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Fade In Fade Out


Open a new file. Go to File >New. A Screen called New Document will appear. Select Flash Document
and click on OK. Go to Modify>Document and give a file size of 300px by 200px. This is the same size as
the Bitmap pictures we have.

Select the Bitmap pictures that you want to Fade in and Fade out from your picture file and bring it to
the Flash Library. Select File>Import to Library from the Menu Bar. A Screen named Import To Library will
open. Choose the file name and click on Open. Repeat these steps for all the Bitmap pictures. To open
Library, go to Window>Library. You can see the pictures in the Library panel.

Drag the picture from the Library panel to the Stage. Select the picture by clicking on it.

Go to Modify>Convert To Symbol from the Menu Bar. A dialog Box named Create New Symbol will
appear. Give the name as pic1_mc. Select Movie Clip. Click on OK.

Click on your Movie Clip. Go to Frame 15. Insert a Keyframe. Right click on layer 1 in the middle of the
frames 1 to frames 15. The frames will become black. Select Create Motion Tween. An arrow from frame
1 to frame 15 will appear. Again click on Frame 30. Insert a Keyframe. A second arrow will appear

Click on Frame 1. Here we will give the fade in effect. Select the picture by clicking on it. Go to Properties
in the panel below the Stage. Go to Color>Alpha give 0% to it.

Your picture has faded in. Click on Frame 30. Here we will give the fade in effect. Select the picture by
clicking on it. Go to Properties in the panel below the Stage. Go to Color>Alpha give 0% to it.

Repeat the steps 3 to 5 in layer 2 from the frame 31 to 45 to 60. To make a new layer, click on the
following button which is on the right side below the layers. Repeat the above steps for all the images in
new layers and you will create a simple fade in and fade out Flash animation.

Press on Ctrl+Enter to see the Fade in & Fade out Effect of the 4 pictures.

Checker Board Across

1. First we will learn how to create different masks for an image. For this we will import our scene image
to the stage. To do that, choose File > Import from the main menubar and choose the downloaded
images and import them on stage.

2. Next, set the stage size equal to the width and height of the images and convert all the images to a
movieclip simultaneously and name them as img1, img2, and img3 respectively, as shown in Figure

3. Select the image and convert it to the movie-clip symbol by the name as pic1. Again convert pic1
symbol to movie-clip symbol using the name as Masking1. We are taking movie-clip symbol only
because to use some filters effect on the image to get more powerful effect. See the reference image
4. Next step is to create a classic tween to give an simple zoom out animation effect. Open the Flash
Timeline, give the layer name a pic1. Press F6 on the frame 15 to insert a new key frame and convert
frames to classic tween. Now give the ease value to 100% to get smooth zoom effect from fast to slow
animation effect.

5. Click on the frame 1, go to the modify menu > select transform > select scale and rotate. Set the scale
value to 120%.

Open the Properties Panel>Color Effect> set alpha to 0%. See the reference image below:

6. Now, It’s time to create a mask shapes. We will create a simple rectangle shape. Make sure that
how many pieces we need. The stage dimension is 500x300 and we have to cover complete stage by
placing mask shapes. Number of mask shapes will create more beautiful and impactful effect. Here we
will create 12 rectangle boxes. That is why the width of the boxes will be 125px to cover the stage or
image width and the height will be 100px. So that the box dimensions are 125x100px.

7. Now, Distribute all 12 rectangle shapes to different layers (Select all shapes>Right click>distribute
to layers).

8. Now we got 12 shapes layer, these all are mask shape. Then insert 1 layer below each shape layer.
See the reference image below:

9. We will copy the same image animation. To copy frames, Select all Frames > Right Click on the
frames > Select Copy frames. See the reference image below:

10. Paste copied frames to each blank layer or to copy layer, select the tween layer > press alt key +
Drag on to the blank layer.

Then mask each layer, Select a shape layer > Right click > Select Mask.

Now, To create the effect of image appearance in parts. We will give some frames space after each
mask. As of now we are taking 5 frames gap. See the reference image below:

11. Publish your file and watch the effect. Currently, we will find image parts are appearing but it is not
building the complete image. To solve this problem we will insert frames on the animation end. See the
reference image below:

12. Here we need to stop the animation at the end as the complete image will be visible. Insert a new
layer on the top of the all layers and insert a new key frame at the end of the animation, go to the action
panel and give action: stop();

Now we have created a 70 frames animation effect. To give pause to the image, we can insert more
frames according to the choice. See the reference image below:

13. Now, we want to jump to the next image using the same effects. Copy the Masking1 movie-clip and
paste it to the new layer names. Select the Masking1 symbol > right click > duplicate symbol named as
Masking2. The same procedure can be applied for Masking3 or further more images.

14. Edit the Masking2 symbol. On the first frame, Right click on the image and change to duplicate
image named as pic2. Edit pic2 symbol and replace the image from the library.
15. Select frames > Press alt key > Drag frames to other animation layer to replace the frames. Apply
the same procedure to the next step as given in the reference image below.

16. Apply the same procedure to the Masking3 and further Maskings.

17. Go to the main timeline put All 3 masking’s to the 3 different layers with the gap of 70 frames. 70
frames gap is to play the masking animation and 20 frames gap is to pause the image for some time.

Here is the final effect.

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