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Comparison between Vocational High School Syllabus

with Englih Course Syllabus

Created By :

Hanna safira




The syllabus is a foundational document and a critical piece of

communication between instructor and student that warrants thoughtful design. As
the syllabus is often the first form of interaction that instructors have with their
students, it plays a significant role in engaging students and motivating learning
(Harnish et al. 2011). Research indicates that more engaging, visually stimulating,
student-centered syllabi have a positive impact on student perceptions of a course
and motivation to engage with the instructor (Ludy et. al, 2016).

A syllabus is your guide to a course and what will be expected of you in

the course. Generally it will include course policies, rules and regulations,
required texts, and a schedule of assignments. A syllabus can tell you nearly
everything you need to know about how a course will be run and what will be
expected of you.

The syllabus is defined as the documents that consist of topics or portion

covered in a particular subject. It is determined by the examination board and
created by the professors. The professors are responsible for the quality of the
course. It is made available to the students by the teachers, either in hard copy or
electronic form to bring their attention towards the subject and take their study

A syllabus is considered as a guide to the in charge as well as to the

students. It helps the students to know about the subject in detail, why it is a part
of their course of study, what are the expectations from students, consequences of
failure, etc. It contains general rules, policies, instructions, topics covered,
assignments, projects, test dates, and so on.

In the learning process syllabus is a direction of the learning process on

each subject or course. While the syllabus model consists of subject matter or
subject learning, learning activities and so on, can be determined by each
educational unit in so far as not reducing the components in the syllabus.

The curriculum is defined as the guideline of the chapters and academic

content covered by an educational system while undergoing a particular course or
program. In a theoretical sense, curriculum refers to what is offered by the school
or college. However, practically it has a wider scope which covers the knowledge,
attitude, behaviour, manner, performance and skills that are imparted or inculcated
in a student. It contains the teaching methods, lessons, assignments, physical and
mental exercises, activities, projects, study material, tutorials, presentations,
assessments, test series, learning objectives, and so on.

The curriculum is well planned, guided and designed by the government or

the educational institution. It is aimed at both physical and mental development of
a student. It is the overall learning experience that a student goes through during
the particular course of study.

Key Differences Between Syllabus and Curriculum

The basic differences between syllabus and curriculum are explained in the point
given below:

1. The syllabus is described as the summary of the topics covered or units to

be taught in the particular subject. Curriculum refers to the overall content,
taught in an educational system or a course.

2. Syllabus varies from teacher to teacher while the curriculum is same for all

3. The term syllabus is a Greek origin, whereas the term curriculum is a Latin

4. The curriculum has a wider scope than the syllabus.

5. The syllabus is provided to the students by the teachers so that they can
take an interest in the subject. On the other hand, normally the curriculum
is not made available to the students unless specifically asked for.

6. Syllabus is descriptive in nature, but the curriculum is prescriptive.

7. Syllabus is set for a particular subject. Unlike curriculum, which covers a

particular course of study or a program.

8. Syllabus is prepared by teachers. Conversely, a curriculum is decided by

the government or the school or college administration.

9. The duration of a syllabus is for a year only, but curriculum lasts till the
completion of the course.

Curriculum in Indonesia has changed many times of course this has an

impact on the preparation of syllabus in every school, the syllabus should be
adjusted to the curriculum used by a school.

Curriculum and Syllabus are the terms of education, imparted to the

students by teachers. It means the knowledge, skills or qualifications that are
passed on from one generation to another. A subject syllabus is a unit of the
curriculum. The two terms differ in a sense that curriculum is a combination of
some factors which helps in the planning of an educational program, whereas a
syllabus covers the portion of what topics should be taught in a particular subject.


To complete syllabus design task, I want to compare Vocational High

School syllabus based on curriculum 2013 with English course syllabus.
A. Discussion about Vocational High School syllabus based on
Curriculum 2013

A process-oriented syllabus focuses on the skills and processes involved in

learning language. It can be compared with a product-oriented syllabus, which
focuses on completed acts of communication, the outputs.

A process-writing syllabus would focus on the processes writers use to complete
their tasks, such as collecting information, organising ideas, drafting and revising,
rather than just the features of the products of writing, such as letters,
compositions, notes, reports etc. In the classroom\ Working on the writing
processes is hard work for learners because it involves thinking, organising and
planning, but it is time well-invested in skills that will enable the learner to
become an autonomous writer. One way to apply a process approach to tasks is to
provide the language they need on demand as they work, rather than before they
start. This can be done by the teacher, by referring the learners to useful language
lists or dictionaries, or by other learners.

Syllabus of Vocational High School is Process Oriented Syllabus. Why? Because


1. Focuses on the skills and processes involved in learning language. Process

oriented syllabus are developed as a result of a sense of failure in product
oriented syllabus to enchance communicative language skills.
2. Task-Based syllabus :
 A task-based syllabus is based on task-based learning, an approach where
learners carry out tasks such as solving a problem or planning an activity.
The language learnt comes out of the linguistic demands of the activity. A
task-based syllabus is structured around a series of these tasks.
 An activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or
understanding language.
 Task Specification : the products students are to formulate, the operations
that are required to generate the product, and the resources available to the
students to generate the product.
 Procedure In Developing It : Conduct a needs analysis to obtain an
inventory of target tasks, classify the target tasks into task types, from the
task types, erive pedagogical tasks, select and sequence the pedagogical
tasks to form a task syllabus.
3. Activity-based Book : All activities are done in the class based on the
book, so teacher just need to give the students command to do something
as the text booksaid.
4. Teacher as facilitator : As we know that nowadays many school in
Indonesia used K13 or curriculum 2013. In K13 it use students centred
learning not teacher centred learning, it means that teachers play a role to
provide services to facilitate students in learning process activities.
Teachers act as a companion to learn for their students with a democratic
and fun learning environment. As a facilitator, teacher should prepare
anything well before they start their teaching learning process, they should
prepare for the answer that their students will ask. Teacher as facilitator its
also means that teacher need to understand the different types of media
and learning resources and their respective functions. The use of media is
very important, because it can simplify teaching and learning process. As a
facilitator teachers are required to have the ability to communicate and
interact with students. This is very important, the ability to communicate
effectively can make it easier for students to capture the message so as to
improve their learning motivation.
5. Content syllabus : this might be other subjects in a school curriculum such
as science / social studies, or specialist subject matter relating to an
academic or technical field such as mechanical engineering, medicine or
6. Syllabus design and methodology : engage the learners in problem
solving tasks as purposeful activities.

Syllabus of vocational high school use the scientific approach with
student centered method. It is an approach to systematically acquire knowledge
based on the physical evidence. The use of the scientific approach is to improve
the creativity of the students through :


Observation method gives priority to meaningfull learning process. This

method has certain advantages, such as presenting a real object media, learners
happy and challenged, and easy implementation. Observation method is very
useful for the curiosity of the students. So that the learning process has a high
significance. Observing activities in the lesson as presented in Permendikbud
Number 81a, teachers should open widely and vary the opportunities of learners
to observe through activities: viewing, listening, listening and reading. Teachers
facilitate learners to make observations, train them to watch (see, read, hear) the
important things of an object or object. The expected competence is to train
sincerity, thoroughness, and seek information.


The learning activity is to ask questions about information that is not

understood from what is observed or questions to get additional information about
what is observed starting from the factual question to the hypothetical question.
The competencies developed are creativity, curiosity, the ability to formulate
questions. In this step the atmosphere of successful learning is the occurrence of
active communication that discusses about the subject matter.


The learning activity : the first is process of information that has been
collected both from the experimental results and from the results of observing
activities and information gathering activities. The second is information
processing that is looking for solutions from various sources that have different
Developed competencies are honest attitude, meticulous, discipline, ability to
apply procedure and inductive and deductive thinking ability in concluding. In
this activity, students will relate what is being learned with what is in daily life.


To obtain real and authentic learning results, learners should try or experiment.
learning activities can be doing experiments, reading other sources from
textbooks, observing objects or events or activities, interviews with resource
persons. In this activity, students are required to try to practice what they have
learned. This activity can be done in groups, in pairs and individuals. Students
will try to practice what they have learned both on receptive skills (reading and
listening) as well as on productive skills (speaking and writing). Teachers will
guide students in trying to practice and develop skills in the mastery of knowledge
and skill mastery in this field.


Networking is the activity of students to form networks in the classroom.

the learning activity is to convey the results of observations, conclusions based on
the results of analysis orally, written or other media. The competencies developed
are honest attitude, tolerance, systematic thinking ability, expressing opinions
briefly and clearly and developing good and correct language skills. At this stage
students present their abilities about what they have learned while the other
students respond to their friends' presentations. Other student responses may be
questions, refutations, criticisms or suggestions. in this activity all students will
proportionally get the same task from their teacher.


Functional Language Time consuming
Character building The lack of knowledge about scientific
Raising teacher responsibility More time allocation
Technology-based material The lack of students knowledge about
technology used in learning
Student-centered learning
Improve student creativity

Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian

1.1 Mensyukuri Teks lisan dan Mengamat KRITERIA

kesempatan tulis untuk PENILAIAN:
 Siswa menyimak/
dapat memberi
mendengarkan ungkapan  Tingkat
mempelajar saran dan
memberi saran dan ketercapaian
i bahasa tawaran dan
tawaran dan responnya fungsi sosial
Inggris responnya
dengan (ucapan, tekanan memberi saran
Fungsi Sosial kata, intonasi, ejaan) yang dan tawaran
tepat, serta sikap santun dan responnya
pengantar  Menjaga
dan peduli.
komunikasi hubungan  Tingkat
Internationa interperso  Siswa mencoba menirukan kelengkapan
l yang nal pengucapannya dan dan keruntutan
diwujudkan dengan menuliskan ungkapan yang struktur teks
dalam guru, digunakan. memberi saran
semangat teman, dan tawaran
 Siswa belajar mengambil
belajar dan orang dan responnya
giliran dalam melakukan
2.1 tindak komunikasi  Tingkat
Menunjukk  Terbiasa ketepatan
Mempertanyakan unsur
an perilaku mengguna
santun dan kan kebahasaan:
peduli ungkapan  Dengan pertanyaan tata bahasa,
dalam memberi pengarah dari guru, siswa kosa kata,
melaksanak saran dan mempertanyakan: ucapan,
an tawaran tekanan kata,
- Fungsi sosial
komunikasi dan intonasi
interperson - Ungkapan yang
merespon  Kesesuaian
al dengan digunakan untuk
nya format
guru dan memberi saran dan
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian

teman. Ungkapan tawaran penulisan/

3.1 Saran dan - Penggunaan unsur
Menganalisi tawaran: kebahasaan dari
s fungsi tindakan komunikatif
sosial, Why don’t memberi saran dan
struktur you… tawaran dan responnya. Unjuk kerja
teks, dan  Bermain peran
What Mengeksplorasi
unsur (role play)
about …?  Siswa secara mandiri
kebahasaan dalam bentuk
pada mencari pengetahuan
You should interaksi yang
ungkapan tambahan tentang tujuan,
… berisi
memberi ungkapan, dan unsur
saran dan You can …. kebahasaan yang
tawaran, digunakan dalam ungkapan
Do you memberi dan dan tawaran
need ….? dan meresponnya tentang
 Siswa berlatih memberi
sesuai Unsur
menggunakan ungkapan saran dan
dengan kebahasaan
tersebut tawaran dan
(1) Ucapan,  Siswa berlatih mengambil responnya .
nya tekanan giliran dan menggunakan  Ketepatan
kata, kesantunan dalam menggunakan
4.1 Menyusun
intonasi berkomunikasi struktur dan
teks lisan
, unsur
dan tulis Mengasosiasi
(2) Rujukan kebahasaan
untuk  Siswa menganalisis
kata dalam memberi
menyatakan ungkapan untuk saran dan
, Topik menyatakan, memberi, dan tawaran serta
menanyaka menerima saran dan
Keteladanan responnya
n, dan tawaran dengan
merespon tentang
mengelompokannya Pengamatan
ungkapan perilaku
berdasarkan penggunaan. (observations):
memberi peduli,
kerjasama,  Dalam kerja kelompok  Upaya
saran dan
dan proaktif terbimbing, siswa menggunakan
membandingkan ungkapan bahasa
memberi saran dan Inggris untuk
tawaran dan responnya memberi
kan fungsi
yang lain dan mengaitkan saran dan
Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian
dengan berbagai ekspresi tawaran dan
yang mungkin digunakan, responnya
sesuai konteks ketika muncul
teks, dan
penggunaannya. kesempatan.
kebahasaan  Siswa memperoleh balikan  Kesungguhan
yang benar (feedback) dari guru dan siswa dalam
dan sesuai teman tentang setiap yang proses
konteks dia sampaikan dalam kerja pembelajaran
kelompok. di setiap
 Siswa membandingkan cara
mengambil giliran dan  Kesantunan
merespon dengan yang dan
diperoleh dari sumber lain kepedulian
 Siswa bermain peran komunikasi
memberi saran dan
tawaran serta responnya
 Siswa menggunakan
memberi saran dan
tawaran dalam konteks
komunikasi yang wajar di
dalam dan di luar
kelas,dalam bentuk
sosial, ungkapan, dan unsur
kebahasaan serta strategi
yang benar dan sesuai
dengan konteks.
 Siswa membuat ‘learning
B. Discussion about English Course Syllabus

Language is our primary source of communication. It's the method through

which we share our ideas and thoughts with others. Some people even say that
language is what separates us from animals and makes us human. There are
thousands of languages in this world. Countries have their own national languages
in addition to a variety of local languages spoken and understood by their people
in different regions. Some languages are spoken by millions of people, others by
only a few thousand.

There are several factors that make the English language essential to
communication in our current time. First of all, it is the most common foreign
language. This means that two people who come from different countries (for
example, a Mexican and a Swede) usually use English as a common language to
communicate. That’s why everyone needs to learn the language in order to get in
touch on an international level. Speaking it will help you communicate with
people from countries all over the world, not just English-speaking ones.

As we know, English has become an international language by mastering

English, someone can improve knowledge and skills and mastering English will
be easy to obtain and open employment opportunities. Therefore, now English
language can not only be learned in formal school but English can also be learned
in the English language course institutions.

English course in Indonesia is organized in various programs and learning

process which vary according to the needs of the people, and users of the needs to
mastering English. Many English courses today are using communicative or
communicative approach. This is in order to learners are able to communicate in
English well and correctly both orally and in writing. The English course is an
educational and training program based on competence and provide skills for
learners to be involved in various learning experiences and have meaning for his
English Course Syllabus is using Product-Oriented Syllabus. A product-oriented
syllabus focuses on things learnt at the end of the learning process (outcomes)
rather than the process itself. It can be compared with a process-oriented syllabus,
which focuses on the processes of learning. Many people have questioned the
validity of separating syllabi into process- and product-oriented and argue that
most syllabi are, and must be, a combination of processes and outcomes.

Grammatical, functional and lexical syllabi are product-oriented as they focus on
grammatical, functional and lexical outcomes. In the classroom
Learners working with a product-oriented syllabus can be supported with other
approaches and techniques. For example, teachers can incorporate elements of
learner training and development from learner-centred syllabus, or use activities
from process-oriented syllabus such as task-based learning. it means that the
learning process focuses on the knowledge and skills which learners should gain
as a result of instruction, e.g. grammatical and vocabulary items, language
functions and notions.

Characteristics of product oriented syllabus :

1. Analythic and Synthetic Syllabus Planning

- A Synthetic language teaching strategy is one in which the different parts of

language are taught separately and step by step so that the acquisition is a process
of gradual accumulation of parts utnil the whole structure has been built up.
Syntehtic refers to the learner’s role : The learner’s task is to re-synthezise the
language that has been broken down into a large number of small pieces with the
aim of making his/her task learning easier.

- Analythic syllabus, learners are presented with chunks of language which may
include structures of varying degrees of difficulty. The starting point for syllabus
design is not the grammatical system of the language, but the communicative
purposes for which language is used.
2. Grammatical Syllabus

A grammatical syllabus is based on the structures of a language. It can be

compared to other types of syllabi based around tasks, vocabulary, functions or
topics. Learners learn grammatical structures in a sequence that reflects their
complexity, rather than their use in communication, leading to many artificial
contexts for practice, and perhaps an inability to transfer learning to real
communication. Organising learning around a grammatical syllabus has been
criticised because of this, but it is still the most common type of syllabus in
published materials, mostly because it is the easiest type of syllabus to sequence.

A grammatical syllabus may start with the present simple, then the present
continuous, then the past simple, and so on. Learners are not usually exposed to
more difficult structures than the ones they are learning. In the classroom Teachers
may find it useful to blend a grammatical syllabus with other elements. For
example, it may be suitable to teach verb times explicitly but structures such as
the use of ‘would' in requests and advice in a functional framework instead.

3. Notional-Functional Syllabus

A notional-functional syllabus is an approach where the organization of

the material is determined with notions or ideas that learners expect to be able to
express through the target language and the functions acts learners expect to be
able to accomplish (Wilkins, 1976). In this type of syllabus, it contains the same
teaching materials as traditional syllabus but organizes them in different way such
as around uses or functions (Harlow & Linda L, 1978). According to Wilkins
(1972), proponents of this kind of approach believe that the usage of language for
learners is more important than the digestion of an unapplied system of
grammatical forms. Therefore, a notional-functional syllabus is a kind of
communicative syllabus which organize units with the foundation of some
functions such as asking question, expressing opinions, expressing wishes,
making suggestions, complaining, and apologizing rather than including units
instructing noun gender or present tense ending (Wilkins, 1976). First of all, I
show how the notional-functional syllabus was brought about and influenced by
both theories of language and language learning/acquisition.

In this course, there are 5 programs: English for Communication (EC),

English for Teens (ET), Engilsh for Adult (EA), TOEFL preparation. The
partcompetency-based curriculum leveling is like in elementary level
(elementary), skilled (intermediate) and advanced (advanced). This level has been
converted to Survival English as a substitute for one and two basic level, English
for Communication as a substitute for one and two skilled levels, and Advanced
Communication in English as an advanced substitute.

ESL Course of Study Goals :

• To provide a high quality, open-entry/open-exit, comprehensive course of
instruction in American English for those whose native language is not English.
• To provide a learning environment where one can develop both his/her
conversational skills and workplace skills..
• To provide effective educational advisement, career and professional information
and guidance to English Language Learners.


In this course, using several approaches To keep the students motivation in

learning English then required a learning approach:

a. Through a process done by itself and done in the course.

b. Learn while working.

c. Fun learning environment.

d. Using media to attract students

e. Using different learning materials and method in each meeting.


Students are required to complete all in-class and homework assignments.
Students are required to take Unit Assessments at the end of each unit.
Students are required to take the Course Exit Exam.
Grading: The final grade is based on the following:
Assignments 40%
Bi-monthly Assessments 35%
Exit Exam 25%
Total 100%
The grading scale is: A=90-100%, B+=85-89%, B=80-84%, C+=75-79%, C=70-74%,
D=65-69%, F=60-64%
**Grade of C is required to move to the next level, in addition to successful
completion of exit exam. In this syllabus there are 2 objectives of general purpose
and special purpose for the students who follow this course.

For the specific objectives are:

a. Learners are expected to have knowledge and skills in English, either orally or
in writing using simple sentences to complicated or difficult sentences.

b. Learners are expected to communicate in English properly and correctly by

using the appropriate vocabulary specific programs.

In the syllabus of Vocational High School evaluation can be done at the

beginning, middle and the end in the application of syllabus. things that need to be
evaluated in the beginning is the selection of materials to be taught, the selection
of activities that students do in the classroom during the lesson, raw material, the
selection of tasks that will be given teachers in the class or the task that will be
made for homework, whether the material which is used according to student
circumstances in the environment, whether the material is in line with the level of
students and so forth. things that need to be evaluated at the end of the syllabus
application include the method used by teachers to teach match or not with their
students, whether the teaching methods used by teachers generate student learning
motivation, and make students understand what is being taught.

while in this English course there are 2 kinds of Evaluation that will be done
covering evaluation of class and evaluation


1. Class Evaluation

Educators and education personnel should be committed to the realization of

effective learning process implementation so that after follow this program,
learners ready to follow and succeed in test competence in accordance with the
existing competency units in the course program followed. Educators and
education personnel should be able to detect weaknesses or deficiencies when the
learning process does not achieve the learning objective and when learners do not
reach the standard of competence at the end learning. Learners can provide
feedback on the learning process that has been followed by the expectation of
further learning process can be more effective.

2. Program Evaluation

Evaluation of the program will be conducted to find out whether the program is
implemented always able to meet the standard needs of graduate users which is
used in the work environment. Evaluate the program to be done include:

a. The curriculum will be reviewed every 5 (five) years covering conformity

between the needs of learners with the subject of learning.

b. The Teaching Materials has met the standard of competence desired by the

c. The learning method used is effective or not.

d. Does the evaluation evaluation system meet the achievement goals learning


Communicative approach -
Functional language -
Updated material -

Course Outline
Assignments and
Weeks Topics
Unit 1: The Alphabet—
recognize and say the letters
of the alphabet, print capital
and small letters, write
first and last names, ask and
1-2 answer questions about Unit 1 exercises
names, follow simple
classroom instructions, the
simple present of “to be,”
possessive “’s,” questions
with “what?.”
Unit 2: Numbers—read, say,
and write numbers “0”
through “9,” ask for and
give personal information,
ask for and give information
about phone numbers
3-4 and addresses, fill out a Unit 2 exercises.
simple form, initiate and
respond to greetings,
questions with “what?” and
“do you?,” short answers
“Yes, I do” or “No, I
5-6 Unit 3: School—identify Unit 3 exercises.
common classroom
objects, identify and ask for
the location of
important school places,
give information about the
class and school, questions
Unit 4: Time—tell time, ask
for and give
information about time,
initiate and respond to
greetings and leave-taking,
identify and name
common places in the
community or Prior unit review
neighborhood, exercises.
7-8 read/say/write numbers “1- Unit 4 exercises.
100,” simple present Week 8 bi-monthly
affirmative statements, assessment.
questions with “when/what
Review prior
material for bi-
Complete Unit 4: Time.
Unit 5: The Calendar—
recognize/say/write the days
of the week and months of
the year (including
abbreviations), say and give
the date for
today/yesterday/tomorrow, Unit 4 exercises
9-10 say and write one’s date (continued...)
and place of birth, ask for Unit 5 exercises.
and give information
about date and place of
birth, past tense of “to be”
questions with “do you?”
with affirmative and
negative answers, questions
with “when/where?.”
11-12 Unit 6: Money— Unit 6 exercises.
read/write/say dollar and
amounts, recognize and add
combinations of coins
and bills, read and write
checks, sequence story
events, ask for and give
information about the cost
of something, identify
common money transactions
types, make purchases with
cash/check/credit cards,
recognize and dismiss
telemarketers or other
solicitors, questions with
“how much/how
many/may I/do you have?.”
Unit 7: The Family—make
inquiries and give
information about the
family, initiate and respond
13-15 Unit 7 exercises.
introductions, use the
telephone to ask for

and respond to telephone inquiries, “this is (name

relative),” questions with “who/how many, may I?.”
Review prior
material for bi-
Unit 8: Food—
identify common
food and
beverages, express
personal likes and
Unit review
order food and
beverages at a
16-18 Week 16 bi-monthly
identify costs of
Unit 8 exercises.
food and
beverages, identify
three basic meals,
recognize singular
and plural
noun forms and
forms of “to be,”
questions with
“how much?.”
19-21 Unit 9: Health—say Unit 9 exercises.
and write the parts
of the
body, describe and
write about feelings
common symptoms
of illness or injuries,
an emergency
situation, make
inquiries and give
information about
health, make a
appointment, call
for emergency
“what’s the
with “how many, do
you, can you?.”
Unit 10: Work—identify
common occupations, give
information about work
experiences, read and fill
out job applications, use
cursive handwriting with Unit 10 exercises.
capital and small letters, Unit review
22-24 write cursive script exercises.
signature, imperatives, “do Week 24 bi-monthly
you want to be...?” assessment.
Review prior
material for bi-


Both syllabuses already have their own advantages and disadvantages syllabus of
Vocational High School using process oriented syllabus where syllabus is very
suitable for formal school that Focuses on the skills and processes involved in
learning language.

Each syllabus has a different purpose therefore many differences between the two
syllabus such as the selection of teaching materials, teaching methods, time
allocation, activity, and etc. In Vocational High School syllabus that based on the
curriculum 2013 where its teaching is mostly technology-based, it would be better
if the teachers are given more knowledge about the technology itself, what kind of
technology they will use to teach, as well as the students, they should also
understand the technology they will use. so that the learning process will run well.

for syllabus English cursory itself I think is good because this institution puts
forward communicative order learners are able to communicate in English well
and correctly both orally and in writing.

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