issues so fast and
you’ll see in a moment. The first step of the trio consists of tapping just
on the negative. Just do exactly as you would in ordinary EFT or any
other meridian tapping technique.

The person – you’re getting rid of a negative feelings you have before you
go forward and use the choices. The next step is to tap one whole round
or more if you need more rounds, on just the positive, the positive choices.
There are two ways of doing that and I’m going to tell you about that in a
moment, the basic and the advanced way, but you’re basically going at
every tapping spot you’re putting in the positive, how you would like to
feel about a specific issue.

The third step of the choices trio, which is option, but it can be very
valuable is the step in which you alternative negative and positive
statements at every tapping point. The reason you do, you put the
negative first, then you put the positive in the next one, the next tapping
point, it trains your mind to follow each negative thought with a positive
one, each negative feeling with a positive one. It’s linking the two
together for you. So, that is very helpful after you’ve stopped tapping to
have that sort of instilled into you.

Jessica: Right.

Dr. Carrington: So we’re going to be using all three steps here today when I lead you
through the choices method.
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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington

Jessica: Well, I’d love to begin by focusing on health because I know that a lot of
people out there struggle with physical pain. The statistics are incredible
with back pain 31 million Americans experience it at any given time. So,
I’d like to use back pain as an example and I’ll tell the listeners if you
don’t have back pain still tap along with this process because it will give
you clarity on how to do the work on your own. It may even clear other
unwanted physical pain. Is that right Dr. Carrington?

Dr. Carrington: Absolutely because we’re essentially borrowing benefits here. If you
know that method your subconscious is going to connect it to your own
issue. You just repeat the words that I say, which by the way Jessica are
you willing to repeat the words as I say them?

Jessica: Yes, absolutely.

Dr. Carrington: Oh, great and people will repeat them at home where they are, wherever
they are exactly as you do. So, that will be the way we go. So, I’m going
to give you – do you want me to start now and give the instructions?

Jessica: Yes, yes please.

Dr. Carrington: As I said before you’re going to take a piece of paper. On the left hand
side jot down a couple of words describing your own problem. One very
good thing would be if you can remember, you may not and you don’t
have to, but it can be helpful if you remember a time when you didn’t have
this problem, how it felt. I’m going to show you in the demo. We’re
going to do that in a moment and you’re going to see how effective it is to
remember times when you felt wonderful or didn’t have the problem.

It’s not necessary. You can just use a description of how you’d like it to
be. Okay, I’m first going to show you what I call the basic choices
method. It’s the simplest form of the choices method. It’s one which you
can easily remember and use anytime you want to one the spot. It’s why
I’m going to show it to you first. In that method you use the same phrase
at each tapping point to make it easy.

Later I’ll do the advanced where you don’t use the same phrase, but we’ll
do the same one now. I’m going to lead you in tapping for health issues.
I’ll be using the example of someone, as we said tapping for back pain and
you’re going to borrow benefits. So, now we’re going to begin.

We’re going to start with the karate chop spot. I think all of you know
where it is, but if you don’t let me quickly say it is the spot on the side of
your hand next to the little finger or pinky, not on the thumb side. It’s
between the base knuckle of the pinky and the wrist bone on the soft side
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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
of your hand and you just tap there. If you don’t by any chance know the
other tapping points just keep tapping on that one point and it’ll be fine
while we do the whole process.

Jessica: Absolutely and I will mention that we have a great introduction to tapping
audio, a video and a graph. So, people can use any of those.

Dr. Carrington: Great. That’s good. Yes, you can learn it and if you don’t know it now,
just keep tapping on this karate chop spot and it’ll work perfectly.

So, we say always the full sentence first before we go and break it up into
the tapping reminder phrases. The full sentence is said three times while
you’re tapping on the karate chop spot. So, I’m going to lead you through
it three times.

Karate Chop: Even though my lower back is in pain I choose to have it be strong and
Even though my lower back is in pain I choose to have it be strong and
Even though my lower back is in pain I choose to have it be strong and

Dr. Carrington: Now we’re going to repeat the negative phrase, “This back pain” at every
tapping spot for one round of tapping. So, here we go.

EB: This back pain.

SE: This back pain.
UE: This back pain.
UN: This back pain.
CP: This back pain.
CB: This back pain.
UA: This back pain.
TH: This back pain.

Dr. Carrington: And now we’re going to do step two where we’re going to have the
choices phrase at each tapping spot beginning with the inner eyebrow.

EB: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.

SE: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
UE: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
UN: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
CP: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
CB: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
UA: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
TH: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.

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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
Dr. Carrington: Now we’re going to do the third step of the choices trio. We’re going to
alternate the negative and the positive phrases at every other tapping spot.
We’re going to start with the negative. The negative is this back pain.

EB: This back pain.

SE: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
UE: This back pain.
UN: I choose to have my back feel strong and flexible.
CP: This back pain.
CB: I chose to have my back feel strong and flexible.
UA: This back pain.
TH: I choose to have my back feel strong and flexible.

Dr. Carrington: Now take an easy breathe in and let it out slowly.

Jessica: Thank you for that Dr. Carrington. I want to ask something. A lot of
people get stuck on what words to say and they tend to make it more
complicated than it is and here is a process that’s very simple. You’re
saying the same phrase over and over again. Do you find that to be just as

Dr. Carrington: Well, it’s hard to say because the other, the advanced where we use
different phrases at different spots and therefore attack different aspects of
the problem is deeper and more thorough and does a bigger job, but this
can be amazingly effective when you use it.

Jessica: Right.

Dr. Carrington: So, I can’t generalize. It sometimes just does the trick and other things
you do need to be more extensive and I’ll talk about that in a moment.
Actually we’re going to do the advanced version of this same tapping for
the back pain.

Jessica: I’d love that.

Dr. Carrington: Yeah, okay and this time I’m going to be saying a different choices phrase
at each tapping point and even when we go on the negative round and
again Jessica you’ll be –

Jessica: Tapping along and repeating.

Dr. Carrington: So we again start on the karate chop spot. I’m only going to have you
repeat it once on the karate chop spot this time because we already did the
three times.

Karate Chop: Even though my lower back is in pain.

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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
I choose to have my back feel strong and flexible.

Dr. Carrington: Now, we do one round of the negative.

EB: My back is in serious pain.

SE: I can’t seem to escape from it.
UE: My back pain is always dragging me down.
UN: This back pain.
CP: This relentless pain.
CB: It won’t let go of me.
UA: This relentless pain.
TH: It won’t let go of me.

Dr. Carrington: That was the negative. Now we’ll do the positive, the choices.

EB: I choose to have my back feel strong and flexible.

SE: I choose to have my back feel the way it did when I ran that race in junior
UE: I can just feel the wind against my body as I ran.
UN: I can remember the wonderful feeling of my back muscles stretched to the
CP: I can feel how my back held me together with such confidence and perfect
CB: I choose to have the strong and flexible back of a runner.
UA: I choose to have the powerful and dependable back of a ski champion
Gliding downhill at top speed.
TH: I choose to have my back so healthy and strong
That I don’t even know it’s there and everything seem just right.

Dr. Carrington: Now we will do part three where we alternate negative and positive and
we’ll start with the negative.

EB: This relentless back pain.

SE: I choose to have my back be strong and flexible.
UE: This relentless back pain.
UN: I can remember the wonderful feeling of my back muscles stretched to the
CP: This relentless back pain.
CB: I can feel my back holding me together with such confidence and perfect
UA: This relentless back pain.
TH: I choose to have my back so healthy and strong
That I don’t even know it’s there and everything just feels right.

Dr. Carrington: Now take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
Jessica: Thank you.

Dr. Carrington: You always want to end with a positive statement and that remains in your

Jessica: Dr. Carrington, when someone is doing this do they have to do a few
rounds and check in with the intensity of the back pain every time?

Dr. Carrington: I think it’s a very good idea. We didn’t have them checking today. We
often will have them checking on a 0 to 10 point scale where they’re
actually rating the intensity. That’s a very good idea. I think that’s – I’m
glad you brought that up Jessica because it is good to check. It’s always
good to check on yourself and see how you’re going.

Jessica: Right, so just to be clear, what you just did is you took experiences and
your helping us associate to those good experiences that we already had.

Dr. Carrington: Yes, they’re called resource states. They’re inner resources, the
memories, resource memories. You can see how much more vivid that is
than just saying, “I choose to have my back feel good.” What’s good?
When you remember or when you describe it or you can even describe
somebody else, “I choose to be like a skier coming down the ski slope.”
You just choose what will bring you that feeling in your own body as you
speak and that’s going to pull you towards a state of health.

Jessica: This isn’t just a mental state of being. People actually feel the physical
difference from doing this process.

Dr. Carrington: Yes, that is the important thing.

Jessica: Yes, it’s amazing.

Dr. Carrington: Because of the tapping you see. The words plus the tapping, it goes down
very deep almost to a cellular level. It is right down where the action is,
so to speak.

Jessica: Right, well let’s jump into another area of our lives that many of us
struggle with and that’s relationships. So, if someone has a conflict with
say a family member they might not know how to tap because tapping’s
not going to change the other person’s behavior. You touched upon this
before. You can’t make someone do something. So, what is your take on
how this can help improve a relationship?

Dr. Carrington: Well, you’re going to see exactly what we’re going to be doing with that
now and it answers it better than I could in general. I’m going to be
asking you to imagine as we do this next sequence that you are borrowing
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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
benefits from a mother who is tapping to handle a problem with her 18-
year-old daughter who is refusing to come home from college on the
weekend when her mother wants her to. They’re having an argument
about this.

Jessica: Okay.

Dr. Carrington: You will be identifying with the mother as we tap. When you hear the
mother say, “she” the mother’s referring to her daughter.

Jessica: Dr. Carrington does it help us if we think about a relationship that we’re
struggling with? Does it help us to have that in our mind while we tap or
at least set that intention?

Dr. Carrington: Definitely and if you want to jot down two or three words, my relationship
with my mother, my father, my cousin, whatever you want to put down or
my friend, jot it down and don’t need to keep looking at it while we do
this. We’re borrowing benefits, but it’ll be in the back of your mind and
your subconscious will make the connection between what we’re talking
about in this example and your own life situation with some relationship
that isn’t quite the way you want it to be.

Jessica: Okay, well, let’s jump into it then.

Dr. Carrington: Starting with the karate chop spot, we’re going to say the basic setup
statement three times.

Karate Chop: Even though she’s being very difficult

I choose to know that we will work this out eventually.
Even though she’s being very difficult
I choose to know that we will work this out eventually.
Even though she’s being very difficult
I choose to know that we will work this out eventually.

Dr. Carrington: All right. Now I’m going to take you through the basic EFT before I do
the advanced. It’s just so that you’ll be learning that again. We’re going
to be tapping one round of the negative just on the words, “she’s so

EB: She's so difficult.

SE: She’s so difficult.
UE: She’s so difficult.
UN: She’s so difficult.
CP: She’s so difficult.
CB: She’s so difficult.
UA: She’s so difficult.
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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
TH: She’s so difficult.

Dr. Carrington: Now we’re going to go through the second part of the choices trio, which
is just the positive each time we go to a tapping spot you’re saying just
one positive phrase, which is, “I choose to know that we'll work this out

EB: I choose to know that we'll work this out eventually.

SE: I choose to know that we'll work this out eventually.
UE: I choose to know that we’ll work this out eventually.
UN: I choose to know that we'll work this out eventually.
CP: I choose to know that we'll work this out eventually.
CB: I choose to know that we’ll work this out eventually.
UA: I choose to know that we’ll work this out eventually.
TH: I choose to know that we’ll work this out eventually.

Dr. Carrington: Now we’re going to do step three of the choices trio. We’re going to
alternative the phrases at every other tapping spot starting with the
negative phrase.

EB: She’s so difficult.

SE: I choose to know we’ll work this out eventually.
UE: She’s so difficult.
UN: I choose to know that we’ll work this out eventually.
CP: She’s so difficult.
CB: I choose to know that we’ll work this out eventually.
UA: She’s so difficult.
TH: I choose to know we’ll work this out eventually.

Dr. Carrington: All right now take an easy breath in and let it out slowly. All right.

Jessica: Thank you for that Pat.

Dr. Carrington: Well, now should we apply the advanced choices method now, Jessica?

Jessica: Absolutely, let’s do it.

Dr. Carrington: All right we’re going to apply the same issue about the mother and
daughter. The advanced method is going to allow you to go into the issue
at hand in much more depth and to approach it from several different
angles. If you’re tapping on your own, when you use the advanced
method, because it involves different phrases, different choices phrases,
you’re going to want to write down the various problems that come to
your mind in connection with the issue and you’re going to write down
some choices for yourself.

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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
You will be finding that many presenters when they use the choices
method use the advanced method. So, it’s going to interest you to see how
many different aspects of the problem are probably bothering you and it’s
such a good idea to get them all tapped on or a lot of them anyway.

Jessica: Right. Let’s get into the tapping.

Dr. Carrington: We’re going to use it on the mother/daughter issue and we’ll start with on
round of the negative. We’ll just do the karate chop spot only once
because we did it three times before.

Karate Chop: Even though she’s being very difficult.

I choose to know that we will work this out eventually.

Dr. Carrington: Now we’re going to go one round of the negative.

EB: She’s so difficult.

SE: She won’t do what I say.
I know she doesn’t want to see us.
UN: I feel outraged.
CP: She doesn’t want to come home and see us.
CB: I’ve lost my daughter.
UA: This is very difficult for me.
TH: I don’t feel I know her anymore.

Dr. Carrington: Now, we’re going to do one round of the positive.

EB: I choose to keep myself a little bit apart from this struggle.
SE: I choose to keep myself a little bit apart from this struggle.
SE: I choose to know that she’s still my little girl now grown up.
UE: I choose to be who I am even though she doesn’t understand me.
UN: I choose to respect my own feelings.
CP: I choose to know that we’re both doing the best we can.
CB: I choose to realize that she really does love me.
UA: I choose to undergo this change in our lives with courage.
TH: I choose to know we'll work this out eventually.

Dr. Carrington: Take an easy breath in and let it out slowly. We’re now going to do the
third step of the choices trio where we alternate negative and positive.

EB: She doesn’t want to come home and see us.

SE: I choose to know that she’s still my little girl now grown up.
UE: I’ve lost my daughter.
UN: I choose to know that she really does love me.
CP: I don’t know her anymore.
CB: I choose to know we’re doing the best we can.
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2012 Tapping World Summit - Patricia Carrington
UA: She won’t do what I say.
TH: I choose to know that we’ll work this out eventually.

Dr. Carrington: Take an easy breath in and let it out slowly.

Jessica: Thank you so much for that, Dr. Carrington. You know what I really
loved about this call is that you gave us two different ways of doing this;
both things that we can do on our own. So, it really is a tool that I hope
everybody begins to incorporate into their tapping practice.

I’ll also mention that you’ve been very generous. You also provided a
bonus audio where we do the choices method focused on financial
struggles and that was fantastic. So I hope people enjoy that and also all
these scripts are in the workbook.

Dr. Carrington, thank you so much for just sharing your wisdom and
insights with us.

Dr. Carrington: Oh, I love doing it. I always love the Summit. Thanks very much for
having me.

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