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Good afternoon everybody,

My presentatios is about climate change.

¿What is climate change? Climate change is the biggest environmental threat humanity faces
today. Today the humanity feeling Global temperatura rise, Waming oceans, shrinking ice sheets,
glacial retreat, decreased snow cover, sea level rise, declining artic sea ice, extreme events and
ocean acidification.

I’d like to talk about the causes of climate change.

Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human
expansion of the 1)"greenhouse effect" — warming that results when the atmosphere traps
heat radiating from Earth toward space.

2) __One of the gases is Methane, produced both through natural sources and human activities,
including the descomposition of wastes in landfills, agriculture.

3) Another cause is carbon dioxide, this is the most important log-lived “forcing” of climate
change, for example such a deforestation and burning fossil fuels.

Now let’s talk about the consequences.

One of the consequences of climate change is the increase and decrease in temperature, for
example in US the laver temperaturas 40 degrees below zero and in Australia the temperatures
exceed the 48 degrees. In Africa had a food crisis for obsence of rain.

Another important consequence is melting glaciers like in the Antartida.

And other result of climate change is species extinction like the disappearance of the Japanese
sea Lion.

Possible solutions.

Teach people that climate change is real and start to care more about the eart

Another posible solution is mitigation and adaptation.

The mitigation, for example the burning of fossil fuels for electricity, heat or transport.

The adaptation, for example onger growing seasons or increased yields in some


To conclude, climate change problema is caused for Human activities, a changing climate and
natural disasters are rapidly altering the face of our planet.

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