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"Truth is always been HERE...

what you are looking for, is already

Inside...look from Here, wait a little bit and see what happen...one drop
of the nectar of GOD is enough,trust him....!Don't build your house outside
the gates of Nirvana...Let's have a devine picnic..it's enough for NOW..God
bless you..thank you!!"❤
Mooji fresh from Rishikesh 7.March 2019

"It is very easy to be quiet, but willingness is rare. You people want to
become supermen overnight. "

This is the fruit from the Tree of God. This is the fruit. It is said, " By their fruits you will
know them." A bad tree cannot bear good fruit. And a good tree cannot bear bad fruit. By
their fruit you shall know them. And even if you don't speak, this Grace will flow through
your pores. It is not just in words. Words are easy. We are accustomed to words. We are
"skilled" with words. But your words and your understanding must combust into Spirit
from where they originally arose, and shower benevolence in the world without any sense
of "specialness" or pride. That is the Fruit of God. That is the Fruit of God. And that is all
I need to tell you because you know, That which you have is Unchanging and yet, Its
Pure and continues to yield deeper and deeper understanding and purer and purer fruit.

-Sri Mooji-馃尮馃檹鉂わ笍馃尯

Forget about yourself and the world you have constructed in the mind.
This is the only thing which stands in front of God.
You don't see God, because you keep remembering you.
When you forget you, all there is, is He.
Then you realize, that all you perceive is He.


That is to say free from modes of mind.

To be with only one mode of mind to the exclusion of others.

But Bliss must be experienced.
Bliss consists in not forgetting your being.
How can you be otherwise than what you really are?
It is also to be the Seat of Love.
Love is Bliss.
Here the Seat is not different from Love.

How shall I be all-pervading?

Give up the thought, “I am not all-pervading now.”

How to permeate the separate objects?

Do they exist independently of “I”?
Do they say to you “We are”?

You see them.

You are, and then the objects are also seen.
“Without me, these do not exist”
- this knowledge is permeation.

Owing to the idea

“I am the body; there is something in me”
the separate objects are seen as if lying outside.
Know that they are all within yourself.

Is a piece of cloth independent of yarn?

Can the objects remain without Me?

Liberation exists- and you will never be liberated.

~Ramana Maharshi

The very fact that we wish for liberation shows that freedom from all bondage is our real
nature. It is not to be freshly acquired. All that is necessary is to get rid of the false notion
that we are bound.
~Ramana Maharshi

"In other words what you realize is the first principle: "Everything Is A Projection Of
Your Mind."
Whatever you see is a projection of your mind. Therefore if you see something that's not
right with another person, you're seeing yourself, aren't you? "

Sometimes you hear people say, "I want to be one with God." But its not the same as
equal with God, because the term "equal" is sort of competitive. To be One with God is
not "equal". One with God is to be in harmony with the GodSelf because already you've
had a taste, and that taste shows you that your life lived only from the perspective of ego
will never give you everlasting peace and joy. And the GodSelf visits you like a kiss from
inside and you start to "go bananas". You want more, naturally You want more. Its not a
drug. Its the bliss you may experience or the peace. Either the shanti or the prem you feel,
or the ananda. You are attracted to That. Now you say, " But I don't just want to be living
at the feet. I once said, " To live at the Master's feet is to live on top of the world. What
does it mean? You see, western minds have a very funny way. They say, " Oh! You put
your head? Ha! Ha! How can you be on top of the world?" To put your head means to put
your arrogance down and trust in the One who "speaks" to you. He speaks to your Heart.
When he speaks to your Heart, you realize that you're not down there, but you're above,
you've transcended all the "lowly" things of the world. You're seeing from a Higher
altitude of Consciousness. That's what it means...The deeper you go, the less you need
that "touch, touch, kiss, kiss", because when you're "touched" by God's Grace, you don't
want to go out. He internalizes your Power and He says "Find me Here, in you. Find me
inside." And it helps you and guides you to look within and to feel and to ( breathe deeply,
freely) and you have the sense that if you look in, you are not divided but if you look out
you may feel, "I am separate"...Its creating insight in you and wisdom. A true Master
from the House of God is not going to get you to be co-dependent because even the
Master needs a break. Of course if you fall in love you may look for seva to do. "Seva"
means to do something without wanting something back. It helps you to be more
generous, you're working and you find real friendships are formed when you're not
looking for them, and you understand that you can work and at the same time, you don't
step out of your meditation. You don't move out of the field of Grace.

-Sri Mooji-鉂わ笍馃尯馃尮馃檹

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