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The Assassin's guide to the Universe - Newbie Edition

Assassins are one of the most flexible characters in the game.

They have several builds and paths you can go into that will all yield the same end

The starter build for both paths: (Dagger & Katar)

Base Stats:

60 AGI first <-- this will help you survive most maps until Orc Village
10 - 20 DEX <--- helps with hitting stuff
Rest of the points go to STR

Before anything else GRIND! until MAX stamina.

I would recommend hitting 400 stamina maximum if NON-VIP
or 500 stamina if VIP user
While grinding please consume your 5x exp (taken from Gardosen)

Afterwhich, do all the story related quests on each map.

Gives decent xp and a bit of zenny.


Craft Prontera Dagger or Save zenny and purchase a Poison Dagger (both are good)
Craft (morroc) or purchase (auction house) Fox Bracer gives (5% aspd)
Craft (geffen) or Purchase (auction house) Theif Clothes
Craft (payon) or purchase (auction house) Feral Shoes
Craft (geffen) or purchase (auction house) Coat of Dragon Scale
- or -
Purchase (AH) Muffler of blue eves

Accessories as starters for added damage purchase from AH 2x Clips / 2x lunatic

brooches / 2x flower rings (any)

As a newbie thief you will need to start your journey using a dagger.
Thief Skills will be as follow:
Mirror Attack 10
Hiding 10
Envenom 10
Improved Dodge 10

Assassin Skills:
Double Armor 5
Sonic Blow 10
Sonic Mastery 5
Advance Poison Research 10
10 Remaining skill points is up to you

Once you've reached the necessary level to become an Assassin Cross you may need to
start to consider which path you will take either use a katar or dagger. (Note: at
this point you are no longer considered a newbie)

Part 1: The Dagger Path

If you choose to be a dagger type no need to change your current build.
All you need is to pump str agi and dex more:
Recommended base stats for dagger:
99 STR
70 - 80 AGI
30 - 40 DEX

As for your Skills your priority is level 10 Echant Deadly Poison.

The remaining of the skill points is up to you.

For Gear:
Weapon: Holy Dagger IV or Dessert Twilight T3
Armor: Grand Thief Clothes IV
Off Hand: Rose Princess Bracer
Garment: Ancient Cape
Shoes: Feral Shoes III / Sprint Shoes / Staunch Shoes / Holy Heavy Boots
Headgear (TOP): Cat Ear Beret / Baphomet Horns (any)
Facegear (MID) : Nut on Head / Hockey Mask / Masquerade
Mouthgear: Spiked Mask / Pipe
Accessories: Power Rings / Rings / Matyr's Leash / Flower Rings T3 (any)
Back Gear: Devil Wings
Tail: Fox Tail / Petite Tail

Weapon: Dessert Wolf / Minos / Hydras / Elemental Cards
Head: Deviruchi
Garment: Whisper / Hyegun / Ninetails
Shoes: Male Thief Bug / Matyr
Armor: Thara Frog / Argiope
Accessories: 1x Greatest General & Mantis / 2x Mantis
Off Hand: (Any)

Part 2: The Katar Path

If you choose to be a Katar user I would recommend to grind to Assassin Cross job
20 as you will need to reset your stats and skills to adjust to the crit type

Recommended Base Stats:

80 - 90 STR
80 - 90 AGI
30 - 44 LUK (adjust depending on your crit rate)

Note: you can go 1:1 STR:AGI once you complete your base LUK

For a Crit type Assassin your skills will adjust to the following:
Thief Skills:
10 Improved Dodge
10 Hiding
10 Envenom
10 remaining skill points is up to you

Assassin Skills
10 Katar Mastery
10 Sonic Blow
5 Sonic Mastery
10 Advance POison Research
5 Remaining skill points is up to you

Assassin Cross
10 Advance Katar Mastery
10 Heart of Assassin
10 Enchant Deadly POison
10 Remaing skill points is up to you
(I would recommend to add Assassin Aura level 5 if your base crit rate is below 80)

For Gear:
Weapon: Katar of Quaking T3
Armor: Tights T3 / Ninja Suit 2 +15
Off Hand: Golden Bracelet
Garment: Muffle of Blue Eves IV / Windwalker Cape
Shoes: Feral Shoes III / Sprint Shoes / Staunch Shoes / Holy Heavy Boots
Headgear (TOP): Cat Ear Beret / Baphomet Horns (any)
Facegear (MID) : Hockey Mask / Masquerade
Mouthgear: Spiked Mask / Pipe
Accessories: Power Rings / Rings / Matyr's Leash / Flower Rings T3 (any)
Back Gear: Devil Wings / Time of Bard
Tail: Fox Tail / Petite Tail

Weapon: Dessert Wolf / Minos / Hydras / Elemental Cards
Head: Deviruchi
Garment: Whisper / Hyegun / Ninetails
Shoes: Male Thief Bug / Matyr
Armor: Thara Frog / Argiope
Accessories: 1x Greatest General & Kobold / 2x Kobold
Off Hand: (Any)

Grinding Tips:

These are the spots I would recommend for grinding:

10 - 30 Prontera West or Prontera Maze (Willows / Mandragora)
31 - 40 Byalan (Vadons) or Geffen Field (Goblins)
41 - 50 Ant Hell (Ants)
51 - 75 North Prontera (Metallers / Dustiness / Mantis) or Payon Cave 1F (Eggyra)
- or -
71 - 90 Orc Village (orc warrior & archer) - for katar users
81 - 90 Glast Heim (Stings / Anolian) - for katar users
- or -
51 - 75 Payon East (Horongs) - For dagger types
76 - 90 Glast Heim (Bapho Jrs / Cramps ) for Dagger Types

After 90 well.. I'm pretty sure you would have enough experience to determine where
to go.

Zenny Tips:

Abuse kill ratio, this trick is determined by the number of kills you can make per
If you can kill above 20+ your should be earning enough zenny while grinding, at
the same time,
do not forget to sell materials that you may pick up in Auction House.

The Secret to Power:

Donate to your guild if and when you can and work on your guild buffs and guild
Dagger types need Double armor and Double Attack Runes to unlock their full
Katar types well.. you need to prioritize katar mastery runes and crit damage
Enchant your gears and Refine them.

Be patient & grind, in any game there is no shorcut to power.

Tweak the builds as you see fit as there is no one right way to build it.
Explore as much as you can, and learn on how to master the Assassin.

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