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Large Hadron Collider Magick

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I dedicate this book to all of the ancient mages of the past.

Hadron Collider Talisman I

1 Chapter 1 1
2 Chapter 2 Pg 9
3 Chapter 3 Pg 17
4 Chapter 4 Pg 25
5 Chapter 5 Pg 33
6 Chapter 6 Pg 41
7 Chapter 7 Pg 49
8 Chapter 8 Pg 57
Chapter 1

This book has within it occult magick which is taboo and the reason for this is that people like to
keep their science and occult separate: even when it becomes more and more obvious that
scientists are rediscovering what occultists already know. But what is here does just that because
the magick you will be learning here draws on the power of the Large Hadron Collider and this
at the time of writing is the largest particle accelerator in the world and it basically smashes
particles: two particle beams: together. But what you need to know is that when this happens
massive amounts of energy are produced and because this is the case I am going to show you
how to use this energy. In fact, when the Large Hardon Collider project was started, people were
worried: quite logically: that it could create a black hole which would eventually destroy the

Earth and ourselves. But the Hadron Collider by its nature effects time, space and all of reality
and this means that this energy needs to be tapped and controlled. The truth is that the Hadron
Collider has always had this energy tapped and used for occult purposes: by who you may ask?
Well actually by you.

The truth is that magick using the Hadron Collider is much safer if done retrospectively so that
you tap on its power from some point in the past. Think of it this way, if the Large Hadron

Collider has not blown up and destroyed the Earth already; which is can’t because you exist: then
using this magick is safe if we tap into its power in the past. This also means that this book will
never go out of date because it is using the power the Hadron Collider had in the past. You may
ask what force you will use to tap into its power and the power we will use is your own, that is
the ancient Egyptian God Aker and that of the Ogdoad. The Ogdoad are eight ancient Egyptian
Gods and Goddesses so ancient that they were ancient even to the ancient Egyptians. Although it
has been said that Ra the sun God created the light out of darkness and so like out of nothing. In
truth in the darkness were eight deities and these are the Ogdoad: The Lords and Ladies of
Chaos. The four males of the Ogdoad have bodies of human males, but with heads of Frogs: or
frog like. The four females have the bodies of human females but heads of snakes: or lizard like.

But to summon the Ogdoad you will be using Aker and he is usually thought to look like either a
lion’s mouth or a sun disc guarded by two lions. The reason he is thought to look this way is that
he is in fact a gateway and therefore through his power the Ogdoad can be summoned so that
they can help us. At the end the Ogdoad will be sent back again and the gateway shut. But you

yourself will be walking into the physical force of the Large Hadron Collider but you will do this
through the use, of an astral body. Astral bodies are usually thought to be invulnerable but then
again, the Hadron Collider has not existed before. But in truth I and probably many others have
already astral projected into the Large Hadron Collider. However, the magick you will be using
here is quite different to that. But you need not worry because I have received no damage
through this magick. In fact, if anything bad, had happened and it had attacked by astral body it
could well have also attacked everyone else’s because as you may be aware all human thoughts
and our natures are connected. But in fact, this is a smaller risk than the many scientists took
when creating the Large Hadron Collider.

But what you should remember is that although the power of the Hadron Collider is powerful
that the power of everything else is still much greater and so I am safe as are you. For those that
are unaware the Large Hadron Collider lies in underground tunnels and it is located, in the
CERN physics facilities near Geneva in Switzerland. This first magick is simply for you to go to

this place and back again. However, you will need to say certain words and at some point, need
to shut your eyes and you are likely to find that it is easier to see certain things this way. But
remember that the Ogdoad are powerful beings as is Aker and this means that it is perfectly
possible that you not just experience the presence of the Ogdoad and Aker but see them in full
physical form. In fact, the names of the Ogdoad are Nu and Naunet, Anum and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket and Huh and Hauhet: the first name mentioned in every couple are the males: The Lords:
while the second in every couple is female: The Ladies. I now present for you the first ritual
simply for you to feel the power of the Large Hadron Collider.
Ritual for you to feel the power of the large Hadron Collider with your astral body

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open, the sun disc guarded by two lions.
Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway
here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from

here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad
he called Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first
lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Amun step through the
gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of the Ogdoad,
Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Amunet step through the
gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Kuk step through the gateway
into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be
greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Kauket step through the gateway into this world.

Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted.
Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the gateway into this world. Huh steps
through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of
the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the
gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu
and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and
Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords
and Ladies of chaos so that the power of the Large Hadron Collider, the particle accelerator

beneath the Earth near Geneva in Switzerland; shall be sent to me from one year past and will be
mine to call upon from today and I ask that you let me see its power.


(Close your eyes and if you do not see yourself somewhere else straight away simply imagine
what is around you changing so that you can see the power of the Large Hadron Collider, open
your eyes.)


I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet
departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket departs back through the gateway. Huh and
Hauhet departs back through the gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth
open the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings
many ways and to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and
Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes
the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will be.


You will find the magick you have learnt: when you perform it: is enlightening and could for
many occultists be considered the most powerful form of magick they could ever perform. It is
powerful but it also shows how you can draw power from the power of these nine magical beings
and the usually thought to be unmagical Large Hadron Collider.
Chapter 2

I now want you to learn how to use the power of the Large Hadron Collider for protection. This
means that this magick will draw power from the Large Hadron Collider and use this as magical
energy to protect you from harm. But in fact, the ritual takes power from the Large Hadron

Collider one year before you perform the ritual and uses this to protect you in the present. It is to
protect you from all harm but this does not mean that you cannot perform the magick repeatedly
and I think that the magick is best if performed repeatedly as part of a routine of protective

Ritual for protection through focusing the power of large Hadron Collider

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open, the sun disc guarded by two lions.
Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway
here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from
here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad
he called Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first
lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Amun step through the
gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second Lord of the Ogdoad,
Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Amunet step through the

gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Kuk step through the gateway
into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be
greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Kauket step through the gateway into this world.
Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted.
Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the gateway into this world. Huh steps
through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of
the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the
gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu
and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and
Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords
and Ladies of chaos and ask that they use the power of the Large Hadron Collider, the particle
accelerator beneath the Earth near Geneva in Switzerland from one year past; so that this power
and theirs shall be used to protect me from all attacks whether magical of not, and no matter what
the source.


(Close your eyes and if you do not see yourself somewhere else straight away simply imagine
what is around you changing so that you can see the power of the Large Hadron Collider, open
your eyes.)
I will be protected with the power of the Large Hadron Collider


I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet
departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket departs back through the gateway. Huh and
Hauhet departs back through the gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth
open the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings
many ways and to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and
Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes
the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will be.


I now show you some magick that is very useful because it is to bring riches to you: make you
wealthier. In fact, I think that it is only right and proper that you draw power from the large
Hadron Collider when you may in fact have helped pay for it: more than likely when we consider
the huge amount of money needed to build it. But anyway, if you go around building huge
particle accelerators what do you expect.

Ritual for riches using the power of the large Hadron Collider

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open, the sun disc guarded by two lions.
Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway
here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from
here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad
he called Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first
lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Amun step through the
gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of the Ogdoad,
Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Amunet step through the
gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Kuk step through the gateway

into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be
greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Kauket step through the gateway into this world.
Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted.
Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the gateway into this world. Huh steps
through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of
the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the
gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu
and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and
Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords
and Ladies of chaos so that the power of the Large Hadron Collider, the particle accelerator
beneath the Earth near Geneva in Switzerland from one year past; will bring riches to me and
these riches will be mine and abundance shall be everywhere around me and owned by me from


(Close your eyes and if you do not see yourself somewhere else straight away simply imagine
what is around you changing so that you can see the power of the Large Hadron Collider, open
your eyes.)

I want riches and these will be mine


I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet
departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket departs back through the gateway. Huh and
Hauhet departs back through the gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth
open the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings
many ways and to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and
Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes

the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will be.


You now have learnt how to draw power from the Large Hadron Collider and yet the magick
here has only just begun for you. I feel this could be a bottomless pit of new magick for us to

Chapter 3
I now will show you a ritual for strength and this is to give strength of all types. We should not
think that strength is only about someone’s ability to lift things because not just is there internal
strength there are also the many traits we can have even physical which can be strengthened.
This magick will help anyone that performs it and so use this magick and you will find it will be
there for you to help you. But when you say the words you must mean them and will them to

Ritual for strength using the power of the large Hadron Collider

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open, the sun disc guarded by two lions.
Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway
here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from

here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad
he called Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first
lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Amun step through the
gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of the Ogdoad,

Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Amunet step through the
gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Kuk step through the gateway
into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be
greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Kauket step through the gateway into this world.
Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted.
Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the gateway into this world. Huh steps
through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of
the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the
gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu
and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and
Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords
and Ladies of chaos so that the power of the Large Hadron Collider, the particle accelerator
beneath the Earth near Geneva in Switzerland from one year past; will make me stronger, make

great strength in all forms mine from today.


(Close your eyes and if you do not see yourself somewhere else straight away simply imagine
what is around you changing so that you can see the power of the Large Hadron Collider, open
your eyes.)

Strength is mine


I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet
departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket departs back through the gateway. Huh and
Hauhet departs back through the gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth

open the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings
many ways and to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and
Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes
the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will be.


I now want to give you the gift of better health and I am doing this through this next ritual. I am
not going to promise that it will give everyone perfect health but I know that it will help many
people. In truth health is a difficult matter and not simply a matter of power, however having
said that the magick here will be beneficial. I would also like to say that I believe that modern

medicine in wonderful and recommend that you use at the very least some type of medical
treatment when you get ill. But this magick is here because I want to help people and so use this
magick with my blessing.

Ritual for perfect health using the power of the large Hadron Collider

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open, the sun disc guarded by two lions.
Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway
here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from
here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad

he called Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first
lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Amun step through the
gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of the Ogdoad,
Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Amunet step through the
gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of the Ogdoad,

Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Kuk step through the gateway
into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be
greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Kauket step through the gateway into this world.
Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted.
Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the gateway into this world. Huh steps
through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of
the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the
gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu
and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and
Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords
and Ladies of chaos so that the power of the Large Hadron Collider, the particle accelerator
beneath the Earth near Geneva in Switzerland from one year past; for perfect health so that I
shall have perfect health with no illnesses whatsoever from today.


(Close your eyes and if you do not see yourself somewhere else straight away simply imagine
what is around you changing so that you can see the power of the Large Hadron Collider, open
your eyes.)

Perfect health


I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet
departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket departs back through the gateway. Huh and
Hauhet departs back through the gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth
open the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings
many ways and to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and

Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes
the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will be.


I have now revealed to you the best way to get the best from the power of the Large Hadron
Collider. But remember that this is only once source of power and it is not simply a matter of
turning one type of energy into another, but also of adding to it your own power and that of the
Ogdoad and yes also Aker. In fact, although the magick here is new it also feels very ancient and
I feel certain that what is done here is only slightly different from some magick far off in the
ancient past that has been lost to us and yet is here again through my own efforts and the power

of real magick.

Chapter 4

I will now teach you how to use the power of the Large Hadron Collider talisman and this is a
talisman which draws on the power of the large Hadron Collider and the Ogdoad. It is a talisman
that exists simply to empower you: increase your power: but it can be called upon quite readily

when you work the magick here. The talisman can of course be drawn out and carried around or
framed and placed upon a wall: I would recommend a wall where you live. But the talisman can
also become a useful part of working magick; this means that performing any magick with the
power of the Large Hadron Collider is made easier because you can gain some of its power in
occult form by placing your hand upon the talisman as you perform occult magick. This means
that it can be as easy as simply performing a very short spell or a more elaborate ritual. A short
spell when used with the Hadron Collider Talisman would be as follows.

Short magick spell using the Hadron Collider talisman to be more attractive to other
(You will need to have the Hadron Collider talisman in front of you and you should touch your
hand to it and then say the following words)

My looks shall change all shall see a better more attractive me, this I know will happen for me.
So it is and shall be.

However a more elaborate magical ritual is also possible and so here is some magick for lovers
to be attracted to you: this ritual will use the Hadron Collider talisman.

Ritual to attract lovers using the large Hadron Collider talisman

(You will need the Hadron Collider talisman in front of you and you should touch it while saying
these words)

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the mouth of the lion, you are the sun disc guarded by two
lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings to many worlds, the gateway that
opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gateway, open the gateway
here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell can be reached by me. Aker
open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and Kauket, Huh and
Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Nu
step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first lord of the

Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Amun step
through the gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of the
Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Amunet step
through the gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of
the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Kuk step
through the gateway into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the
Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Kauket step
through the gateway into this world. Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the

Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the
gateway into this world. Huh steps through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of
Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into

this world. Hauhet steps through the gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be
greeted. I call on the power of Nu and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call
upon the power of Kuk and Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the
power of all Ogdoad all Lords and Ladies of chaos and the power of the Large Hadron Collider

so that lovers shall be attracted to me, people who are attractive and will be mine. I thank all
Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet
agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket agree to help and departs
back through the gateway. Huh and Hauhet agree to help and departs back through the gateway.
Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the open mouth of the lion’s the sun disc guarded. Aker, you
are the gateway, the gateway that swings to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of
the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close
the gateway: Aker closes the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will be.


To perform this next magick you will again need to use the Hadron Collider talisman. You will

need to touch this as you say the words of the ritual. You may feel the power of the magick flow
through you. But this is quite normal and even a good sign so perform this magick and be
victorious over all enemies and problems: even those you are unaware of. Powerful magick for a
better life.

Ritual for victory over all enemies and problems using the talisman

(You will need the Hadron Collider talisman in front of you and you should touch it while saying
these words)
Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s open mouth, you are the sun disc guarded by two
lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many realms, the
gateway that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the
gateway here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached
from here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad

he called Lord Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu
first lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady
Naunet step through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first
lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Amun
step through the gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of
the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Amunet step
through the gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of
the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Kuk step
through the gateway into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the
Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Kauket step
through the gateway into this world. Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Huh step through
the gateway into this world. Huh steps through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord
of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Hauhet step through the
gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun
and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet:
I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords and Ladies of chaos and the power of the Large
Hadron Collider so that I shall be victorious over all my enemies and problems. I thank all
Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet

agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket agree to help and departs
back through the gateway. Huh and Hauhet agree to help and departs back through the gateway.

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open the sun disc guarded by two lions.

Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close
the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will


You have now learnt some of the ways that the Hadron Collider talisman can be used. But this
does not mean that you know all of its power because there is far more that can be done with it as
you will learn.

Chapter 5

I am going to show you other ways you can use the talisman so that you understand that it can be
used for a greater range of magick that you may imagine now. The fact is that the talisman can
be used with all types of magick and so here is a way of using the talisman with a simple chant.
In fact, chanting, can be a very effective form of magick. The problems many people have is that
they do not know what to chant. The options are basically to chant some ancient word which you
will not know or feel the true meaning of, or to make your own. In fact, I feel that it is best to

make your own chants and so this is the method I will show you how to use here. A good way to
do this is to reduce a sentence to a word by taking the sound from the start of each work. This
means that the sentence “I want to be a business success” reduces to “IWATUOBEABUS” and

you can then if you want change the sound of this slightly to get “AWATUBEYABUS” but
whether you choose to do this or not is optional. You can do this with other sentences and the
process is one which comes from Chaos magick: a type of magick which is quite new. But do not
think that using this method means that you must commit to any one form of magick because the

method is simply a practical and powerful method of making your own chants. This therefore
would give us this following magick.

Magick for business success using the Hadron Collider talisman

(Place your hand on the talisman and say the following word for five minutes or more. You can
if you wish count the repetitions and if this is what you choose the best number of repetitions is


(You can then take you hand off the talisman)

You will find that along the same lines as this you can also get other forms of magick and so here
is another chant which is for you to get a new job. This is very easy magick to perform: but do
remember that you need to will this to work: that your own human will is still very important.
The chant for this is derived from the sentence “I will get a new job” and this reduces to the
chant “IWIGEANEJO”: as before you will need the talisman in order, to work this magick.

Magick for you to get a new job using the Hadron Collider talisman

(You should place your hand on the Hadron Collider talisman while saying the following word
for five minutes or if you choose to count for 108 times)

(You can now stop touching the talisman)

You now have a good idea as to how you can use chants with the talisman. But it is also true that
there is an even simpler method of using the talisman. The simpler method is simply to touch the
talisman while saying what you want and this is done while wanting what you are asking for, and
not merely saying the words. But although this method is simple this does not mean that it is
somehow more powerful through its directness. But the method does work and will be useful for
many people. Therefore, here is how to work magick for quick cash.

Magick for quick cash

(Touch the talisman and say the following words)

I want cash quickly

As you can see the method is about as short and fast as you can get. But for you to see the large

difference between this and the fuller method of using the talisman for magick I will also show
you the much longer ritual for quick cash.

Ritual for quick cash using the talisman

(You will need the Hadron Collider talisman: touch it while saying these words)

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s open mouth, you are the sun disc guarded by two
lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many realms, the
gateway that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the
gateway here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached
from here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad
he called Lord Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu
first lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady

Naunet step through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first
lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Amun
step through the gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of

the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Amunet step
through the gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of
the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Kuk step
through the gateway into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the

Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Kauket step
through the gateway into this world. Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Huh step through
the gateway into this world. Huh steps through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord
of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Hauhet step through the
gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun
and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet:
I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords and Ladies of chaos and the power of the Large
Hadron Collider and ask that it draw cash money to me quickly, money that will be mine and this
is what I ask. I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet agree to help and departs back through the
gateway. Amun and Amunet agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Kuk and
Kauket agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Huh and Hauhet agree to help and
departs back through the gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open the
sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways
and to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of
Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes the gateway
the gates are shut. So it is and will be.

You now have a good idea as to how the talisman can be used and the differences in the
methods. But do not necessarily think that you much choose which method to use because you
can use all methods. However, you can also use the talisman with visual magick and this means
in a word visualisation. What is important is that you make sure that the visualisations you have,

clearly mean something. The easiest visualizations to have are those which are to mean
something simple. For instance, if you want to visualise you having lots of money: then, simply
visualise yourself holding a huge amount of money: and this also around you. Therefore, here
follows a method of using visualisation magick using the talisman.

Visualisation magick to have lots of money using the talisman

(Touch the Hadron Collider talisman)


AROUND YOU (Do this while knowing that this money is yours)

As you can see the visualisation magick is quite easy; although easier for some people than
others. But it is here to use and again you do not need to choose which magick to use because
you can use it all.
Chapter 6

Visualisation is a powerful form of magick the problem with visualisation is that some people
find it more difficult than others. In fact, many of the subtle forms of thought flow quite easily
for many people: but visualisation can be a blunt tool and although many people try to use
visualisation by creating complicated forms of symbols to visualise it is not the natural form for
us. The one form of visualisation which is more complicated and yet also useful is the occult
variation of the Roman Room System: a memory system. However instead of using the
visualisation of a room or rooms for the act of memorization, we instead use it as a magick room.
This means that we can have whatever type of tools we want within our room. This means that
that this even complex form of visualisation can be used while also utilising the talisman. To do

this you should learn to visualise some room and then visualise within it a table and upon this
should be two candles in candlesticks: you will of course need to be able to visualise well
enough to light them when required. To use the talisman, you should hold the talisman while
visualising the room and then say the relevant words for that ritual while also lighting the
candles. This is done as shown for the visualisation ritual that is shown here which is for you to
be successful.

Visualization ritual to be successful using the Hadron Collider talisman

(You should touch the Hadron Collider talisman and then close your eyes and visualise yourself
in a room standing in front of a table with two unlit candles upon it.)

I call on the power of Nu and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon
the power of Kuk and Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of
all Ogdoad all Lords and Ladies of chaos


and the power of the Large Hadron Collider


And I use this power so that I shall be successful. I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet agree to
help. Amun and Amunet agree to help. Kuk and Kauket agree to help. Huh and Hauhet agree to
help. So it is and will be.


(You can stop touching the talisman)


(You can if you need to perform the whole ritual with your eyes open if required).

As you can see the visualisation method can be used easily with the talisman. You will notice
that with the last visualisation ritual that I did not ask you to use Aker and this is because it is
often easier to contact entities like the Ogdoad when visualising. However, it is also: and more
importantly: because the Ogdoad are also contained and so contacted through the touching of the
talisman. But candles can be used with the Ogdoad if you wish and to do this it is done as
follows. But do realise that doing this is quite a different ritual to the one you have already
performed but you will be using this with the talisman: sigil. But you will need to draw this sigil
out much larger and have this in front of you. However, the candles should be far enough away

from the Hadron Collider talisman so that there is not a fire risk. But what follows is a ritual for
you to become the leader of many people and so this next ritual will give you the type of power:
and responsibility: that other people want but have a lot of trouble getting.

Ritual to become a leader of many people

(You will need the Hadron Collider talisman drawn out large, and upon some surface with two
candles at either side. You will also need something to light the candles with and something to
put out any fires. If you have this then say the words that follow.)

The power of the universe is ahead of me and the through it I call upon Aker. Aker ancient
Egyptian God, you are the lion’s open mouth, you are the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker,
you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many realms, the gateway that
opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway here

and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from here.
Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and Kauket,
Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad he called
Lord Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first lord of
the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Amun step
through the gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of the

Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Amunet step
through the gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of
the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Kuk step
through the gateway into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the
Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Kauket step
through the gateway into this world. Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Lord Huh step through
the gateway into this world. Huh steps through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord

of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of the Ogdoad she called Lady Hauhet step through the
gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun

and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet:
I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords and Ladies of chaos


And the power of the Large Hadron Collider


So that I shall be the leader of many people and so great power shall be mine. I thank all Ogdoad.
Nu and Naunet agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet agree to
help and departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket agree to help and departs back
through the gateway. Huh and Hauhet agree to help and departs back through the gateway. Aker
ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker,
you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway that
opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the
gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes the gateway the gates are shut. So it is and will




You may notice that the candles are not lit at the start of the ritual and this is because they are
used to symbolise the power of all Ogdoad and of the Hadron Collider. But you also can do
whatever you want with the Hadron Collider talisman when finished. The Hadron Collider
talisman as used here will be easier to draw out than to make other ways. But you may make it
however you wish. But I hope that in time this magick will expand even further because I feel

that the magick here could quite easily grow into a much larger form of magick. However, do not
think that if the Hadron Collider was taken out of commission that this magick would stop
because in fact by the nature of the magick the fact that it did exist would be enough to draw

power. But this magick also has a purpose outside of the occult because the massive energy
when used for occult purposes helps to make it into a more useful and safer form. But this does
not mean that what you do is not important because just as with other forms of magick what you
do and think is crucial. This means that the most important things in this magick: focus and will

are still important: after all human, will is the most powerful force I can think of for the occult
because it often makes all else possible including this magick here.

Chapter 7

I want now to show you how you can get the benefit of this magick even without continual
recasting of the spells, and this is done through creating some type of talisman. In fact, one very
easy to make talisman is a magick bottle. A magick bottle is a bottle with a top; but inside of the
bottle is placed that which is required so that the bottle and its contents become a talisman. One
very easy way to do this is to get the Hadron Collider talisman and to draw this out and to make
this a part of the bottle. However, what I will be showing you now is to make a magick bottle for
happiness and so you should draw out the Hadron Collider talisman onto paper and below this
put the word “Happy”. You will need to take off any label from the bottle and you should make
sure that the bottle has a top. You should then roll up the piece of paper and force it down the
neck of the bottle. You should then put the top on the bottle. But what is also a good idea, is to

write a letter out and this letter should show the date when the bottle was made, what it was
made for: happiness: and by whom: any other information such as the nature of the magick
bottle: and this can be placed below the bottle and not just will it mean that you will always
know what the bottle is for, but also serve as documentation of the process. I have noticed in life
that things get interestingly old quickly and you may find that in the future not just will the letter
help make the bottle more interesting, but may also help to increase its monetary value: yes,
these magick bottles can be sold. I will now recap on the basic magick bottle for happiness.

1. You will need a piece of paper and something to write with and a bottle with a top.
2. Draw out the Hadron Collider talisman on some paper.
3. Write on the talisman: on the same side the word “Happy”.
4. Roll up the paper and put it down the neck of the bottle.

5. Put the top on the bottle.

However, there is also another fuller method that can be used to make the magick bottle for
happiness using the Hadron Collider talisman. This method is very much the same as in, you will
still write the word “Happy” on the Hadron Collider talisman: that you will have drawn out on
paper first. You will still need a bottle with a top, but first you should get some flower petals and
place these down the bottle and then roll up the paper and place this down: you should then put
on the top. The reason for the flower petals is that this will help to guide to type of happiness you
want and to help to add further power to the bottle. This magick bottle is done as follows.
1. You will need a piece of paper and something to write with and a bottle with a top and
some flower petals.
2. Draw out the Hadron Collider talisman on some paper.
3. Write on the talisman: on the same side the word “Happy”.
4. Get the flower petals and place them down the neck of the bottle.
5. Roll up the paper and put it down the neck of the bottle.

6. Put the top on the bottle.

You can see that magick bottles can be made easily and yet they are very convenient because the
power comes from the bottle. However, you should understand that the magick bottles you have
learnt to make affect everyone around them and are not to affect one person. This means that the
magick bottle works for you because it is likely to be left in your home and so you are around it a
lot. But this does mean that you can sell the bottles if you want. In fact, I think this is a
wonderful idea and it means that you can make money from the knowledge here and this is a
great way of funding future book purchases. However, I also want you to understand that a

magick bottle does not have to be for happiness and so here is how to make a magick bottle for
sex. However, you need to understand that a magick bottle for sex will influence everyone
around it and make everyone want to have sex. This does mean that at first you will need to be
aware of its power and the effect it can have on your life and how you behave. However, this
does also mean that this is a great bottle to make when you invite someone around to your home
that you desire to have sex with. To make the bottle you should do as follows.

Magick bottle for sex

You will need to have a bottle without a label and the bottle will need a top. You will also need a
piece of paper and something to write with. To make the bottle you should:

1. Draw out the Hadron Collider talisman on paper and then write underneath is the word

2. Take the paper and roll it up and place this in the bottle.
3. Put the top on the bottle.

It is that easy to make the bottle for sex.

However, I do understand that some people will desire a magick bottle so that people will desire
to remove their clothes and be naked. But I will first tell you the method for making a magick
bottle for women to wish to remove their clothes when around the bottle. But first you will need
to collect many pictures of naked women that you find attractive. However, do make sure that

the women are all different and completely naked and no picture with any woman wearing
anything at all is of any use. You may find these pictures on the internet and if this is the case
they can be printed out. However, the smaller you can make the pictures the better. You can also
use pictures of women naked and in erotic poses because this should also help the power of the
magick. If you have some paper and a pen and a bottle with a top: hopefully without a label: then
you can make the magick bottle for women to strip naked.

Magick bottle for women to strip naked

You will need many pictures of naked women: preferably small pictures: and some paper and a
pen and of course a bottle with a top. You should then follow the following directions.

1. You should take the pictures of naked women and look through them to check that
there are no pictures of anyone clothed: and are of women only.
2. You should then place the pictures down the neck of the bottle. But remember to leave
space for the Hadron Collider talisman, although you can choose to put the pictures
facing outwards or inwards so they can be seen or not.
3. The draw out the Hadron Collider on paper and write the words “Women strip naked”
beneath it.
4. Roll up the paper and place this down the neck of the bottle: right the way down.

5. Place the top on the bottle.

As you can see the magick bottle for women to want to strip naked is easy to make. The main
choice that makes any real difference is whether you put the pictures of naked women facing
inwards or outwards. Placing the pictures facing inwards has the advantage that the person will
now know they are being affected by it and this be helpful for it to work fully on some women.
However, some women may find that a bottle with naked women facing outwards makes them
more likely to want to be naked themselves. However, I am not sexist and so here is how to

make a bottle for all men to want to strip naked.

Magick bottle for men to want to strip naked

You will need, paper and a pen, a bottle with a top and many pictures of naked men.

1. You should take the pictures of naked men and look through them to check that

there are no pictures of anyone clothed: and are of men only.

2. You should then place the pictures down the neck of the bottle. But remember to
leave space for the Hadron Collider talisman, although you can choose to put the
pictures facing outwards or inwards so they can be seen or not.
3. The draw out the Hadron Collider on paper and write the words “Men strip
naked” beneath it.
4. Roll up the paper and place this down the neck of the bottle: right the way down.
5. Place the top on the bottle.

You can of course make a bottle for all people male and female to want to strip naked simply by
writing below the drawn-out Hadron Collider talisman the words “Men and Women strip naked”
and by putting pictures of naked men and women down the neck of the bottle. It is a good idea to
label this bottle or write out a document or letters and leave this below the bottle so that you
know what it is for. But I am sure you can see the power that you now have.
Chapter 8

A very good thing to make a talisman for, is protection because this means that you will be

protected whenever this talisman is around you. But the talisman I will show you how to make
first is a talisman for protection built in a bottle: a magick bottle. For this you will need to draw
out the Hadron Collider talisman onto paper and then put the word “Protect” on the paper on the

same side. You should then roll this up and place this in a bottle and put on the top. However,
there is far more that we can do to give you this protection than this and one way is described as

Magick bottle for protection

(You will need a bottle with a top and two piece of paper and a pen. You should write out what
follows on one piece of paper)

“Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open, the sun disc guarded by two lions.
Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway

here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from
here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and
Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open. First Lord of the Ogdoad
he called Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through the gateway. Nu first
lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad she called Naunet step
through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway. Naunet first lady of the
Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called Amun step through the
gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second lord of the Ogdoad,

Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Amunet step through the
gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second lady of the Ogdoad,

Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Kuk step through the gateway
into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be
greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Kauket step through the gateway into this world.

Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted.
Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the gateway into this world. Huh steps
through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lady of
the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into this world. Hauhet steps through the

gateway. Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu
and Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and
Kauket, I call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords
and Ladies of chaos and the power of the Large Hadron Collider so that all around this area will
be protected from harm and all attacks whether magick or not and this space where this bottle
lies is protected so that violence and hexes shall not be known here. I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and
Naunet departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet departs back through the gateway.
Kuk and Kauket departs back through the gateway. Huh and Hauhet departs back through the
gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open the sun disc guarded by two
lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the
gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the
gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes the gateway the gates are shut. So
it is and will be.”

(You should then then draw out the Hadron Collider talisman on another piece of paper and at
the bottom of that write the word “Protect”)

You should then roll up the two pieces of paper together and force them down the neck of the
bottle and place the top onto the bottle and what you have made is a very powerful protective
magick bottle. You should place this in your abode so that it will protect it. As I mentioned
before you can sell these bottles if you want. You should make a letter to document the making
of the bottle and place the bottle on top of this or you could simply make a label for the bottle
which documents the making of the bottle. However, there are other sort of talismans and instead
of using a bottle you can take a sheet of paper with any of the prayers or magick spells here in
this book and frame them and so have their power working for you this way. You can also if you
choose use rope so that a rope becomes a talisman: that you can keep. But if you do this you

should label the rope because it is easy to forget what the rope and its knots are for. In fact, if we
simply untying the rope the talisman is unmade. To unmake a magick bottle you would probably
need to smash the bottle: carefully: to get out the contents: and then carefully while wearing
gloves tear up the piece of paper to unmake: destroy: the power of the talisman. Therefore, I will
now show you some rope magick to cause a chosen person to get ill.

Rope magick to cause a chosen person to get ill

(You will need a piece of rope)

Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth open, the sun disc guarded by two lions.
Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings many ways and to many places, the gateway
that opens to the Ogdoad the Lords and Ladies of Chaos. Aker open the gates, open the gateway
here and now so that the Darkness from which the Ogdoad dwell within can be reached from
here. Aker open the gateway to the Ogdoad: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amunet, Kuk and

Kauket, Huh and Hauhet: Aker opens the gateway the gates are open.


First Lord of the Ogdoad he called Nu step through the gateway into this world. Nu steps through
the gateway. Nu first lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. First Lady of the Ogdoad
she called Naunet step through the gateway into this world. Naunet steps through the gateway.
Naunet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Second Lord of the Ogdoad he called
Amun step through the gateway into this world. Amun steps through the gateway. Amun second
lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Second Lady of the Ogdoad she called Amunet

step through the gateway into this world. Amunet steps through the gateway. Amunet second
lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. Third Lord of the Ogdoad he called Kuk step
through the gateway into this world. Kuk steps through the gateway. Kuk third lord of the

Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be greeted. Third Lady of the Ogdoad she called Kauket step through the
gateway into this world. Kauket steps through the gateway. Kauket third lady of the Ogdoad,
Lady of Chaos be greeted. Fourth Lord of the Ogdoad he called Huh step through the gateway
into this world. Huh steps through the gateway. Huh fourth lord of the Ogdoad, Lord of Chaos be

greeted. Fourth Lady of the Ogdoad she called Hauhet step through the gateway into this world.
Hauhet steps through the gateway.


Hauhet first lady of the Ogdoad, Lady of Chaos be greeted. I call on the power of Nu and
Naunet, I call upon the power of Amun and Amunet, I call upon the power of Kuk and Kauket, I
call upon the power of Huh and Hauhet: I call upon the power of all Ogdoad all Lords and
Ladies of chaos and the power of the Large Hadron Collider so that state name of chosen person
will be seriously ill.


I thank all Ogdoad. Nu and Naunet departs back through the gateway. Amun and Amunet
departs back through the gateway. Kuk and Kauket departs back through the gateway. Huh and
Hauhet departs back through the gateway. Aker ancient Egyptian God, you are the lion’s mouth
open the sun disc guarded by two lions. Aker, you are the gateway, the gateway that swings
many ways and to many places, the gateway that opens to the land of the Ogdoad the Lords and
Ladies of Chaos. Aker close the gates, close the gateway. Aker close the gateway: Aker closes
the gateway the gates are shut.


So it is and will be.

You can work the magick in this book for many things simply by altering a few words here and
there. But what is most important is that you have learned and hopefully tries what is here. You
are a hero because of this a pioneer and you always will be. This magick will help you, but you
also have the power to help yourself through this magick. You have the power to command not

just all eight of the Ogdoad but also Aker and use the power of the Large Hadron Collider the
most powerful particle accelerator in the world. This is not just a rare skill it is an extremely rare
skill and any occultist had better think carefully if they wished to make you an enemy. You are
powerful and empowered just as you were always meant to be.

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