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Why Trump’s Pledge As a “White

Nationalist” Was The Activation of

Lethal Supremacy
Ezinne Ukoha Follow
Feb 1 · 5 min read

A horrible event went down recently and it involved what can only be
described as a “modern-day” lynching of a Black gay man, who was
exiting an eatery in the early hours of the morning, when he was
brutalized by the deadly antics of two White males; who badly bruised
his ribs, doused him in bleach, and threw a noose around his neck.

The unfortunate victim of this heinous hate crime is Empire star, Jussie
Smollett, and it’s literally a miracle that he survived his attack. Smollett
told Chicago Police that the White supremacists who gave him a vicious
beating, also yelled out racist and homophobic slurs that ended with
the words of our existence.

This is MAGA Country!

The hope is that the perpetrators will be caught and swiftly brought to
justice. And it’s no shocker that the #MAGA crowd has tried to sell the
false narrative that’s meant to discredit the severity of Smollett’s
harrowing ordeal.
But those of us who have the bullseye on our backs, thanks to Trump’s
America — are equipped to know better.

The ascension of White nationalism in America has been normalized to

the point that even the media has a di cult time outrightly labeling a
“hate crime” for exactly what it is, which is the main reason why
Donald Trump has been able to aunt his bigotry without hindrance.

Republican Congressman Steve King was in hot water some weeks ago
when he questioned why terms like “White nationalist” and “White
supremacist” are considered “o ensive.” His colleagues publicly
denounced his actions, and there was talk that he could end up being
tossed out of Congress.

President Trump was brie y questioned about King’s overt racism, and
expectedly, there was no e ort made to distance his administration
from the stench of bigotry, by rmly chiding a member of his own party
for his habitual race-baiting.

Trump claimed that he had zero knowledge of what practically all the
news outlets, including his beloved Fox News, were occupied with at
that moment.

It’s not surprising that a man who turned his presidential campaign
into a racist cell with the persistent demonizing of Mexicans, Muslims
and migrants from “shithole” countries — would instinctively opt to
remain silent about an issue that he’s helped to elevate to national

During the midterm elections, Trump enhanced his hateful rhetoric by

issuing monologues that were lled with the blatant lies about the
“caravan” of criminal migrants, that were threatening to crash their
way past the borders, and into the sovereignty of White America.

During a campaign rally for “Lying Ted” Cruz, Trump took it a step
further by ceremoniously announcing his newly-minted status as a
White nationalist.

“You know, they have a word, it sort of became old-fashioned. It’s called a
nationalist.” “And I say, ‘Really? We’re not supposed to use that word?”
“You know what I am? I’m a nationalist. OK? I’m a nationalist.”
And as the crowd went crazy over the re-activation of a word that
carries racially-divisive themes, the toddler-in-chief encouraged the
swirling energy of celebrated prejudice by chanting:

“Use that word. Use that word.”

Weeks after rebuking the notion that being a White nationalist was
essentially akin to being a White supremacist, the president was given
the prime opportunity to explain why he was motivated to take such a
controversial and o ensive stance, especially since he was well aware of
how it would be received and processed.

But instead of expanding on his con rmed allegiance to White

nationalism, Trump proceeded to berate the Black female reporter, for
daring to ask him what he inexplicably described as a racist question.

It’s so interesting how racists have no issue saying and performing the
vileness that proves their practiced bigotry beyond a doubt, but when
they are faced with the cold hard truth of what they represent — based
on the incriminating evidence — they weirdly claim White victimhood
and turn the victimized into the bad guys.

The media had a eld day with the “White nationalist” snafu, and there
was the usual roundtable esta with political pundits from both sides,
hashing it out with star anchors — for career goals and ratings gold.

But when the dust settles — it’s on to the next item on the never-ending
list of misdeeds by the incompetent man-baby.

Illustrious members of the GOP chose to be loudly silent when Trump

outed himself as the “nationalist” we all knew he was because they
couldn’t risk rocking the boat during a very contentious electoral
season, and when the midterms were over, that cooled down heated
debates, and saved Republicans from facing the music.

So why was Steve King subjected to a public shaming and low-grade

punishment for doing exactly what President Trump has ordained as
the religion of White America, without the condemnation of the same
Party leaders, who just weeks ago, gave one of their own a verbal
The nonchalance around the deadly potency of Trump’s administration,
that permits the “leader of the free world” to perpetually give the
middle nger to a world that’s dying a slow death, as he fuels the
nationalized climate of hate, that inspires the murderous rage of White
males — is costing way more than we can a ord.

When a privileged White man occupying the seat of absolute power,

uses his anointed station to classify all Muslims as natural born
terrorists, you can expect an marked increase in targeted attacks that
focus on communities that host a majority of residents that practice

When you have a Commander-in-Chief commanding the wrong kind of

attention for his gross negligence, during a national crisis involving
White supremacists, who terrorized an American city, right after he
took the oath of o ce — you can pretty much bank on the fact that
domestic terrorism against non-White Americans will become the
frightening norm.

Trump won the presidency by polluting the environment with his

diseased anthem, that features a roster of reasons why Making America
Great Again, can’t ever be realized until the wall that’s supposed to
keep lthy Brown migrants out of sight is completed.

Trump won the presidency because of his endearing commitment to

screw up the immigration process in an e ort to keep Black and Brown
“shitholes” from entering the country, and derailing the schedules of
those who are successfully assimilating.

There’s no way to restore the power of Whiteness without exaggerating

the in nite dangers of cultural mixing.

Trump won the presidency because of his prowess at inciting the

systemic execution of marginalized communities, who are powerless
when it comes to escaping the dire consequences of White supremacy,
and how it becomes the language of choice for a nation that has
succumbed to a terminal diagnosis — that has begun to take e ect.

White privilege means the freedom to recklessly design the death

sentence of those Americans who aren’t considered “American” enough
to survive the wrath of White America — under the threatening
leadership of their supreme leader.
When Trump identi ed himself as a White
nationalist, with the full support of his enablers, that
was the activation of a lethal form of supremacy
that is currently ravaging the existence of the
supremely oppressed.

The GOP and the monster they created are oating in a rising ood of

And God willing — they will drown in it.

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