Vous êtes sur la page 1sur 52



'fOG Z*· Heavy Tanlz QllUl'chi 11,3 ~ GT:m Ca '3:':1" i e l' ooarho1lP;d 1 Armau:naCl:- Gar 1'14 p",S gaul t 1"B.nk

I M6 Beavy Tank

M27~ Medium Tank

1155 3M Gful Motor Car;ri1,~e

Til6~:C CP) Heavy reanlt ,

DickeJ:k MaJe Tank-'1'.tl.lnte..c Stnrer Emil TaJlk~hunte:r 8.8cID FlaKle SyL '1'ank-hlmt'et Panz er I if Li~"i.t, Tan)::

P4Q Hea.vy Tank

Semovente 7:1/34- Self-p-I'o'P#,9'lled Gun, KV -3 Heavy ''Tank

KV - 5 Sup Q~r - hSE&VY 'ffPlk -IS-85 fjeavy 'fank '1'-43. Medium Tank

TOG 2*

Eell.vy TAl:):




- RO"t' 3, f_rlU-larll: 13, S"mi-iniirect f'i re

fJ'.ti-till'1k 11, f;'-"f.u-indhect i'il'e, Front H


, . " ?il~es l2-}:'>


i,ssil"l t ']'a,n-,;.



:_, _

- ~f,ti -t.an.c 10, VeteTan, Reconne Issence

• • •

?S6t . . . . . . . .

. _

:_'_-i _

- front 9, Semi-indi1'~cc fil>;iOr Stabi Lrser

:ledvy Tan'£ .. _ , Page s 16-17


Medi.um Tank. Pa~es le-19





I. '.

. . . .

F~8t _ _


'f.LGER (P)

Tank DBst~Dyer .,

pag~~ 20-21

F!e? '{:' i ?tn:-:: ., ..• ~ ... I • I ••••


_ _ _

• • • • •


7an}.,-h'Jnt~l', , , , , , . " .. ,


'Pank - hunt '" x .. ,



I , ~~


- 18n~B ·iC~ /lOOcm 1 l~OF 2 ~ ;J"lti --::,eXl!'~ 1.5

8.8CM FLAl{l8 SyL

F11!!~k8:::: flaK. ,

Pages 28-29

p ;,.}rZER I y

Lid.."t Tank. , . , .. , . , .. , .... ,

• • I


I '

I. • ••••


;'17:6t • • • • • •

: i,

I.! _

- \"Nnt 8, Top 2, ViEt\? t racs,s

- ~WF ::., ,~,r:t'i-t(in:{ 13, Armoured , Mobil8

Met::'~'J~ - - o

- 5

feet ..... ---~

o 10

,10.11 tll .. vehicles shown at l:~(JO s cal e ('l,' .. 5' /5;:-':ll .. 1 metre)


He-a v J 1'iln 1. ., ,." , I Pag 9 3:J - 33



~. fr .. n •• _ •

- «ango:> 32"/80CJ1, p.liti-tank 10, 1:;1H~

Feet ••••• •





Heavy Tank



~;t ... _ ..

- ~J Li-taEk 12, Fn>nt 10




S elf -nropeLl e~ GU:1, , . . . .. PC.~e ~4 - 0b

• •

:. it: ...

I"BEt ••••••••


• I

. t .... _

:!)ct • •

• •

:. t ..... _

- 1'2-- t.a;;:: COQlpp,nics, Fl on l 8


Me,J.ir:m 1';;)~k. .

3-_ . ! below are scae typiNl Mid-Wc::: 'iehicles to compare t.o the Mir;-I'iar ~1cn5ter5 .

. .. t _

. ,.

111\ •••


- . -


;e sa Kf?: 2.51/D




- .

:It SIJ-'7eM


Pam er =V [l

«;.) , .. '\., '-" ~ j-".",/Iv



f.Jrr'l 19 ~ '1'

r: ~l..J '> 'XL'

Vil'ill.er, by:

Phil Yates

Ed i t.or-s :

Pete::' ~imunovich, .Iohn-Pauj 3risisotti.

~'e!'rAin ~,~odell illt<::

Bactlef'ront Stu::li'o

? .!'oof'reacI5T<~ :

MUTk C\'Ii"n

Crr~.phi (; De siS)"'; BFlttlefront ~tll(lio

MiniatureR Desian:

Evan Allen -

Miniatures Paintill~:

e r emy Painter, Liames l:ro·.m

Phot o'~Ta:p~y: ~nttlefront Studio

Vle-b Suppo r t :

MicrJlel He.'.).g_hl, Wayne 'lu rne r

P'l av t e s t G:-OUDS: ]<irstborn GEliirin,~ (Cha~'ies M.:Cal1), Sr=itz of War (Ni:olo d~ Lio}

P"~Lot o,,!,l' aphs :

Nat Lena.I LiblElry of Nf,;'; Zealard, Impe ri.a.L War Museum, BOvin"ton Tank Museum, Au~traliar; War YBffiorial, ~o~er Key Plivate Collection, N!.RA, NAtional Archives Of Canada,

[;e1'i5 -No rmand Le . com, US Army SignAl COl-PS

--.....'" .~oTld a t War .

....... 4

8.Scm ]:l.'lK18 Sf~ Tank-hunti'::C

28 30



P40 Heavy Tank


-::::0 2* ReA.vy 'l'ank , . .. . 8

Semovente 7.5/31 S81f-pTo~lclled G1ll1 ...

':~~hi 1 3" G'~n :JaTI'ier _ 10 E\J-:', Hf:dvy 'Tank .

;:,6 38 40 42

::: :::"L :"_vlll:d .1

H· 16

KV-.5 Supe::-heElvy Tanz .. 13-85 Reavy t<.,1>k

ArmOUl'Ad CA.r .. , I • ~ I

=-::...; ~ s s a II t 'I'ank ,

7enk ... , ..

16 20

1~T8tl~:ctOY .. n Res cue Missio,r: .....

44- 46

--:5 0" G!m Moto!' Cl1x-ril'1.ll;C .......•.

Key Position Mission ... _ ....

-:::'~=-I (F) cea\lY Tanh .

=i':":ST Max. TAnk-hunter .



Emi 1 Tank -h111'". tel' .


_1~hls .f'fJkiE::::'"v8a. No DElft of -:his TIublication :118.7 be renrr.d',l-:-ec.., st::)l·r=.:o. ir.. a r-e t rt eva I S)'~!f'ml Dr r ransmt t t ed , --=- ~.:V :[OfrJ 0[: 'by anv me'i:..lls ltiithout t.he r t o r wriltsf! r:~~..rrf)"i!:isitJJj O! ~l:e 'Cublisb .t BT, no::- t e othEt~I1q'i.~-?, i.!i:'(',1.l1i1.tcc.. in

-"'I'" :~~ of hind ie~ 9_!' eU',U?:L :lthe:: tnu:'l tha'[ in :~hi en it .ts l)LJt~li::.ihuj and"·wi tl:oL]t n si::nil·a:r COl:.Jl t i on \w in~ jrn~H:,:s~0

on -:·pe 50 ubs e qu sn t purcuas B L'

GDI'Tt'ight i'lattlef':ront Miniat.lIres LtcL .. 2001~. ISBN: 978-0-966451'1-0-9

:{larnes Of W~T allo\'l~ you to t.a .• :e on the role of U field conmand er IT.ilnOeL!_V~· i.r.Jl; yOUL ti DOl!'; acres s the 'na t tlElfields of 'Ilorld 'Iii''.}.' II, hrinr( in!l; 'Lui s cLas sic pe r I od of - .. mrfarA to life in y oui- o wr. r;u(1)es rccm . With Mirl-v/!H t,bnst;;rs you can test out the e't!:~'.Li!l\eIltal supe r t anks D-r ]9~--Z andlg·i3 to see 11.0-,,' they w 0 u Id 1)a v e pe rt'o rmed if they had :nu·:"; e it into pro'::,u c t ion.

Use one of CUT c-,id-W!OT Intellisence Hilndboo'-.;_s-;.L(.i~.a 01' O:otfront-ol' one of Ute Ir.tel} if.\er.ce a-L'itfing.~ t.ha t you can d own'i oud from C'UT --'le·Dsit,e. tc form the cc r e of lOU):' [oTee. Now i1.dcl a pl-atoon of ex-,:,erimentill t ank s a s eXtra suppor-t to ~ive yO'J..T force mor e purich I


Some of the ",'X:pp.!'i:nental t anks can also 'be used ,,0 J:o~~laee IllO!'C converrt i one L equirment "in your i'n::.':co. An ""Xamyle of' trri s is the Eou rhound I heavy armour-ed car. llny- 3rii:is~"l f()~'ce can :(:0v1i\(:e Lt s no rrna j t::mOur8':;_ l:ar Platoon with (", o('.a\,y Armour-ed Car .Platocn to Sive t.hei r r e ccrme.t s sa ,ce i't boo:>1:,

Thi s cook Te:mi,1'AS t::'e ::: lames Of Wi'll l'lllQ-bOok, which contains all the rules ann

nat i ona L characteristics t.na t you need to :i_f~ht rmn i a t.ur-e WO='li Wil-;:' I::: 'o e i t t Le s , and e_ mid -Via r- Intellir58nce o~ndbook 01' ar, lilt elligence Briefing f'r otr, our wsbs itA.

Vi!it our website dt www.FlamAsOfWar.com or your local gRme sLo1'B to f'in~ out more.


EVfll'y force -usin~ hhd-witJ.· Mons tel'S call field a single sXperimental suppor-t :placoon. This platoor. car. be ur.y of ehe eXjlAt'imental t.ank platoons f:com th0 s ame count r-y ,

i'hs e,7._perimentFl.l S:.J.P)}Ol L plat OOIl is add t.t iondl to the normal suppo r t opt ions tl"lFl. t you ca·tJ. t'i~ld,

t,-s an e_xil.mple, a Br i L i sh [{:i, r'Le Corrrpuny could field a HE'll.,:,,! T'a.,k PIFLtoon of ':'OG q,., he10Vy fanks as <'- sUP1l01't thoiee .. :-%;a=-dless of the o the r suppor-t choices It i;; fielrling (providing It can PR'f the po i nt s of' course: 1


'.I1'l:i10 many oT t ne eXper'iQental t ans;s 'He:re hea"y OT e~et1 sll-per-heavy (',e8i91s, some of t.hc:n \"el'e ',n.ew de signs .fox· medi urn U! n1'"S p.n:;' 0 tho ~- s t anc.a.rd e ~_ ui Fuen t .

t.ha t can TBrlae8 ST,annarft Hqllipment ::les~:;:,ib8 th8 types of pIll. loons and t.anks tha e che-v CF\n :coulacc ill Lhe box on hO'd to j:'j_eld them in Fl ame s Of WilT. I>.s ar, p,xam-rlp" th" G-hUI'Ghill ~. Gun Car-rier rules on pa!~e \;) s t.a t.e t.hat any 3:t"i-tish [(if18 o r Tan:';' COl!lpany may _-:£Qplaco any or 1011 Tall": Plat 00::18 \~i 11"1 G\L."1 Cl:.Trier ';'<'-nk PIa t ocns .

us 8<1 this wEi '! rep12_ce "theiJ:- S t2.rl'1a:!:·1l. ~O' .. in leq-,a:'t.~, 'DU L otheT\~i s e follow the s t ruc t ur e and a 1) of t,he ruj es arpl ying to the force that th",y Ei re rArt o-f'

Ee ,~::l. eXpe.r'imental t.ank has its ass oc i a t e(} platoon s t.r uc t.ur-e and po irit.s cost der;enling on its stnmgth and any ~.d·:.i t io!}p.l options lIla L you s e Le c t ,

THe platoon di(lg:rum S::-"OWS tr_,_e tanks t.na t yOtl nA(,,,'I to :llake that un it a 20mbat-;{cl-Lhy rOn;G.


E~peTimental tan"~s are -by trie i r very nat ure unusua L, in lha L Lhey s'XpeI'irnent wi 1:."1 new idetis, L '" '~::llll)l0fl:y and La ycu t s . Many of the experimer~tal tanks 'ir, t.hi s book ria ce s pe ci a L ru Les t~j_iI t reflect t::-ceiT audit Le s _


Mi~l-waT Monste!'s e~.-perimental t.anks CilT':10t 'De used in P. S tl'\nJa~'d Flallles Of 'dar' t our-namerit .


::'''-:', OUI' r e s e a icn we r.ftve uncove rert lots of reFl·llv Ln t e res t i nn eJtr:eT1mfinT.al t.anlcs . Somt:; \YtH"e

:-..:..;, t desiS!\s t.h.a t were ne 1'01 corr:ylot ed , Ot::"erfi ;;'AJ'S complet'~d Fl.S p ro t o t ype s , and some Allen saw 5;:J"_ll-s,~alo fi51d testi.n,~!

"~i':;;e tanl-;s ,Iere ,/t:;i".(·d ar.d wonderLt1, Tar_!~i.n'l from a IDO-ton tnon s t.s.r- and U first l'ioJ'ld War'

_ ~:1 , to d t ank wi t:::; two si.de+by - s 1·:'e u:ain ri'urd, un urmou reeL car wei~~'-ir,.r,; mo!'e 1..111l.n a tank, ~--" a mRchilVJ-!\lJri armed :'if!ht tank "lith the armour of a 1.ea\,y t ank i

e -.ante,.'l to try them'lll out I o s e e how tl" s: ey mi,:;ht have ::;:erfoI'm"d i:.~ they Iie.d actually bs er; : -il t , s C 'de ::le ci::l.e::l. tc '~Ti tea "000];: P . .":,ou·: chew, j ,1~ t f'ol the f'u .. n of i. t !


-_,;. e ne r e u t Ba ttLef r on t we lave tbo: i.jea of -;::layin" a rcund \~ith expe:cimc;:lal tanks tc see how

--~J 'JlilJ:ht hav', pe rr'crmed , s cme llf'lople don't

:::-:'_~~"5o:=.rrvJ.ke ~trCE1 t.nat you:,::- o'~porH=nt is tnt c r1aY'inf~ '~v1th e xpe.r imen t a; lEtI:..ks be t'ore you add t.nern - = y'Z;. J.: for ce ,

.::::'='-,:, from that, t he re 13 not::,:ir,g to stop yOll from tl'yinf! cut the eXpe:r''imental t an.cs in any

tc_at you with.


..::s.: 0- the rnic1-~/"ar' uions t ez-s ne ee r s<,'~' COI:l0ut, in fact I>1";;eral c f them we!'" nCV(lL' e oen

-=-=0:- e t ed .. It is lnte:l:'estin~5 to s pe cu Let e on .,'l,ai mifJ:.b:L have he .. pperied tho'.l~h. why an sXper'imen_ 'O.:=.. - 3nl. rcligh t have made the jur.,p from ,,-:;ot.ctyps to pr oduc t ion. .'tr.d <Iller'e and how it '{{D'..lld have .ii~~~ ~ombat if it ~lLl.

_=-~ CDlllb2. t ,':ervi c e se ct.Ion of ea ch tank's ¢.8S or 'i pti.cn is "- "~'l' iei' de:;cI'i-;;-,; ion o f \~ha t mi.cc:h t have :=~_~ l-_ fEW:,r of th-e SE; C x;: tJ..!' Irnerrt e I t anz s d t.::. s e:e co:n':'!8. t in sma 11-5 ·::?~le :''''iel,::~ ~ I:)S l in,€. 'l he s e az-e ~J".< ·.'1ith a 'Cc.:n":;at ~'esc::cC stamc .

=i",1o:BJ Ma·it and two StUT"'T Emi.l h"avy t.ank-nunt.cas W01'0 8.cLua::"ly used in T;l:l.e Cauca su s a s ~"s ribed.

!,"O".lT self --propelled [). Bern 1'1a1(18 Sf! flJ'..J.~h t '~i lh them ill the C8.U~<:'SU.'l af't.e.r ?olr .. nd , rlarlce and the i::'l,:Clsior: of R.u>1ida.

",1: lea;;t a clo2'.en Par.z e r : F wo£c field tested in 1940. -=-_.e IS -8.5 11e8.\'1 t ank xaw limit ,,0 "om"ba t in early 19-14.

,.g"er2..1 ~~-43 JJQdiurn t anks l;.,e1. e -~ 8!) ted in an e}('~E':l'imen1.u 1 t ank cOIT11}arP!.

~ ,:5..;:" c r Lpt t on of fi e Ld t Ast :i.ng fOT t:C_E'.S e tanks is il c t uaTi y LL'u(;! ':;,,= It 3.1 liH.. p .. ~O 1.e8. v',l t al\~: and S ernov ell'; e :;'~:tal Army! After t.he Italian s\eTende:::, tnc Gcr':llans _~, pr-oduced mor-e of them for their O'dl'l lise.

Ln .mode r n i~d'JS t , i1'-l de.1 f'a re t ank s and ocher ~qui!,men taLe changin~ all "Che "1 ':'J11'). h t ank t11.'I;: r'J1es the bat t lefiel~l :;;hen intrcciuceu finds its e l f OV81'Ul>:en ':y newer enemy de s igr:.s the next S',,?d:, and 0:1. t cLa s sed " year uft e.r t:C-Lll t . Fl.;;,'; sa I: c'-, and developm9nt of n8W t e C"~:.nol ogi o s FInd we'q:·on;; is e s serrti e.I to kee~ up 'flich, ana if l:os::;ible Lead , the lu·~.est develor~J8nt.<; on the

1;a t tlel'iel:i, Eve y count r y ar;tlroach"d t'cie c_"al18nr~es of TOOS 5<; J'C::-. and devc Louuren t diffClJ'en 11y.


cTiti3h :-esec.l"ch arid d e ve Lor.rnen t was a mix of f!;enius and bur ea uc r-a t i c bh:ndcr'ing. 1'11.3X8 'Here

s o ne ou t s t an:', in,C! at.v;ilices in mil i ta:r:, science rn il:-eu S 1 :i~~e !'a:;la~ e.",'" hee. "'i 'bombe r s , yet

they lag~",rl bshind in 0 th2T a.rei!.S 1 ilce lP,Ul-_ ue s it;""" While Lbo'. Dr i L i sn could be i:rnne,Hsely

Lne f'f'Lc i en t such us de .>irfltin" the I T tank, "in "i sola t i.on from 1.11", 11:11nS tnat. ·the·r \'"OLll'~\ :naLU1~ 10?-vi!Jf~ ',hum always 0:1e Slm behind, they reilBy e">:cellec' at clmn"it;g innovaHon's in the fiel'~_.

The \~a= "in Er~ypt sa·.J the firs t e f'f'e c t i v e mine - cle;'l:cing [la il t e.nk s and the ultra - secz-e t CDL (Canell Def'eIlC e l.,i,?ht"l t.anks o.e s i,!:ned to ''til in'~, ~he enemy wit,h s t r cbe 1 i~ht S a t ni~ht . it the ~a:nfl time un i ts expe:cinv:mting in cI'il8.itll;I'0,~.uceG tho ~:""r\E (i',rnlOuled Vehicle Royal En'~i~lee::s), the. :'i:rSl 6.edicli"tec._ En.~i.nee!'inf~ t.arik ·:::aIa.~:le of pBrforminlS A Tiide ".I.-ang"c of ennIne e r t,a.~}:.~.


O'!' the time the UIl i. t eo f! tat e s r.l"'.t. ere::1 the '0/13. X , EUI'0pe h?i::l be or, ,~;tlDe. L 1.1 ed f'o r more t hen t W'J yeaTS. ':11"i'3 put t.he Ste.te~ en the Dack foo;; 'in two way.;: thsJ nAe.decl, toswitdl,tO [lliliVi:r;jI produc't "ion, an:' 1',hAy '~eTe behind in b" s i c ~'cs o~,l'c:h in :oallY !l.J'sas. However, the 'iT' <;;:reut ~t,re1l!~th in mA,ss ~n. oduc t ion came t (1 t:C.e f cr ef r-ont i1', r-es o:c vi n,~ +hs fits t pl"obl en) , .t.~ ,lei 1 AS ilr'oinr.;

t he i r own armies with the IFttesl ',IGi'lpon:; suez, !l.:; l;:.e Ml Garand semi-aHtomati~ :rifl" , t.;-.""y shi:9Qe,:_ many thcusand s 0::' ;;tan-::ia~dise,'\ M4 Shelman t anl.s : a thoi). 13 ... i c i:;h and Sov i.e.t allies,

'l'ne .i ndu s t.r- iil 1 !\nd s c h'li L if ic VOwel:" Qi' i'Jlle:rica also ill': owed them t.o t a1.:e ljr-i ti.sh 8.1:,:], '(I'enc~-~

res ecr:rcl1 in ar eas l:i ke arrmun i t ioI'" , a rt ill e~'y, A.i;:"~l'!\f t en,n;imj:; and radar , ~ne.pl"Odl~Ce new'

3no:l irr:p1"o·",e~i d"'~ir,;r,s, i'h5 0U,;OOf,il is U \le.rfer:t eX<:'l"lple of DS i1',nova.tior" comb.rned wit~~ F18IH~h I:e~ea·['r:h. Goclrlarcl, <in i>,ll)8Tic.fln ir.vcnlor', had c r-ea t.sd a rocket i!:UX, at t>~e erid of t.h s fixst V/oc:ld War. \'I~j_en they entered the iJe,con:" WorEi War, this -.va s r ev i vce, p,nc. mod i.f'Led to fir'e an eY.per im!'>r.tal l::.renc·l~ an.t-i-ti''l1i<. "l.~llads, Ered t~e rest, as th81 suv , i" h1.;;to:=1.


Dot;;I.'ClCI' th", var s Soviet s c i er.t Ls t s Derfflc1..er1 many weul::10ns s ys t.erns yep,rs "'liea:[ of the ze st of tbil woOrld. 'lIhsn 3-'~~"f:l"'-)~:y invEld<Jd t~l.e Soviet UnioJ, in 19·;1, thE,} r a HEy wag sU::'l:::ris e,':' ,,0

enc oun tel ['IUS "en TC C~:fot la'.mche:rs and he a v '( t anks t ha t W'J:J.'J '" Lmo s t iLv;.tIJ;e;caole to 38Tmilr: unt'it anz, 'IIonVOI:!;. A::; well as these new desiGns; there 'set:« many mOX'e just '<laitin~ in t.r,e. win~s, it\cl'ldi.rI5~ meai~lm t a ns;s tbJH 'i/O!";:' Ul[]::;·'~ ?OdCl'i'ul lllp.n any oE'.er country's I.e,t,,"y tanks, sucez - li,eiI"::y t anks th'). t dwa:tfer1 1J,1',y·;hin,~ i.n t;:r"o·:,uct ion, and an t:i -:an"~ we aporis of me; FOul tIe ":9'"wc)', 1'.11 oOf 1:11.1 s :~l,,;','eTn<)ss Cfl.:ll'~ t o Haugh l in the 1:'i:::'8t morrt.hs e±, the i;:I'o'<1" ion. The Re:1 ./1. rny wa s t otall y out c'l!i.s s ert , dfl spi te its te Ch::-10lol!'i~al a~tv~~ntlf:::es.

i'h'" A'csultiliE~ 10:$s of'most cf the Soviet Unicn's in::lust:riLl cities mearrt t.hz.t fUTt,h~r 'l;G{flrli,ific ach:ances tbck a. ~listl':n second ~:l<'lc;:: to si:trply :91.·vdJ.cing 1"I01'e of eXis1ir:f.; desj,~rls, be:re SO\'iet en,;;iJleers shewed t .• ei r E,Acellerlce a,?;ai:::l, rapidly pTOduC"ir~f~ eE0'llj;"" squ i prnen t to l'e'[:miicl the enOl-'mOtlS ac:d P.!.::llY, 8y ih", SJio::i of 19'~S liew ,:'es i';ns 111;:e the T -·~3 me,::ium tank un:: [:'i-85 heaf.'y t ank WSJ'S being c:or.ts:::lplat",.Q aiiain.


fffl'lcl.te\:er else rni.f£"ht "DA sai.l1 abcu t GerJ1any's weapDns, th_ev -Here enrr i ncc i ing ma.c·v01s, Tll.G l(:;!ladina a rmamen t s i'h';ll~, l~ru};y ami rUl.einmet8.11 for Suns, anc D<1inlle::- Ben~~:' h;;;nschel, 'llPJ~, and PorsGhe' for tanlr s , compe t ed to produ ce the L''"oS t uc,s igns Qu~.lll y ;va S supe r-o , e.l t hcuch co s t s 'h'el'e hiSh i'ifId quant 'i t 'ie S 3m::.1} cC:Ilpt:.Ted to :h81 ~ erierrrt.e s . fit 111, "'hile .3-e:TIlE.;T,' \'Iil s winr.ing v i c t Ory !\l'tG1' vi ct c:r:y, iillpJ,oved r:f.),,' UCS i;.:ns fOl' lh3 fu lure were more impOT'thlCt t.h.an more tan:,;.s irrmediately.

";'h~ Red _".rLly J;.'l"f) th8 Germans il shoc";_, No [;ll'ttt5): tl~aL Lh9y had de:Hroyed more divisions tha:1 1he ~:ovi"ts started the 'j,'LT ·,.;it11., the~e '''{HE': ",ven more still tc fiqht. Ge:cmP.r!)' re.sponde.d 'Iit::'~ a combination of clloaV p,nd innc,:aLive weapon:! li1:e the dispos"-.ble ?,:nze:-fc.\lst anti-tan:.;: laund','l"" dna the i:tG4-4- a.s se.1Jl t rtfle, and evel" moxe s cphist i ca t eJ, sp~ eip,l i sed an'} .~X1J011S i'/l2 HO""l?on~

l i,~8 the S t U!'ml tr(e:r', e.Dun~.;:e! - ·:·us;; in,,? mLn'L1lo:11 mount inS L. 3BOrrm :,od::s t la!.m:hR;:"'!


\'lh~n llE.l}' er,tsT"d t::- ... e wr:n in ';ur,e 194,0, it n,ougrlt thut Germany had all '::ut won. 'l'bin~s might rLa'Ve J;cne "'Nell in. t1 shc;--t -ir'c~~{, ?.f"LCi r ... ll its ncrJ"cst f}o.sin:ns f1'~J:e a ~ua-~cb. i'o!" 2..n~r er:eD7 liq,~7.L.t ·OT r'1ediu~ t LIn:':. Ur~fcrtunL. tel y f.or 11 jI\leR' s rl:r",am~ of f~lory'- thA waI' :cas t ,,;d muc'c~ 1or.J3'3T tl":JlT. the hO;'''"ll-[o1' fCd ·d0",k~. Whil'~ Ite.ltan engineers prOdliced aoed desi~~ns like the P4C heavy t4r;1: um~ the Ser:10"f1ntp 00/5:;· self-pxopelle,~, I~un, ::talia;l industTJ' coOuld ]1(')t 1,-c'::9.19. ~y t~£ tier:s lli&s(:; de~iftIi~ euie:rec1 pr,cducticn <'.1'te::: innu.:ne:-u'ole delays, theil" onDoOne·nts '115"['2 ons ste,p ahead,


Wbf<n the WB.I' ":';::'Ok8 DU l ill 1.'il:~9, rnanv in oTi ta in' eXne c t ed a Te,"ea L of Ul<'~ Firs t W01'1d W<.:l

\~i t.n the u:;:m:, jC'ln:in~ the french in- the lHutches. 'j'hey wou] d -builn ~l~l ax, lm-beatable mat 2.:[,1",,1 aa'iElntnge, and -.hen smash tne German trwnche s ana. roll on to Bcrlin.

The old ~arlg of Swinton, F:i ,>'l:C,::,o ar,d VI .i Ls on who cr ea t ed the c'- Larnonrt- shapf';cl h8,q vy t ank.s of th", Yil-S L World i'lur' advis eel the G-enA!'al Staff to r equ es t des i)l;!iS for a I sh~lled arsu ' infant 1'Y

t.ani- to leBO' t ne bi'cak Lh~·ou.!T,~;_" T;:-"e ,~.20 specificu t ion called. f'o r a mod e r-n i s 8(1 vsrs ion of t.ne old heavy canl: with a11-):'olm,':_ t.r aclcs , sh511-~_coof tlH110LU', a i'i~ld '!:ur. in t::;'8 h1:11 f:ront. and two

pd r- ~UJ:'s in side sponscns : Tl:'ce 'ic'lea 1 tank f o r 1'h'" last war.

Fosters of Linco}n who had bui!t the heavy tanks in t1-:.c F I rs L V/orld ViaI' wori;ed '~'i th I ThO' Old Gar~'11 to c-reate. a raas s i ve 81-tcfL."'lc t anu , the ';'0(; i suort for The Old GanS!)' Thfl firs t ver s t on ".Ti t1l spans en-tao LUll i::d a.r.uaiuen t w? .. sn ' t f ini shed unt 11 u.f't.er the GeTme.n 1'1 i ,zl;Ti"3~ d..,molishe::l the I',j.':ny in 'f~'c.ECo"


I:1l!T\edia -: e11- -;,od.~ 'da ~ s t1.'_1'1. e::l. 0::-1 a new e e rs ion with 10;,qe. t racks and more powe:r'[ul 8.1'maUl5ni in ;J_ c onvcn t i one I t ur re t . Tnis TeG- '2 was an interest ina:_ rJ'iD:-iC:~ of the oIl!. and the new,

1"11.c t anz still nud no s us nen si cn , just In_8 t},e o:r'iginEll hea·;,y t an.;s , ':ut used an u,:'vunce·:: electric t runsrms s t cn , ·ahil'" ths tU,,'TC t

mcunt ed t:::l.C bland-n·~'1'1 6 pdr gem.

T:C_is armament, was d.eemed t oo ligl l f'o r such a hi~ t ank , so they fitted the t1LJ:'st of the Challenr5Br cI'uis-OL la;-.k-ther. being dc\'rolcpe::l.. to ~ilrry th~. r,f\W 17 pd r ar.t. i - tl'i!',k ~~'.m--p?o''::'ucini! the 'fOG 2 ...


TRllf.nl ~:umours of ';he new German ~'il,(eT h8i1.vV tan~' reached 13I'i 1- i:;h in tell igencE; the ~'OG 2' r;:atned new_ imroX':.an·;:,e as the only o:.t.·itish

'le5 i,<J;ll ,~a:\_:a'c1_e of curryinp; a l7 pdr ~un, 'The t. al'.J:: was rusll.eeJ. in t 0 l}~·od 11 eli or; and a weak

bat t-aliOII of two sroa'l L ccrnpam.s S was r-ushed to Africa _ In t y;;ical 2ri T, ish f8.shiofl, they ne ve r orerate(1 as a bat tal-ipr, , b5ir,.r,; given o'J.L in '!lonny yac}:e'ts to a t t u.cks ull along thA front


'i'h s 'TOG· ~, l~ca\,y ta.n1:: Vy"a;:i used as a t.,st bed for the' t u.cr-et of the l:B-'" Challer:ger hell,v), ca-u Ls or ta:lk, nTQducirw the

','OG 2,,--

I~{h,e designe"l."s of 194·1 welC used to ~inJ 2 pd_ arrmunt ti on , so th~?

ne,ve t he Cl1<£llerL'>:e:r tank two Loade rs to Liand Le tne rnucn lc\TgeT' 17 p<'l.r arm.un i t ion. Vr.:.-;,_ile tne

l'~ ~1~1 t was a ~'lu~e tUT~ c l and ali. ~y.trcl·va.l~zant l:SA of manpowex , i1 did allow t~e hi~ 17 pdr to Illi'!il;.tFl~t, a simil8.:r rat e of fire to the smalloi €l.lns.

2 pdx'

17 pc\r

'j'h'C 1.7 pdr q,;m ir; tne l'O(]- 2' he.all)' tank has HOp ,'3 as E\ r esu Lt of ha", ilia: t wo loa:iers und u plentiful a::nmuniticn sup}!l, i::nmediately to hand. 'IIit~c its eXcej_lent anti-tan~..;: pe r f'crman c e , the 70-3- 2", is P.:l outs t and i nrz tank l:i11e 1',

R.OF OJ Anti-tank 13, seffil-ln('..lls·:;t fhe

~911-tTain8d and !a~eI for battle, the ~eavy tank bUtt~llioI1S were reudy tc en~a~e i_'I-.e enem\, ,

Conf~denl T.l.aillsd

;) 70G 2* 4-35 r;cinl:,
Z 'I'OG 2-,;- 290 pc i nt s
! '-jOG 2( 1-15 'f:,cints _'" rrsnens e T)G l:HoU'iY t<:.nk OraT<:' t e 3 us <:. -:::-;:i18 Dillbo:>;. W.:;;.ilo l~,"o o , "i;rir.fl.l L1osi;,~n

-~ intended to ~1·ind slowly fo~waTf

=-=5-:_ oy in~ 8VfJl"y" thin;; il~ i t ~ pa ill, t.he ~-~Cll'.n8d 7C!G 2* t.,n,JiS to sit tack takiL,ij ~::. '2..:: I i'lr,:e cf its powerful gun and t::-.i(1::


armour to pi.:k off sn srny t ank s . 'l'n i s ,,,11ow~

L~ .. i: r e s t of l~ .. e fOlCO Lo conc en t r-a t e on C~eir tas1-:s friO;'-; f'r-orn 'ir.t8TfeI'erJ:2.




CO -ax J~3 j L'rlI~:iacl~ 1

VR~y ~low Ta~k, ~ide 1:1'a~~~.


No Ht, 8~mi-indir~ct firE.



~75.1~nation', TRU.~~.) ·Hc.a\,y~ TD:5- 2*

.:;"'~: 6 (C9l", glU', ld:r( 2), ,'i'il-, co -dvr') -~iZ:.l; 179, 2D0J._'~/81 ,-''''8~k<,~

:_~L,,"-:h: ;/;7.,' \J" n 1.50",

-~ '-zh,: lO' /3 .. 89m

:_cTn~ lO';)"/'{).,12m

--:=:=-ent. :v. C:il:' 17 pd:r- ant. i -tar,k gun,

=~1_ 7 £i2w_fJ\ U',ilchirH>gun =--=-.:.rri.t ion St[Jwllge::::lllss ifiE-d -=----::ou:r ThiCkh8A$:25E111 to 75=

~;: i.ne: Pa7:;m8.T1-Rir.;aT.,lQ } 2Sf'P V12. r1 is . .:: 8-=.. ,

- ;:5'i'9cu ifJ59 Li tl", tlOOhp :~,srnissiDn: Klectric

:;::~~ensio:n; P.i"id .ro LLe rs (unsp:-u.-:LiI;) :,a-x..imum Sr.:eAd' .8, ~Jmrj!l'J·1 km/h

:: __ o S S - (' oun U-y 8l; "lOU: 4mpl'J i3km/h :,,_oad -rta:ii'.ls: 5Q mi lEs/80km 7~nical Obstacle; 7'/2,1m :'Tsn,:h Crc!;s 'ir,,~; 21' /6-. ~m

IiI SEr;T;em'ceI' 1\}~1, rurr ou rs of r,pw Ge:rman h",il.,,"y t.ank s in ,~,"'ve1opment le,::cht:' G,:ne~-Fl.l Stf,r~~

-;n r-equest tue T9.n~ Doa.r".,:' 1.. 0 ~~od.uC"e c ru i s e r and il~tD.ntTy :Hn:'-:s- mourrt ing lu.rgB - ~al -i't."Le hi~hv€i:]_OG i ty gl_InS sre~ifi~al1 y for ",nfiP~f~il1~ h"l0\1 1 G",rmi'LL t ar.k s •

Tht;i Chil.l1cnWE c ru i s ~l' lali~\' :ran .i n l 0 diii'icultie s ant1 only e. sme i t num~:·eT saw S.E:T~.: iC8 in 1941; and 19,],5, 111 t~~Ol).p::C~ the t HITe t Wid;; fit t ed t o the 'TOG 2~' he~vy '[;tnL The P.?2 Chun,hUl infu_ntTy t ank "'a8 ;;h8, o'~viom; candidatE' fo,-" a hCB vi 1 Y - al'cue,:iiIl;;'an t:ry t E.,:I:, Un f'o r t una t e 1 'J the ne ed t D f'i l ch'L'o l-'g~. L:f't .i 1 t unne 1 s :l)'9ar, L L~:.a l r.he turret TiJ'1'i\ on t.:r,f: C'r,u I' r::-,j 11 was too sma i 1 ~~oJ. A L u i-ret CEll'1l.'bl e of III.oCln t ir:.g a bigger ;Sur,. ThA cinswer was to fit the ~u~ in ~ 1imitedlS1l.VBr~e mount ing in C'lB lu:11, re;l:ll t ir,,~ iI'. -ebB L22D,


While thi s hud tact icalc~i"ad van taf~'%' t.:c.e

r e su l t ing tar,",_ co"ld bs 'bu.i I t ill :>hol't o rd e r . t.,.~ tJ,8 ] 'i rar select <;,1 for tl"e C;I:-cal1~n'3'eJ \'Io(.<1ii not, t>e ll."ll.iia b i e for some tIme , the 01(1 (,' ant I -"a i I'e'I'1l. ft gun \\,fl.S s 'Ole ct oil ins t ';lad. . !-'-l~'r~t-y of ,:he89. we re ava i 1u':18 aft BY l~9.';!i ng been replaced in Mili-ai.!. c r-a f L ur.i t s ~tiy "he new ~". r:~ !?;l:n.

, 01'i¢.inally lOG vehi'~les we r e p lanned , but

in rA o Brr:ner 1'<)101 it -;,o8s dE:H;ided thPl t. most ::;)xi.vchil1 pr oduc t ion -sho.n a foc\l.~cn t a'n-,;:s f'i,tt5d_ wit~: th~JjcW 6 vd). !Sur" ar.d L':;;_e orde r

was r ednc ef1. to 2A" '1,;-.,,- ft !'S t pro to t ype wa.s

L,c:llrjy in "Ft2-'~~·U~".r:7 _1,942 anq. t he r ema i nde r o r' th~ fi rs t I;>rocL,ction I'-_m was finish'od in l1M~ m'idr~"'~ t,f thE; y"A~:r

t.o ens 'J...!.-C on he.n·~~ yl}lE',n


fitting t~e OQF 3" anLj-ai~crAfl gun

in a 1 imi. t Elf1- tr-a VR!"S f> moun t in)! on t,;-::ec 'CllLlr'~~~~ll iI~fan tTy i.. 8.ILl.J:. wB. s a qt).··~C~ wa,y to fi c Ld i1 <"'>"_pon ci'i.yablc of .c:.J1Qc.o.-il'!l; 0'1 t a Tir{Elr 1:1 "avy t ank.

Or, ~:_e1l.-J'iI):i runour-s triat t:::,e G:OlT.l6.r_ TigertanKS w~rs in. t2e Are?! J .5;:'012· "irrf21.r::.t.ry-

c o'Lcne'Ls :-_"-ve act .. lil;'_l_y ref'us ed to attack un Le s s th<oy had Gl~li C8.!L'ier~ in si~H)OI't,

'l'lle 3' ,~'_m is a :,ifjh-vg:odty anti-aiI'craft WC21 f:Otl a imile,~ t o l he G s ~':lIc_li '~6', T:J~ G'-lli GarTi~"!' can {.es. t.rey a.:jy Gerrrilr;, t anc j whi Ls pro t.e c t ed 'O'!ains 1. all cut the h('a':iesl re turr; fire by i t s h~av? 8.I1T_::ll::-.

~Jli.i-1aIik 11, Ssrrj·indiTect Fir e , Front 8


The. tEtrJk ~::'E. t 'Cal ions va 1 ued th~:: fi:.f(~po·~rCj_- of t1:&.8 gl,Ul ca r r i e r s J out lr: .. eked tile combat sXverience to make the most of th!m.

~.Jly Grit ish Rii"'lc 01 :nfa!j Ll y T'l.lll: COm~;2_I;Y [1:8. y r ep l,a ce any or all Inf"n-: ry 'l'ank Fl.a t.o ons ~q_uippecl 1.vi t~1. Ghl.~'-I'chi.ll tanv s ~·'i t.h t3U:i Ca r ri e r Panl, FlR tDO;J.S.



~ Cb,t.:rc:hill 3" Gur, Carriers, , 425 points 2 Churchill III and

1 Clurchill :'J" Gun Car ri er . 41.5 po int s

:f yO'.1 elect to field a G1~rl f'arrie: "'ank PIHtoon entirely ~Quirn.::,e(1 Ai lh Gitur::;hill ~~. Gun Ca~rie~s, JOU may onlJ field one J'.lll Oa rri e r Tank Platoon.

Confic,ent 'lru Ined

:=. Jun (;a.r:cicJ.s ~ivc C"~,"u=::;hill tanks the a~'lity to enRaRR ha=d taruets at lena =;:'::::J!:': :'1 ilr~ ihe-- tanks c l o s~ <.:n:l l~ s saul t .

. '

~ .


Command ChlJr~hiI13" Gun Carrier

GllUrdlll13" GUll Currier



Equipment ilnd Notes


~_.t t.-lS, Pr o tec t.ed arrmo , Slc'!' , Wi,je t ra cl.s .

Ru~::_ n:ounteG.I ~er,:i-inGi:-ect fire.


=-::::5i~V! if{l.l: iun CF.lJ_~i.ir.,;>'J.>j ~~ .. j M~: 1, Chu rcn Ll L ~..:~;../: 5 (QQrl [~nl, l·:'r·j dvr', co-d.vr:,

-7 i .::-. t : S 9, 6G01"c/4b , 642Lg

~~=~~h: 21'~·i1.~krr

=~i~!:.t: lO'S"/5.;;:qn:

!'::,h: 9'/2.74m

~_~;n6n": l~<':'OQF 3'anti-air:raft g:m, 1x. Bren .. 3Ct3'u macb_ine-,!un

._~ow: TIli<:,:nrc>; s : lO<llUl I. 0 ~02tJlUl

:'~gi e: 2edfqrd twin-six petrol,

l494cu in/Z] litre, 35Chp Sus~~nsio~~ Spru~~ bo~i8S ~:aXiill')l!l S'l)6cd' :r_" _ 5(f1l?lLi~:m:_1l"r.!.l ::::ro s s - C Dun try Speed. 8mpp/l:::]c~'lltil ;;'oa6. Ra5.i(;.s; 90 mi1ss/1451:m

-;'ar ical Obst·a:Jh", '2' fj";e . 7t31:1 ~.!.ent'h CL\DSSi(l~: 101/3 ODm


. ~- .,

:::n LT\lly } 8,11 the US i.rmy 8rdnflnce off'l;.;e 1 s ~ ued jOint spe ,~i ii, Oil t ions with the o:ri t i sh fOT t'\-~r;;e W2_<i arrnour-e d CUTS, The 'l17El spec ! fi. ca r i on C6.}lRd for a [f,ecli urn flJ_'mG:;;,t:d ce , wL.ld, '~ve!j"ll~ally '~'6,cane the St<i,~hClUnu, 'Ihi ll' 1.he 1'1.8 called f'o r a heuvv e.rmcur ed ell r ,

The '1'18 o~'oLotY1J5 i'!as deve Lcoed ir. 1942 b~l the '{elloi\' Truck 1;' Ccach CO[PPIlEY' as q 12ngc 11.11- wllee·l-dl"'i Vi:', e i!!,ht -w~Leele:r w i t.n th", f r-cn t Fcu r wheel s s t"c;':;_-·ing. Its tLic:t al'[i:Ol,lr '(Ji'ls unusuaI 101' an aTmQUT~~ ·:~e.r, .5.1 t.~.O~l!l~-.!. thi 3. ~·~t::-a

:91.:'0 L (; c L Lo n brotlq,in tr;e weight of the velyi c l e un to 26 t cns+ s tnn Laz- tc r on't enrco i-a iv Illl.dilllLl 1.~nl:s such e.s the J.-13 Lee and EU-2e t i.~-IH.~ 1'hR

·\iJ5i~5ht of the e qu I va i er, t G~J'lllalj_ e i~lp ... -whe e Led

aI'mO\lre'~L c a r s ,


Iri i ti e.Ll y armed 'di-ch a Me; ;H::nm nun , it 'be cerre

cleat' tha.t the T2B \-Juuld nS811 a -mn;'e cO-~if;.:.c'i-;u.l w-eayon al1ct the final ~sTsi:Jn, the T1 RES J wa s f"i tt en with the nO';,'1 y -'::'C3 ir,rlll,a k'l b7II1---:l gun, a US -manut'e c tur-ed v9.riant of t"e tu: it ish 6 I:'~_I 1;',1l1 ,

'f(t.ile the Unit 8·:1 ~.ta t R~ ~J"my rI'o'.;e::1 ent 1:r'>, 1 y Imintel'Csced.in the vet .. t cl e , !lce tritiilh

~J~I11 s 'Successful .is e of a.rmcurcd <:8.J,.\S ill 11112- 1tI'~t;tenl De s e rt le.:: then to TJlace an o:('c.er for '2500 Tl8E2 -?-rmO ur cd c 1''.1' S, ';lil i en 1.hEO Y 1_; rO:ll]: t 11 ,;;hT'i s t ened the l:loilThcun1, Eir!h PlOQUct a or,

eelS t's 1::a t o canc e l Le 1. ion of "the 11'.1 t ial o rrter ~ftST only 30 we:ro ds1ivsrsd.


'l'he s e 30"chlcli;iS~"l'e :;;hi-;,:ped. -; 0 Nort:::-~ i'_frica t 0 S iJPP lernet; t t;-J.6 s 1 0 \\'8:r Br it ish t,sf: F,~'mou~'cd car s S u):lportir.r,: the 1 igl-, t Eurnbe r ,frmoul'8a

cars . 'f":l_e DOIi:rh:JUl:.d 1 s ciJit1.t-wh8Gled de s i nn pI"_oved ,ideal in the open -'fla t terrain of· tr_e 2e~e:r't '<lith l:::_:.~iI' speed and mO·::ility ceil"g .u fj;l'eat liS s",:t during r unn i ng bR t t Le s wi t h Ge!Tllan and Ltaliarl armcur.ed curs, Theil' su c ce s s led <;.0 £ur.ther product ion of thG 50al~:,o"I1.j_ e.nd whole Tesimeflt:;. WRJ'A re-e:::_ui~ped 'ilith this !::upe:t't, a rrnouz-ed car,


'1'116 T~8E2 BOG.Th::llmd a rmour ed car was ,205 "lfl;nod as a huavy a~'[nOuj;'e,':l. ca;,

to count.e r tbe German eil;ht-wheele:c Sd }',;:'z 2;>1 (6-1'<:Id'l se r t s s : 'Ili;;11 much thi '2ker e.rruou.r and .1 ll.C.1','lCt' fl;un, i L sue GEe,::;;; in til i. s r-o l fl 1i(1_~1irabl y,

Wei!~b.t Armour WCa'con Machine-guns Sl.;Geo:i PO'ilelhrei!];:'ct


28 tens 50mm b7rmll 2x. MG 50 mp: ..

9 l-qJ/ Lon

sa Kf;, 231 9 le-ns



lx ~~~G 53 mph 20 1.l).:/1. on

-' ..

ilDlouren car , be in t.he ~~_:'r_, n~t d2set il

Is fa~ te r trian ,1 tarJ: (~e8 paGe '2·j, i of -1-hfl ru'l.ebook £,or t~~, Dc se ;t TeI'.1:.'ain 2hE.rl). Its

tnt c): armour ani 'Jig gun ccunt mere than the Sf!1nll s iz o of li~hter armourec :J.LS, espEcially il~ the ~'1and5 of - ... he 'JE:t~.r~ . n Des ert P..~ t s .

• •


DO a thound

sa Kfz 2~1 i8-Tad'


i11e armoured car resi:nent ~ "'[lent. all day 8very ,~,a:r wat ~hirlil: th", CJ1Hny in t h.s deep de s ert. =f anynwo kn:Jw how to s t.a y alive out there, t.ne v :1i,l,

~~avy A~rnoursd Car Platoons are rRte~ as:

• .!:..;:!e are three '~'e_ys t.o fiel'~, [jogrhounc_ I 8-.rrnout'toU CA.AS olhc;_c· tLa.n in your J:::xpeI'irwmtal ::. ~'P01L l-'Iatoon:

- ,ou may I'ep13,~e one tI.nll'JU!'eu CP.A' PIa Leon \I ill! a Heavy f_rmOlll eel Car' flat OQn,

- ~ou may :cepluce ull p,EC I a rmcur-ed 2<'.1'S in yO<.l:1' f.:-mou::."ec1 Car Platoons "'iTJ:l '2oarhound -r

a:::]}}OU:.:'"6U c.-3)."S :["01.' +1.5 'poin t S pe r e rmour-ec, ca:r' J 0:::,

- =f you a r e f-j_el(l-j_n"~ an fJ'moure:1 Oa r Squadron, you may r ep'Lace ~ll Arrnoured i:;p.r Pf.a t.oons . t h Heavy ;.nJ;Oured Car PIt'. t ocns , a:;,j pur cha s s ,,,,11 urmcured 2<:'TS in the C:omj)any n~ as ::oarhounf1 I aJ'r:10~H8d cal'S f o r 75 :S:Dints per FlrmDure,j CRr-.

- ~oaThound .,.

210 po iJll_.3

,::==,"use the Eo a rhound is pX'Fl~tically Ir.-

_!;::eraole t o enemy armour ed ca rs , it can

~ r s; E an it~l!:.c-csslv(; icccnne Ls senc e po l f cy ,

=--~ ;iL€ t.he:n back as -j_ t seeks out the rra i.n '==.-=-=!,' fO.lce, Be careful though, It is r.o t

"'" 'ta~ -::_ and cannot Bn1fa.f§e eEeDY ii'J:-[f.DU·.· in .'l _- tal cattle, Seek out theiT \"~lnen'ch18 :::.,:::"_::5 ano. unpr 0 t EO,~ t c,:::' a ypJ.'oa che ~ lH s t e 6.c.,

=="- y !-_rmoure,::;_ l'..'l,,- Platoons a~'," -= nne.t s sur.ce P'l a t o or.s .

Command Bourhound I

Bnarhound I

Boarhound I


~~~ I,iobility ],:,or:t Side Tor: 3;,}lipment and Kotes
=.32 ;-h ound I W.:leelea ,t " 0 ~O-a.7_ t·iG, Hull MG,
~1, :J ItcUli~e "C1' ?JI t i-tan'; ri:r~power
- ~ pd!' ~ill'1 24'/SOGm " 10 4- + 'NQ F:'E ,

-~-ig-rdition.:. Oa~i l:.rmC:HJI'sd, Hea\J'Yl Tl8E2 :-=e.- _: 4- ~ cc r '. gnr l dv".t J co-dvr 1

-eig!:n:: 59,0801b/'2:6,eOO~:r<:

nei;,ht: 10' '" '/3 .10m

:'!,j.gth: 20' 4-' /6, 20m --i~.t.h: 8'6"/2.60m ..'..::::name.nt: 1:1: l'~l. Shill] El.nti- tAn!'. '3Ul1, ~ ~rolHnin~1 .30 cu l ma ch Lne+gun s .~_-:!lo'~r Th Lckne ss: 9. 5mm to 50rtn

~:.ax imum S,,' ~ "d: ,'iOmph/80·"m/".~.

:Engin<j: 2:<:: :.±t.1C e--t7l.ind~::', petlol, 210,~:.t ir.J 4 1 i tr-e., 125hp sa ch

iYnen _"_meri cil e.ntex·o,j t1),,, W8.~· ill 11'.113 1941 they and the 3r"i t i sb i=eo t a t,Al Y !"£C~ t. Cr~et.:--"er to

ccns Ide r tu.r.k de ~ igns, The ~,meX'i caris lee.rne:'l from the 5:ci ti 811 l 8..,1. ~ol;[ba t eXpe:;;ie:lce, w:nile the Dri t i sh eX.",ml:1ca ~.Il!el·i call tank des ir;ns to see how they _ fi t their requ i X'Sffi8nt s ,

In Septem'Der } 941 t'!:i,e Dri tish had eXI.,::_-es sed I n t e r-e s t in :'\ i:~eavier tan:';' at't e r ·their E'Xperience-", in th", desert e..rld t e e t h Ing pr ob'i ema · .. ,-ith their new 1:::-n.1l1:·chill tank. At the same t-ime the U5 O}'ccne.11ce ::Jepe.l'tment had ue en advoc;a tin,!! t.he a:;1o])l ion of neav i e r t anxs fc'r the US ,Ii,l'my. The, 1'14- .11303UI.I.1 t tu,n": wo:;; s e en as thp. S 011lt ion for' ':,oth r.ne.s E', n sed.s .

'i'he OS O:;:·dn.'l.ncc Deya1lu:',mt start eO. de s ir;n wo rk on a t unk t.nu t sbar ed many fea t u r e s ;;>-!_ t.h th'1 M6 :-.;.euvy t.ans ana incorrorats~j t.ns Brit r sh requirement s . ~I]"i til design wt;JJ.'f:.... on t.ne new M4 Sherman mc,;:.iLun Lank ne a r Ir.g completion, tr"e d e sIgn shu.r'ed mar"1 f e a t.ur-e s of this t anu . The new tank haC. the t.T'ansmi s s ion of the [,j·t SheHli\n an-::" chc st anda rd Fo.rd GAZ tank. enc me . Howe \'e:::" due to i t s b'ei,'Ih:t, -d·J.e -:11'"i'(;8 WdS ~euIed 00';;1"1 s o i.t~, tcp s~"ej; vas s Lower than tile M4-, 'tile mai n was "ident i c aL to thCl t of thc~ SheJ'l~aJi anc, t r a cks and suspens t.on W~Te -r,hos!' of \ th'1 H6

In [,larch 1942 u new British ?en\-: Mission sil~ned an o;Feemen l ['01' 8, aOG 1'14 1. anz.s , p5ndir:€ f'ur-the r <1esigr: wo rk . 1j_-l.e firs ... .:. two prc t.c t ype i14 e s se uj t tMI~'S we re ccmp'Le t ed in ]\j4-:'o.



Du~dng the f'iqhtinS ire fO·icily in July 194-3 a :~::'itjsl,- infantry- un:.k bwttalion fielded .the new '['14 us-suul t t ank . Its ·thi ck e rmou r FI'Oved 'vital in 115aV), f_i,,\hting against Gelman 'riSe:' Ana pa!i'zer IV t.anr s e.::1~1 StuG as's?_ult fl;ur,s.

:ITl:@r--esse,]_ .. with t::-ce ':'14 as sautt iu:t.k' s s t av i n» ;r;~~reT Ln 3i c-ily, t.R1eTi can ~~(,o~..Lnl.1 90111Ulallde~~ -~. hi',d "th::o J,e"'t s~~ipmen\ intended to form an 0 trLe I' t~Titis:tc taLk 'Oilttal:i0n dive~-,e,:5. 1,0 the IJS indepel,den t t ank tat ",alions :i!~ht in~ in Itoly,


r;ssigr,ec! as a il:'itish-styls infant::-y suppo;- l tank, the ':'1!~ as saul t tank

is well li.X'moure,~" a:5_eq1_)?~tE'i11 Firmed, and s Lcw, T~-:.is :nUkes it i,:"te1C.}_ fm:- I ts p1a:r.nsd role ::.'f advarrc inJ'! ahead of infuntrT u t ta cks to -,:noc'f: Ou4', machineg'~n sand pin .:':.OI"Il the enemy ,

'l'he '1'14 ussll[~l t t ank is as ',¥B~l EU10;"red as 2, 'l'i~c' leuA 2,nQ .noun ts -;,lle Ieli<:.ble end

ef'f ec t t ve M~, 7.500 flun ~f the M4- Sh2I':1li'.11 tsnk .

fronl 9, Semi-indirect



111e 1_:5 AT:Ily us s s M,t ShE<l'man-'1ql;ippecl inc1epe~"r:1,,'l1t t anl, ·:,2.ttalions [::J1' i.r,falltL'y ::;U])PO!'t, 'Thase unic s weH'. \.'8l',! haVF! to 111'..-"e 2. :r.::JI'~ ~;.eu;;rilir<HmQurea t ar.z , ~ ,,,en in ;;mal1:1IHlnr.itif.ls .

l:S ccnroanv mav reDIae" up to :o,-"a1f of the I'M ~he:.vnlil,r; nC<.1i1..1Ul taJll~:; in l:.o'Ich any u::'_ e.li t anks in the :'Of:lr.;c.:ny Hq ~f'i th Tl~~ a s :::8.u1 t tanks 8:'-'f!'If1d '.;,i th ~ ,SO cal At\. \~G +2.5 pc i.n t s -pe} t ank


'Ju:n'::o I tanks (t::.le name wOlll,:; late-::- 'De :lS"(\ for t:,e M4tc3B2 z.s s au [ t tant: as w511) were u s ed to IFJ~d ClL1vr.)';ce s , La~~i':-jtl; aC.V!.'lIiVlfl;8 0;:' their g~'eii t e r s',lI';ivubil i t Y.

'l'rea t '1'"1'1 assilult tc_n~:s ilnd [·11 Shermar: t anks as lw.,:inc. tne same C11,t3Si3, m'ik"in,n: thea': only .::':'ist-in~uishncle 'J..S in€ tuc GL..nTunks :nle (T:a~;e, 65 of the ::uleboo'~ '), Th~ sl.J.oolinr>; l;le·YGI' carl a t L smp t to choose which

typR of::t:a:n:k:' ::_'h:~:'Y::l:)::'t~:~':J:S~i:n:~::t~rl:i:s::r~[:ll:~~_:'~::::::~::~~::::::::::~::::::~~~~~~~~;!~~~~~JII


W1J,en shoot inr,; at ? IJ~ ';'1\1:1<.. PH, t ccn w i lL '1'14. us SU11l t t ank s :


TH,Ht 71,; 6s:;8.ull t.anks ali(!. M4- ::Or-lerm<ln

t ank s as t f rhey have the se.m<o, armour

Jat inr,:s tor the cit l'Ieo:};ss t ~.I':llCU,' [irs t 1"-lle (-;~r,;<o 70 nr th,:, nlldlool;.~. This allo",~ tr_e :Jr, pluysT to alloCE. t e l~.i ts t 0 ~,b" '!"'1.' AS s.!\ull t anks ~Defo!:==. the \ .. ~~ She.r:uu:r~ t£ln~8.


The :16','1 '711 a s s au l t t anj, give,:; c~ii.i:;h lnfanlJ'y tank ba t t a'ii ons their fiT~-r. ;.''):nm gun tank .

J..r.y Br it ish ,uno OL Illfae'LY 1'9.n": Ccrnpany equ Ipped '~'i th C:mlI'chill t.ank s :I1a y I'fn:;18.·~e all

Ir.fur,t.Tj7 Ta;]c: PIa rocr.s 1 anks \~i th ",5 s au L t 'l'anl; ?l.'l.ton!"l" If i l b ar: Ir::I'.3Lt.ry 'l'ank Company it

m:.1S l 1".1:;0 pur cne se 1011 t.anks in the Complmy HQ as n4- as ~~ll::;_ t tl:.n\:5 fo'r 1::.",,') point s :9'0::' t anu ,


r.", a s s a. .. tlt la:r,L pli'ltoon::; 1,a\,(;) won t.he :o::~Eten~;e of 1'h" Lnf ar.tr y tnsv sl.;IPort,


.3 n,~ ,.

. , " 400 po i n t s


:.::-0 any 0:1' a 11 1'14 as "au} t t.an'cs =t th . 50 cal ;.A VG for +5 r.o i nt s ~'?_ tank.

TH ossa lilt ten k

TI4 assault tank




Equiprren t a:1.:;_ :L\otes

2·0 -ax \1(;., null ~\1G, Sl~'" t.ar.k , Jnrelidble, 'ide tra2kK.




:~.:i '!BCcm



::;:ritisr, service the 1'1L. ,BRault t.an-; use s t hs Semi-indiI'e·~t hI'e spe c i a I ~>ul~

D5 service. tr,« 1'1-1 F 5511:.11. t ank us c s the S l/J.bili~(i-' spec ia l rul e •


=~.5i~naLiDll; 1\3 . .nkt ~,ss~ultl T1A~

-_~ ... ~ 5 (.c6.r) .!5n~', l·:_.r] d'\lI" , co-dvr) '7:.:::"1: 84, 000l:C:138 ,.1024-kr;

_ "::~'-.' 20'·1·/5. 20m

\'Iidth: lC'3·/3_l~;1ll

_-_-:.-J2.:!lent: 'lx '1\~,.;) '75mI;:1 t ank !tU!'l)

~x E:ro·:"tTJ.in.~. ~ 30 cal ma::r~ine - gur~s -"- --= cur 'i'h i c kn N ~ s : lJ.i:nrn t ° 1.0 :'Jmm G&ll".e: forO. GAZ V-8 tre t r o L,

":lOOeu inflS Ittre: 520 h~

5uspension: EOTizontul ~olute double bogie ...c..'-imun f1p""d.· 22 mnh/,,)51-:mib

=-oa:L ?adiL!s: 100 mile~/lBOkm

;er~ical Obstacle: 8'1"/0 670



.".t the outbreak of 'liorld 'liar II t:le IlS ~l'm,!, p0550559,2 few (8.!i:..;.,::3, and . no 11'(~2.~vy t anz s . In May 1840 th" US An)'.y Or:'cnancA ~:e~art.me,r.t ~ta.rte,i ,,0 wOlk on the 'j'1,50~tcn hen"",

Dult i-turreted t.ank , ','hi S WnS si;l)ilil.,., in COI,CE'C'C 'Co the Sovie t, 1'-35 cln<'l. o trie r 193C.<: "l9.n::" btl '. t l8:;hi~' de:; i!l;l::;. ;jy Oclo·~·"'.r 1940, th", Department rea ched tbe same conclusions of exces s tve size, diffio:ulty ir, crew :0- crclinwcion arid. hi11;11 pr oduct i on co st, that ha,;:' 1 e,:]. t o the a bun(1 onme n t of tl:e 1 cine; ha ttl e ~hi r. conceft in EUi·O~~.

,"" new 1'1 h83',,'1 t.ank <'!esi",n was laid dO',1n with a' :lingle t.ur r-e t retaining the miXed arm'l!nerr. of t.hfl 8a1l ie:r,:l8 si!5n. Th". t urr-et mounted a :'It''l';;i1 i.zed 3- inch g:m wit:", cl COciJtiu 1 37.:1l!Il ~"ll11 ',vi Ih il 16a.~;FC;:· ~,n'::; AHwr.mi t i or, ~1J',):(llc~ co Ieee!) :lr; the I'"tf> of f i r e . In it 1a:"1 y the de s illr: had s Lx lll<\chihe -t,;llH;;, b;.l t U:li s 'i/a; c u t to fQ'u~' inthA 'P70C::l,lct:ion vehicles, '!':-cese were twin ,bO ce L tn'Xchihe 'S:lf,S in U 'D::lW mount ,<1 fiit·e·:' .:30 cal CIl<lchi,ne - g'.ln of durri ou s "aluc in the f.rontplci'te fi:'8'~.· hy the ,::riv8Y, an::', a ,.:,0 r.al rnA. dl'.inc - q;un on Lt.e ~omllland(H" s hB. t cn ,

On 26 May ]942 8 C8!',t-bnl1 T1Ji'.2 and a 'del,jedhlil,.l Tl,E3 were s t anda.rd i s ed 1':)1' PI'o,::uttion

a.s the i'~6 :p..ni:1. ~j6~,1. I'8SP8 ct iye1 f." The ir.H'ii'l1 p~an W~~ to prpduce 5000 tunk~ cit ~50 tankR 'pe i: mon.t.h, ';.u t tal s \'/;, S soon cut to II [110 1 ~ r€u1,'ist ic 115 t anxs ir th~ fh·.~t pr-oduc t ion run S la,.it,ill}? ill Decem'ber 1942,


31 ttie t irne tb.e M6 wa;:; rea.a y for 'DToduc t i on, the i'.l'cll o'i· e·:'. COl'I;S had 'los t ill t el'e~ t, !)!'e.fel'l:'ijiJ?: ·the ri)OI'6 ]lobile. M.j. 'medium t ank , I'\owe'l8':O, .~ tile a~pBu..rU;nc B cf" tl".:..8 Gs:rmur.l. Ti,ge:r' hE:H:."'._1Y 'tank

, ~!lfr?j:~ them :ce,co.nslde.!:',

in 'l'un i s ill wit;::. mos t

i'ih'2,n the S'PeC'ifi~IHioJls ';{O).5 1"'. i'::. ,In';m fOI' the \l6 he avy tar.k it was norma I fOT :W2!ilV7 t.aris.s , such e s the SO\, i~, t 1'-35,

to f'o L'Lc= the "Lar.d. battlesl'.'ip' :I1Ddel, havin.,; mu l t Lp l.e turre t s noun tin",. a

var i e t f of g~ms and machili"'-I~,ms, Th~ 'I'} heuvy tunk spe c ifi ca t i on fen t ur-sd Q s ll!;h t 1y mO,I~ modc rr, 'ilr'!,an(3'e01.~n t ·'i.i tl:' hoth of 'i t.s [£!l.r:s rnount.sd 'in the same tUl',;'et and a t.s i.'/,in ,blt ce.L macliin8- l~lILS in a re La t i ve Ly con,;entional bo,/ mO:lnting,

1he \~ h9a~y tank i~ a 'lan~ battle~hip' wiUl multiple rn.:.r.s, ::, has a 5-ir1l1. Mlli-Vlllk !<;Wl f'cr t;.~e a,! 21 ins t heavy tan'·:g, 2. 37mrn fj'Jn ;:'0;'

!1:; 2 d!.;c..inst 1 i,~hc;e.l' JI:rlOUrea veht c l e s , (u.:: twin ,5C c2.1 I:',!iehin8-wms to rli~ inf8Ilt=,y 'Jut of

t rsr cnes J

It can fiIE; uo th of its ma in fjUhS at t~le same tir.,e lisin.,!: '~he Mu1tir.lE 1'leapoES rul.e on t;t.ge ~5 I) [ the, f')l euoo ' ..

Ca-2,xial 76nrr. and 37rrrn guns, 'T'Jin .50 cal


!bs n ewl y - f o TI:1 eO. :[-"ea vy t an"" pI a t, ocn s aT e

~i~linq, 0. goc<"t e.c ccunt of thems e t vs s .

~aa v y Tank Plr. t 0 OES are J'2_t ec1 r. s ,

::or..i·ident ']'lained


;:. M6 h".E:C\,y t ank s
2- M6 hee.vy t ank s
~ ~~~6 he2.<-,v tank bl0 paints 0,10 poirrt s 170 points

;0"IIII_= ~~B heu1J'J t.unk is ~Hell eql.li"ppej to :.a('"~:.le any 0[1)05 .it Lnn , Its t h i cj; WUllcur an~" .=;-::e:::ilised3-inch 8.r"ti-tan~", ~t.ms '"llo\~ it

~o toe-Lo-loe ~'ith o t he r heavy t anks ,

M6 he avy tan k



F ron t

t rrncur




. Be cel A.::'~k~G, 0low t ank , i1nn"ll.ahle, ';Jif1e tracks.

Co-ax rncunt , St.ab'i 1 t s 81'. Hull mo.mt.erl , T-~in MG.

p..uy 2 i f o'the r ·~·eal:on::i fi r e . ~?"o loacers the \16 hell'",! t ank C8.-:J. fire the, 3in clnd 37= ~llnli tor;o;et,h5;:, tIe<:tin,~ one of the

F;,;.ll y - t ra czed


- ;:iI:. g:U .. H

50 ca', MG

:_~_~_ 6 (Gar, gr.:r, Idt' (2), =~~.:;.,:, 1.2!J, 500y~j5Z, ?J7'jkJ]; _-;;L.,,-;:::_, 27'8;j8'.~3ill

==.,:;nc 1-.:. M7 3in, <lnti-till',1\: gtm, :.1: co-ax M6' ::\1mmtan"!-: gue

,-:~- =:r. o'Hninfl: .::'0 c.'! 1 !Tach.i.ne-il;url 31: 3rt?"\¥1linr.; .50· cal IT.H chine-~u!ls

=...._,(:.:;.::- 'l'hiclt'JH';!lS: 25h\:'ll to lOOmm

~_-:-:n" Wrii,;ht G-ZOO ed_T-cool:o:: radial pe t ro l ,

"2.32""u in/30 Ii t18, 800,1:\1

':;:::sp:;nsion ~ ];)";oiZ0l1t9.1 vo l u t e ,iolJ,ul", bo,,! iiJ -".>:'i::mJiil Speed: 22:nphl35kfrlh

::;::'ss.-com1T.ry Sfi;M}: Class"if'ied

~G.'ld ?'i!dius: 100 m,Eesi160krn

-;",.!:clcal :}bse'Gls: 0'/D,811U

"L:::e-r.<:h Ol'OS 3ing: 11' /3, 35m

',hd tn: 10' 8i;" 1'6, 11m



~ ..., .~~,


1'h8 M27 me,:' i urn t.ank was pcrn aut of t,he '1'20 r;::O'~Taonl",. l.r·eel' the i"4 s e ri e s of "Cun~.;:s went in to T,roc11~ct ion, cons ideI'?t ion in11l8,:"',ia l ely turned \. <.1 its succ e s s OT. 'l'he CS tel'...]",! Ordnanc 8 De:p'u·' ;;mGn'c '!Ia~ given the go-ahead to s taJ'~, \'lOTi;; on ar, icr,pl'oved mediu;ll iallk in May l_942. Br-oad ou t L t n s s

ca LLed for R 32-lon t ans, a rmed witt. lin automatic 75:mn ~un with HV"SS sus pens Len and :::a~I"<-Dle uj;' "speed of 205m-ph.

The 1'20 we.s d,eveloped i:'i::'st ,':)u t t r ansm i s s i en llTo[)lems le~i to the t"'-d'. being cancelled and the be s t ide,as trans f e r r ed to the' 1'22, Tili:; wa s e s ~ ent i1:11 y <11'20 with thR fi ,Ie -sreed. t r-an srrri s -

s ion from the M4 She rrnan , The. s o Lu t. ions pro,! ad uns a t is r9.,~ l Ol'Y awl. "Lhi s Led to the PTO +e c t be ing

cancelled as "I~ll, '<

A.t l,he s ame time as the T2'J \"a;<; au t.ho r i s ed , WOTk h,,~an on th;:; 1'23. It was e:;:;eIltially 1l. T20 fitted with the trte~ and tested vertical volute sus~ension (VVSS) as used on the M4 She:-'mu.TI, and an elEctric t r-ar.smi.s s Lon fl'om General Elecl::'ic. It was initially to have 75rrm aut.otna t i c , ~,-inch arid 7 o ll'1ll I gun v er-s t cns , Lut, the 7om'-1l aut.oma t I c arid ;',-inch versions were c.ancelle,::_ beron, pr-ot.c t.ype s were '0\111 t ,

In its final form, th<'l 1'23 has 8. turre, f'ittei:iw,ithal'l all-.r'ow:id vision cupola fOT the comID<mdeT and a rotati:::1~- ha t.ch fa:!.' t~j_e Lcade r . Tue hull ha·s a new single-piece, flat plate a t a 47-d8@ree an~le,

< Mall" of these des ifm innTovet18nt s were in,~ox'DOra "1:,,',1,1 in t Q la t B -1~J:Od.'1 ~ ti on M·b :Sherrnar. t ar"~: s {~h:i. ch had a 47 -dflgreA :tmll front p,nd maw: L 6d

the 1'2.3 L:J.J:'I'ei 'diU'. minor chan~es. .

A l'imited pr'o cur'emen t ordeT· of SeD T2;) medium t ans,s we::'e c::,den;i! and were :p::odu':lc,::1 bet '"e'On .NoVeITl:,o~ l_9·±~ and December 1944 ty D~t.roit J!.rsenal. These were to be. star,dil.n:h"sed as the j"i27 :u8-::iium tank whet:. pr-cdu o t Lon s t a r t.ed in ",arnest.


, '~

The 11127, is as advanc sd i,11 con c er.t no, 'II' a's ,l trie M4 SherrnAln med i U!TI wa~ a yeE.r ago.

Its armour is ~ffectiyp a,,:ainst mo s t, G8Tman ~Wl::;, 'ilhi1e its €un is more thaT\\ ari.e::!uate to :UF'C~~ Qut any t~~in-" they can field,

a mcd im t.anz wi th tae f'r cr; ... t armour L.. heavy tark and th~ ~L:..n to mz tch .

Ylont 7 I .~Jlti -t ank 12, Sta"tE is er

::::::.is t ank -1. s t::e next, evolll t -1.cnary st.ep f'o r rned i um tar.l:s -'.'i th thi c>:el' a rrr.ou'r and a cilBex IIu::. ~"'re is no Heed t c de v Ls e Il~W t.a c ta c s for th i s t a n-; , '11. und e r tuke s trie mt s s i on oj:' t~"e -=--~ium tan'~ ':'etr, e::- thar: eX) 5 t 'ir.!~, IT,od'''ls.

?in the enemy from tr;e i:-ont and us e yO'J.T s t ab i l Ls e r s us you move towards thei:- r'Lanks ,

:lose and de s t roy the', "'fnmy be f'o re ini ,t iE! l irl!~ fI r.ur-sui t t () f lni s:1., them off find run the:n 'i): t 0 ~~ Q'I'ounj,


.'J[]eri:a:; t.anks rs ell'5 well truined and leal'ninq their- t}:"Ade "in th~ l.!.Pyj,,;::l i'i~hL in~ cf 1""411,

~.l27 Tan:.;., PIa L o on s a r e ra ted a s :

Confi.dent l":ain!'1d


.~_n'i' us company may 1"8,:lEl ce all cf its 'Pank PTa t ccns wi t.h M27 Tun": P} at ocns , If it is

i". ']'an',c ConIf.qny, iL .nust .'llSo o:nc:hi'lsco the ·i:a.n~;~ ir. thE< 8on1r.ftny He; as t,,]27 mA(1illn1 tan.;s '::Ol 890 ];:Oillt5.


:5 M'2.7 medium tanks
4 h127 msdi.um tHnks
3- 11127 msdium tank~ 710 points 570 points 4-30 po i.n t s

<::eK 'ifmat ion: ~"at'rk ,M8Cl i urn, MZ 7

::re<f~ 5 - [cdr. -gll!', 'l<lr. dvr , ca-dvr') ·"'2 i o/It: '17,. i5D0'l)J/35,15:}1.".\

:'~rl."t::r..;j3' 2,"(.7'. M:n

2~i:iJ;ht: 8'."'"/2,,52m. YJidth, SI'IO/~".Q1lr,

.'-c:t:nainent: '_'x M'lAT 76rrJil tdn!: '!:un,

2:-0:: or own ~lrr,; .00~ A.l uia ("hiEo - glU' }X !)"ro~in.r~ .50 cal rnachine~~un ';".!"!IlOur- 'l'h i ckne s s.: 121ml t 8 S7i11W En!!:i.n",: },oni GPN V-B ne tro l ,

llOOc\: in, /18 Ii t r e , ·1-70 hp "r ansmt s.s t on: Elec"f.T-tc :.fu.xirrtt.:.mS1)eed: 3,5m:phi56:rJut",.

Cross - count 1",/ S,p"ed. 20mphi3Z',"':I1/1"l. Road, Radius: lOO,mil·es/160klll

VeT li CA 1 Cbs L?cle - ,2 ''/0, 81m

Tren ch C_~a.~ ~ L"'lg: g f~/2_ . ·!-rn




Commend M27 medium tank

• I:n'IUI

111127 me di urn te nk

M27 medium tank

1\1127 medi urn ta nk




'l'he T55 GJ~n Motor CaT::iar!:e has it 0):"'i,,;1ns 1n the cX!-,'.ll'imsll tal 6X6 ':l~5 e r t vehi cleo des ignAc1 by Gook Irrothers. ',''1181 s t a rt ed by buil:tin!'!; a cha ss i s that +oi.ned two r.owe r ed 4.:<:·1 bOrcies. each 'ilith its~own engine: into an 8x8 ~ehicle, 'lb.'is '.In'.llna} vehicle steerec. by p i.vo t i.r.g the

- f.';;lL·i..!.·8 f.!'ont ~DOgi5.


It. "De came 'lmo'lin as '(:ook' s Cozy Ca-bil:' becau~e of its 'uo'>1-li::'e sriape . Little interest wa s shown in this P,11-l81'.!.·ain vehicle:,"'!! the

'JS ~li.._rmy, "out ::::oo~-': EroT,h8X'S bei-5fin we'r~'i: en an sxpe~i~enlal lank destroyer,

'i'he Cook In t e rcep t.o'r has t.uJTIAd out, to I "De an e:r.:ccllcnL li!'{h'L taIlK de s t roye r . 'i'he M3 75m:n GMC is equally snaIl and

1 igh t , 'ou t i i. S [!lm is ;10 rna t en for the ne·;i :'j- ir:ch Il'un. -This p.TJJi'lmer;t is t11o'2 same as th<!t in r.ne much ~l.E:avie:r HI0 ;>, .• GMt, ('il1':::'180 in a mount OIi tl! f"a.r' 'oe t t e r motility on Toall and 'ir, t.hs cperi desert,..

This 'Goo~.( Int.ercept or' mount eel iI. 3- inch f;un, 1";;0 v,a'Ler-cDoled ;:;udillac B-cylin::ler enf~i.n5f; '.VBre Ilac8Cl in tb e J'eilr end of Lll6 vehicle 2.Jj,3_ heavy-duty tires i~e-=e fitte:"! to cope with the eX"tI·~. we i ght . In an effort to gain u contract from the army, it was desil~ned to -~,e capable of fLtlf"il1in)1, the t'unc t rcns of a rrnor-ed car, tank destroyer or armoured Dcrsonnel carrie~, IIi P.llql13t-·19.12 t1,ey receheil a c on t z-a o t for further developmonl of Lhe t ank de s t ro ye.r as ·the '1'55,

DUTiIi~ tc s t.s in De cerabe r 1942 the ']'.55 was .'pi t ted agai.ns t compe't ing t arik Qos tLoy8l

iJes ir~n~ including the '1;4B 5?mrn G"'1::: :;alf - track (lat.51" us-ed by tne Rcd -"_lIllY a s the SU-571,

,~_fter testing, modifications we r e mad.9 to t.ne ",ehic-Ie re:sulting ill the Tb5E::", 'l':C~is revised des'ign was s sn t f'ol': further 'Ce:;tilIa; at the desert pt.ovir.g g.l'Ollnr'-. at, Fort Irwin.

Meaw"hUe, produ c t Lon of trie 'l'tb for the

US Army s tar-t ed >'lith the [,11ie:1 ·'~ilchiIiC.('y t;i~_~lufe~cturing Company,


niB Tb6-3' ~'.ln Motor Carriuge wa~ Ahipp~d to 'f'htiisia il':l 194;;· f01' field L(;sLinr.;. lt~' eightwheeled. cha s s t s ann hi.gh g:eol:nC1. clea:;:"ance_ul1';d9 _ _i t, tdee.l for the' open valleys and roc.:,! ;mOimtJ'Lino(ls t.e r r a Lr, of 'funis ia.

3" Gt,~C is s:l)illle~ and li'3hte:r tuan packs an e xt :,e:ne

". F.ight inr.; a 1 on;,; side t'ae MI0 t.ank a es t T oy 81" • thi$-ne\~ v8hicl0 po:'ovod itsolf and ;~ould soon ~~ein action u@uin in Italy,

l.nti-tanl: 12, Light armour, fast


::.~ TCln1:: nE:~t:'OyAT' ":"~Jranc:- .. '.;rere ''{lell t ra i ned ~i .k LCL111ill~d "L 0 :1'-' tne i r job ';;ell.

~~":_::-"Top"'118d J\T.t i - t ank Plat cons

J.:-eled) 'He l'U ted as'.

Confiden1 Tlained


_- :'3 cornpanv I:Hi1 TEifil_ace ito; Self-::~'Olle':l \nti-tan'~ Pll'lloCll ',"iih a Self-

-;:. ~.>-!:l en ~nti-t!in1: Platoon ('~1-,eelect).


:::;_ Se.e ti cn w i th .

:....JJ.:i-tfinl: Sections

335 points

i-Lank Section.. 175 uoints

-= an]' OT all nna r med ,Jeeps wi th

~=.. _;_ fOI- +5 no i n t s rer jeRI;,

--.~ ~;:ercef.to"[ \1hee1:;d tari',; destrOy",!'

_::;;:::-: E-n'i _~as t , I t s hi!T,~" road speed

--.:: e s :.. -:. an i.c_'A8..1 fi t t.o t anx de s t r-o y e r

:::.: =-:_-L!! -a s Lar ge nurnbe r s cun qUi c~:l y __ ::-= ~~ ~e site of' r.ny GO-i-man alUJou .. r'ed ___ ..:.__ :..::.=u!.!~h '.

h10bil it Y


Jeep with ,50 CQI AA MG




Command Carb in B tso m



T55 3" G Me te nk destroyer


T55 3" GMC tank destroyer

T55 3" GMC tank destruver

Carbille team Jeep


T55 3" (j M C ta nk de strove r



III the open d s s O:;l"L it is t <let i-:2.11 '! more mobil ethan tn;cked tanh: d.e s t.r o y'er's '


,50 c<Ll «« MG,



32" /BO,~rn

r c»

I'Jlti - tan}: Fir5TJOWeT



C"'-tl"i1"Q(J, Motor, :)" GU:l, '1'55 ::..:rt Kni, lCT] clvt')

J • 225l'c!13 , 711kJi


_~.:.=-: 17.. ~~:7 3'" ant.x=t ank Jll.U11

:. ~ ==:r- •• ing .50 ce L m",::::_ine - ."ut: _!. =.r s e : 20 Ilel!lrees left and x'i;sht _-_ :::...ickness: 6m:n

:-- -~ -; Ced Ll La c 8-e'y1ind<"" ""L'ol ~ :;::.~::. -in/5'-1it r';, n-Qhr: Ba-~h: - ,

_.- --::ssion: tlyc.rallwtic

_z -:...:::::::::. .. T"..-e-ed· 60m1)~'1J'g7ktr,jh

- 0::' :::a:ii 'S: 150mile~/34O:~..n: ~_-:.i~al Obs t a c Le : 3'·j"/l.Om ~=""- Crossin,;;: 2' 3'/C. elm

~ ~ TIGER IF) liEJ\VY TAN.K' "


GefIll8.·ilY s vn t cd 'dC~':,c" en e. 27", t.orrn e }::._e!l.\'y bTeukthTollgh t an'" in 10:',7. L'i'-, e "he. 01' it i sh Matilda, L'c:._e I'rend:, Char 1::, and the Soviet [':'J:') , thi't tank Wf:S ill'; ended to brei! ch 'r/WI - s t y18 trench lin'ss so tnu t the li,'3ht ani, l'lefl"i:lm tl'lr.J,s (!o'J.ld fight '\ mobile bst t Le , i:.:f'ler

t:hnl6 successively hsavisrdssil3ns, t::-c8 1.5-

t orme W.400l spe c t r'Lca t t cn was '!,ive::: to both Porsehe ilnd Hens Ch81 in Ma:; 1'<)41. 1'11c. F01S d1C prototY]J6, now kncwn a s the Ti')8-:- (P), was fh:.ishcd in P_!!~'il 19'12.

Its suspens"ion consist~fl of siX pairs of

OJ L eel - t Y r ed r'u bb e r -rC ush i oned 1'oa,:1 wne e 1 s wi th x·e.8.J' dri 'Ie 5P!'QC~·~et s Lnst ead of the mo re u suz .. l fran t spr c cke t s , Two ui r - cco l ed V -Ie enf~irle s drc~e @ener~to£s that powc~et Nl elecL~ic motor for each ,'Iri\.·fl s'(ll'odcl'lt. Tn i s sophisti,~alcd de s i.a;n had huge '_ll.eor8c ieal hdvantaf1:8S, hut pro~ed to be tro~blesome in pr~ctice_ -

rt!:!J pr'oduc t-Lon of co tn de s t gns was s::hed.ule~ too bpf;;in i.n July', t.he re WitS LLt t Le time

for tes·dng o r fixinF:; the vrotlflm<; ,,"11'h

the pclr~l-cledl'ic d r i ve . Viiil;. t'he t ank s

'bu i 1 't , nr-odu ct. ion was halt 8d t.o ena'Dle the Y~'9blerrl~ to De scrt ed out, 'l'ne Henschel wor:.;:s was delighted '~h6n its ·f:X'o,~,uc't.ion o.l·:k~' v!a~ ~ncrehsed to cc:npensat.e,

By j'ebl'uilT'1 1943 uianv of i1l8 rne chan ica l prcblem~ h~d heAn !'A~olved and Hitle~ ordered Ule u~ssive 8,8cm L/71 ~aK43 to 08 fitted to ninety Po cs cue Tiac.t t.ank s a s t.ne I':ordir"a:r.d as sauj t f~un i.n t rms fox the L:rattl8 of Kursl:.



The competition tetwe~n POTsche anfl HC;1Scl!.e 1 to c rodu ce i.he m,Xl :JeJ'ITlB.I: h"avy tank ~.a.::t been intense and the ;'es'.lltiJl!:; :iesia;Iis were very similar'. Beth hEO.d - the s ame a rtr.our- SP52ifi:p_ticn" unn mcunt ed t'ne same ~ur.L :in the same l{:.cu~p-d.c s i~nc.d l U.L'l c~ l .

The rll.fferenr:es ws re maJnly mechanical". Poz-s cue y1'et'erred longi t ud Ine L t c r s t on ba~s that saved space over 8enschel's

t runsver-s e t or-s ror, 'oar-s , ~teel-tyI'ed :::'cP~l1~'hc('1 s , and a t.e« Pe lr'ol- :~lect~' i c tran srrris s i on to solve tbe:gJ:oblem Df ~oving such a heavy vehicle,

The ~'i!3er' {P'] heavy t ant, was desi,!Led to the scme spe c tfIcat i ons us tne Henschel-designer, T'i~e:r I E.

yo~ ~ay replace Tiger ! E ~odels with '!li~eT (P) models in tournaments


1"::'"e bcls 1. c p r Lr.c i rle of the pe tr o'r- ~le ct.r i c

t aansnu s s i on is trie t 1.1:.15 eucn tetr:Jl er,r:ine SpiT,S a d:marr.o to f5ener". te ele;t ric it J' "'1'hi 5 t.her; pove r s ar; e Lec t r ic rno t o r t.na t powers

the (11:i",1o> spr-o c ze t . In ";heoIY the resul t is a smoct.h t r-ansmt s st on with no need t.c chilllW" Seal' and plenty of torque, In nructic~ the system prov sd L 0 ce:n;;:lic:a t.,~u and unl'Dliable.

'Phe ""i~er (F1 ';,as scnedu Led to be. sent to A"rOi'ice, whe re their a rr- c oo~ed engine~ were seen as -c'C: t L tC~' s u i t cd t 0 l~"e 110 Land dus t v cOQditions, After delays to ~odifT their " eole c t ri c t ransmt s s i ons , the firs t 'i:'i ve

Tiger- (P) t anks weTe sent to ,'"r:ri ca fc;::' field tes;t:ing., <:.rridng a.s oI:::-.e ~econLl 3<l.ttle of El ;'cl:aa1'': in be fl;,o.ZL

Thei r e f f'e r t on th~ batt,li'! rno r-s t.ha;! ju·st il'ied the eft'ort .m .r~et tin,;;; them

eperat ional and ?I'oduet Len of ths T:l:gel' (F1 wLs restclrted, Two bF\ttillions of 'i.'igoJ.' (p'] WOJ_'O SUl)SiOquently committed to the theatre vlher'e lhey hav e' anva Luab.Le

Il!'gB. ins t the ~jI'i t i sn a.n:. t~,e r-i can forces,


Tiger - (Pi


-7 German company may r eptu c e all of

:::.s :" b_'dere P,~nz.5:,( Pl a t.oons OJ. Eea v -y 'lank ~~-:,oons with ::1ea','1 Ta.r1: (Pcrs cbe t Platoons, '-2 _'Opl"-cc all T'.iger 1 r; tanks in the :~-"l1 Hod. wi th Ti;,er (P~, t ann s I\t no co s t .

::: :~el (P) ano Z F'am:sr- III N .. 920 'Po in t s -er (P) and 1 Panzer III N .. 460 80 in t s ~eDlacc all panz~~ III N tanks ~i~h Pa~zer III L or M tanks ~or +10 pOints per tank.

::: 4O_.._€~r (Pl . 1100 -points
- - :lr:JT (P) . ]050 ~oints
- _:'~'?I (Pl 700 pc in t s
- -:~~!" (Fl 350 "(Joints ::: =_==i;:::er to Toll fOT your' 'l'if58:r:~:2 ~~ills before Ba~h ~RmB,






The 'I'iger':}<.:.t:aU.ons s ent to Africa ":'~aR a

Punz e r I II e s c o r t t.ank f'c r eac:. 1'18e1 t ank t.o prot e c t t~,eJl from tnf'urrt r v am} ant.I - tank guns, Viit.:-~ their' mucn li,,!hter a rmour, their life llY.:p6<:: t.ancy was Lew .

i~~c ccnrparrt e s i'igt,tinr; in Sicily and I:uly uJ.opycd L:':e Panzer l~l t anz in tavcur of more '1' il!;er' LFlnk.s,

t 3ep .. v~ TFtn~':" {Por scne ) Pla Loon ::ocs no L count Panzer :II t anks as DAstroved '~'::'!:1n dets:miniru, if it needs to check Pla t:·on M:l'ale. ~




Eql~iplleIli and No Le s


rcri r- tracked




:~.:_ ~2:ioI'.: PaDl.er~anir)f1fi'c.gen VI, 1''ige-:-- : P) ::-~= • 5 (cdr, gn±-, Ldz , dv:r, cO-,:'L'T'1 ~::-:.::: 135,656:"'0/.57, OOOb~

~::::::...=:.;:: 30 I 7 ~ ;' '2;. 3·1-m

=-=_-_:.: 9' 2" /'2,. 8m

Wiith: 11'1·!3.3B~

_~=r_ t : IX 8. e L'UI l{wK35 i.F .. nk !!:,m,

:;;.x . <:;,2= ~lG34 IT.acliine-'3U!lS

_C:.:r 1'".tli cxne s s : 601IllT. tollOJlIl1

::::::";;:L-.=-. 2x Pot'~ch,; 'rYD 1.01/1 \1-1.0 pe rro L,

-;;._ ... , cu inll'5 lit1"~" 31t5lip each

-:: -'-..:i:li;::s:ion : Ele ,:tric

.c.::::i::::..r=. Spe<ld; '2.2mph/35krnih

- :;::"::~s- ount ry 5-pee,j_; 6:npl:/l0kmlh ~:;:::i~al OJst<lcle: 8'e"/O.8Cm _____ . Crossing: 8' 6" /2. e:n


Co-ax \11, Hull M3, Protected zmno , 51':JW :A.n1'_, Urn'c:lia"blc I V:ide l .. racks ,


'lihile still fiJ!;ht in~ "in Poland in Sept8mceI 1ge,9, tht: Geiman Hil!lJ. Comrrv;;.:::l. lood:edaheu(~_ to the ~orning ~attle with trance ~nd order~d a vehicle for use again3t the fcrtiffcat"ions of the Ma,p.not Line .. In rc sponse Krupp s e t at>out

desi.~ning 11 self-DI'o"[lel18d 10 Scm !rIB loni~-

-:.cP .. :J.€C gU!~ ba s ed on a f'anze.:- IV t ank cha s s i s . C','h.e· new ..,;en.icle' s rotund 1:::-'ci'ile oui ckj v

ca rned it the nickname 'Dic':.:eT Max' (':at_

r;,?_X' ~;. Or. 31 t,'~al-ch 19,;,1 l:<:l'U>_;!J -Grusoll pr'esen t ed the f i r-s t of two IlX'oto~,ypes desi~'T.atec~ 10, 5cm Kl8 !tui" Panz 8-" S8lbs ti'ahrl!d'et t e :'.'0. (10, Sun 10 fl on ~srnOurea Self -r:ropelled Mount IVi'l) to

'EHler,· - ,

y.;i th !:: rar.es Ciefeate'l, Hi tlc,:c O:;;'de::C8c1 Lhal t:;.i~ vehicle be developed into a heavy pan7e~j~~Br (tan.l:-2\.lnV".:r) cayal}le of de,,'_royir,r.; t.ae unti,~:Lratei1 T-(!'itis::_'-l. ~ncl 50~iiet sLl.I-"e:r-ht:,Ptvy

t anks • Pr-oduct I on of the lO,5-::m KIB auf' Panz e r

:;61h~1,fahrla_fett<o. IVii WAS p'Lanncci 1:0 st art in spring 1942, but was cancelled in fav·cur of other-vehicles,

Tb_et WC.9iQ-(O Ly Vee s were a s s i !¥led to

52l, SCh-!lEiTe Pa_n'MH jal~BTacteilung fcn- 2_ glarul8d at lE.-ck OJ: Of'coritl tu r , Wnen th i s '~'a-s Gancellea, the y we re, AS siuno·:::, '- 0 :3, Panzer-

di vis Lon fbI" open:. t ion BaYha 1'OS sa _ One of ":hern 'was los: in an e_flcmmi t, Lon eY;plos Lor; and the other :r",tu:rne-:t to the factol'Y in Oc t oue r 19,1,1 aft er three morrths in cornua t.

Havin'l: provcd it. seE' '!8I'Y ef'f'e c t i v e a,,<:lCinst Soviet Kv~l, KV-2 and 1'-34 tanks, th",s·ul'v-ivinr,c Dicker Mao: returr;ed to 3, Pan:,·e:ctii~\lision A.loilgsidc cho oven -bel L~J -at'Hled 'Starer: Emil in ] 94-2,

th(O, succe s s of the two pro t.o types ,

Dicl'.8T Max bein!5 put -Oile), 'i n t.o

in the -mid'.j 1 e of ] 9·1,2 .


Designation; 10. oem KIB au i' PAnze~5elbst~8hr18fette rVe Ni::k..na:ne; Dicker t.1a "-

Cr ew ; 5 (C1111 f5n-r J Ld'r (2-), f~l'/'t') l'ieif5h-t' 55 ,l121'D/25 ,0COkl3 LO:l!;lll.· 'H' 8"/7, 52m

Heir.;ht: lO'8"/3,25m

Width: 9'4·/2.84-~

tcrm6_m~n t: IX 10,;J em KIB i3lln,

IX 7. g2,[1l1 ~iG:)'l machfue.-nun 'j';r"-vel'se: 8 .j,e,!l;rees left and ':i,,0.t


Dicker Mu ,,- is fi T~ t an.'! fOJ'emos~. a

f!;-~n- cil:nic:J. and the gLUl it ca r r Led was t"\_"le lon,~-Tang;; Rheinmetall s 10, 5cI'! K18 !H'tillf:).r'-y 1'iece fitted with d nuz z l e [)Teak.

T:r~is gun we apcn cun r;enet::-ate 111.n1I"!1 of

armour at F.. 30 Ut:il;l-O:;C slo!,'0 a c 2000 •

meter~-3C% more 't,han the famous 8,8:om F1aK18 an L i-ai.n:l-g_f'1; Sun ~

S'.lch a sldw rym is uS1.1811y :::';Hher :;101/- f'irir:!l;, cut with twb lqac,eI's an,,] amrnun i t ion - I'(~.aQ y l G hand , i t ~ i \,r:~:::i 8. geod ac~ount of itself.

The rowe:rf'J~ 10. BCD 15,m .nount ed in tne :Gld.nhax is mor-e than cupual e of destTo)'in!'j anything' but the heilviest super t ans .

-:lange 10'/lOOc:n, [WF 4, ~.rjti-tan~: 15

P.oulilmi -_ Lon iitoWd!l;e: :3G7~ :'..0. Bern, 600-': 7. 9',lmm A:rIDOU1' Thic'::r..ess; 20mm to 50lThll

En~ine: Mary-bach W'--' 120'l'RM 12-'~ylinc'1"T p8"~1:'ol.

72.5cu in/l2 litre I 300~1'p

'Tl'~.r.l:::il:li~~io.n: Maj-T:~ach dO:lble d i t'f'er en t f a I Su ap en s i on : Leaf s!=,:rina;s

\luY.irr::Ll1- Speed: 25rnr:t-.!/4-0krLL/h

Cro~R-cou~t:ry Speed' Classified

Roa,] :t~dius: l~;c. milr~::;/2,lOkrJI



If yOIl tb.O'lf9:"_t thet DicksI' Ma.v• W3s well a med , yuu hdven' t seer. f:',t!ll"er Emil. rrr'~.;.is rnor.s t e r- cit;-':.riel] P: 12 r 8(:[;) ~ur:. ~{i Lh a 2,s'S'!7.8:11 loW_:: '~,aT"81.

This fired e. b8li..:/SIj. 4Lr.; sllOi. at. 2887fps!880:11is. Lt COllI,::. psnst.x-ate 120mm of armour slapec.. u t 3,0 degrees at <lOCtOrn ar.d 0V('J: 200m:11 zt -point-t'Vl.nk J:·i1.r .. !;s.

Despite the ';;ei~~ht of the ;"hell, t':te .spac.ious 1'i"h;, ing cornua ; L]'I':,n L allo~'ed the two loade=s to ~aintain a. gOOd rats

tl10s t :an~:s s trr.J:ly d'i s int em ut e under the imndct of tr,e 12, Bcm LItH IV!!. Even ch,~ ile"", res t SUy01 t:.

ReI" 2, Anti-tan!: 18


ile~i.gnati.on: 12.Acm L/6l auf Panz e rs e Lust.f al u-Laf'e t t e 'V

l,i ckr.ems : S t u re r !::mil

Gre",,: 5 (cdr, ;Tnr, Er ('6), dv:,) '(;ei.ght: 77,15'?Tc.j;),s,OOOkg) Lel1f!th: Z,1'lC"/g,7m

tieiqht.: 8' l()'" /2. 7:u

'/,'1d tn: 10' 4&" /3 . lor,',

~::,rna:ne::lt: ).'c 12. e ern K :'./61 '!',If"

11:: 7, 92mm MCC3,·1 'machine; -f,jlln 'i':NV()-I'~8: 7 dc;r,;I''''''~ Le.I'L "nd .d~:

\'Ib.en tb" 'IlIr30'Jl(cj heavy t ank !H'Ojc;'~t 'ddS :lroppe:', irl ra\,ol::r of thEl VK~.501 that wCoul,j cv ell t ua 11 y be c orue Lh e ':'i:1 el' t ank, L 1'10 Df tr.e :prototype chassis weI'e use.r:!. to pr oduce tt"",mc s t pORer'i\:.lly armEd SElf-propelled '!:.tn of t.he war,

The 12. e em Selb:;;tf<J.hTltlfette Lle1 (12, 8cm

Li6:!. f::C1i>p~'o~C11cd t,iount.in~) o i- Panz czse Los t> 1afpt 1(, \' (~.rmom·Eld Ssl:!" -prcpe 11pj ~kllnt ing

\"1 ',/I=-S armed wii.h a r::r,einmetall 12,8 era K

r_,,;61 IrtU'l (bas8c1 or. t he 12,8 c:n l:leJ{ 10). Til", ltrlofficil.l.l n i cknume of t.h l s ,.'l.esif'!:!l was' f:t'.ll'l5r Er.li1' ( S t '..1 bbo J.'ll Emil:, Rll,:_ the l dO ',"~h i cl c s were !'.!irled Max an:" Mori T,'J. after ths r;a:.J.ght y boys in bus ch I s i'2.mQu:l G e rmar; child.I'~n I 3 tale.

Ir:tere.stiLJ;ly Moritz, the fir'st PTotDtYT'e,

had Ci s e ccnc C!urnrn"ll ::3.1'i 'Jel' t s C crnnar tmsn t on

the ..!.'ir;hL of' L1H~ i"lull ;hhile .1ax -llad ~u~t tl:e ciri<.lfH' I s r:om~aJ'tlT,,,,nt on the left side.

The Starer Emil was s Lcw and Lt s La ck o j compatibility with other e qu i pmer.t caus ed

lor;i s tical pr o tiLems . 'l'ns s e pI'o'olems paled in ccmpe.r i son wi th the outs t9.mlin'! p,::rfO);·r.11',J1CiC

of its f~\H:. It coul,~ "as 'i L y ,"n,~age target sat eX t l":m10 l'ang;e;; unma t cnec by any 50viet tank or an tj, - tank J;UJ'ls.


:'.ja:'. and Mari t z joined the 5u):",'ivin!3' Dicker

~h:\x wn.,,!', ,'521.. ?El.n:',el:jli.f~e:ta':;teill!n!~ :x-C't')xT.ecl

to 0. },anze:rdi-;;risian f'o r -:h.e hdvance ir,to trss CaUCIlSUS, i,ft81. the d i s s.st ca- e.t f::taling~>i\d Max was d e s t r-cyed fi.'!hti:l!!, with .;;. Panz e rd to Ls Lon Fdid MOTit,l. ~Ja:l Ci'lULUl'8c\, I'.L Lhe lime t,bliLL had 22 kill rin~s'raintBd en t~B harrel.

t.fler t:::..e eX:re.! "imeJl1.al ~l O;lP p.L'oved suc c e s s f'u I , St1!I'8r- Ernil was r,ut 'int.o pr odu c t i on.

Armour ThicYJ1es s : 15IIh1l t o 5DIl".t'1l

En',;i-"": i',lNyhach '1!Jl16 6-cyl'ir:der per ro ; ,

fj74-c',l.J. in/Il 1 i t re , 300h,;

"i'::,ansrnissifJll: \~l1ybach dO().":le c.iffl.:.!.'cnl i~l S~srension: ~r~nsversl torsion bar

Halt i nurn S" e e(\: 15 .• ,,>mph/25:;:m/h

i P-.ny GC!:::-Jlie,~l ~OIl1VaHY rna:! r epl e.ce its Hea,,;Y ~,;;"alllt GUT; I'latoo" with an EXp'O::'i:rlF_mtp.1 ~l1n,te-r Platoon, :-18a\1ie~' '1'iln~c-hur:.l'c:::' Flalooll, or H[ja\'ie~t 'j'an!;-hu::teI' ?lu-cDon,


'ihe 1l.ea'vy t.an·,,-huJr: <Or'S '",ere as s i~r:.ec. T D an ,,:Z-peJ'isnced ant i - t ank -bil t t<:.l Len:

Ex:.~erimenta.l rra.n1.:..-~:unt~;:i· Pl~ t oons are J.'at8d as:

::;ol:.fident Veteran


2 St,c:e:c fuil fl.r:·:' 1 Dicker \ia,~, e35 po lnt s 2 St.ure r Emil, ..... , .... , . , , ,160 pair:.ts 1 Sturer EInil ~~,:: 1 Di cker Max. 4-05 nc int s

:_ Stu::'er ili.il ' .. ' ..... '

, 230 oc int s

, ,175 points

Ji,:k:er h·Jax. ,

De spi t.e the t, site d'i f-feren~e anc, eli fferent marr.if'a c tUH~L'S, Dicl:er t,:ay. and f:,t-J.rer Erail r_._u,;e Vf.:x-y s .iuu La r appea runce . :::t is -~ery (1i fftcul t, f o r t,r!~ "n;o.my tat ,,11 them ilpit::;-l ill P. d i s tali'~8 .

W'n.8n shOO-Lin" <I L an EXper-irneI;tal 'l'unk-hunt er Platoar,;

- Treat ,rickeT Max and Stu::e::- Emil t ank -rr.mt ec-s F.S if' they ha'le the same armour r'utings fo:.' Lhe Hi1. Weakes-:. in:JlOlH' F·il"~,t. ru i e (P8_f5e iO ·:)f the l·lJ.lc'~'OD\>J, T:_l.i~ allows the Gel-man pla'le,- to 'l.11 oca L 10 hi t:i to the rot UT51 Emil t anl: - hun t.er s 'ne f'ore t.he [,1 ,~k8r Ma 7.. t an.cnunt ers if t;-.ey wish t o ::10 sa,

- ·ilJ.'~,;?LL D"iC1-:5.!' MaY.: and S:urer Err,il tC:.r:J:-h~.lnteT~ e s 11.av1.tl!'! d~if:""erp.:-nt chassis, maJ;_in~ "Chern distinWlis:'l_able "sing '[he Gun Tan;;',; .ru l,e (pa!1;C! e,8 0::;' vne rul.eooos.i . '1'h:: shooti!:~ r.laye!' car; a t t empt to cnoo s s whi_~h T,yp'l of tan); th8y hit u s i nn this :L~~lf.:.


1~:16 n5W tan r -Irun tel' un i c S we r e f(")JT;lCU in 194;3 from cadr-es of e s t.ab l ighe(\ tanf·.-hllnt",J' biltt1'!lions.

Heavier 'I'an'k-Iurnt.s r ?la T, Dons are rat cd as:

COlli" ideJ: L Vet.eI an

.3 I)i cs e r Max
2 1)i cke r Max
Di ,~~;:eI' MaY.. 525 r.o i n t s 350 faints 17.5 J:' a in t s

~est used as ~. lcng-r~n~e tan;:-llur:t;,T f'irin)'; from concealed po:~ i t tcn~ b'chlnu yOL;L ow;, l~'o01-~' '.1<1 s ,'111: .. ke9F

the er~emy a t a s a f s rar:,~,'1 ·.lhere it cannot pene t.ra t e t:::H3 relatively thin armour of the


Dicker Max

Dicker Max


Iri ck e r t,':~x , while a 110w Inr~ its powex'f\:l lonr)r'alirre gun TO pi:k then oiT.


On Ly the best c r ews 'ilere s e Lect ed to a:fln tne s e C:.e heaviest tiin~: hurrt s'r s .

rle,avie,st Tl'tnlc-l1u.nc,cr· PIA. toons aae J.'a led as:

Ccnt'Lderrt Vete, an

3 Stu.x·er Emil 6'210 j::oints
r-. StureI' Emil '~60 rO'int s
., Stl:rer Emil 230 :faints USf; trie cxt..!.ao:.n:.i,nary lO!l!;;-1'-9.r1.rz;e fiT5pOW51' of th~ StTrex F:.mil to o ccur-v a c1:l[ninatin" pes i t i or: ane.. s tEu,~.il y pi c},' ~ff every ene~y t a n.c thi! t IiP::6?~:S Tne arruoua en A. S t UH~~' Eot 1 is equ L,~<l,;nt to a me(li'lll t anx , s c

no ne e·:. 1.. 0 t: e t re a t if t.h.e er: •. emy



s tart to ce t Ileal', s i8pl y snco t t.heru down as they ~lcse.


p, rnour



Equ i pmen t an::', :Xotes






t:.nti - t ank ti!'f3power

null mount ed ,

s 10C1:I E18 ~U!l


\io-e,il i -. Y



pull y- tract,,:'.







tiul.l mount ed .

12.flc!'1 K t/ei f!;un

4-fl" i120cm

Wi eh 1:WO loe_ae.:r~ -J:l~ 1::i cke r :VIC.):; and S L UL<!J.' ?rnil ~et An eX t~'i1 Gl'(1in<'l f')' !'iite 'J~ fi12 o.rt ~:- the i r guns, oe~~ite their eno~mous size ~na power.


When :i t 1001<:90. lil,8 Ge:::TI12Yl:,' migLt s con ve

at wal' wi t::-_ C;z ~ c:::- ... oslovul~ia in ] goA, r.:,e hir,(["_ corrmand arde!'ed th!} L Len 8. 8elll Flal<"16 <'.J: t f - uirCTuft g'~n~ ~honld tee moc..ifie<:t far use illi;>'Iinst th" fortified pos t t t ons on til" [,zect. :-:oT'::J~r. T{?8.r "da.S avoidc·.:l J cut t.rie ne cd ..!,'(~Illa illed al0 teL B.Bem Pl~K18 antl-ai~craft guns

';;GLfJ mourit.cd on ,,)oR Inil e r-: benz D810 12- t onne hUlf-tr5.cf:s.

1'1,(> l(;sultilii1: S.Scw Fl'lK18 ISfl) ad 7.u~l;Te.ft'.;'E_ge:1 l2t 'i{I'_S fitted with ~ laY'

e rmouz-ed caD "";1:1. (l small a rtrou r ed c upo l a fox' tho'! a:'."b >,!T t.hz.t c\ 11 Cl'ilCcl the r;un to be i'ire:l

to the fr-ont, 'i11e pOllTI was mount ed on a s imnl e I;lFl tin:!'Jl ove , the 'l;oa ck s , ~nO'lr, as t~:e 'Bu±'lc!} 0, 'Dlmblrfla'k', this s elf -:[n'('rp~\11,x1 moun l

,IRs equally :,:se1'ul M"uinst f'o rt.Lfi ca t i ons e.!ld,

hea,;], t ank s , -


Th,e 8. Bcrn ]:'la!{18 (::Ofl) .<tlJ.f ZlJ.gkl'af"L wa:",en 12t ·we1'5 Ls'sued to -r.h6 8. Sc::wsrs par~ze.r~a.~~erll.-tJteilung and were used in action in Polan·:} in I1j39an6 rnmeA with 1. 2_n,] 2, Panz.er- DivisioI;~ 1I:" 1,940, They four.;l1.t T:renGfl. t anks (:incl'J::l.irw title h'3,avy Ch';'r B) - cri S cvG"cRl OC ce s i or,s, lOs: tHO veutc't.es- in the p'ocess,

8. SChW8:C'8 PanZ8! jag'3rabteil:Jng '({US

at.t e ched tot,he X:\.'UX A:rmeekorps fo::, 't]: .. e iw,'asioI) of P.\lssia.' In :ni:i-1942 the four s'urvivi!,g \'GhiCle~ ~ Dined 021. S ch'~'en, Pun:c_eT:jagsTRt)tAilunil a:::1::l ~~cuf!:ht in tho

_ G:auca"il~ 1l.1011o'Sside the Dicker Max and th5 two ,StureX' Emil h8i1.VY t.ank-uunt ez s .


'l'hB fI:Jr\';:AI'fla~;, mount eI a s tiln,::'FI,~u

6,i;~m PlaE.18 f!:U11 on an armour-ed sRlfpTopelled moun tIng . It r e t.ei.ned t.ne large cre~ TBqui=Ad to operate the

biG; ~un e, lit s me.ximum pe rf'o rmarice ,

Th« CTB'"S ''Ie!'>'! traine,:} "(0 us e the iT weapO:lts cutst~n~in~ u~cuTacy to ~~~ag9 - 8l1emy' b·~l.nke:r·s

t!16 lan~e ill;} yOrl~.L of t';,e qTicl1:-f'ilir'f!: 8. Eicm 'iii th u no til e a rmo.i ret cha s sis,

:;:01' 0, ~J~ t i - tank 1:::"


i';i th 'y'3<l.~'S of' cornea t. "XperieJlce. 'the bufla crews h.nO"ft 1{"i:td-c. ;,b .. ey aT~ t5 .. o i ng .


, ,j :1'" 8. Scm fIa~n8 sri 2BO paints

~ e Bcm flHE18 Sf1 140 no tnt s

Po s i t i on yo:u' ':,unl:e:;: :la1.: r.La toori ',,'ill, 2.a;CJod f-tRla. of fire L 0 den:i an area to 'the cnemy . 'j'l:l.e long-Tange accu~~.r.;y of the B.5cm Flal{l8 Sf"L comb med with Lts atilit:," to WiC::ldx'uw to a se.f e r lo::P..lioll maKes t:':e Euf La much mOL EJ us e f'u I than t.ree to\'/,:'J. ~:m "hen en€;a,?;i.n~:;; r an',s . Wi Lild;'ilW bshinn t))", troops y CJU a;:e sucpor t i.nr~ if 5W)my tanks aPJ:,:::,oach too closely,

Lr;-F!ins L 'cunkers , t;-_f'I n;,lf18 will ns ee to mOvB closer, HDwe~er. its aTmo~r will 9rotect it against ~ost b~lkBr weunonR, ma'Y::inf5 this a useful t ac ttc .


NLme Hobilit','

... r- ..,_
Couunund s.acm FlaK13 Sfl 3.Belll FloKld Stl


The S. Scm fl(llne C:fl I [1,,'£18 I W.'l$ c.<e:i i!l;ned to SUPTJX'ASS bunker-s t'zo:n oUeil'ide t:-_0 Tan,:!,,,, of Lhs de t'end e.rs ' '.~·eapon5. 'l'lic c r ew s weI'S we 1.1- t ra ined in iei ell t i 1':1' i nf! ann l 0 eEl tin!!. Lunke r s and hitting r.ne i r ~~i.!.'in!'r s l t t s to f'orc e t.he aefeJlde~~ to tuke cover.

8.8cm ,la:H5 Sf} s elf -'p::."cp81leo. C an s>.:.o o tat 'oun-.e r s i\',/ct y I'll. t [,61' than the li.mitatiC'lJ':.


8. Bcm flnE18 sri ;ul1y-tracked







We'if~ht: beng,th: 84 I 6,' /7 . 35m Height: .9' 5'/2. 8m

Wiath: 8·7·72.5~

?,I1l'd;nf'lrn: l,X 8 _ Bcm I'lalU8 ,,,un.

lX '7 98rrLrn 1-1834 me ch i.ne -f!Un

A:llllr.mi tion StoHaW"' 10x 8, Scm, 1:300' . x 7. S2mm " .. rmcur Thickn',;s s 8mm to l·L 5r:L1I

S:r."ir.e: Mll.vbil.oh :-,U!.5TUKRt.l 12-C'vllnceT p .. tr-o j ,

'~520eu i;J9 litrE, 185hp "

SU~IJsnsion~ 'T'cr~ion bar

~~'!>'imt.:m SJlI3Pl'l: 3l.mphi'50;;:J,w'h Rbe.d Rac1ius: l52 r:lilss(26b~::m


~llthe Ge.rrnar; !>_rmy, as every anny, t.ne ir,f<.tn tTY ,!ene:rJ.l S 'iI>:r;ted t.unxs to SUPI'OTc Irrf'an try

'a L..t1O~Jcs ra th21' t'ejiL fir~l.yc.in[! t.h e'i r own "Dilt t 1. es 31s ewheTe. ",'h8 Y '!IeTe impress e·~" "0 y the Hr,811 a.r£~ cheat; -:'lri t i sn Mu t i'Lcla une t.hs french Rer.au l t 10- t.cnne 'inflCnt ly supnor t tanks, L.nc. ·:ie:nunded l.t

simil",): voli.icl·3. 'fLe lcsl.J.l'.ini~ "{E180l design ,,'.'\S i'I nli'i.chlJlt~-r.;i.ln P-r1ll8':5, 21-lo;(mG liJ!;ht Lan". 'Nith

8On-,1l of aJ1'1O,I):', 0\'<>,7.' twice the WEoiiht er.d \'lith. cor.s i rt .. :nJ."':::ly no):'e protect.ion t)..,an the Alli8,d .e~u:ivE,.le"ts .

Ll thoUf!,h bi!S2d or. the Panzer :;:, the VZ1801 fell.t.uTsd t.ors i on "0101' susperis Lon , inter1sallec~ ~oad wheels, and un up-Tate·=- en~ine with 50% rnore powe r, 'l'ns eOr:illlClrlder's\;Ul'TEt replace.:;. t:::-"e Old ~iG13 ma c~,"ir,e" r.:c;.n~ wi Lh LIl'" If, Leg L ViG3t!.' machiw::-gu(,g il,nd fei1.t u:;;'ec:l r: cJ;.polil 'iii th fi"J8 p,e::'"is c9,;,es for all ~!'o;md vi s i::m ~.ll -ri n -e Tl "it wa s a magr, i f i c er; t ri 8 c e of enf~in8eTir.!3; -DU t it weii;hed as IIlU'2b:. as a .medi'-1U1. tank 2.nc. c o s t nea r I '.7 as much to [J! odu ce :

In D.e·CGlIio8J.· 1939 L~w '11<:1801 !!a s ~'(ma:~8d 1ih'l Far.:'A.::r I ::: ilTI.·<3, 10C ',;'eTe ol::::'e::rec'" hut P:r0;111ct ion was canes lIed az't e r ttri rt :,. were -pra:iu.csrJ.. it s e cor.d n:ctl,e.:c f o r ~OC was ?:lsn ~-t:.t~lGell ea .. i


Host cf" the. thi:rt.y te,r.k.~ -PTor1\lCec1 we r.e s errt to 1 .. F,nd 1.2 .. F'all~e!" .Di~'blon3 1'0.:' CG!u"~·a'"l lestirlil; in ea1,;l y. 1~.H.3. "be 'Xes t WSTS ,rh e'. to seveTa1 ;athry, sc·liQols t'bl tr.uir;1r:g and ev"luJ. t.Lcn ,,!~JUr.p8'S 8S .

'12 ,-?Olnz~rdivisic'f, used it 3 Punz~:: I f t<in"k~ 1n tljb :f"i1J:l'ittn.<i; ar.o~,md L(miti!{!'ad b,~r.O!8 l"'.·~:ing [[,e ,su:::Aving i:hrAEo ranks into (.", e KlI:;:'s'~ bat t Le s ~qi·ounc.' Orel iii t:b.e !r.i.j'dl~ (If the year:.

:1. Par1:"'lJ'·~.' .: iv Is i cn unds:,took occupa t, i'~'G a.at Le s and "i"o:ue;he: I;iH't i"~an~ in C'.XCA'lCfl fn~<'A t:~"fl 1~aH:ar,s ur.t il late 19"'~ 'ilkl!i i t Tetl:':':lEO~l to the. U':.:raim: tel t'a ce the JSo\> 1 s::') SHJ1ITlAI' off5n5"~·\·e.


4'IT ..........

'f".c::.e. Panz e r 1 F a-s A ;;:011-1e.s il<;ned :ir~fi;lntTY 1iUpr;ort ,.'"hicle. Lt s -'aTTIioar jJl'O l.e c'ts il f~'ol:l 2.i-lyanti. - tank wearol, it is 1,ik81y -c 0 f1i.ce Th8 20" /5Qcmw,idc; t racks er.ab'l e it to crog'Sa!,~{

t er r-a i n in its path , while·il. campI8.7- "0:1 t effi6ier.t ii-'. teTleavst'i ~u;;pen~'ion .dis t'!'iuu;lcoj; its ","'it;;ht, eve!ll[.

,As a tTl:;; :cx'oduC't of GArr.1E.n'lngi;-]eAT~ i"o:, it would b~ hurd to 011\'i'5J.;;:0 '3 b2.,t t.er Ij_es'i~n .f6:c a .mp..~h·ine- g.U.:1~~.ITr.H3{J ir;fdntTy :;uPf.0Tt 1 i!~~:t tank!


nie r'anz er 1 " i s the l.:.l t imJ t e irlf"i:n;try -,c.n':. Pcr I'cc t Ly Gn.r;;i.:""]ee~'8d to t as.e e.ny ob jec t i ve .

frent 8, rop 2, Wide t!3cks


What the eXye;;-ienced, GArman tflnk crews Lhouglyt of th,,;ir nc'iI vehicle;; is riot :'eco:c'<}cd, noweve r their pc rfo rmanc e remained exernyla:ry,

Liuhii'ur.l-:: Platoons Al'e za t ed as:

~ Panze:: I y

280 "[-0 in t.s 210 points

The Panz e r If is suffi!':ier.tly ';1(:;11 e.I':l\CUTeO that it ne",'] £\;03.1' ncth'ir:~~ It s':::Olllc. 9.d,;an':e 'Doldl y a 1 the h8i'1.d of trie ir.fatl-:,ry, le,i'iLlin;~ ",hem onto ~',he o":j 2C Live,

It sriou'td advance ,~, 1.;:,,,ctl~! t awards ant i- tan',: f~:,ms to te\;lp its thi ekes t FI J:'mour fa cinrr them,

then USA 'its wF.;ir;;l.n t o GIush th"m bencalh its tr<lC1;:I"" ~

Equip,,",,l a",' hot" ,

Elo;,/ t ank , 'Iii.Cl'l t1'H'~.S, ti

Panz e r I F




1:II:l ... nrJlI
._. ..
Command Panzsr I F Panzp.r I F
.. ..
Panzer I F Panzer l F





Ar:t.i-t.anL Fi~'epOW5r


16' (40;::n)


Ife's.!i:~~lation.: Pi'...n-zer:..za~f,,~a.f3en I Au.sf F ~:L'e'H: '<\ r C'Q I'1i~nr, (h.I')

'iie~gh;t; ,t~ j 2,941 bJ?l, DOOi:r{

'";_eng1J-j,: 14'4"/4,3e.m

H'3t!]:hl: 6'9"/2,05r.J

VI id t.lr: 8' 5 '12, 6:hii

ArmE!crrent: '21:: 7, g2mm-MG34 mLc:-.ine -gun ~.rrnollr Thid:.ness: ~25mm to BOnn En,rine; 11'11 ,\,,'8f;. ,:11 !1L!45? nA r.r-o 1 ,

-285ct.; i~j5 1 i r.r e , 1.s0l.~:

T'ransrr i s st on Mii.yOil.ch double ,:'l.iffeTendal Strs pen.s-i on : T'!'I'_"lSVel'Se t 0:1"5 ion "~a:::

Ma_xi:llulll Sr::eed.~ .1e.mph/Z.li)kTo/b -, :r..9ad P:.uc.lius. 93 miles/lbOY"Jll Vertical Or.s ta(:l~: l' l' /0. 33m


i ~i'~.~'r------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------ ~Z[g


i::'!en 1: G fo J. <2 th",- Y hE_d "Ill e ;L'eCi the war ill 194,0, the :Ltalian arnv re~O;misE;r} that it would

ne ed a new, 11.82.';i '=:' 'CanL t 0 k~ ep :;.p wi tn forei~n '::J~~i~ns _ At 2.a t or.ne s , th8 r,e.w;:?.nl, was -pI Elnne':l to ':-)6 twl c e as ~1.ea'Jy as t.he lvil::/4-0 ll)elji'.llll t ank a'::ou"t -' .. 0 en t e r ~el·"/ic==-. f.8.,:;(~d

;-li th numezous s;e2ific8tian chau:;",s !iT!,). no

sui t a"': 1 e' engine j Fiub Ar.1s(lldo, tns COillr;uny thatues i,~:nc,:1 2-11 I Le_1 i.C\n t ank s , t 001,. until

La t e 1\)1,'2 to 0 ;::amplE'lt .. t:-:'R p r o t o t vrie ,

I'll," r,ewP40 h,'jB_VY t ans, :oalc;h8:, e_ny lall~ en the drawin~ beards in 19~1 and was similar ~o thA Le t e s t l:lediu,:n t anxs iI, service in late 1942-

t hs ~11· She rrna .. E ~ '1)-3·1 and Pa nz e r IV ta nx.s .

Still, ~ith nothiL~ better in sight, full-

s 'Jil1_.c; pi'nClu2 Lion -l,e I~ ~___r. in oilx1 y ~ 9.',3 _ llnt'cr-tune.t e'l y tJ'l!'J SP~, 'In::iu!'J !'actory in 'l'ur i n 1.iI,,:; be0':: -[jomb,,:J, and lh:i~ cO[J:bine,j wHh a

s'boJ:t.-a~e of e le c-t r i ~al part 5 anei op t Lc s •

meant th<'Ot ,,1 thou~rsh P~TlS for' mo r e then 70 t-iln'_:"s weY'f3 flvil<i lil.·bl'~ ,'/hsn Tt a I T/ SUT;C-8ndeJ·ed in S'etJt~nl0J'lr 1943, onl y '22 t, dn~;" 11aJ h Mn 'JClII~lfOi8:i ,


W'1<('h vi"t,o'''v in ~i",'c',t at El ~la"I"'i" a small

r:r~ ~produr;i lon ba t ~hof . HO i:-:ea :;; ~~nks ;oin8d the artncured div-isic,hs 'in tree dEsert.

~'he first 2oIDPFlrJi8s 01" P40 hCiav)' t anlcs ?-XTived in ;,T_':ci ,Cd ~ust in ti:n", fox- thE', oi'iota:' S8con::l 60. t t 1,e of E1 I'.lamej.n. Thesewer~ srI it lW to

sUr'port th" med.ium t ank.s i\ ': :hsy CCLUlt'C,:;1l. t - ,

.' :t:_9~:~{i V:.e Britt~,'l d':'mOll:'BC' Qivt~ion~. MOTe of .;Lhes€ ta~ik~ fouq;ht in the 'l'un.i sLan oanroa Lrm whe'!'c8 they;allD;?e,::_ the, Itali.al1 ,~aTx-is-ci t~ take, 01'1 US lind __ B.r"i t i~h t<ln~~ers on eoulil terms for '-L_l~o f_ir~~ t ime .

_ ...... ...,;..;, ....


r i":e~pite its hea\:y t ank lab31, t: P4~1 is -'1 converit ionalE\edii.lal tin;'",-. I l s ,SCliTm-ll:id-~ armour ~nd 7.Sm ~u. n :llatch

t.na t of o tne r :cart 1 c-i.pun t.s 6.1::1 I aI' _

out s t.rLps th8 30rrull i'.TIIlOUT and ,47r.]ffi J,,,ns

of the olc5.e-;:: Itul'ianm:>di urn tunz s . vb. th

. i c ~ c;owu;:·lll !I(;H ;110 L O~·. i L is considf'J_--

t ab1 y' fa s te r as \~811,. - , •

~ - ... -..~

The 1-'40 is the L,QS t ~owert>J:'_ VeIl,; i" t ae Lt.a I i?,n wr~ ',,]1<'11, It ;,ill f~ (6 <'Ilythinr< ,he n: les~dr_ f-j_ 81n ann ,Fin.

:.t ..


EX~;erier,GI5(1 tank c r e vs 'IIe:;"8 a:;sifl;necl to t::c,.e new1y-formed hehvy tank ba t t.a'Ll cns ,

rle<tvy Tanl: Platoons a~'e .ra t ed u s : PI'A


fJ1Y Ital i.an ,~ompl1rq may replacE all of its ('.11 1:'1.i PIa tocns ';;i. th Heavy Tank Pla loons,

If it is 11 Comydt.;nia C~~r!"i, it must also purc:C;.ase t:Hl tans; in the Company :;Q u s a P·10 ~-'J:.i1';'y can:';: fa!' 115 po int s.

--""'-- ----------~~


<1 P40

:"~65 co rnt s 290 J;:oints


f.Hn [U,y 0:' all t anks with an Af._ t',1('r fo:r +5 no i nt.s per tank,

Equip iill P40 t ans.s w i t.n Imp'ovised \.:::.rillOU:L' for +ti ,{::oin,t s t:el' t an}~,


Co m m a nd P25!40 to ilk



P26i40 tonk


}_~_ar_~_e"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_t_~r_'b_-'i_l_i_t_y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r_r_o_n_t __ ,,,,,,,,,,_A_~_:d_ou_~r"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1_'C_'P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,E_'O_'U_i_r_'~_B_n_T,,,,,a_n_a_N_o_t_'-)s""'''''''''''--"l

?40 Full y-tl'J.C}:5d 5 4, l Co -eX MG, ~il!!.i ted vi s t cn , Un~elie.':j_e .

I\.ilL€O p,:;>r i'.nti-tcnk. Yh'c:o~we:r ~

_______ ~___".,,.._~ f I


Ca-::ro P"santCi P40 (cd:r/!91':r-,1di.~, J,:'do, dvr ) :::7, 320~ b/?e ,OOOkg 19'J5.80m

38 ma ch me -'run #.mm~lHition Stowu"e: 65)( 75mm, GOOx 3:rnll P.smour Thid:ne;;<;: 20= to 50mlll

Engine, ria t; -SPA ~"~2 Vl~; ~(jtIr)l,

l525cu l!j./2.b 1i try, 330:tp M~Xi:llUlIl Sr.:~eo.: 25:npb!·1Ckm/i:'_ Clollo. ?a.Jius: 93 T'1'il"s/l'::'O'~n

P25!40 tank

P26.140 tank


Wrten Italy surr end e red , t::-,e GST:tlilnS s e Lz ec t he }'40 h"av,{ tunks and o rde r ed 811otho)? 75, DI.l8 to the 811'3'ine s::,,,o!'l&il;e, hEel!' of the total "".ere to be Cieli-verea. ~'-ithout ~;n~'Sir,es. T1H~;;e '~'A"[e mounted in t;:;'e Got'-,ic l.iine as "bunk.e rs if, 1944, 'l'h5res t wer'e i;:;::118d to t.ne SS fa).' an L i -pal't i san we::,~:,



In c ommon with >1.11 Lt u I ian ~,an·';:5. the P40 he!.:.v)' tank needs t c ':18 u sed a~.sl'e;:: s 'i vel i" 'NIliIe its Sun und a rmou r are cCl:trf~,~~,'~'le

t 0 the other COJ.1i tries' rl'edi.u:n tanks , fhe numce.r s ava i.1able 8,re of Len srna Ll .

'lOUT k4/41 ltedi1J.:n t ans s che.:rr<e the ene,w{ while thE;h8a.VY t enks eIi,r.:aqe- them f'r o-n •

t ne fron t , If th.6 "'.:'ange is too ~J."Jat_ fOI' sff s.c t i v",· sho o ; i nrr , -.;1'.e heL.vy tanks sr.ou'Ld liIE.liOeuvre f'o rwar d shoot ing; OIl the mcve , t c enf§8.f!e the enemy ;~'ith d e s tt-u o t i v e f i re .


~ .r,


'l'ne fLrs t leal ian self -propelled r;un, tho SS[f.O'IOnt c M,n d10 7a/UI bas ~d or. the H14·/4-1

tred i 11m tank , wa s Lnt.r oduced in la L () 1941, l.!.li:;provia.ea. the 1'ie1[1 artillsTY w i t.h both mobility and pr-o t c c t Ion , tl"ountiIlg the sho1'tbarrelled 75mm INi]8 bO','l'it78r, it was us ed with r,;~[;eilt SU.'~(;8:;'; ill '"h., De s e r t 'dhere it sur.po r ted t".,e m«di urn t anks w i th a c ~ll:rl'. t e long - .L'ar:'!l;8 s:.lpportiTl,!: fire,

The Semovente 'l5/3·!" WI', S an Imuz-oved des ian armed with u new 75/;',4, r~l.ln 'b" a len~th,,;n'~d fi!~hting coruue rtu.en t . oe:i.H;:,o:c,c..sed on t.ae M15/42 :-.i.lll, it ha.d a mor-e pOI'Ie:::-ful en;;ine,

bu l 1".'1.:; s 1 i,,\htl:r longer.' " .

The ds>;ir,;n was cornpLe t e.I b:1 lfltc 1942 anc, fiat p-,,,:;aldo began full- s cu Le nr oduc tt on in h .• 4-0. 1'hey ha,:, pr-oduced 190 -by S8l;temter 194;) when Italy sur rende r ed .


\Yi '.h the- '5ri t L;;:-",L and COTlF,onweal th forces ,pushed il. (.");0 s s the be rd.e in t 0 Er;ypt at El 'Alurtein, the 1\e;5io Ese rc i t o r usricd ea!'ly f,l1Qlfoty},es 01' tne Semo e en t e 75/~4 to the d,:is,e:it· to helCl de_li,fc"!' ths final blow to ("ni~,s. ~,je chu...~l ~al p::'obl€lms with t hs ne\~ en~ir.8 and the 75/:)/. gUI, moun t mg de)ayed lurge-s::al6'l.A-ploymein until t.ne fighlinfi r-et rea t westI"Br'a. to 'l'un i s Iu .



'The ~,emoventi !iX'''' part '::l1' t::'1.", I'.:clillc!",] arm, the elite of the Italian Royal P_rrny. Despite the small C!'ed, L-:le .,>:cellent Lan;cs-finflinr~ r.apahilities of the 011.:r:(.'0 OomaIjdo co:n-oined 'ili th t::- .. e i r artillsTy traininu enable them to SCOTe fal mo r-e 'hi t s thun: their ene:I.1'ies wcu'Ld. eXpect.

The aTtiLe:y CI'B',"S cf t.he semovent I i'\l'G dead.l] accura t e, even,;;i th tned r SllC,-:·t - ":)ar:rel18o. 1;\U1S,

i'~arjf!,e 32'/80,~m, ?tJt,i-tanl·. 10, p_rtillery

ex' the 'fall of I till t, ·tl:te G'nOUlil.l"IS s e.i z Get Lile Scmoverit B ?b/;S4 as the Q"CuG M.~2. They had

is sued a totill of 294· 'Co G(nman urrt t.s by the end of lQ1'1. In that year the y s erved '~'i ill siX: infaptl'y ,11 v 1 s ions, two Panzerdi vi s i cns , three panl e:rg1'ena::lier di vi s ions, one rEll1;::chirm:::agl'lI' divi;::ion, and on s Gec.ir-gs,Hvision in Italy and the tlFll",cil.ns.


The s ernoven t i a:ceJ che elite of the B:-tillelY il:;:m, it ~eli' the el He of tne Eo:,al _b_rrny.

Self-orouellea 7b/~4 Platoons are rftccd as ... 'W. fo:' the 8-million D<l:nn~t" ·!·U:8.


PLY Ltu l iun company f:l.~.y ~'evlE.:e [~ny OT all of its ~clf-~rooelled 75/18 Pli\~oon~ ~i~h Self-p:,cpell~d ~5!34 Platoons.


1 CarTo (;omandc '!lith:

1. :3 emoc ent e 75/7i4-
;'l Semo',1entc 75/::H
rv Seinoverrt e 7 5/Z"~
4' 385 paints 295 points 2-05 po tn ts


A1TIl any or all Ca:rro Comand o and Sarno vente 75/34 with un ~~ MG for +5 1Join t s ~leX' vehicle,

Equir any or all Carro Comando and Semovente 75/3' with Improvised Armour for +.5 po i.n t.s per vehicle.

Na ne

Carro Con~r.lo


:1'111 mounted.

1:::' . :dmT.1 rna chine - €ux: l~,· i 40 '~D



Fu.L]. y- t ru ckec

:;'2' is.G<:m


S e m ave nte 75/34

Command CJIIQ Cornuncn


The s caicvent.L are t~_-,e rr.obile. r._:ct illcl--V of ';11e aT;]101)1ed di v b ions. t,kl\'iI'l<:; a.Long s iLle eLl" T.iln:·:s, they a 1'8 1'el\':;'1 to er,gage uny

ant i - t.anl, guns the instunt t]-)ey f Lre . '_,'h-~y ar e !lIs 0 U~ ef'u l. al'p. ins, ·,allo,:s t::-~a t ars too thickly s r rnou red fOT thf' rned i ures to U,,£'("dt.


t:;quirment ann Notes


Anti-tank firepowur



Ecu Ipmerit ~,nCl Not 85



D6si.r~nution: Semo\;ente t]a 75/Cl? Grew; ;) (c.dr/gar'~ lor. d\:r) We'ig,".t; 30,2011bIl3,700L~ ::_,en~th: 17'·2"i5.07m

Heij!.lrJ~: 6" 10 nil. 85m 'hid tl:.: B't-/'2. 43m

A .. l'rDA~nen t: lX 7 5/34 ~·m,

}" Bmm tlT.sela tnodc'Tl o ~6 mEt ch tne - ~u.'1

T:raverse~ 20 degl"?~'s left an:::' l .. i~lrt :.. r~n01J r: Tn.ic kric s S ~ 15rmn t c 50m..m'

Engine; FI;.'";'-SPf 15'1'3 8-cyLind'~1' pe t ro L,

57?e(.l in.!ll litre, 1851"lp

SlJ . spens Lcn.. Serni-ellip LJ-.c l,~a±' spring t,ji\XiIW .. 1l Spe ed : 'd4mprJ2'9y..r.-Jh

Road :l.acl'llls: 1·13 milc~/?~·Okm



With t.he :'<:-J -1 and KV -2. h,>".v,' t anks i.n yrodu,:c ion ,50<;ie t pIanr.s'I> t.;u'ne:", thsi:::- :ninds t02v8n

llo~'euowerf:J.1 t anks , On 17 .Jun« 19i, Q, they OT(lfJ'Tfj~l t.ne Xi~'ov mali t to nr oduce four rrro t o t vne s

b-vDe~emb'iI l\}~O. Only two we.r8 p:rod'J.,:ed:· the '!'-}!i50, :.rV-} with:'-.he<lvi~I' a.rrncur , ~n::t the 1'~220,

2. 'lurrter ve[-_iele with' even :hidr.",::' armour- rt~Q iln'Y"&5liIlH rrun , _ 'f ,/' .... ,1

'-' r ~ '6' ,'Sf .......... ''''''''" ~

Testinr.: reve.a Led ina io r f'Laws with :oth :J.el;ifTnR, ';'h2 'T-1St:1. l"as~'lIlc;en:o'~'ered, ii),\1 the new enrr Ine on the "'1' -220 'blsw uri on t.he se cond .::_a y of t ~~ t iIi" ~ D[~ sp;,{e f this, - th'e 'I -150 was ornere(l into pr odu c t ron as the f':V-~, in M<J.I'ch 1\}~1, llumour,s or a .na s s-ive Ge':r.lllFlill"wavy' t ank , and t::-;.e ,reaU,ties of II'cJ1,lcin,f_l; 'iihat \'IrtS lr,[Jff'o:ct all even mer-e lL1'1:relie.":Jre :~V-1 t"SlJlk, qu,ic'~ 'y changed the OIeteI' ,D pr-oduce the 1'-2.20 t.an',;: o,;<i ttl a new ",nr_l;ine !l,nel an ~;<Jc}l ':;i~!:\eL' lG?m:n Sun, i'rl.' s new de s ign wo s to be rSilJy in .jus t s iX wee~:s, <)lon?; wi t.n a pro~ui: t lOt" 'Plan for Over 500 to 'ITte ·l;r.1i1 t 'oy tue did of 194},

1"l).'e new KV-:~, '!lE.,.'!j t'1tt<:a 'wit:Cl ~1 suneI'c~-,ar,Qf;O ~r)'sion of the V-2 t.anl, engine" s t.ra i.nh t off the 'rl:raWin,S 'l)Oal'ClS,' This t::1e .l. t, ~i~l'~_:d, ana -"~::'" ,s! l'en.'Tth5n~d suspens i,or," ,e.ni' 1rran-::miss ior., th:

tank had :omp1e.teo 1985kh1 (,12.":' mJ.l"ls") by 22'" ~Ti:m2, t. t tIll S fO 1nl ar t a a.r s were ~I,t s.rrup t ed :y th" G"'I'man H1V'fl, :1e1'tl.1il ililuI' we ek s the IUrov fu c t ory 'lias thnHl. tened and 2.\filQ:,t!l,tt;d to Chc1:Y"'~'[,ins~ in t ae t:I'ulo: ana oI'dE\red to f'o cus on ,P"f(,ludng eXis ClJig KV-l t:{I:ss to reb'.lha the Rerl Ax'rr,y after rne d,i:;a.sters chat :had cc curceri at. the start of th2 Ge rrnan ilNasion,

COMllATSER11.ICE\ \ :j'~", <;:_'~~

Hi t1'. Leninf!;rad sUl"r'oL.:ll::l,,:l,! ih~ amb I t tous pJ;oduction plan for the K\j,<" hea\'T t anl was curt ai l ed un t i1 a new p1,r.nt c'i)ul..,::; be '9S ta"Dlisl:lefi in the 'i'ankD!;;Tf"d 'eomu1Cx in t::- .. e 1]:;:',3,ls. Vlitl-. :iV-l production in fi~ll s·,;;1n!~, Wi -;', pr-oduct. .i or, fiI',.ii.ll:r !l;o:!.c unde r wa'y in eu:'1 y 1948.

1'h,e f i rs t GUi.ll'dS Supe.ri o r Pcwe r 'l'ank Ref!imer_ts we r e formed for the '01anneG .. Sunme r offc.:s"h<e&. 'l'ed:uliCll.l J?~'oble{;ls meant tria t the few Kv<"'. tanks av~~·:ilR,bl~ s t :re..,aa;led in to combat in ories and twas, 'rie1n'S,,:,B.S ri y ove r-r un 1::y tho be II e r cc -rrrd Inet ed Ge.:r-me..ns. They we re V1'i·'JJ1('.ra:.;'11] l'sformed, ana sent back in L 0 act iOI) in lar,rrer -numbe r-s for Operation (lranus, the 'bat t.Le t~ sur-r-ounc. S tel 1 ingrad '


and powsI'ful l'leil\''J til.n~c in eXi:nence. Lt commne S an O'.1t s t.and ing gun wi t.n thi,ck

a.rmou r Clnu ,,'ca~cHa1:;le spe ed ,

It is the pe,rfe r t. 'l'il!"'I k i Ll e r , yet it. 8~" t c~·'~::J. Com'DE. t siX morrtns be f or-e the'

"1:" Z 1 ~i - 5 lQ?:nm gun is tr;e mo s t power fLll t~nl\ ~ur, in ';hc,\crld. ~;IJ tunk in ;;1tistence ts

iT'1:nl1n~ TO its armD1H'-pi'OTcing suo t , T~~ Kv-~ ~~ovides a relatively mobile a~i well-protected mount fo::, this sU:PC.(b wcaoon ,

.~J1 t i - t ank 1<1, [i repowe r

F:-ont 10


Cn'l y the best crews were pi~~_<o:C fo:.::' the GURr'us li.e8..vy tank re;"ri.mer..lts 1 and 8'ver::.; C":'''C~d hud at least t~n officers.

G\J.al'C1~ :;·upe:::ioI· Pows r 'lank (;:>mpE'ni(: S Ell'e "['Elteo. as:

The supe r i o r powe r tank :':;:f;;iU"i!Jli t s provided ammens o ~iren.'Ith to :he DTea1:thro;Jll;l"

cner-a ti ons in Ch_;;8x'ttion (har.us, .




:-:-:-~-:---------------F-U-;-'~-~-_-~-~-ia-:~~-~e-d-.---~-T-lo_cn_1_: S_.i_~1-0- .. ---------7-:~.~-.--------~-:~-~-.:~~-:-:-~-t-~.-l~-~~-ld-\~-:-.:-Oc-~-~~-:->l-o-a-d-e~-·-,- , I

Slow tank, 1_'lJI'eliable,

Weapor, f(ar:~e R:'f Anl'i-tant. Fir e.\.l:J;Y'2 r'


4- KV-:'J

3 K\'-3

2 KV-3

680 pOints 660 poi.rrt s 4-4·0 po trit s

l{olhin~ cr..>:ll·:'_ s t.or; t.ne t r a;5~vance t 2.:1'1 snemy t ar.k s p.:,c:,:;·i ve·::i ',0 coun t e ra t tac',:, '~-eI'(;, kno ~ke:3. 0;;'1'. at Iar.f;;8 by th~ }:',1-.;:, t anks t po'"e;-£'u1 107mm i!:t1ng.

wiler: tb.HY h'Oavy

'iIi th such a hifrh CHl(1C:': lion of off'i ~eI'S in Lhe co;r.par.y: G{l<: T~';; Sll:;::eX"i'::n Pow~X' f"'_"lr"nk CCar~)Eni5S usc uiore scp:n.is~icute:·:} t.ec t iC3 than mc s t ~.o" i e t t.:::'()o,:,s. They ar-e not afI'e c t.e d by the ::len E'.:n,l Chi c s.s ;;peci.al :rule.




::)5.8 iittiii t.I en : TyazhysliY Tank :·{'J-3 pre-it: 5 {eft'!" J ~n:r I 1::1.::- I c.1\':c- 1 co -uVi'1 l~8igh7.: l4,9, 9141,bi68, DOCkg

L".n.~th: ~O' 4." 19. ~35:n

t!~ighL: 10' 2'/3,l..O:n

Wi~th: 11'2·!~.~lm

t.T:t1ll.mf"nt· IX l'O'lum\ ZIS -6 !l;u."1,

2:0: 7. 6SmI:I Dr/ ma chine - guns

;'JIcmu1i t i-ot~ f.:ltowa.~e. 4-4K "107rr",1l, 2772x 7 62mm Armour Th i ~kn,,~s: 'Jp to l3Orr,;n

En(rinp: "l- 2SN sl:lJe!·cha::'('t~d l~; _. c71iEde:r- diesel I

"'~5i:l6cu i:n/~9 i Lt r-e , 850ho .

Suapens i ori: T'r ar sv s r s e tOTS ion bat' Ma·<:im:l.'ll Spe=~,: l\)mphI30km/h

Roa:~, Radius, les:l t ha.n 124 milClst100lan


Wi-;;h the KV-1 ,,:r,el KV-2 ilee,v:; t anxs i:; r .. rc5ration, WOTk wa.s be~,'m on even h5B"ieI' designs. The iW -3 was an :imDTO\lflQ 'F,V -1, the KV -.~ Ii clesign CX'o~'C i SiC t,lla t c r e a ted mUI~7 weird and wonc1e:Lfu1 ':'-es'igns fo~' lll',.llli-·Ll:'reted t anks and c.s sauj t r;lln.s, a,\:i the KV-5 £In Lnmeris e lOO-to.n t.';nY .. '!Iitll urmour '70rnm (6,7·) t.h i.ck rr oun t i ng '" l07rrm f.;UIl,

In P.[J~'il l~Hl, 1:·1 V 'l's e t t s of' the S}G:,-Z de s i0/1 "bureau wg_s f~i v eri s iJ; men t hs L Q de ~ i~li tL.i:;

mons t er end del i Vel' P. 1',,'0 t 0 l YT,J8, O"Dj e c t 22,5. Hi s do s i,r,:n t eum include:', }{ T }<u~T_min (h\:11 \. L 5ycllev (t UT1'et l and 1-1 Fedol' chile, (:,unninn; 11;,2il1'), De sp i t.e :hc sho r; -. 'i:~e f'r arne , t:::-"e d e s if~n of th,,, 3,V-5 dl".~ e Imo s t ccmpl e t e oy Aur;:l:st 1841 ann rrI"o:'hction of 1,he pr o t o t ype ha,] begJ.;.l1 'i;hen t.he 5.rproar.hi~1~i Ge!i11~..n !~::'ID'f fOTC8,'::o t ne 12csi~n team La '2\racu.ate t.o - ... ne UI'~lls I

"['he rrr cpo s ed tE.;:1,c 'Has hUI~"': 36',S'/11.1.Gm long, 13' l· /4· . 00;0 1. a 11, 'cmi we ighing 100 t or,s . Th", ~rew o~ five hrd plent, of cOom, ~ut ~e~e wictely separu t ed . Both thfi ,~.r-i\lEl:r-me,~hanic e.rv:l the; r ad i o m;:e:('~, t o r-uiacn i ne :;ur;n~l' had SEl):uI'ute compar ument.s 0i th t.he Lr own vision cupo j a s .

i'll.5 t ur r e t ·,.;as 12.1'[,:e for its true:" mall C!'RW,

wi th anot.ner ma ch ina-nun cupo Ls 01: lo,) fOI' thE; comman-:'er.


i'h~ EIEdn components of the p'ro to t.yp= '3:""-5 »es:e e ca cue.t ed will. the ylE.IlS. 'I'hey l'5ceiveii 10'# priority fOT the :remaimleI' of 1"Hl.

'/;11eI1 e ond i ti ona iu,pl'o<"ed in eu.!"l y 1842 t.hfi p;r-ot at ITe was comr18;ced ill:U. :tn'oulle t iOli t'e'!,an.

'i.e ~uvel'--::::.eavy ,<In}:s of the 301shoi 'i'ankovy Polk (G'r'sat 'l'anl; RogimcuL) 'dere co:nmitt"d to Manlhal. ZtLlkov' s OTler&.tioJ") Ma:rs in No vembe r- 1'<)·';,2. Despi t 8 the ir rnmens e pcwe r , they wen; unable, t o e Liun nat e lhe lL:hev Salient and t:::-~e thr~ut to Mo~cow t~at it tepresentsd,


a t~ue ~onste1' of' a tank, Nearly trJ'ee t irne s as lonfl; a~ a 'j'·3'lmec tum t.ank , ann over twice as hiGh, it dcrui.na t cd tr,e ba t tle:'i61d in more ways than orA.

Vi'hil", HiS slow, trie "i"un t i c K\' -5 :is

a Lmo s t immUI~e to all enemy '" t; t ion arid can des t rov any enemy tank at long' range,

WEig~lin.~; :'n fit. IDG tons, t.he g_V-6 is ca s l l y tl c Lu:.,," re s t iar:!: lei t srnnt ed <J.ny~'\le,e i n rhA \-Io~la to aa t e , Its f.TITIDJJ.' i1 s iJ1l-'",wli:cable, \,hil~ its nun cur, de s t rov ar~y orber vel-_icle rr, ex i s tene c ,

Anti-tank 14, Front 11, Side 12


The offl,:er::; ot' the ~ols 01 'l'ank ovv Pol" we:ce b,and-picl:ed ~Dy tht:: }TI{V':') to en~u:,e trie i r ccmpe t ence ann l':yal tr

GL;a rds Great Tan,'. Coinpan i e s IU~ t-a ted as :

Company Command KV,5 tank

:3 KV··5
2 KV-5
1 KV-5 79b Doints 530 Doint" '~65 po i n t s

KV·5 tank

bol~ho-j, t.anks (\r'O decisive where\lf:T ti1Ary are ccnm i t ted, Nothinr~ (:Pl.r.i. !j,UI't t!le~e wonst.ers as they 7011 c~e~ all opposition.

fleca\lse 0[' t.ne i c iLl:HlC!l~l' sirewrLh these

t ancs lire very .s 1 01;'; sr.e i iT: ~.i.8.S J:1(i.de it cLea r LuI'\. t Elil conmendez-s 'fieldin~ the

hoI shct t.anks mus t COTIllTi t t o i\ S u>~ ific ple.ll. He hus e:>:pTe s sec rri s d i_ STl~Esure IO_ t ccnmanIe r-s who ",:cue).' thC;UI '::le, :l: an:. j:'o r ttl to no ge..in iIi no uncerta i r- te rms


'/,'Hh suer, a ~:i!!::J. -r-rop::'tion of cf'f'Lce rs in the company J Guq.J,:us G ica l Tani~ Co:n)?anies '.lS8 more sonat s t i r a +"d tact) c s than rno s t Soviel lroo~s. TIley are Lot a'f~ected by t~e Een and Chld:s special ru e .

hobil it Y F:,or:t


Eq~i~mB~t and Notes

!~lly-trackeR l~


Go-ax ~3, Deck M3, Cupc:a MG, OvE:'lodjeJ, Ve~1 ~low ta~k, Un:::",liable.


E_n t i_ - tank l"irepo,ler

l07m:n ZIS-5 rFlli



Desi~na>t'ioG: 'i':!Ft,£l,yeli:r Tall;' V.V-b tl'e;y: :; [cdr, qnr, 16r, dvr , \'3 r,;nr) Vie'i%ht: 2.20. 4c.21~c/10Q, OOO:_-;:;~ TJ;;ngth: 36' 5' III 10m

Eeil!d: 13' l' /4: Cl-QU'i 'liidth: 12 "1,1' /3 .. 9.5m Armament; l";: j_07mm },If, -6 '-"ill

;-J:r.. 7, 62r:rn :.T rr_achiT"le--;!.~~·~lS 1

Al:DlOu:r' :'hicLw~~s: U,; i o 1.70mm ~li.gine! 2x V-:~ 12-cjlLY).:1er diesel, 22'68clJ. in/39 Ii tI"3, ElOOhn each SU~fAn~ion' T~anSvAr5A torsion bar

IS-85 KEAVY '~AN K "


8.o".',i et. heA.v:r Lan:.;.~ we r e a t horr; in t::-"e ,nne of the Ge rn.an ;.rrr.y t hr-cugriout the \,'I\~'. TI.!.B.11 aI'!l)OUl' was allT.os t inv1!lnerable t o .no s t Ge:crn<'ln ar, L i -la!iY. "/88.!Jons and their ,,!ur.s "113,1"8 more t"an ac1equa t e t.o dt:'il,l wilL mcs t Gelman t.unxs . Gr-j1'l: (Main Directorate of ,',n:l0'..lJ·e::l. FOLCB::;] wa,; det~H"m"ille:l. t c ma tn ta tn this state of "'ffail's. ~11e SKG-2heav;i t anz design bureau in Chelyo."bins"t;: startec, the KV-l;', ~:rograrn to buil\~, a heavy tank ';dth bo t n s uf'f ic i eri t r.lo"oility and heavier armcur,

N '.' Tsei t.s , :C~ ,~cn t Ly re Le a s 'Old from a ::iuluq. conc ent ru t ior. carip , hfla::led t.he r:roj 8C t with his old COlleague )( I KU7.C'lin ",o:'~~inl!: on the hull u-;)sign. [:sin,'! cas'cings :.0 get u 'be t ter' S:'laped t ans, , his team, del ivel'ec. oJ. t ank ten t or.s 1 ir~:"t ,,1' t r.ar, t.he KV. ::18 s pi te having be t, t CL a~'-nOU2. Unfo r.t nna t 81 Y its I;fl1'fr.:;:·mp,;1coe 'Ne, s la'~kiJi!2; and the 1!J"o ject was canoe 116c1.

On 'I's e i ts ' deat.h, 11 t Sha:tlshu;:'in cook over the project, ~. new t.runsrrd s s t on , coo:"inf!; s y s t e.n and 1 i~hceued tracks so i vec1 rrany of the Elf -13 's pl'::lblems, Mep.n'llh.i l'J MaJ:'shal In imer, t \lo1"0311.i10'.', for whom. the' KY t ans, '"',o,,,s natued , wa s in diSr[::-ace, so the K'l-13 wa s renamed IS-l in he-nou!- of loser btal in. the Sc,\' i e t leader. One of the 0:1d1t Le s of the ne'd cane.: was n 1'i '>::ed-oo:.m t eo machine-

FJ;1.iI"l [0;' the :ir'iver to :r"'~lace t.ne one f i.r ed '::y tl.,}6 co-c.xiveI in previous hea·:y t anks . 'dhile certainlyar. interestinr; crlll:!ofl;, the l-lract"ical us at'u lnes s oi:' thi;; ma,:hin"J-gun wa s nil.


TIle ~apture of H ~iRAr tar.k in late 1942 led to t.ree'" April 19,43 0;6er to install an 8,5mm f!)un in trie new IS-J t an> . 1·"'~l.is requ i r ed Pi ¥ilio18 new tu rz-e t aud the ler,gth~ninii of t.he hull

wi th an add.i'; t ona'l :road wheel t o t.ake the ~e~tl'a weif,'r.t, The IS-8S as i. t was now known 'shate::l this t u cr c t '!lith the hV-85 the.t was 'I1ro'j;'ced wl::ile' F,'- 85 p.r cdu c t ion Get IJJ:.d 8l' way,

7b,i s ','fA. S no t,- the end c l' the lIT) - f!lli"ln in~ . 7'-lA B<lttle of :.(Il:t'sk led "to the demand for 0.1: even u'ii~c.i.· Il;UJl or; the IS cnas s+s that eventua.lly len to t)::;e 1S-2 armed "'i Lh a ::'~,2:nm atm.


:L'C£O,l':niIlg aft e r

ta)",k WUS is 5 (le,:. ;; 0 1;; t, 8th, ' beit,:y TPl.n}. Reg im0n', s figh l lI:rr,


The Rt a i in heav:r t anu a s the p mna e Le

of Soviet h5avy tEinl: c1esigr. .• Ir:Tlovative cast in!~ t '" c:l"nDl0u,:,; allowed :)cvie t er,gine8r-s to mab, it fa'st.el' and more reli,t"ol'J l.ue n 01d51' de,si,'"!"Irs, yet with as tr.irk or thicker a.rrnouj.

The latest 850m D·5'1' tank gun ,!?,iV8S it mc r-s fleXibility r.lian the earlier superhee.vy tanks, .yet I''OtPlil'';s ex-cellent -arrt i >

! La!!:::: peri'cffil"-::lCe capabj e of 1-:nockin>o; out, ~tgl'jk 'in '2xis,Le!:ca.

Th5 IS-A,", h"o.vy t ank co:n'Dines tuc gun of Lli8 K'v -e5 heavy t ank 1"i th th t cker armour aha ~reater ~cbility. It can take orl t~e GenTloJ.n "'i,!er heavy "can'{ onA-on"one and SY·P8Ct to 'Pin,

l . .nt i-tank 12. F:'ont 10


On1"y tl.e 'Des t cr-ews were ni c>ed for the Gmlrris heav r tnnl: 1:en:imen1 s , und eV8 ry cr sw had at I ea s t t',iO of fi cers .


. ~n'Y Sovi"t force m3·r r';l'p18c(; lheir' Guanls Eea \''Y Tank Company ';;i th this Guards HeElVy Tank (:c:nr:p,ny,

5 IS-85 1- 11'3-85 ;) IS-85

, .. 1.060 po i nt s 850 pOints 640 noint;.:

Vii th suci; a. hig):, PI'OD01·t ion of cff'lceX's in the c071lIany, G'.laI'~'S ROiivy Taut C:omvanies us s 0,0';:'0 s cprri s t i c e.t.ed ta·::tic:s than mo st SOviet t.r Del'S. Thsy ale 1I0t ai'iecte·:'_ 'OY the Hen dnd Chic'.;s ;;Dedt:l ru.Le .

)."ooi U 1.7


Companv GOITITJand IS 85lonk •

I q
ts-ss tank 15-85 tank 8




Equipmert t:nd Notes



CJ-ax. MG, Tl.L::':·~("C~ t - J.'~a~: t\t3-, S~O'il -.ank.

32" /80(;[1:



97,0001 ni 1,4, OOOkg 26' 1· /8. 56m

Ler.r~t.h :

Hei~lyt ,


ro 11. ... /3J (tim

Arrnamen t: IX 80IT41l D.-5T tar.l.k ~~U.L.." , . 3'{ D11 7 ... 62mrn mat;h~n?-gur,

Arr.IOH!' ~1)i.c-:::Tless: 30mrn t 0 12Qnm~ Enrrin'" :~-2 12- cy1illd'2!' diesel,

'8~\68cu il1/39 l'i t re s , 6COhp Suspension: 'lr-ans ve r-s e torsion 'r.ar\'!8.A. i mum Speed ~ '2 5rn~1"l/ ,=-OklJ':./h

"Oil.:' 'Ri'l.diJ.s: 9~\ Jli 1"'~/150k.:11 'Jer'ti,:;al Obst2.cle: ~'3"/1,Orn Tr·snch Cr-:s,sin_~~ B'2·~/2-.5hl


'l'he h8a,!y a rrnour of t~l'~ IF, te s L SO':iei L unk de s i,!lJS erisur ee that t:;ey ma~1_" a majo r iJl:ra.ct or, U1E: bnttlefi&ltl, 8Vf,n in ~,he hands of ths ;_:11.sti.ly-t:c'l.insd ccn s c ri pt s that WEre ul1 lh'"t '"as a'~.ailr.b1') h[L:;.r' i~~e d i su s t e rs 0:' 19<1·1, When the Ge rrnaris ~,tEl.:ne,2. :~i81(',ing tiinLs ill'n1':'] -"ith nc'!. lon!;,-'JaI'TRlled 7,.scm WinS, t.ne rc 'III1S an Ug;elit z:eed f o r D. ce t t e r urmcuT",Oann ",a"i.e:r to USB Lauy: t.uan t~,;.e '1'-34 med i um tann .

Tn .Iune lD~12 J t~--,-e Gpjj'TC (~·r1a in Dil,'e::tOra"L~ (.)1' Armoured forcE s ) oI"::1ere,~, WOT>: to h:::'d~in 01\ T,i:;O

oro t o types. 'l'ne S::ZT: -2 hf:a,i'v Hlx:k dss i!m bur-eau in (;h81l''ll;ins~' s (lH l ted LIre K\'-l~' p::,o~;l'am, li;r.ich, ,~ven-:;ul'.'ily 'oecam,e tl:e .s-a he1'..;"y tan~.;:~ The MOTOZOv Lesic~n B'.lI';;a:! that. ha~'\ '2een r e s t-oris i b Le for thE'> 1'-:',.1, now wOI'kinl~ a t the rJ:r~.l'iF!."on\j;F!.vod c 01fl1'1 eX , j[eveloj::E:id tr,e 'j'-·13 bused on the advanced T-3.;,M project, 'ifhicll'ha,:: been ,~g,nce11"'<'l in 1941 ',;rhilB 36rmFlny invaded the :JSSR The fL'sL •

pr o t.o t ype '1'-43 WFlS finally c cmp Let sd in Marcn li:H",

Thi d:er armour means a ::-"&avieI tank, s 0 the (Ie si~Sne=- 5 made the tl1,nk as ~:!Iall a s po ~si'~l", to

rrri n irrri s e the amount of a1'ln.oi~J' ne erled . '[he ':mlky ':,hlist'ie su sriens t cn \-las droppp,d foI' 8. more sI:u,:e eff'i ci errt torsion bal' su sper.s ion, the cn~ ine I'JFls UIOt~!i'L 8d t s: ansve rse 1 y, and the t ur-r e t

\111S pu shcd as fa,:' f'o rwa rd OJ, the ~:ull tiS po~si.'~l" to s",",ortsn t::-"e ex e« COulf'l.·:nmcn:;. 'The tlU'.l'e'l rl.a("l a three-man c rew and? cuco j a gi-;-.tin~ t.he cO:nrlll:.lJ.':le.: all-I'onr.i.d v i s i on fa:: the;, firs~~ tim~, an a SO\tiet. rned Ium tan:';'.

The ±'i:'st t '!I a fiTOtOt ypfl~, WflHl sen: to the 1-FC{St,.] Indepen(1''';-l t Tani. Compan:r ;:'o:r com':" t t.r-i a'Ls 'iT. t,he m'i-:ldle of HH~, and Iecoffi[]l",n(le,l th~ 1'-43

l' OJ: psoduc t.Lon to r ep le c e tl:s '1'-;",4"

I'h8 firs" un i t s of the r.ew T -4-~, WR1'f' ,jllS t ".s.ntef·:tnl! se~rv'icb P ... s cue 53 L lle of !~~!Jrsk C5flan, 'The1' wex'if; rushed to the front to f i.rzh t \~Hi~ .sth" GU~l":::S Tent. I-".rmy in i is suc ces sfu'.. c oun'teT!ittack at, ?rokhoro-"ka, The r e the:? pr ov ed fl'.£ supe ior to tne ol:i T-~4 an(l all Genr,an 1:1ed1:;:I, t.anks .

Un,fort una t ely tJ'fl at:1Jear8r:.c~ of litl ge nunibe rs .af 3-e:l11an l1eaV~r Ti€er j P8.r ... t~i.er and F~-(d'ine.n'':L ,tanks hi''3h1iR;htec:.. the need for a 'oiga,er gun

as well us heavifH' armour . 1'h6 compact fo;rm of ·tl1~ ...... -:-43 pl·e.\rent 5C it from accept "ing U -oi.;T~Sl' ,hJ,~~et and pI"o,£iuotion wa s 8ven:up,11y ;.hasGa o'1lt'C ;il! :favouTof t::-~e r e -EJ. rme,:'.. l' -;',/,/fl5 i'li t.h a "J,o::,\g ~5mm ~un.


T -4;) medium t ank comr-tnes -thA h~s.t of 11 LWil'!:i t ans, ',,-i t11 the

of a med'ium tank,

'Ihth gOlilil1 of i'J'onlal D.H10UT, the '!'-/,.;:, hus nothh~!~ to fsar f'r cm any OJ1')Cly uicd iu.e t ar.s..

:::ai'e oetl.ind their tr_di.·:·~ arrnour , e~ full t.en-r ank com:<;:;anr has ~he fLc;J?o~(l':: to shat t er a lmcs t any Test~tunce in shDrt order:

lO-tarik. Comp1nies, front 8

COMPANY T-43 tank
1.0 T-1;_~ . 771S paints
9 1'-4-3 72b poinl,s
T·43 tank
8 T -~~·3 670 rein 1..s • •
7 'l'-·13 610 points
tI 1"-4::', .'515 l_::oints
'" T-·~13 471) po I n t.s

The uia s s i ve Los s e s suffered in sto~;"pin~ the }eIT.1an advance t.!.as seen tnn1:. CJ. os s -~h;rO~~Il ir:tc btlttle with m i.rrima j t rai n i nn .

K~sT,eTimeJjtil.l Tan,~o'iiY ComValii e s a re I'e. ted


Any Sovie1: forc~ (eXcert ~ Mixei Ta~~ovy BataloIi) m5.y l'epl(lc~ any 01 illl c f its Me,~~ium 'l''ln1::cYJ Companies ·,,1 th E"~.3f!e.!:iI:le:1Lal 'l'unkovv Comnarri e s . If it is a 'T9,nLovy

~a l A lO;j it·:.; an ~ LU: cha s E: -~ht; C·:.:::arrne..r~:l 1. anL in tl16 [\attalion Ed_ as a T-4·~" med i uri t!iLl: f'o r 9b pc trrt s .


Mount '1'e.nkodesantniki SMG tea:J]s on all tanks fo r +15 poirlts pel' t e am.






Command T-43 tank

T-43tank 1-43tcnk

r -43 tank

T-43 tank

T-43 tank


EC]_:linr:1ent ar.d No t.e s




::Z" /60c:n


D",si,,!liatioIl~ ~l'ed'niy Tp,)1k, '1'-.1-::CrEW: 4, (cdr. ghT, Id,· •. dVJ: 'I Wsif~h·': 74.95T.b/~·4 .• 00m:cs

L2nr:;tl1.: 221/8."tim t:!e,-igh-~: s: e" /2. b8m

Width: 9'lO-/~ .OOm

l· .. rmamerrt : 17.. 76.4ELll F-3';' t anz gun, }X D'I' 7. B2mm ma oh tne -frl~n

~"TIl10'_lI' 1"1:.i c kne s s : lGmm to 'JOmrr, ult."inc: 'i~2 T2-cylin.j(a ::iiesei I

"-'Z368cu irJ39 ii r res , .sOOr-.p

SURFsnsion: 7ransvers~ tOTsion bUI Maximum S~,"ej ~\QmDlij~ f3k:n/b

KORd R~dius: 186 milss/~OO~m


Co-ax ~l, ~id~ tracks.

The Gi;;!'m.'lns eXp,,:'_ed, L ... e i r Parrtns r t ank to be a 1:oGal shock to 1:1"1", Russians, They "ouilt 200 of then in s ec r e t an5, shi-,:'pej t.hem to the f,-'OLil i'oJ, tue 31".ttle <Ji' E.\u',s:{-ur:d it ";"!H a (H~astp,rl Withiri ,da:;s eO% hn,:_ bTo~~er_ dewn ! It was a shoel,. bu t the .impa c t 'ims minimal.

They ;;:ri,,::"t 2_110 th8 0:' s t r= t~!l;Y wi ell. tr.e 'J'i~er t ank , ser:dinq: -;hE;m to t he Lenin'fCa<'l f rorrt as '!,hey cecane available. 'l'::ds all 0 1"8::', them to fix t.2:-"8 bUI~s ant t hen '~,u'ilu mo i-e J'~liable t anks , '~ut gil,';8 th~, Sov Ls t s Ha;rnino.; of' the new t ank and t rms to dev lse c ourrtarmae.sur-e s .

Heweve r , testjn,~ 8"pe:-i:n"ntal tanks is t:cic1q. 'iou Hoed La f!fd e s much comba t e"IJ';rience wi,th LIie ilew tank as tic 5 S fb1e , ':cut a -: -:he s ame t imB "'1'011 Clon' t ·,,!l.r.t to IIi ve a wfJ.y its 5 cere t s , The 'fOC:'st tl"lir;g t':::.f" t" CO;,Llc. ha!?fcn du.lini<; Uti s 1. es t i;lg a s 1'01 the ene:rlY to cup t UL'e one of your new' e'1.:perim:m tal t ank s . Unfort.una ~', ely that's WI'La t rna y jus t '::-.ll.pp5n .ir, this m.i s si on ~




The: 'c:L'Ii;'~' of t.':~e broken -,:'"0 W1'j t unk \cJiOW how i~P9rta)'!t it is t.hat t.nei r Ch~.l ~e no t 'uc cspt.ured Dy t'::" .a. e enemy" 1"c-:.ey will ma>:" every effort to prc t c c t LL aile. i<;e'\. .i t back t c safety, r1$sllt t B t~'1fl g.::e1O t 1=,e1'5 anal risk.

o:,t'nk.el1 DO'HI tallks from trie S'i(perimer~td1 Sllm:OTt P1!!.1:o'~n can still a t t 51;1Jpt to ruov c as thei~' c rews ar e desc;erutely tryi::1r,' t o say'" th8m fi;om capture. VT11.en s'J.ch a' laI~k attempts to mcve , T01i a:",1.6 and consult the followirur,


No movement 2" /15CIJ\

-1 "/lOcm e"/l5cm

Mo\'e a s nOr-r.lp..l




3 01' 4·


tllLle to S(!C how fas t it can move .

1>: 3:l0iten Down t.ank cannc t move At the j)'ollble or make a Sto:tmtroopel' move.


Th':i, ",X~e~ unen tal t ank ur:i t knows how ,,,i tal i. t is that they I~et the damp'f5eu. tal~h ba c~~ t Q saf et~·. 'Th:sy "i'ill net !'_:N',~d(lh. it while it can s t ill ":;e z-e scued .

The t.anks :!:·I'O[f. tne E:'::perimental S1.lI)'~:)Ol't Platoon [fay not move so as i c leave an:; of i.hei;:' Dl at ,JOn O,.! t 0 f C o [flll.'lnd .

. , .


"SOI)1<tl 'irne s it is mer-e efficient to hi. ';, ,=h a ))x'o1-~er,-do'om t.ank L 0 il.no-,he:c ve~:ic1e f'rom l~h8 Tla L.OOIl

,0:>10. dedi ell t erJ re ,~OV0.l''l <:ehicle and s 11:1'.01 <; t 0\0 it to safety.' - ,

;, . - ., ~

",,011 may t ow a FirokAn-,:'\o"n ox' :JestToyec, eXpe,riment 2.1 t Ar:'.L us ir,!S L~ .. e P'!:l:::overy \' ihi cLe .rul.e 3· on tA'Re ~1. of the r'u'Le oook . You may cnl,/" do T;hi" i::~ che e:<':psl'imsntal t ar.k diG not, a t t.ernpt to rnDV5 .j-!'). the MO'J 5[]J.~:n t S t sp .

. h"tIle t owing ve~c'icle is tlnre 1 Lab'l e and it "(olls a 1 for 'i t.s S'd 11 'I'e s t , t'::-c" t Dwin~ vehicle IlF~~.ks, Do~m as '111211. t, :i3l'of:en-,io\1Ii v~hi~le canno t "Lew ano t ne r eI'oker, Down c r De.s1:.:::eyed vEhicle,

table. el..ce-,:,t ire yOUT O',c,'!} Dt;;"f·1(lyr1t~nt P,X't)Fi,


j}.,S,Pi1;S th,,·iI' t ank b"',inJ~ v i rt ue.Ll y i:nrnobilisecl, the '~Tew 1'.:10';/ t.ha.t they mu st f_~ot",ct tho;;i:.v ,r.:l;targ,e until it Ntr,be rescued and will fisht or •.

Hroken DO',m t anlcs f:::'oIT. t ne EXpo;!:'iment?l sJ.ppon PlAtoon enn still shoo L e,'; norine L in tne Shoo l'ing Ste~.

V,1lile it wou.ld be be t t e r to capt ur e an in t a c t eY.ll.J:lple, even a desu'oyed expe r-trnente.L tank c cu'l d yield ur: r:f_any s e c re t s to t:!le er~~in-ec:.cs

Br6ke!1 Down -:ar,ks f'r or» the t;xpel'imentul Support Platoon can .;;efer::'\ \,hAITtSAlvS5 in an as sauj. t as norrne.L and do not count Fl.S being Eoggeil Jjo,m ,luL'irm; the a s s a u], t , However, t1:'.ey canno t Launch an As seut t or move to Corrn t e ra t t.a cv . If f, i'l):o',~en Dowr. tank lIl't';aks Ofi', it must :0:'<":11 on tho 3::oker.· Down Hovcmen L l'Hble to s ee [;,0;.,' f'e.r it car, DOVE'. I:!:' it cannot IT.o\'e far enol:gl, it may 'OEI ,~aptul'ed,


Vihen all e l(,per iJlen t <11 tank i ~ T:oe s t royeLl, it be c ome s an 0)) je c t i'16 tria t thl1 a ef er.dinr, 1)11'1 y,"r mu s -: ],;:x'ot e ct. 11-1e De s.t rc 150 t ank CilJ1 b'C t owed lik,~ ft. EL'okc'll-iloWL t ank t c mOV8 it'.. 0 a rno r-e de f'ens i"ole lo ~e. Li on , The attacker wins the Same ':y hcl,,'H::1~ t'"le wreck of !l De;;trcys/1 p,x'(ls:rimenta1 r.an'c .

EXpe.rim~ntu- t anks an, often t.s s t ed on il.

q',lie t sect 0:;: of Lne f'r-orrt where they a r e 15;';" 1 ikely to he 1 es t if any trri nr; ~N: s 'IrO!i)!, (111101' tuna tel y, s orne time s thir")~ s '50 wr ong , bad'l ywror.13 ~

B1'~akdo; ... n ti.escue us as t~"e Mo't)ile lleserv'3s and Pr epe.red Po s i t ions spe c i a I rules.



, .

BefendeT's'table edg~

D.Bf'endel' d~001S he:r~

· .

· .

"_....,...- .. ! ~ ~ 0-

. .


P.es:t of 13:rol~eil-do'ifIl t arik ' S blatoon debloTs her~

,.... ~'"' ~

The enemy have been t e s t i.nn an e:{p8:;;'l!ll'~ntal

t ank . Sorne1;J:ling has Sone 'Nron~ ann it has bt',o'klm down just ou t si de OUl' Li.ne s ! you mus t capt UTe it f'o'r our en[:,ineel's to s t udy . Suppo rt .is on its WFl.y, 'ou L yOll mus t hUI::-Y,

2,1-' leGem

No kian! s Land


, '

Jne of our- eX~'0!'imental t anz s has bro;:en down near Enemy lines, you Dust ):n'cvenl tl;_e i'}lv~my f'r om captu::oing the tank and btin!~ it

, safil'l y "tack to our lines, All available mobile "''!',e~e;r':es e.re on their way, 'out thsy will 'C?Le t).me t o aJTh'e',

t J 3roken-d.~·,'m

12'!30cm :


... _.\ 12·/30,~llf./ ... """, ... ;_."".



1, The plAyer w i Lh an E'x~el'imer,tal S',mport l_''la t oon i" 1.:- .. e dsfe,nclel', If 'oath t;:la :1'ers 'h'/-ve EXye:i:'irnent<cl :::·upport Plat Don s , they tot,ll .. roll a d i e and the hif,(l.HH' ,;(ol'ir.r.; .p·lj3.~ref' is th'e a t t ack sr-. -

2,\]"nB uefenc.ing player' caoo se s tne short t~\lle. eOe;Ei, thE.t. they will:~efend Lom. 11.e attacker- ,ieploy" f'nom th"" onpos i t e ec.~e,

:3, The defendel' se Lec l s one o:!:' the tunks from the Kl'pe'dmflnt!ll S\:pport Platoon as the bl'o"~cn-down tank. ['[,ey mus t deploy t:'Yi,s tEJ:.k OIl a ~oint 6'/15cm or: the atte.c1-~",r's side of the t atiLe cent.rc e t lea;;t 1'2"/;:'OcI:I :!:':::o:n e t tner

· " , . - :. .. _,. '" ~ . " -

·'~-t·t'ac-'~'e·I~··dt+~ioys her~

table side cdgG.

4, The defenil S'C ·:''''ploys t.he :;6 s t of the E:;:pe:cime;ltal Suppc r t .FIll. tonn vi.n tne i r own Table half or no mOl'O than e'"il,Jcm into the ultc:c1:e:-' s tat1e half. Cant1!:;'inf! a tank from this Dlatoon is

:t);r.e attac:.:;:e~"s objective.- - •

tL·l'he aei'endi,lg playe:: then ci.el'loYii e.ny or all of their :r:latoo;.1S at Le a s t 2l.o"/60cm bi'lcL f:rom the -rabltl c ent re lit.c usir:.g lhe. Mo':::,ile i{ese,rves spec ta l rule, i,s-no::ing the EXpei'imental S\~PpOl't P'l.a t ccn .p.~ll r ema trring platoons a::s :C_eld off t ab i e in i1.csC'.::vo.

'!;j,e ~'li~ ~< U'a.ck,eI' ,:iepl.o],:5 any 01' all of t:'-8i1' plat cons l!, t least 12' /:';0 CIT har:k f:rom th" te::)l" CRn t.:':'", and at ,1.eas t 12' i30c:rIa';my fx'om the CY'yel' Imcn Lal t anks U~ ir:g the t,!o':::ile ,{eser've s

"" llJ:e,e-ial :'llle (count ing as the nefen~_En: for' t~e nurpos e of chat r u l,e I, All r-erna inil:!I p11\.1:00ns e held off t auLe _in Res8:t'vc,

il.fl'd GOlle to Gr'ouild,

Z,Sta:r'i·,irtf~ with the defender, both plilye:rs make Reconnaissance Deplo7IDen: ;oo\'es, The'Droi:endowll t.anz cannot [f.uke a :i.econn<l t s sance De-r:->loyment mov",.

~,';'he c1efending; pll;lyer ha.s t1l8 fi):sl t u r-n ,


Tho:. bilttle ends on 01' ,,[tel' t uz n slY" whe·Il

~' the at tacker s t ar ts their turn hOldi.n~ a d.estr:oyei e1.-,;erirnent.al t anu fl'onl rho E:l:peJ'illler,tF.l Platoon, OJ: .,. tho d e fende r s t a r-t.s 10 t U~'Il with no enemy teams wi t::-_ir. lS"/4.Ccm of the su!vivi:r:g or De str-oyea

AXpArimental tanks of the EXpsrim,,;nt<'l1 Support Plrtoon,


The £I t t a cking plays::" Wins if they C:<lptul·e,~.-?_r:. e"pe:CilllenV.l 'cank 01' holci a ies l;'oyed eXj:~~'ill:ental tank, In all Qth6r elises the defending player win",

~"r:.l.e enemy a.re- -1>.cepp~:.t. in.r; ~ rnajot aLlack. You must count e ra t t ack their 'n:",narat ioni': to. !~oil ills rnai~.

,·attac};:, If you can gel 10tH' eXperimental tanks int.o the :ri!~ht po si t i on , I.he' enemy will h'\\''" t o abandon the main .8. t tack,

major at t ack is in the offing. yo~ li~~t ~et Jour eXrerimer: tal t.anks trit.o a key position to cover :he rna in at t a c x. Unfart LU1A t 01 Y , the cl1c:'my. ~j_a~ ju~ t Leunchec a spoil inS nttac~.

Key Position us~s the

Dslaye.d [("'5er'/e", f<l Lr -: igln, Mobile Ea L t Le , and SeE. L t.e r ed F~AServes. spe·:ial T).lles.


You must push ytu:c' ox:9 e r Imen Lal t ans s 0:1 t 0 a

key r.os.Lt i.on to sunncrt the uttuck "'hilA f"ndi~~ off t~-"e eneury spoiliI'!!. a t t a ck .



· .

E}ach 'Play~:c lilac;e3: Qh8

· .

· .

Attacker d~ploys ke~e




••• ~ •••• ~ ••• I

No Mati ~s Land

D~f.na@i d$ploys hate

. ..

1ill..aY~'T Fla\C'es~ OBB :OOje~ti ve

- ".


L Both 'Plcfy~l'~ 1I1[1~ t hClve an EX~erirr.ental S:J.ppol't Pl a t con in thwl:::- fo:':'ctI,

2, The 91"'y.C'.!.'~ ea cr; roll a die and the. ~ci;sh~r, s(.ol"ir,g r1ays1:" chooses one _of T;h", long tli'bl8 3d!,!es to A Lte, uk f'r orn . The o the r :gluye:.:' c.efends from the of-pOS 'i ~"3 ta."=,le eeL>;e.

3, St81'\ilia; RiCh the e.t t ccke r , coth playe:u; place an o'~ject.ive in their owr, l:.alf of t110,,q01c:. 4, Both p'iu'l'erit, ha,'ril'1,l T;'..aClld an ob"lective in the i r cvn hillf of tho: La-~1[;. no= :;lace a second objenhe, this tiJf,~ in :h",iI' OD'L';nent's h'llf nr t ne tF.-:llc, Il.W'-i!l s t art mn ivith the ,attackin;r ol<l'1er. /l.J_1 o'Djecti,,,,>s mus t be at least la·i,~o,:;,m :'~lom thc:;,c.t;Ll'e'liIl8 of t:::-~e te.'Dle and m~v IlO-<~ -:be-

"placed ',:;ithin 8"/20CU1. of the side til;;,lc ed~cs. .

5. Sta:ninfi 'Nitl; t he att eckci, uo tu ula'j'(J.l's ncun ne Le at. least hell' of their platooIlS (i.'!"no::-inq; t118 EXP~:::'iJlcnV<l SU.!JyOl L Pla L oonj to - be rie Ld off the table ir, Deluyed and Seat t erec1 Re se r ve

flt the sta~t of the ~am8.

6. oOlh c,la Y'-!.r:·~, ~ t e.rt inrr wi t n the at t8.ckinr,;. player, new 10,1 te rr;e. t e pl<::ctrl,,! remuinin!3 plul,oor:s

~ in' 1:he,i{ oiFf!i 'hal l' of 'the t anl e . T~-::.e ]:1at cons J1U y not ·JE. p1 l:.eed wi thin 18' /30 em of the cent 1'e line cif the table .

.'1.. ~nc.e asain startin€· wi t~~ the at tucker, bo th players p l a ce thei,:, Independent t earn" in t.he i T O','In. cieployrnent ar eus .

8. Finall y, s tdrtilig once more wi t n -che lit t a cu e r, hoth \l18, yeT" pllir .. t.he t r r~x<::8l"'imEmt.al Suppo rt Plll'to\:m in the iL' O'''Ij d(~ploy:llell t area,

2, Both. playRTs 'GO''1 roll a ,HI;! The player who f'Ln i.s had c1epl'jl'in~ the i r- main pl?!toJons [1:<.5t adc'Ls +1. to their roll. r:"118 'S,laY"iT w i th the hi!;he:c re su'l t has the f Lr st turn.

;').~tem"!11t;'A:r that this rrri s s i on L:S"iS t~:.e flio'':lile 3attle spec LaI .cu Le SO, for Lh(,~ fLrs t r,laYl:r's fir'st t urn all t eums cire cor,sidel"ecl moving at the ':Jeginning of t".", "nr.t.tle

,],';-,e battle en::ls -hhen e i t ne r :

'* a rolaveT s t ar t s th8i:, t urn with t ne i ;- E:>:D,:;:cime~,tai S:J.p-go.l"t FLa t oon hol':i.ing ·"lthc}' of til", ol;j·~ctive5 in the enemy UCl)loyr.lcn l are,,-, or'

_" the game Tm~s on t of tim""

YL.e y Ill. y'-!l' El.1l. l look the iT 0 b J e c -. 1. ve~' ir,;; the cat t I.e . r.bey have se cur ed key terl'2..iJl, :t'oJ:"~in~ the ene:ny onto t ae d sf'ens Ive , and o~8r,irj" C::.e-

way tor the finnl, decisive blow. -

C~,1(,111fl t,~ Y0'-u' V.i.e 1 Ol'y Pain 1 s us ill!'; the IIi c t or'Y Poi n 1 ~ 'l'ab l e OIl page 19b of' the :-'ul eb,Q ok , If, neither side »oi: 'JSS t.he fair l"ight special rule to ,:il;!T.8rmine t.he i r ViGtoryPoints,




If ~ rl~yer's EXpClimcnt81 Sup~o£c Platoon is Des1:!'oye,'l, 'Doth 111ayers 1:"011 a (!i8. Trie :':.ir_,;hcl s c o ; illr l;la:fbJ: (01 t.ne ownir:g player in~a;;" of a d::a\'J) nomtr.a t e s a ,2:omt.a t or 'iiellI;ons pIE. toun r'r orn that tcrce to replace the EXpe::i~ental Support Platoor, as the pl~toon th~t must take the objective. :f thi s ~la leon i s ~18:l L L'oy0c1 in tu rn , l'e.\?",a t the Tn'oreanX'(;,


~. ••• ·1

All!l.Oup:):'" the elCpe:-iment!'.l tanks of' Mid-war MOIl" tel's have eeEn created for' fun n:"'u:[,;S bet ween f-l'i5ncls <lnd b.?v(on' t really been t e s tsd f o r t ouz-namcnt ple,y, i<; '.~ou1,:_ 'De a lot of f'lrl t.o hold R

tournament ,~herfl cellI']' lU'ir:r{ e.;'or,1!. trie mid-w,n- mons te rs .

Tt.ere, are pl'mty of -i{<lys you ~o'J.ld cll'g8.r:ise this. lhe s'implest Wily is t o allo-" e"-:11 pl"yeI

"t~ ri81'~ one El:perirnental :JuppOl't PLa t.oor, i1. S fI suupo r-t. cho t ('e foI' tl::.eiI' Ii :rmy. Pe rhaps yOll Gould ~lV'2 t.hern an e7.'<;l'U 2,';,0 or "'·_.-"'n .')00 po i.n t s OVOl 10:u' normal gume s i z e a s some of t he mor-e e7._citinf~ cbo i c e s ar e :::_uitc e-;(p(~nsi"e to 1'ie1c:.

You could make thin,~s e<;en mo):"'1 inteTest'ing by loquiJ:ill(! each player t o f'iAld an E)'"'periIllc.'TnJll Support. PLe to orr=r u Ls i s a r.;J:eat way to Lnt roduce Mid-war Monst,Cls to you:;:" gaming group! l"_:'Le orfakeo'h'n Res cus and ,Se:r Position eu s s rons wou Ld ce run 7;0 incl'lc1", in a t.ourriament lilw t.n i s .


If 'YO'.1 ';iar.t BV-em more eY"Leri~l"mt.'l.l cuu i ixnen t hi vcur t ournumer.t , vcu caul!', allo~~ players t.o .L',c.pie.::e stand,ard eq:lipment in thetr forces with ~'''perimeI:.ti'.l ('~i.ul~menL as outlined in eac:::' tank';; ~'tes0rlpt ion _ Ypu mir_;h L 'Nen a e e players fielding no th in~; h.lt_ e)'",perirnent.a 1 t ank s in

a -Soviet Ek'speI'imen tal Tar~]."ovy 513. r aj cn eqllirpe,;l wi t11 T - ·~3 med ium t ariks or ill, ~"mel'i can 'l'unk 1{amI;any full of MS'r medium t anks , ~eI'haps '[)uckec1 U"(l wi. t.h ;; orne .\-l6 he a '/ 'f t ar.k s _ If y cu r.;c lhi s :rout.e" you mi.ght r,e'lG to .i nc rea s e the ~oints even f'u;r:'t.l1eI'.


i\..s an III t e-rna t'i "€I t c your no rtna 1 ~allles, you. c ou Ld t r:r 6CQ-r;oir,t heuvy ms ta ; hea(1- to -}olead, knockout, r.;ames. The idea is to "ol1ilCi t hs tC!lf5h!'lSt, nastiest ;L(')lCC you can arid take on all fprne'cs, Tns, 1.a5t cn e s .A.J1I}iIlfl; w i ns !

'l'hB only ;rJ,lles are tna t your fc:"efo mus t cont aur; 1es-ill p'Lat.oons f'z-c:n the same s ~cle, and a t lea s t On'l of them must ~e 1'1'0111 t.h i s bOOL (altlw:lg:tJ. t,heI'e u'!:'e s orns plat.ooI~5 f r-ori ou.r o tue i bcoks , li~:e tr.e German Eeavy !> ssa;ll t Gun Platoon eqt:.ipped -,:;i th Fe rdi.nand as suu'l t gun?" that you rr,.i!~ at, want to ft~lDW a~ -well).


Yg'J., cou l d even hQld 'a tournament ',vith 600 01' 100G-Toint ll.eav:T metal fCi>:::C;; to see who is the ';;:blr; of tll.s- .ncunr a in, S Lnce t.he bi!{ t anks a;ctl s o eXpensi ve , the force>; ""i. 11 bt'l v8ry small {often or,lVL single plat can! 'I and thE'i3ame s quick. "~ou cou Ld J:tJ!. a kno ckou t t ournernent in a couple of liour s 01' a lound-I'o'::Jin tournament in an u rt.ernccn .


i'.s the t ouznamen t orr;aniser, you CQr, set tne rules for: yOUI' t cu.r-narnen t hcwe o e r yo;( like, s o sLt dO-Nfl wi. t.h yOUI' friends and warl: 0.1 t wl-:_.'H ~v(')llid be the mo s i fun t'cr' you. Whl£tw"er yOct dec ic1.e ,

thi3 Impo r-t ant ,hing is to make sure that e ve r ycne 'is a';;are of -",hat t~"le rules ft1'C:

~'\107 - T55 3" Gun Moto. Car':ria~B

Mkl14 - :-: e:lloven t 8 ifi!:14- S8I f ·p:rops 11ec1 Gun

Th;fus is a g'upplement for' FLA~,1E.'S- 0,1:" WAR the World '"War II !vh_niatu:res Game. A coPy of the ru te boot for- F['Atvl'ES OJ:' WkR.. is :r,BC8s.sar-y to f'.ll1y usc 'th~ C~Q.ntents -of this bock.

Ma':';sive lOG-ton SUp'eT tank.s , rfeal'l-y illl},:'-lnetra-ble lifSht tanks, 'incredibly l'0w~-t'ful tank-hunters, hec.-vy a::rmoutBG cars, and vastl'Y~impToved medium tarr1::~:.

'"I'hes8 az-e some of the proj5~ts that 1:he

s e 'ier, t ist::; and enfj;ineel's of' Bret! t Sri iain, T1,1e Onited St a t e s , Ge'nilany, Italy, and

th-e SDviet Un.ion laboured t cwa rd-s ill 1942 ,;lnG 1943,. Some :iesi.gn:s wer.e com-oat -t est eo, w~1ileQthel'S neve r ~ot vast the jO:Tototyp-e

s t aae , b'J.t what ift'hey haC. seen l'IidesYI'ead se;:i'vice? Eow gOOd -~'ould t.hey have OBert?

Is 6.7 "/170rnm of a.tmou'r (twi ce that, of a T~ge£' t 8..tlk) WOl th lhe cost in mobil it y1

Is :3, '15 "180,nm of' a"i'mO\u' too o;uc1o, for a mi'l..chipe-guJ') at-me-Co. t8.))k'7 Do -yo\) ;;>eally need 12.8cm 1'.1',ti- tank .fl;uns half-agl'cir.. as lonJg B.{l ,an 'SE'. or 26-ton ~l'mourec.. cais? Would an impTo-\le'd M4 ShermEl.n or 1"-34- tank be>';,)1 worth the oii S :>:lpt i or, to pr-oduc t i on?

Mid-war Monsters allo~s you and ,QU~ -f'rier,ds to try out s onre of thE! s c i-errtLs-ts ' more inteTe:s t. in~al!",d O,l tlandi sh ,~rBa:tions on 'the Flames Of War batt18field ana answe-r ttJ--:ese que s t.Lons fot' YOllrselves,


- 'T'lu'ee O'Ti t i sh mons t eTS nu"~in~ f'r em the T(lG2--, a t.hr owba ck :EO the First ·,';01'1(1 Wa). al-med w-Hh a 17 P::'I gun, to "tie :'oarhoWld aXDloured cal', which wei!?hs as much :;IS a Sherman lank.

- rl'he tonglri -l.rneri can '1'14 a S sa ul t t fl nk ,

- Three' US mcns t ars : the Me heavy tank;

!',m'8I'i ca 's answer to t38 1'irf"lT, the 11127 designed to replace the SheTlnan, Et'ucl the S-wh8eled ']'55 tank destroye-x,

1'i ye 0 e rman mons t e:r8 ir~tluding PUT s c~e ' s ve,rs'ion of the Ti'ge:r t ank , the

pam.eX' I r lif~ht tank ";rith TiJ3e-r-lik,"" armcur , the Di,;k~l' Max, Stl)1'I)1' EmJ_l, and ~.8cm FIaK1B sfi tari~-hunteTs.

Two Lt a Ltan monsters: the P'40 h5avy t ank that wa:s J;e.ur-ly a mat ch fo!' a Sherm."'r, tank, aWl the improve:d Semoven't.€ 75I3·b,

- Four SD~iet monsters with the new T-43 med Lurn ta:t,k aljd t.nree hea'JY t ank s ran~ing $:'·~·om the ]'oO-ton KV-5 dO"lln to the compa:':'ativcly light 43- ton IS-85.

Flames Of W'ar wr:;;bsi VI;: aridd:iscu.:>sion forum: htt!J: //WW'fI, Fla;nBsGfWar. com

.©CQPcy:right.pat t lei'nlr,t p.iinia tur-e s Limited, 3009.

All :el!?;hts r'es8rVBa.

I ·!!~tTJ_!~


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