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INTRO This show is a Series that has been coming to you from DCTV since 2015 in a

weekly program called the Network of Global Corporate Control. Today’s program is
called “Hang Onto Your Hats” Thank you to DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Program Director;
Maurice Jackson, Studio Director; and Krushae Starnes, Audio and Prompter.

As I said three years ago, https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter9.4.15.pdf "We

may be in for a bumpy ride, so hang onto your hats." I am the lawyer for the world's
wealth that José Rizal and Ferdinand Marcos put into hiding at the World Bank for fifty
years. One of my jobs is to try and keep the crooks from stealing this wealth. I have
managed to do that. This is only because Marcos and Rizal created the World Bank and
IMF, and deposited that wealth with the World Bank and IMF. It is Marcos and Rizal,
actually, who preserved the world's wealth when they started the Global Debt Facility.
One of my other jobs is to tell you about the world's wealth, deposited in the Global
Debt Facility. This includes the world's monetary gold reserves. This Series
is called the "Network of Global Corporate Control", because that is the name given to
the Banking Cartel by three systems analysts at the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, a university also called ETH Zurich

Last week's segment started off with a video showing you that the US Seismograph
monitors in the Seismic System were turned off on October 7, 2013 at 10:58 PM when
those heroes Vice Admiral Tim Giardina and Major General Michael Carey refused to
nuke Charleston, and dropped the nukes 600 miles off the coast instead. The clip
showed you information read from a global incident map.

Yesterday when writing the teleprompter for this segment, I started to remind you about
Commander Heather Cole and General Dana Pittard. Commander Heather Cole was
charged for commingling of funds as a pretext when the reality is that she prevented a
first nuclear strike against Russia on March 15, 2015. This is what I tweeted:


My teleprompter about Commander Heather Cole's preventing a first nuclear strike

against Russia was erased. The Banking Cartel did not want me to remind you about
Commander Heather Cole. Well, I resist the Banking Cartel. That is necessary in order
to wind the Banking Cartel down, and to take away the income that the Black Nobility is
collecting from the Banking Cartel. That income is coming from us, and we are not
going to continue working for the Banking Cartel and supporting the Black Nobility. So
I have put the information about Commander Heather Cole's preventing a first nuclear
strike against Russia right back into this segment.

As I wrote last year, "The Banking Cartel is going down, as predicted by

the National War College's Power Transition Model. The Banking Cartel
is going to go down with as much confusion as they can muster. So just
'hold onto your hats.'"

The military powers of the world have our backs, with 90-
95% likelihood.

Consistency over time is one of the ways that you can tell
that someone is telling you the truth.

I also want to point out something else that the Banking

Cartel tried to erase, and I put it right back. It is in the
document that I tweeted when writing the teleprompter
for this segment. It is a link to the commercial lien that I
wrote in 2015 that has bankrupted some of the corrupt
people who are trying to prevent the Global Currency
Reset. The law on commercial liens is thousands of
years old. A commercial lien is a way under the common
law to get justice after someone has harmed you. The
persons who have defaulted on commercial liens harmed
me and everyone else on Earth. We are going to replace
the corrupt paper money with currency that contains the
world's monetary gold reserves.

This will end the Black Nobility's boondoggle at our expense. A little bit later I am also
going to talk about how I have bankrupted Donald Trump with a commercial lien too.
But first I am going to give you some of the questions that people are asking about the
Black Nobility.

You may find it mundane to hear questions and answers on these topics.
So let me assure you that this is anything but mundane. We are talking
about real people, and not sock puppets, asking me real questions on
information about the corruption in our financial system. This
information has been hidden for thousands of years. It has been hidden
because of dishonesty in the professions. I have documented this
dishonesty, and so have many other people.
This is all very matter of fact and not out of the ordinary at all. I am an
ordinary person, working together with others. Our relationship matters I have one
trait that is off- the-charts. I am very stubborn. I can tell you that this trait has landed
me where I am today, and that is, working to clean up the corruption in the world's
money together with the world's military powers and the critical mass of people who
understand the difference between reality and the lies fed to them by the Black Nobility
and the Network of Global Corporate Control. It may take you awhile before you can
accept reality. Reality will wait for you to catch up with the rest of us. Next week we are
going to be talking about some weapons that interfere with people's ability to think for

What was going on in 2010 when after 65 years the US lost the
right to appoint the President of the World Bank.

Is black referring to unknown or African?

Our new reality is starting to come into sharper
focus, as the corrupt people at the center of the
false matrix continue to lose their control.


.@nrek77 The Black Nobility were descended from

ancient Egyptian Pharaonic bloodline families.
Ancient Egyptians called themselves Km.t or
kemet, meaning black. See


Dear People,

I have an answer to people who were wondering about my tweet accusing Donald Trump of
being a bankrupt imposter and traitor.

I am attaching the teleprompter for the DCTV segment on May 2, 2017.


How do you know that what I am telling you is true? Because nobody stops me from saying
that Donald Trump is not the Commander-in-Chief of the United States.

This is what I said on July 31, 2018:



Donald Trump is an imposter and play actor. He is not the real President of the United
States, and he is not its Commander-in-Chief.

I speak for a powerful coalition that was started at the end of WWII to put the Bankers and
the Black Nobility that are trying to hide behind disinformation agents OUT OF BUSINESS.
Donald Trump is not defending himself, he is trying to leave his defense solely to
disinformation agents. Donald Trump can't defend himself, because Donald Trump is a
bankrupt liar and imposter. Trump is only backed by paper money, and Trump owes all of
his properties and everything he owns to me and to the Global Debt Facility after Trump was
caught out in his lies. I am backed by the US' gold reserves and world's assets in the Global
Debt Facility. That is why Donald Trump and the rest of the world's countries do not
contradict me.


It is hard to accept reality when so many people have been lying about what is really going
on. The agents of the Banking Cartel cannot present a consistent reality. As time reveals
ever increasing inconsistencies, the Banking Cartel and the Black Nobility come into focus.
More and more people are beginning to understand how they have been duped. Until next
week, I am your host, Karen Hudes.

Why not explain reality? that Donald Trump is not the legitimate US President, but only an
agent of the Banking Cartel. On behalf of the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund, I have informed Germany and Japan that the monetary gold

reserves of the United States in the Global Debt Facility are being deployed to enable the
United States to fulfill its treaty obligations in the defense Germany and Japan.

Teleprompter: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt5.2.17.pdf

Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. This show is a weekly Series called the
Network of Global Corporate Control that has been coming to you from DCTV for nearly
two years. Today’s segment is live and is called “Reality.” Thanks to DCTV, Carmen
Stanley, Studio Producer; Maurice Jackson, Audio and Prompter; and Krushae Starnes,
Floor Director.

On the April 4th live segment, I said that the Series has achieved its purpose: to
convince enough people that the world's assets belong to humankind, and that the
Bretton Woods institutions, (that is, the World Bank and the International Monetary
Fund) , including their Articles of Agreement, are there to serve humanity in a peaceful
transition--the Global Currency Reset.

In next week's show, which we are pre-recording later today, we are going to start
planning how we are going to work together to accomplish the Global Currency Reset.
We are also going to tell the experts (including the lawyers, accountants & journalists)
that we don't need them anymore.

On Saturday, Steve Torrence sent me this photo:

I used that photo in responding to a question about the secret Constitution that the
Banking Cartel put in place in the US in 1871:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbprnAVaApM 0:48 - 5:06


Then Tom Keith retweeted my comment to a story in ABC, "Why not explain reality?"
that Donald Trump is not the legitimate US President, but only an agent of the Banking



This information is now spread far and wide over the internet. For example, here is a
blog in Germany that is distributing it:

Five days ago I proved that Donald Trump is an agent of the Banking Cartel
perpetuating a hoax. You can see copies of the emails I am talking about now by
clicking on the links in the teleprompter. On December 24th, Nita Johnson, President
of the World for Jesus Ministries, sent me an email, asking me how Donald Trump
was holding up the Global Currency Reset. I wrote back to Nita, " Sorry that the links
are not working for you. I also mailed a hard copy of this statement to Donald Trump
on November 25th and December 14th:

"27. Donald J. Trump has failed to acknowledge that the United States is not operating
under the Constitution of 1789 nor has he acknowledged that the US' monetary gold
reserves are administered by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund because they are in a Trust established at the end of
WWII by General Eisenhower and President Truman. Instead, Donald Trump has
perpetuated the hoax on the American people, despite having had the opportunity to
rectify these falsehoods https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/trump1.pdf Donald
Trump has harmed me personally with these lies and falsehoods, as this has prevented
me from returning to the World Bank's headquarters and working on the Global
Currency Reset agreed to by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF, and
returning the Constitution of 1789 of the United States via an Article V Constitutional
Convention. "

Donald Trump has to admit this truth, or disprove it, or he is in default and owes me as
Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, the Development Committee
(the Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund
on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries).

Donald Trump missed the deadline, and he is now in default and bankrupt. What is
more, the representatives on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF know
this, and not a single country dissented from the Minutes of the Spring Meetings of the
World Bank and IMF approving the Global Currency Reset.

My email to Nita Johnson continued: "Your email to me reveals that you are also an
agent of the Network of Global Corporate Control.

Please do not write me until Trump has acknowledged that the US' Constitution of 1789
is not in effect. Until then, the situation is crystal clear. The National War College
Power Transition Model https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf shows
which side will prevail. The Coalition for the Rule of Law, which is administering the
US and the rest of the world's monetary gold reserves, is in charge, and will deal with
that traitor, Donald Trump. Good bye.

Karen Hudes,
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666"

What is the reality that we are talking about?

We are now in a tug of war, with the Network
of Global Corporate Control on one side, and
the Coalition for the Rule of Law on the other
side. The Jesuits are part of the Network of
Global Corporate Control.

@KarenHudes 20h20 hours ago
Are the Jesuits that organization that dominates the world system that you were talking about?

The Network of Global Corporate Control is described by three mathematicians,
Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston at the Federal Institute of
Technology in Zurich, Switzerland in
http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf. This network is also often
referred to as the “Banking Cartel.”

We described the head of the snake in two previous segments as bloodline families
operating out of Switzerland, who date back to the times of the Pharoahs:

and you missed this tweet:

Lincoln had alot to say about the Jesuits:
teleprompter: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/dctvteleprompt3.7.17.pdf
So did Napoleon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pyyf1cWVZK8
Robert Gaylon Ross Sr. has written many books that publish the names of the
members of the Bilderbergs , Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and
the Skull and Bones Society.

In preparing this teleprompter, I found out that the Banking Cartel was trying to get my viewers
to watch a three year old video with Gary Franchi, another agent of the Banking Cartel's. Gary
Franchi owns the copyright on an old interview where I made a mistake by talking about an
unproven theory. Dr. Spencer gave me this unproven theory, and after I saw there was no proof,
I stopped mentioning it. My credibility is very important to me. That is why I give you long
files to back up and prove every single thing I tell you.

The Banking Cartel is now trying to discredit me by breaking my links and switching my links to
that old interview with Gary Franchi. I just fixed the broken link. The head of the snake in the
Banking Cartel is the old bloodline Pharonic families in Switzerland which we discussed in the
two earlier segments on DCTV.

Two weeks ago I told you that the Coalition for the Rule of Law was stronger than the Banking
Cartel. What is the coalition for the Rule of Law? We discussed this in the comment pages of
the DCTV archives. When I tweeted my response to someone who argued that there is no
coalition for the Rule of Law, I said that I had scored a knock-out punch:

@KarenHudes Apr 26 Knockout punch:


ingemannlarsen"A coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank
and IMF is really in charge, and I am speaking for them, as well as for the people who are
cleaning up the corruption in the international monetary system. " But who are these people? -
Don't tell me that they have to be kept secret for their "safety" - in these days of advanced
hacking tools. The forces who might be a threat for these people will know who they are and are
able to reach them - if they existed. Why do they not show themselves? - Until such time, we
have to conclude that they do NOT exist. Pure bogus. ..

Karen Hudes
This is a very cute comment. Of course you see the existence of the Coalition
for the Rule of Law and they have shown who they are - this is in the power
transition model. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf
The coalition for the rule of law. Who are these people? They are first and
foremost the people that are
commenting on my social media. They
are now at critical mass. Then they are
the BRICS, (Brazil, Russia, India,
China, South Africa) the US minus the

Fed, Germany, Japan. The G-77 (134 developing countries) You have to understand that the
Banking Cartel is trying to conceal the evidence that this coalition exists, but there are clear
signs, like the fact that I am continuing to use World Bank stationery, nobody is contradicting
what I am saying, and what I say has grave consequences for the bit-actors like Trump, Gorsuch,
Okoro, whom I have bankrupted through commercial liens, and those bit-actors I have
previously bankrupted, including Obama, Dunford, Bowser.

Speaking of Sandie Okoro, in a couple of days I am mailing the final default judgment for Sandie
Okoro, the World Bank Senior Vice President and General Counsel, whom the Board of
Governors of the World Bank fired as an agent of the Banking Cartel. Sandie Okoro is now
bankrupt for interfering with the Global Currency Reset. I will be putting copies of this final
default against all of Sandie Okoro's assets shortly on my social media. Not a single embassy
has said anything in defense of Sandie Okoro. This is a very convincing sign that the coalition
for the rule of law exists.

The Banking Cartel is trying unsuccessfully to disprove what I am saying and it cannot. That is
because I am talking about reality and the Banking Cartel is lying to you.

Proof? The statement by Representative Trafficant in the United States Congressional Record,
March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303 (Ohio) addressing the House that the Federal Government
was declared bankrupt. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter3.24.17.2.pdf
The statement in the Utah Supreme Court that the US is under martial law. Actually, in 1861 the
US was placed under secret martial law. http://thetexasrepublic.com/wp-
content/uploads/2015/02/IN-THE-SUPREME-COURT-of-Utah-Dyett-v-Turner.pdf (See page
50: "What most people don't realize is that they have been under Martial Law Rule for over 60

The US Congress declaration that the US is under a state of emergency.

The statement by the Grace Commission that income taxes all leave the country. I have put
links to these statements in many of my posts. https://www.alipac.us/f19/grace-commission-
I have put these links in the teleprompter. It means alot when the Banking Cartel tries to
hide a tweet that is called "checkmate" and doesn't succeed.


and then tries unsuccessfully to hide a teleprompter that says:
" There is alot going on because these culprits are trying
to disprove our statement in last week's segment that we
are stronger than the Banking Cartel."

This is strong evidence. The Banking Cartel is weaker than the

Coalition for the Rule of Law.
In this segment called reality, I want to tell you about two statements that the Banking Cartel
wanted so badly to hide from you, that they broke the links three times in a row:

I would like to show you an email that I received on October 4, 2015 from one of the
enlisted troops Here is what the US military has to say about this treason:
"I have been helping medias for the past 3 years , press tv , rt , and several others - and I
have been on the front line and have seen things that people never thought existed. I have
ties to the militias and military... We have 70% of the US military on our side."
In an editorial in the New York Times, Gen. John Spencer was trying to isolate the US
military from social media to shield the traitors like General Dunford from the truth. This
has only backfired, and with this General Dunford is doubly exposed as a bully and a coward
and above all, a traitor

The Banking Cartel has also been trying to suppress the press release on the Global
Currency Reset that the Board of Governors cleared before it was issued. Their efforts to
censor this information actually has backfired and gives it even more prominence:
I also obtained clearance in advance for the Board of Governors' press release on the
Global Currency Reset. This is also fully documented.



Here is my comment on March 6, 2015,

saying that I was going to issue the press release on the Global Currency Reset in
forty-eight hours. On the 9th of March I put another comment up, stating that
none of the embassies had objected, and that the Presswire press release had
been retweeted a number of times. When presswire took the press release down
after a year and a half, this only damaged presswire.

The Banking Cartel has done everything it knew how to try and start WWIII and try and scare
you into thinking that the Coalition for the Rule of Law was going to lose the tug of war.
this is fake news. just like this old cold war article from RT (If there is time, I will read
you from this article:

A coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF is really in
charge: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.28.17.pdf

Finian Cunningham, editor and writer in major news media organizations, including The Mirror,
Irish Times and Independent, should be familiar with the corruption at the heart of the
international financial system; his op-ed with this loaded question sows confusion instead of
shedding light on the corruption. The answer to Cunningham's question is that neither the US
politicians nor its military are in control.

The US is subject to state capture and its Secret Service and the military industrial complex are
all part of the Network of Global Corporate Control identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and
Battiston of ETH Zurich http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf . This
conglomerate stretches back to the previous ice age, and it thinks all of humanity is there to serve
it and pay tribute through paper currencies owned by the 60 private central banks at its core.
What to do about this corruption at the heart of the international financial system? Don't blame
the US, whose Presidents Kennedy and Reagan were shot by the Secret Service when they did
not toe the line set by the Network of Global Corporate Control, and whose loyal military were
all fired for refusing to nuke US citizens in Charleston SC on 10.7.13 (Vice Admiral Tim
Giardina and Major General Michael Carey) and for refusing to launch a first nuclear strike
against Russia on 3.15.15 (Commander Heather Cole and General Dana Pittard ) . Moscow State
University has published a timeline showing that the Network of Global Corporate Control has
been systematically censoring ancient history http://www.chronologia.org/en/ In a six month
television series on DCTV, the professions that are in league with the Network of Global
Corporate Control, the bloodlines, the secret societies, the media, have all been exposed.
https://www.youtube.com/user/KarenHudes (YouTube censored the segments on gold, the
military, and secret societies, which are on Archive.org at:
https://archive.org/details/TheNetworkOfGlobalCorporateControlSecretSocietiesConve rted )
Fortunately, Jose Rizal, Superior General of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) between 1942 and
1944, set up a plan to return the world's wealth to the world's peoples, and established the Board
of Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (now 188 Ministers of
Finance and Development) to administer a trust fund on behalf of the beneficiaries -- the world's
peoples. The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF are carrying out Jose Rizal's plan
in a global currency reset http://presswire.com/pr/hudes/hudes_250714.html Now that the
corruption has been sufficiently exposed , a power transition model is predicting the likelihood
of successful implementation of the global currency reset is over 90%

This documentary talks about how mankind has achieved critical mass. When 100 monkeys
learn something, this means that all the monkeys know it in their collective unconscious. This
means we are now together in a new reality.

Olga, you're right about humanity being in control. Not sure about the lizard part.

OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global
Corporate Control." We have discussed in today’s segment the “Reality" that we have
won the tug of war with the Network of Global Corporate Control, that is, the Banking
Cartel. We are now in control of our own destiny. Until next week, I am your host,
Karen Hudes.


Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. This show is a weekly Series called the
Network of Global Corporate Control that has been coming to you from DCTV for two
and a half years. Today’s segment is live and is called “Crash Course on the Global
Currency Reset”. Thanks to DCTV, Carmen Stanley, Studio Producer; Maurice Jackson,
Audio and Prompter; and Krushae Starnes, Floor Director.

In last week's segment, we learned that we are replacing the world's currencies. Many
people are confused, because the mainstream media does not mention anything about
the Global Currency Reset. There are conflicting reports about the Global Currency
Reset in the alternative media. The first question is why should we believe that you,
Karen, are telling us the Truth?
There are two ways that you can figure out
that I am telling you the truth. The first way
that you know I am telling you the truth
about what is really going on is that I have
been remarkably consistent over time, and I
am able to explain why things are
happening. I can explain why the Twin
Towers went down on September 11, 2001 (it
was a demolition job) so that the world's
central bankers could hide the fact that the
Pentagon had lost more than $2 trillion.
Donald Rumsfeld announced this on
September 10th, 2001: perfect timing to keep the story from making any news.
The second way that you can figure out that I am telling you the truth is because I
provide behind-the-scenes information that can be verified and which explains
interconnected facts. An example of this kind of information is that Auschwitz was a
uranium enrichment plant that provided the uranium in the bomb that was dropped on
Hiroshima at the end of WWII. This uranium, along with the trigger for detonating the
bomb, was captured from a German U-234 submarine. I am providing a link to this
information: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter10.31.17.pdf I have had to
restore this link because the Banking Cartel attempted to censor it.

I am going to keep on telling the world's people about how we are doing things
differently now. I am the person who gets to do this job, because somebody has to do it.
Eventually people are going to catch on that this is reality. Already enough people
believe what I am saying about the Global Currency Reset (this is called "critical mass").
We are now implementing the Global Currency Reset. Donald Trump has not and the
so-called commanders in the US military have not challenged my statements that they
are not in control, and that the US government is not legitimate, and that I

represent the US on the Board of Governors of the World Bank and International
Monetary Fund that manages the monetary gold reserves of the nations. I made this
point and provided all the necessary documents as proof yesterday morning.

The elites are having a hard time understanding that they are no longer
calling the shots: https://ia601500.us.archive.org/17/items/Twitter11.13.17/Twitter11.13.17.pdf

Not a single country or embassy has challenged this. This is strong proof. At the end of
the teleprompter you can see these documents for yourself. I have just restored the
document about how the Banking Cartel bombed Hiroshima, and how Auschwitz was
actually a uranium enrichment facility. Watch what happens to this truth. It is a
touchstone for reality. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter10.31.17.pdf
After we have ended this corruption in the world's money system, it is going to be hard
for people to remember what it was like when the Banking Cartel was in charge. It is
going to be especially hard for people to remember the turning point, and how people
clung on to what some of us called the "normalcy bias" and resisted seeing the
corruption, even though there was such strong proof.

The turning point, when the Global Currency Reset became irrevocable, was in August,
2016, and was noticed by a group of healers, who commented that "Energies are strong
and chaotic." I have been getting alot of training so that we have the smoothest possible
transition. Many people do not welcome change. The Global Currency Reset is a
positive change, and the more you do to figure out what is going on, the better for you.
Now I am going to repeat four minutes from the DCTV broadcast last June, so that you
understand the changes that are happening in world affairs. This is just to orient you


Minutes 15:26-19:19 "This past week" to "Dunford has committed treason."

You can see that there is confusion about whether the governments are legitimate, and
whether the world's leaders are entitled to fill the offices they are in. Do you remember
the discussions about whether Japan's emperor Akihito is going to be permitted to
abdicate? That is what this is all about. During the Global Currency Reset, all of the
official governments are going to be replaced by their people, who are going to be busy
figuring out the best way to clean up the corruption in their governments. The center of
this clean-up is going to be when we replace the currencies issued by the central bank
members of the Bank for International Settlements for local currencies issued by
villages and towns and for national currencies minted out of the monetary gold reserves
held in the Global Debt Facility. We are going to figure out the best way to implement
the Global Currency Reset. That is what the Q and A session is about.

So here is the first question, which Alex sent me by email on Sunday

From: Alex
Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2017 2:17 PM
To: karenhudes@hotmail.com
Subject: Thank you Keep safe

Hi Karen,

You are one brave lady, and you communicate so effectively I love to listen to you.

Question. How long can this go on before it cracks. What's the best guess on timing.
How do us small guys protect ourselves.

From: Karen Hudes <KarenHudes@hotmail.com>

Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2017 2:39 PM
To: Alex
Subject: Re:Thank You Keep Safe

You will know if it cracks. It can go on until it cracks. In the meantime, we are cleaning
up the world's money system in the Global Currency Reset. The chance we clean up
world corruption and wind down the Banking Cartel? Over 90%.

Timing. We are in process. Buy precious metals as insurance. Also, work together with
your loved ones so they can tell you if you are not yourself, and thus are likely being
targeted with scalar weaponry.

Thanks for your question. I will share this on DCTV this Tuesday. It gets to the heart of


We have talked about this military weaponry. It is alot like hypnosis, but it can be done
by remote control. Just like some people cannot be hypnotized; some people are able to
resist scalar weaponry. The more it is used on you, the more you are able to figure out
what is going on, and to resist it. I will provide you with some links on scalar weaponry
(also sometimes called "extremely low frequency mind control") at

Let me talk about how I am keeping safe. I was thrown to the ground on November 9,
2017, early in the morning. It was probably through scalar weaponry. The aunt of Izumi
Takahashi (the Japanese journalist whom I visited in 2014) broke her hip last month
through a very similar attack. This week, I was barely injured.

Because of the delay between the time that I was attacked, and when I fell, it is likely
that I have effective protection. You may recall I was also attacked three months ago,
when my head hit the pavement and I suffered a mild concussion (see page 2).

"Izumi, on Thursday (November 9, 2017) I was knocked down, probably by scalar

weaponry. A man was passing by my home very early in the morning on foot. This
hardly ever happens. The Bankers wanted me to think my fall was caused by my dog,
but he has never, ever knocked me down, and my fall happened many seconds after the
dog was jumping. This is probably similar to what happened to your aunt when the
bicycle rode by her. I was not hurt, only some minor scrapes. Probably I was protected
from hurting myself when I fell.



I am showing this to you because it went viral and because it describes best where we
are on the Global Currency Reset. As long as you are hearing from me, you know that
the Coalition for the Rule of Law is stronger than the Banking Cartel, and that we are on
track in the Global Currency Reset.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A large company that has been corrupting the politicians in all

the countries, including the United States, has been beaten by a
coalition to clean things up, and we are positioned to do this
peacefully. What is more, that coalition is protecting me,
allowing me to speak for them, and I have continued to prove
that what I say is true.
I have been using the social media on the internet and public access TV to get the word
out, because the other media is telling the lies of that large company, which I call the
"Network of Global Corporate Control" and the "Banking Cartel."
I started to get an audience back in 2014, and that is when the Banking Cartel tried to
cut off my access to the internet. Because the coalition to clean up the corruption is
stronger than the Banking Cartel, that didn't work. I am showing you at the end of this
tweet how I stayed on the internet, and what I was doing when the Banking Cartel tried
to stop me.
One of the reasons I am allowed to speak for the clean-up crew
is because I was a fencer, and I know how to fight. Last night I
uploaded the teleprompter for my upcoming show on the

DCTV Series, "The Network of Global Corporate Control." The Banking Cartel tried to
undermine the coalition to clean things up, using one of their favorite tools: divide and
conquer. The bloodline families that are behind all this corruption have been using the
same dirty tricks to stay in control. We are onto them. Their tricks are now a way for us
to recognize their fingerprints.


Liberal=Hypocrite is an agent of the Banking Cartel. First of all, crypto currencies are
one of the weapons of the Banking Cartel. Here are two profile pictures of
Liberal=Hypocrite. The Banking Cartel is trying to disarm the people in the United
States for obvious reasons:

Upsetting the Applecart
Karen Hudes Sun, Oct 22, 2017 8:44 AM

No, no, and no. Now that you have stated what you did, I am not going to give any
publicity to this at all. It is a red herring, meant to distract.

It is not possible to clean the deep corruption until the currencies are replaced.
When we do things out of sequence, we are giving power to the Banking Cartel's
shills. I cannot offer any protection, only publicity. I am not going to empower fake
agents of the Banking Cartel, like [politician]

You want to support the coalition, then work towards the Global Currency Reset, and
if you want to work locally to support the Global Currency Reset, then get local
currencies issued in your village or town.

The Global Debt Facility is the correct solution, but only if we do not get side-tracked
with distractions, which you are offering. Maybe it is not deliberate. I am not going
to do things out of sequence. '

The Network of Global Corporate Control is a master in offering distractions. That is

why they have been in power for so long. The coalition for the rule of law is in a very
dangerous phase, just before we act at the center to cut off the head of the snake by
replacing the central banks' fake currencies.

Second email:
His name is Daniel Moser
He is 54 years old

He was spying to reveal the identity of bank whistle-blowers for the Swiss
government, Federal Intelligence Service (FIS))(NDB in German), and Swiss


Swiss 'tax spy' ready to confess in German trial: lawyer

Switzerland had been seeking the identities of three German tax officers, hoping to
build a case against them

Here are photos of him


Un agent suisse jugé pour avoir

espionné le fisc allemand ...


Berlin - Un ressortissant suisse est

jugé à partir de mercredi pour

avoir espionné le fisc allemand,
dans une affaire où les autorités
helvétiques sont ...


Schweizer Spion kann auf

Bewährungsstrafe hoffen - faz.net


Ein Deal kann den mutmaßliche

Schweizer Spion vor dem Gang ins
Gefängnis bewahren. Er soll
glaubhaft schildern, was mit den

German speaking Medias are keeping his identity a secret.

You may change that by posting his name with German key words and tags:

Schweizer Spion
Gericht Haft
"Daniel M."
Nachrichtendienst NDB
Bank Bankgeheimnis
Kunden Daten

I need to figure out why the Banking Cartel wants me to publish this: Aha! They
want me to make the people working for the Banking Cartel fear the Global Currency
Reset, so that we do not have a Global Currency Reset. The other document in my
inbox was trying to show that there are some "good" politicians, and distract us from
the Global Currency Reset. Well, the fact is, we are cleaning up our corrupt money
system. I just gave you what I wrote to the person who sent me the information about
the "good" politician.

Now let me show you what I posted about the National Liberty Alliance a year ago.
All of the groups as they are now are, are corrupted with Banking Cartel shills
misdirecting them. All of them. All of them. The corruption is very deep, and
cleaning the corruption is going to be very time consuming. We are not going to be
able to take any short-cuts. It is going to be very difficult to transition peacefully and
not upset the apple-cart. (What I really mean is have an economic crash-up). The
Global Currency Reset is going to upset the apple-cart, but in a deliberate and
peaceful transition.

We are going to manage to end the Banking Cartel, with compassion and with heart.
Do not blame me, just think about what we know about the amount of corruption.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

July 4, 2016

John Darash collects all of the receipts that people donate to the National Liberty
Alliance and uses these funds to live off of. He did not want to tell the members of the
National Liberty Alliance that the US Constitution of 1789 was not in force and effect,
and sent seditious threats to the Governors on behalf of the membership until I called
these threats to the attention of the NLA’s other officers, and these threats were then
retracted. Now John Darash is purporting to speak on behalf of the people of the United
States and using the platform of the NLA for this purpose. John Darash is threatening
legal action against the very people whose cooperation is required to save humanity
from another Dark Ages. This is when the entire legal profession has been indicted for
its complicity with the Network of Global Corporate Control that was identified by Vitali,
Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich

The United States is in interregnum because the US Congress has refused to convene the
convention that is mandated under Article V of the US Constitution of 1789. The
monetary gold reserves of the United States are safe and are administered on behalf of
the people of the United States by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF.
These monetary gold reserves are going to be used to mint constitutional Dollars to
replace the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes. Villages and towns are also going to
be issuing local currencies. During this interregnum, I vote the shares of the United
States on the Board of Governors and on the Boards of Executive Directors of the World
Bank and IMF.
The Global Debt Facility was created as an act of love, and it is administered as an act of
love. There is amnesty to prevent the agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control
from going to jail and from physical harm so that they can now do their duty under the
US Constitution of 1789 and preserve humanity.
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

From: john@nationallibertyalliance.org <john@nationallibertyalliance.org>

Sent: Monday, July 4, 2016 8:24 AM
To: John Darash
Subject: [All Members] “Declaration July 4th 2016” Special Message

You can see the rest of this tweet at


John Darash has sent you a group email from National Liberty Alliance.

There are many groups helping clean up the corruption in the world's money system.
There are traditional and not-so-traditional healers who have been providing critical
support. They know important things that the rest of us don't. A group of healers told
us already in August 2016 that we were directly on track for the Global Currency Reset.
I reported on DCTV in the March 28, 2017 segment that the Reset had became all but
inevitable, according to the healers:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Izumi
Date: Wed, Aug 31, 2016 at 1:19 AM
Subject: Fw: How are you?
To: Karen Hudes

Dear Karen,

How are you?

It got a bit late, but Alex answered me that she is fine.
But Diane, Alex' best friend is still recovering and Alex is helping Diane.

And as Alex wrote, Energies are very strong and chaotic.

I think the Evil Power want to do what they can do at their end.

To help her energy work, I think you know the group that use meditation and prayers.
So if you talk to them, I think they will do what they can to clean the energy of the world.

Love, Izumi

----- Forwarded Message -----

From Alex
To: Izumi
Subject: Re: How are you?

yes I am fine, but diane is just now recovering. Im having to shield everybody. Im
working hard with the energies right now. Hoping to get faster with my energy work.
Energies are strong and chaotic..
Love you,
On August 28, 2016, at 6:05 PM Izumi wrote:

Dear Alex,
How are you now?
You wrote that they attacked you, too.
And had similar symptom like Karen.
Thank you very much for your help! Karen wrote she is almost back to normal!!
Thank you very much for helping Karen and me when we need help.

I assumed when you got attack you recognized they attacked you and you put shield on
your energy field.
So I was pretty sure you are recovering fast.
I know you have many friends who are healers, and Diane is close to you.
But in case you have a bit of trouble recovering and you need some other idea, please let
us know.


Last week I said:

Every single one of us has a part to play in the Global Currency Reset.

Karen Hudes
1. e

Replying to

"The Banking Cartel's agents have no role in the Global Currency Reset. Their role is to learn
from their mistakes." Yes, we are supposed to learn from our mistakes in the Global
Currency Reset. It is not easy to learn from our mistakes. For this to occur, we have to be
open to hearing from others what we have done wrong. This is because we hide things from
ourselves. It is generally the case that the worse our mistakes, the less likely we are to realize
what we have done. Blind spots. It is part of what makes us human.

Another difficulty is then, after learning from others about the harm we have done to them, to
leave it up to them whether or not they are prepared to forgive us.

We clearly have our work cut out for us in the Global Currency Reset. I will tell you what I
have learned in my personal life about this part of the Global Currency Reset if there is still
time. My personal story does not figure so much, but what does, is how I have learned that
this is very hard work if it is done right, and what is more, it does not end.

OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global
Corporate Control." Today's segment was a “Crash Course on the Global Currency
Reset” We are starting to implement the Global Currency Reset, and learning that what
is hidden from us often holds more meaning than what is apparent. Until next week, I
am your host, Karen Hudes.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Yesterday I mailed the letters to the embassies on the Development Committee for the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings and to the officers of
the Intergovernmental Group of 24 on International Monetary Affairs (for the coalition
of 134 developing countries). The Banking Cartel broke the link, so now I am giving you
the first pages of the letters, (showing you who the letters went to)
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/lannualmeeting2017.3.pdf and a link to the letter as
it went out. This letter went to the Chair of the Board of Governors (Indonesia's
Minister of Finance) https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/lannualmeeting2017.2.pdf

The Banking Cartel is a slow learner. It has a hard time learning that I punish it for
breaking my links. Speaking of which, I just found out that the Banking Cartel removed
a document that I posted on July 27, 2016, just before I went to Canada on a family
vacation, where the Banking Cartel used its scalar weaponry on me because it thought
that was going to slow down the Global Currency Reset. Well, I recovered, and this did
not scare me off. It made me very mad. As a fencer, I have learned not to thrash around
when I am mad. I drill down, bide my time, and then hit the old parry riposte when my
enemy is off their guard. So what you are seeing now is my parry riposte. I have
attached the document that the Banking Cartel removed at the very end of this tweet. I
am also posting some tweets about Greece, because the Banking Cartel has been using
Greece as a guinea pig to learn how much punishment people are going to take before
the society loses all control. Well, that was a mistake for the Banking Cartel, because the
Greek people are now leading the rest of the world in the Global Currency Reset.
I am showing you a Tweet that landed in my Twitter account today on the following
page. 2 points to make

1. -bitcoin is a trick from the Banking Cartel. Shun it or you may lose your money.
2. -lots of people sense that we are ready for the Global Currency Reset

Greek people now know that scam country debt offset against Treaty of Versailles bonds

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000

March 25, 2015

H.E. Konstantinos Skrekas

Minister of Development and Competitiveness
c/o H.E. Christos Panagopoulos
Embassy of Greece
2217 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008

Re: http://presswire.com/content/1324064/board-governors-world-bank-and-imf-

Your Excellency,

This is further to my email to the New York and Tokyo embassies dated March 19,
2015, a copy of which is enclosed for your ready reference. I also refer to my letter
January 8, 2015 to Dr. Janet Yellen concerning the fraudulent claims of the Federal
Reserve, copied to you and the rest of the members on the Board of Governors. Since
then, a Notarial Protest has been lodged with the Universal Postal Union.

As determined by the Development Committee and subsequently informed to

them, https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/ldevelopmentcte3.pdf the Global Debt
Facility has filed financing statements with the 12 Federal Reserve Banks in the US.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/ucc1.pdf Country debt will be offset against the
obligations held by the Global Debt Facility.

The funds of the Global Debt Facility are for the benefit of humanity and may not
be transferred without the protocols in the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough
Successor Agreement, https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/BILATERAL.pdf which
will include decisions to be taken by the Board of Governors and authorized
signature. The Board of Governors has determined that there will need to be full
agreement about the disposition of assets in the Global Debt Facility. So far, the only
agreed disposition is the replacement of fractional reserve fiat currency and
remediation of Fukushima as set out in the letters to the Tokyo embassies.

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund Development Committee serve
as liaisons to the full Board of Governors. The Development Committee is currently
considering the following implementation measures.
 the proposed draft Monetary Agreement which was forwarded to the Tokyo
 the historic price of gold

 advance administrative costs approved by the Board of Executive Directors
on June 22, 2014
 my admittance to World Bank and IMF headquarters and country offices
 differentiating and disposing of excess, speculative foreign currencies
 audit of gold in the Global Debt Facility and claims of possible thefts
 winding down the network of global corporate control and bankruptcy of the
banks operating under various jurisdictions
 transition arrangements; local currencies
 bailment laws

These matters affect each and every nation. The Network of Global Corporate
Control is violating the Articles of Agreement of the World Bank and International
Monetary Fund https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/general+assembly3.docx The
President of the World Bank and the Managing Director of the IMF cannot overrule
the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF or their Boards of Executive
Directors; the Boards have full authority to conduct the general operations of the
World Bank and IMF.

I refer to my letter of June 26, 2014 to H.E. Mr. Nikolaos Tsamados and would
appreciate learning which persons will be negotiating the Monetary Agreement on
behalf of Greece. Similar letters are being sent to the other 187 Ambassadors of the
World Bank and IMF membership, for transmittal to Ministers of Finance in their
respective countries.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

Now I am showing you the emails that went to the New York Missions to the UN and the Japanese
embassies of the world's countries. As you see, I also posted these letters on the internet and mailed
hard copies of the letters to more than thirty embassies in Washington that were on the various
committees in charge of communications for the Annual Meetings, as well as to the Chair of the
Development Committee.

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karen Hudes
Date: Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 5:22 PM
Subject: Upcoming Annual Meetings of the World Bank and IMF
To: mission.newyork@mfa.gov.al, albania.un@albania-un.org, mission@algeria-un.org,
contact@andorraun.org, themission@angolaun.org, unmission@abgov.org, argentina@un.int,
armenia@un.int, australia@un.int, new-york-ov@bmeia.gv.at, azerbaijan@un.int,
mission@bahamasny.com, bahrain1@un.int, bangladesh@un.int, bdpmny@gmail.com,
prun@foreign.gov.bb, barbados@un.int, belmission.ny@gmail.com, belarus@un.int,
newyorkun@diplobel.fed.be, blzun@belizemission.com, blzun@aol.com, Benin Republique
<beninewyork@gmail.com>, bhutan@un.int, bolivia@un.int, delgaliviaonu@hotmail.com,
bihun@mfa.gov.ba, botswana@un.int, delbrasonu@delbrasonu.org, brunei@un.int, Bulgarian
Mission to the UN NY <bulgaria@un.int>, ambabunewyork@yahoo.fr, cambodia@un.int,
cameroon.mission@yahoo.com, canada@un.int, capeverde@un.int, CENTRAL AFRICAN
REPUBLIC <repercaf.ny@gmail.com>, Chad Mission <chadmission@gmail.com>,
chile.un@minrel.gov.cl, chinesemission@yahoo.com, Alejandro Mejia
<colombia@colombiaun.org>, comoros@un.int, congo@un.int, mpcongo_onu@hotmail.com,
Mission of Costa Rica to the UN <contact.costaricamission@gmail.com>,
cotedivoiremission@yahoo.com, cromiss.un@mvp.hr, cuba_onu@cubanmission.com,
pmccyprus.un@verizon.net, un.newyork@embassy.mzv.cz, dpr.korea@verizon.net,
drcongo@un.int, nycmis@um.dk, djibouti@nyct.net, domun@onecommonwealth.org, Dominica
Mission <dominicaun@gmail.com>, drun@un.int, ecuador@un.int, egypt@un.int,
cgarcia@rree.gob.sv, elsalvador@un.int, equatorialguineamission@yahoo.com,
mission.newyork@mfa.ee, ethiopia@un.int, mission@fijiprun.org, sanomat.yke@formin.fi,
france@un.int, dsatsia@gabon-un.org, gambia_un@hotmail.com, geomission.un@mfa.gov.ge,
info@new-york-un.diplo.de, ghanaperm@aol.com, mission@greeceun.org, grenada@un.int,
guatemala@un.int, onupnud@minex.gob.gt, missionofguinea@aol.com,
guineabissaupmun@hotmail.com, guyana@un.int, haiti@un.int, honduras_un@hotmail.com,
hungary@un.int, unmission@mfa.is, india <india@un.int>, indiaun <indiaun@prodigy.net>,
ptri@indonesiamission-ny.org, iran@un.int, iraqny@un.int, iraqimission@live.com,
ireland@un.int, info.italyun@esteri.it, archives.italyun@esteri.it, jamaica@un.int, p-m-
j@dn.mofa.go.jp, missionun@jordanmissionun.com, kazakhstan@un.int, info@kenyaun.org,
kuwaitmission@msn.com, kyrgyzstan@un.int, lao@un.int, mission.un-ny@mfa.gov.lv,
contact@lebanonun.org, lesotho@un.int, remongar.dennis@yahoo.com,
libya_mis_us@foreign.gov.ly, mission@nyc.llv.li, lithuania@un.int, newyork.rp@mae.etat.lu,
repermad@verizon.net, Malawi UN Mission <malawiu@aol.com>, malawinewyork@aol.com,
malnyun@kln.gov.my, maldives@un.int, malionu@aol.com, malta-un.newyork@gov.mt,
malta@un.int, marshallislands@un.int, mauritania@un.int, mauritius@un.int, PM OF MEXICO
TO THE UN <onuusr1@sre.gob.mx>, fsmun@fsmgov.org, monaco@un.int, mongolia@un.int,
un.newyork@mfa.gov.me, info@morocco-un.org, mozambique@un.int,
myanmarmission@verizon.net, namibia@un.int, nauru@un.int, nauru@onecommonwealth.org,
nepal@un.int, Nepal Mission <nepalmissionusa@gmail.com>, netherlands@un.int,
nzmissionny@earthlink.net, delun@mfa.no, un.newyork@mfa.no, oman@un.int,
pakistan@un.int, mission@palauun.org, emb@panama-un.org, paraguay@un.int,

onuper@unperu.org, newyorkpm@gmail.com, nowyjork.onz.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl,
portugal@missionofportugal.org, qatar-e@qatarmission.org, korea@un.int,
unmoldova@aol.com, misiune@romaniaun.org, romania@un.org, rusun@un.int,
ambanewyork@minaffet.gov.rw, sknmission@aol.com, slumission@aol.com, svgun@aol.com,
samoa@un.int, sanmarinoun@hotmail.com, embstpusa@verizon.net, saudi-mission@un.int,
senegal.mission@yahoo.fr, info@serbiamissionun.org, seychelles@un.int, sierraleone@un.int,
singapore@un.int, un.newyork@mzv.sk, slovenia@un.int, somalia@un.int,
pmun.newyork@dirco.gov.za, rep.nuevayorkonu@maec.es, mail@slmission.com,
sudan@sudanmission.org, suriname@un.int, swazinymission@yahoo.com, sweden@un.int,
Syrian Mission <exesec.syria@gmail.com>, tajikistan@un.int, tajikistanun@aol.com,
thailand@un.int, newyork@mfa.gov.mk, timor-leste@un.int, togo@un.int,
togo.mission@yahoo.fr, tongaunmission@gmail.com, tto@un.int, tunisnyc@nyc.rr.com,
turkdel.un@mfa.gov.tr, turkmenistan@un.int, tuvalu@onecommonwealth.org,
ugandaunny@un.int, uno_us@mfa.gov.ua, uae@uaemission.com, uk@un.int,
tzrepny@aol.com, usunpublicaffairs@state.gov, uruguay@un.int, Ashraf Khodjaev
<ashraf.uny@gmail.com>, vanunmis@aol.com, venezuela@un.int, ymiss-
newyork@mofa.gov.ye, nyc.vertretung-un@edaadmin.ch, hiroshi@fit.ac.jp,
auscitzreg.tokyo@dfat.gov.au, infoconsul.tokyo-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr,
brasemb@brasemb.or.jp, info@afghanembassyjp.com, embassy@angola.or.jp, Japón
EMBAJADA <ejapo@mrecic.gov.ar>, armembjapan@mfa.am, tokio-ob@bmeia.gv.at,
info@azerbembassy.jp, consulate@bahrain-embassy.or.jp, bdembjp@yahoo.com,
japan@belembassy.org, tokyo.consular@diplobel.fed.be, tokyo@diplobel.fed.be,
embassy@belize.jp, embjp@embassyofboliviainjapan.org, bih8emb@gol.com,
botjap@sepia.ocn.ne.jp, tokyo.japan@mfa.gov.bn, contact@bruemb.jp,
embassy.tokyo@mfa.bg, Burkina Faso Embassy <faso-amb@khaki.plala.or.jp>,
camemb.jpn@mfa.gov.kh, info@cameroon-embassy-jp.org, echile.japon@minrel.gov.cl,
info@china-embassy.or.jp, embajada@emcoltokyo.or.jp, etokio@minrelext.gov.co,
drctokyo@ambardcongo.com, embajadaCR@embassyofcostarica-japan.org,
embajadacostarica.japon@gmail.com, ambacijn@yahoo.fr, croemb.tokyo@mvep.hr,
embajada@ecujapon.jp, tokyo@embassy.mzv.cz, consular_tokyo@embassy.mzv.cz,
DenmarkEmbassyTokyo <tyoamb@um.dk>, djibouti@fine.ocn.ne.jp, timor-
leste77@yahoo.co.jp, fumiko.kitagawa@mnec.gov.tl, eecujapon@mmrree.gob.ec,
info@ecuador-embassy.or.jp, egyptemb@leaf.ocn.ne.jp, embesaltokio@gol.com,
embassy.tokyo@mfa.ee, info@ethiopia-emb.or.jp, info@fijiembassy.jp, FinEmbTokyo
<sanomat.tok@formin.fi>, tokio.emb@mfa.gov.ge, info@tokyo.diplo.de, gremb.tok@mfa.gr,
greekembassy@tokyo.email.ne.jp, Honduras Tokyo Embajada
<honduras.embassy.tokyo@gmail.com>, huembtio@gol.com, icemb.tokyo@utn.stjr.is,
indembjp@gol.com, indonembsatu@hpo.net, tokemb@iraqmofamail.net, info@tokyo.mfa.gov.il,
ambasciata.tokyo@esteri.it, isa@isa-africa.com, mail@jamaicaemb.jp, jjor-
emb@mc.kcom.ne.jp, jpdiplomemb@gmail.com, general@kenyarep-jp.com, info@kuwait-
embassy.or.jp, chancery@kyrgyzemb.jp, embassy.japan@mfa.gov.lv, Lebanon Embassy
<ambaliba@cronos.ocn.ne.jp>, info@lithemb.or.jp, Lithuanian Embassy In Japan
<amb.jp@urm.lt>, ambtyo@r5.dion.ne.jp, malawi@luck.ocn.ne.jp, malawi@mxl.ttcn.ne.jp,
maltokyo@kln.gov.my, ambmalijp@gol.com, maltaconsul.tokyo@gov.mt, rmito@din.or.jp,

embamex@mexicoembassy.jp, fsmemb@fsmemb.or.jp,
hiroharu.okamoto@mitsubishicorp.com, sifamato@circus.ocn.ne.jp, mozambiq@tkk.att.ne.jp,
contact@myanmar-embassy-tokyo.net, met@twics.con, nepembjp@big.or.jp,
nzemb.tky@mail.com, emb.tokyo@mfa.no, info@pakistanembassyjapan.com,
pareptokyo@hotmail.com, eroptj@pastel.ocn.ne.jpo, palestine@paltsts-jp.com,
panaemb@gol.com, png-tyo@nifty.ne.jp, EMBAPAR Tokio <embajada-
consulado@embapar.jp>, Embajada del Peru en Japon <embtokyo@embperujapan.org>,
phjp@gol.com, info@philembassy.net, tokio.amb.sekretariat@msz.gov.pl, tokyo@mofa.gov.qa,
rosconsl@ma.kcom.ne.jp, ambatokyo@minaffet.gov.rw, jpemb@mofa.gov.sa,
embassy@embassy-serbia-montenegro.jp, contact@r-o-seychelles.jp, singemb@gol.com,
emb.tokyo@mzv.sk, vto@mzz-dkp.gov.si, visa@rsatk.com,
buzon.oficial@tokio.ofcomes.mcx.es, tokyojp@lankaembassy.jp, info@sudanembassy.jp,
ambassaden.tokyo@foreign.ministry.se, teco-tky@www.roc-taiwan.or.jp, 河原美奈子
<infosect@thaiembassy.jp>, embassy@turkey.jp, iwatani@nbk.co.jp, ugabassy@hpo.net,
emb_jp@mfa.gov.ua, ukremb@rose.ocn.ne.jp, info@uaeembassy.jp, Embajada del Uruguay en
Japón <urujap@luck.ocn.ne.jp>, embavene@interlink.or.jp, vnembasy@blue.ocn.ne.jp,
info@yemen.jp, infoemb@zambia.or.jp, zimtokyo@achive.ecn.ne.jp

This is going to the members of the Development Committee and the officers of the Intergovernmental
Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs via their Washington Embassies.


October 1, 2017

[To the Ambassadors in Washington and Members of the Development Committee and
Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs listed below]

Your Excellencies,

I refer to my letters dated September 29, 2016 and April 2, 2017. A growing public is aware that
the Network of Global Corporate Control (identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH
Zurich http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf ) is insolvent and in
receivership inside the Global Debt Facility containing the world's international monetary gold
reserves. The Network of Global Corporate Control has lost the ability to block reality from

The United States is now in interregnum, its military rule no longer secret, its State Governors
pursued by common law juries demanding redress for theft of titles to land and other property,
its Supreme Court, rest of the judiciary, and entire legal community exposed as complicit and
unable to respond. The Commonwealth is also in interregnum, following revelations about a
different monarch for the throne of England residing in
Portugal. www.thehiddenkingofengland.com

It is now time to bring the gold out of sequestration. The members on the Board of Governors of
the World Bank and IMF and Ambassadors received my letter dated March 25, 2015 containing
the offer to replace fractional reserve fiat currencies in a Global Currency
Reset https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Alternative+to+WWIII.pdf This offer stands. The
Federal Reserve Bank will be required to offset country debt with the 2 quadrillion the Fed owes
on its Treaty of Versailles Bonds.

[This paragraph was added on April 11, 2017, after the following statement about rule of law in
the Bretton Woods institutions was posted:


and the following segment on DCTV aired and was archived on the
internet. https://youtu.be/rccjo6uOmFM teleprompter: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/
dctvteleprompt4.4.17.1.pdf .

A critical mass understands that the coalition for the rule of law on the Boards of Governors
administers the wealth of the nations in the Global Debt Facility. In accordance with the
agreements at the Annual Meetings in Peru in
2015 https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.8.16.2.pdf :

"The United States government is in interregnum, and I am exercising the voice and vote of the
US representatives on the Board of Governors and Board of Executive Directors of the World
Bank and IMF until the Constitution of 1789 is reinstated pursuant to the provisions of Article V
thereof. I am providing copies of this correspondence to the ... New York missions and Tokyo
embassies. The Global Debt Facility has notified the Securities and Exchange Commission
of the interim financial statements of the Global Debt Facility, as well as the unlimited power of
attorney over Allied Barton which I exercise on behalf of the Global Debt Facility. Any
Allied Barton employee who prevents my full and unhindered access to the World Bank and
IMF is hereby subject to immediate termination without further ado. As agreed during the
(2015) World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings, these arrangements on behalf of the Global Debt
Facility are authorized by the countries copied on this email, unless they register their dissent in

It is now time to bring the gold out of sequestration. The members on the Board of Governors of
the World Bank and IMF and Ambassadors received my letter dated March 25, 2015 containing
the offer to replace fractional reserve fiat currencies in a Global Currency
Reset https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Alternative+to+WWIII.pdf This offer stands. The
Federal Reserve Bank will be required to offset country debt with the 2 quadrillion the Fed owes
on its Treaty of Versailles Bonds.

We have remained at a
fork in the road: WWIII or the Global Currency Reset. Starting off with Ferdinand Marcos' praye
r to the United States 13:40-
14:40 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sstf3ueOfeU&app=desktop:

"For I know that as I have said in many a speech before my own people and before the world,
fate and destiny have decreed that the United States of America
be the trustee of modern civilization against the threat of a possible second
Dark Ages. And America cannot fail. Therefore, we the Filipino people come and bring to you a
prayer: God in his divine providence may grant you guidance and strengthen both your heart and
hand so that hand may be strong
on the lever of power and save our humanity. If America fails, then the world is lost."

A well-informed group in America, including the loyal military who have been working together
with the Joint US Japan Committee under the Status of Forces Agreement, is ready to join with
the coalition for the rule of law on the Board of Governors that was predicted by the power
transition model that came to the World Bank from the US Department of Defense in
2004. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/sentia+model.pdf

Aaron Broches, who helped to write the World Bank’s Articles of Agreement as a young
counselor in the Dutch Embassy, went on to serve between 1959-1978 as the longest serving
General Counsel. Aaron Broches was my mentor for many years. The General Counsel’s most
important function is to provide a proper interpretation of the Articles of the World Bank in
giving voice to the Board of Executive Directors and Board of Governors.

Sandra Okoro has been relieved of her position as Senior Vice President and General Counsel of
the World Bank Group; https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter3.17.17.2.pdf ; not a single
mission or embassy has defended her; nor did a single country object to the discharge of
Christine Lagarde or Jim Kim or any of the other misguided officials in the Secretariat. These
agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control have defied the decision of the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to place the Network of Global
Corporate Control in receivership in the Global Debt Facility in a Global Currency Reset. The
agents of the Network of Global Corporate Control are bankrupt or about to be bankrupt under
commercial liens held by the Global Debt
Facility. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/scan0013.pdf

I revealed the WBG's corporate governance problems during my interview for the position of the
World Bank's General Counsel in May 2006. Two months after assisting the Senate Committee
on Foreign Relations during confirmation hearings for the World Bank's Executive Director, I
was fired in retaliation. Svein Aass, Norway's ED and Chair of the Board's Governance
Committee, reinstated me with the concurrence of Eugene Miagkov, Russia's Alternate ED. My
bondholder litigation, brought to resolve corporate governance problems, was settled by the
Board of Governors in 2012. President Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court, Merrick
Garland, was on the Panel that disregarded the Board's settlement of my case. Neil Gorsuch is
also bankrupt under a commercial lien held by the Global Debt
Facility. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Gorsuch3.pdf

I informed Mr. David S. Ferriero, Archivist of the United States National Archives and
Records Administration, that as the US. Congress has suspended the Constitution of
1789 by declaring a state of emergency
( http://www.barefootsworld.net/war_ep1.html ), the provisions concerning the
electoral college process [see https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-
college/provisions.html ] do not apply. Neither do the statutes governing the electoral
process, which provide that electors shall vote for President and Vice President,
respectively, "in the manner directed by the Constitution." Most importantly, I
informed Mr. Ferriero that in order to prevent WWIII, the Board of Governors has
agreed that the monetary gold reserves of the United States in the Global Debt Facility

are being deployed to enable the United States to fulfill its treaty obligations in the
defense Germany and
Japan. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter10.31.16.1.pdf

As previously set forth in minutes of the Development Committee, the Global Currency
Reset is replacing paper currencies issued by the Network of Global Corporate Control
for national currencies minted from the monetary gold reserves of the nations. Local
currencies issued by villages and towns are also replacing the corrupt fractional reserve
fiat currencies issued by the Network of Global Corporate Control

The corrupt martial law regime in the United States has been
exposed http://thetexasrepublic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/IN-THE-
SUPREME-COURT-of-Utah-Dyett-v-Turner.pdf, along with the 1933 bankruptcy of the
federal US government: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.1.17.pdf The US
Federal Register shows that the Federal Government no longer exists after the 1933
bankruptcy of the United States by the Banking
Cartel. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter3.18.17.2.pdf

The Network of Global Corporate Control has been trying to prevent the Board of
Governors from deploying the world's monetary gold reserves. As agreed during the
2015 Annual Meeting in Peru, and subsequently confirmed with the Development
Committee, New York Missions and Tokyo Embassies, I speak on behalf of the Board of
Governors on matters concerning the Global Debt Facility.

The Network of Global Corporate Control and the members of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund do not hold monetary gold reserves. These are in the
Global Debt Facility, after having been deposited by Jose Rizal on January 3,
1949. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.4.16.2.pdf


The coalition for the rule of law remains in charge of the Global Currency Reset that
was previously approved https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter4.25.15.1.pdf

The Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility speaks on behalf of the
beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility, in accepting José Rizal's Proclamation and
Declaration of the Gift of Love


The attached Statement for the Development Committee, and Minutes of the Development
Committee of October 14, 2017, supersedes any documents prepared by the Network of Global
Corporate Control, and its now-discredited secretariat, and its fired and discredited former
President of the World Bank, Jim Kim and former Managing Director, Christine Lagarde.

I am mailing this statement to the members of the Development Committee and the following
officers of the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs via
their Washington Embassies:

 Chair: Abraham Tekeste, Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation, Ethiopia

 First Vice-Chair: Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Finance, Sri Lanka
 Second Vice-Chair: Julio Velarde, Governor of Banco Central De Reserva Del Peru

as well as general posting on the internet and by electronic mail to the New York Missions and
Tokyo Embassies, who confirm its contents unless they go on record in writing.


Karen Hudes

Acting General Counsel

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The rest of the letter containing the Minutes of the 2017 Annual Meetings of the Boards of
Governors of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund, as copied to the New York
Missions, the Development Committee, the Tokyo Embassies, and the Intergovernmental Group
of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs, and as published on the internet, can be
viewed in the link for the following "tweet". A critical mass of humanity is aware of the
corruption in the money system, and that is why the Global Currency Reset is now
reality. People know that the governments are corrupt and illegitimate, and the elites who
depend upon the valueless paper money system to stay in power are standing on quicksand.


Statement of Karen Hudes for the Development Committee

on Behalf of the United States[1]


WASHINGTON - We are at a fork in the road for the Bretton Woods institutions. On January 3, 1949 José
Rizal placed the world's monetary gold reserves and other asset commodities in trust as a gift of love, to
be returned to humanity by the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF at the end of 50 years of
sequestration.[2] The world's peoples and nations agreed to this gift of love. The terms of the trust are
spelled out in the Bilateral Minesfield Breakthrough Successor Agreement.[3] The gift of love prevents
World War III and another Dark Ages.

Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower accepted these terms on behalf of the people of the United States
of America, and other nations are similarly bound by this sacred treaty. At the inaugural meeting of the
Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank in 1946, the Governor for the United States of America
reassured the other nations that the Bretton Woods institutions would respect the other nations' property
in this trust by ensuring that it was up to the Board of Executive Directors to interpret the Articles of
Agreement of the World Bank.[4]

As a lawyer in the World Bank's legal department for twenty years, when the Articles of the World Bank
were violated, I reminded the Board of Executive Directors that they were responsible for interpreting the
Articles of Agreement. My efforts to reassert the rule of law at the Bretton Woods institutions were played
out on the world stage after I bought a World Bank bond and sued in the US federal court system.

The Board of Governors has made me the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the trust containing the world's
monetary gold reserves and other wealth. At the Annual Meetings in Lima, Peru in October, 2015 twenty
delegations agreed that I speak on behalf of the Board of Governors on matters involving the world's
monetary gold reserves and other wealth, and that any nation who disagreed would record their dissent in
writing. The New York Missions and Tokyo embassies have confirmed this arrangement. This has
enabled me to invalidate any and all attempts to disinherit the world's peoples as beneficiaries of the trust
bequeathed to all of mankind as a gift of love:







Delivering the Global Currency Reset

The fractional reserve fiat currencies oppress and exploit humanity, only for the benefit of a Network of
Global Corporate Control. This Network of Global Corporate Control has come into view, when secrecy
was what the Network required in order to continue its agenda of sowing dissension and hatred among
the peoples. The Board of Governors has placed this Network of Global Corporate Control into
receivership, and has authorized liens to be placed against the entire Federal Reserve System, including
Illinois. In order for the Global Currency Reset to proceed in an orderly and transparent manner, amnesty
from punishment will be granted. This does not mean amnesty from opprobrium. This does not mean a
guarantee of continued employment.

Strict adherence to the Articles of the Bretton Woods institutions, and the respective roles of the Board of
Governors, Development Committee, Boards of Executive Directors, and subservient role of the
secretariat must be respected so that the world's peoples can receive José Rizal's gift of love. As a first
priority, the capture by the Network of Global Corporate Control of the WBG’s and IMF secretariats must
be reversed. The Board's Drysdale Committee on Human Resources Management has already prepared
a workable action program to guide the way forward. Achieving our global development goals is only
possible if we successfully address this challenge.

We encourage close coordination and cooperation with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in
working together in the transition to national currencies minted from the nations' monetary gold reserves
and local currencies introduced in the villages and towns. The importance of the WBG working effectively
with other international financial institutions cannot be overstated. When the rule of law in the Bretton
Woods institutions is observed faithfully, collaboration and cooperation can be readily attained.

Responding to Discoveries of Assets owned by the trust for the benefit of humanity

The Board of Executive Directors and the Board of Governors are empowered under the Articles of
Agreement of the WB and IMF to deal with issues arising in the Global Currency Reset in a transparent
manner. This will include the distribution of assets such as the Kohinoor Diamond, the Amber Room, and
other art treasures that have been located. The Development Committee also has a constructive role to
play, as it works through the details in the Letter of Intent agreed with the Governor of the Central Bank of
Taiwan and with YCT Corporation.[5] Prospects for growth will improve dramatically as new technologies
on energy, health, and transportation are released. With an end to legal tender laws in the Global
Currency Reset, local currencies will also stimulate growth in employment and shared prosperity.

For the WBG to have credibility with its clients, the WBG must be held to account for adherence to the
rule of law. This means keeping faith with its founders and the terms on which it came into being, and
carrying out the sacred mandate with which it is entrusted: José Rizal's gift of love. This means that the
secretariat has to be reframed at once in order to respect the terms of the Bilateral Minesfield
Breakthrough Successor Agreement, as well as the authority of its member countries.

We stand on the brink of a new tomorrow as we accept José Rizal's gift of love.

1. The Development Committee met today, October 14, 2017 in Washington, D.C.

2. In this critical year, the international community is emerging from a highly corrupt
international financial system. The global economy is in turmoil due to the risk of
permanent gold backwardation as fractional reserve fiat currencies weaken from
unrestricted quantitative easing. We recall the decision of the Development Committee
at the 2014 Spring Meeting to exchange fractional reserve fiat currencies for currencies
minted from the international monetary gold reserves deposited by José Rizal in the
Global Debt Facility as an act of love.

3. The Development Committee calls on the World Bank Group (WBG) and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) as an interim measure until gold currencies can be
minted, to assist in the exchange of fractional reserve fiat currencies issued by the Bank
for International Settlements for currencies issued by the country Treasuries
. Certificates of exchange will need to be issued to residents and the appropriate
ceilings established for the amount of currency that each individual may receive. This is
in preparation for the ultimate exchange of paper Treasury currencies into national
currencies containing gold from the Global Debt Facility.

4. The WBG and IMF are encouraged to assist member countries account for
national indebtedness in preparation for debt being offset against the Treaty of
Versailles bonds held in the Global Debt Facility that is administered by the Board of
Governors. The private banks are in receivership in the Global Debt Facility, and will be
resolved in the Global Currency Reset.

5. As local communities start to work themselves free from the secret domination
and control that has plagued mankind from time immemorial, there are many lessons to
be learned from the grassroots in order to benefit from José Rizal's gift of love. Local
communities are transitioning to local currency, as legal tender laws that are against
common and natural law are unenforceable. We call on the WBG and the IMF to
support community efforts to transition to local currencies in villages and towns.

6. Now that the sequestration of the world's monetary gold reserves is ended, and
in line with the Board of Governors' and the International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development Board of Executive Directors' original mandates, the June 4, 1947
Memorandum with Regard to Organization and Loan Procedure is no longer
applicable. We expect the WBG and the IMF to take direction from the Board of
Governors and the Boards of Executive Directors, as mandated under the Articles of
Agreement of the WBG and IMF. The Development Committee provides necessary
oversight in the Global Currency Reset on behalf of the Board of Governors.

7. The Board of Governors will authenticate each and every disbursement from the Global
Debt Facility. Claims over the ownership of the assets in the Global Debt Facility have all been
extinguished by passage of time and the statute of limitations. Accordingly, each and every
dispute, including claims of right of ownership in the assets of the Global Debt Facility in the
South China Seas that have not been authenticated by the Board of Governors have no
standing. The Development Committee will resolve peacefully, as intended, the allocation of
assets in the Global Debt Facility upon the principle that no nation or people has right of claim in
precedence over any other.

8. We ask the Boards of Executive Directors of the WBG and IMF to direct their
efforts in strengthened oversight. For this to happen, we require an audit of the financial
statements of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the
International Finance Corporation in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting

Principles. The conflicts in the Administrative Tribunal, whereby judges are given
arbitration contracts from the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment
Disputes, are to be brought into the sunlight, and resolved, with affected staff made
whole. Other parts of the Conflict Resolution System are to be brought into compliance
with a robust system of internal controls. The Institutional Integrity Department, which
has a proven record that is counterproductive and at cross purposes to strengthened
internal controls, is no longer required. The human resources function of the WBG and
IMF will report directly to the Boards of Executive Directors in accordance with the
recommendations of the Drysdale Committee under the Strategic Compact in the Global
Currency Reset.

9. Looking ahead, there are many challenges for the WBG and the IMF to regain
credibility. It is incumbent on the WBG and IMF to become more accountable and
restore the confidence of the international community. This will be facilitated through
learning from the grassroots and encouraging other international actors, including the
African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, European Investment Bank and Inter-American
Development Bank to do so as well. The WBG needs to be open to new chronology
and history of the ancient and medieval world, corrected climate data, free energy, and
other censored information

10. We ask the WBG to strengthen collaboration to promote South-South

cooperation and to be receptive to boost shared prosperity in a sustainable manner.

11. The next meeting of the Development Committee is scheduled for April 22, 2017
in Washington, DC. (last year's statements at the Annual and Spring Meetings were
placed on the internet, and mailed to the Washington Embassies of the Development
Committee members. They can be found
at: https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/lspringmeetings.pdf

His Excellency Mohammed A. Al-Jadaan

Minister of Finance

c/o His Excellency Abdullah Faisal Turki Al Saud

Embassy of Saudi Arabia

601 New Hampshire Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20037

His Excellency Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al-Khalifa

Minister of Finance

c/o His Excellency Shaikh Abdulla Mohamed Alkhalifa

Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain

3502 International Drive, NW

Washington, Dc 20008

His Excellency Taro Aso

Minister of Finance

c/o His Excellency Kenichiro Sasae

Embassy of Japan
2520 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, Dc 20008

His Excellency Mohammed Boussaid

Minister of Economy and Finance

c/o His Excellency Mohammed Rachad Bouhlal

Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco

1601 21st Street, NW

Washington, Dc 20009

Her Excellency Ulla Toernaes

Minister for Development Cooperation

Royal Danish Embassy

c/o His Excellency Lars Gert Lose

3200 Whitehaven Street, NW

Washington DC 20008

H.E. Apisak Tantivorawong

Minister of Finance

c/o His Excellency Pisan Manawapat

Embassy of Thailand

1024 Wisconsin Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20007

H.E. Scott Morrison

Treasurer of Australia

c/o His Excellency Joseph Benedict Hockey

Embassy of Australia

1601 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20036

His Excellency Jeroen Dijsselbloem

Minister of Finance

c/o His Excellency Hendrik Jan Jurriaan Schuwer

Royal Netherlands Embassy

4200 Linnean Avenue, Nw

Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Hadizatou Rosine Coulibaly/Sori

Minister of Economy, Finance and Development

c/o Mr. Seydou Sinka, Charge D'affaires Ad Interim

Embassy of Burkina Faso

2340 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Priti Patel

Secretary of State for International Development

c/o His Excellency Sir Nigel Kim Darroch

Ambassador of the United Kingdom

3100 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Arun Jaitley

Minister of Finance

c/o H.E. Arun Kumar Singh

Embassy of India
2107 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Philip Isdor Mpango

Minister of Finance and Planning

c/o His Excellency Wilson Mutagaywa Masilingi

Embassy of Tanzania

1232 22nd Street, NW

Washington, DC 20037

His Excellency Henrique De Campos Meirelles

Minister of Finance

c/o H.E. Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado

Brazilian Embassy
3006 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Jie Xiao

Minister of Finance

c/o His Excellency Tiankai Cui

Embassy of China
3505 International Place, NW

Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Gerd Mueller

Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development
c/o H.E. Peter Wittig

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

4645 Reservoir Road, NW

Washington, DC 20007

H.E. José Antonio Meade Kuribreña

Minister of Finance and Public Credit

c/o His Excellency Carlos Manuel Sada Solana

Embassy of Mexico

1911 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20006

His Excellency Kemi Adeosun

Minister of Finance

c/o Mr. Hakeem Toyin Balogun, Charge D'affaires

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

3519 International Court, NW

Washington, DC 20008

His Excellency Bill Morneau

Minister of Finance

c/o His Excellency David Brookes Macnaughton

Embassy of Canada
501 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20001

H.E. Bruno Le Maire

Minister for the Economy and Finance

c/o H.E. Gerard Roger Araud

Embassy of France
4101 Reservoir Road, NW

Washington, DC 20007

His Excellency Johann Schneider-Ammann

Minister of Economic Affairs, Education and Research

c/o H.E. Martin Werner Dahinden

Embassy of Switzerland
2900 Cathedral Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Maksim Oreshkin

Minister of Economic Development

C/O His Excellency Sergey Ivanovich Kislyak

Embassy of the Russian Federation

2650 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20007

His Excellency Johan van Overtveldt

c/o Mr. Thomas Lambert, Charge D'affaires

Embassy of Belgium
3330 Garfield Street, NW

Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Ms. Claudia Maria Amelia Teresa Cooper


Minister of Economy and Finance

c/o Ms. Cecilia Zunilda Galarreta Bazan

Minister, Charge D'affaires A.I.

Embassy of Peru

1700 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20036

His Excellency Ignazio Visco

Governor, Bank of Italy

c/o His Excellency Armando Varricchio

Embassy of Italy
3000 Whitehaven Street, Nw
Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Abraham Tekeste

Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation

c/o His Excellency Girma Birru Geda

Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic of


3506 International Drive, NW

Washington, DC 20008

Hon. Mangala Samaraweera

Minister of Finance

Embassy of Sri Lanka

c/o His Excellency Prasad Kariyawasam

3025 Whitehaven Street, NW

Washington, DC 20008

H.E. Mauricio Cárdenas Santamaría

Minister of Finance and Public Credit

c/o His Excellency Juan Carlos Pinzon Bueno

Embassy of Colombia

1724 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20036

[1]http://kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ljudicialconference1.pdf The legitimacy of the US

federal court system and the US government were irrevocably called into question when the DC Court of
Appeals refused to respect the Board of Governors' settlement of my
lawsuit. https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.8.16.1.pdf

[2] https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Twitter2.4.16.2.pdf

[3] https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/BILATERAL.pdf



[5] https://s3.amazonaws.com/khudes/Letter+of+Intent.pdf



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