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Future City

Since years ago, people have discussed exciting developments and opportunities of the future.
They have the concepts already. The future will look more greener and cooler. Many things will be
automatic. They can predict the next weather and react to it. These are the predictions of what it will be
like in the future.

We will not focus on bustime tables, flood risks, or land use but on people, decisions, and power
and accountability. Cities will look more cooler and greener because they can float on sea in 2020
probably. They will rely on clean energy resources. There are also cities that float on water during good
weather and goes submarine when waves get rough. Cities in Paris will have photosynthesis towers
covered in algae in 2050. Beijing will have elevated gardens in 2050. The achitechture is cool, either. The
one that came already is Garden Bridge in London. There will be tree houses. They’re oxygen-producing,
sustainable and pretty. In future, Paris will look awesome, futuristic and spooky at once. It has an
industrial, high-tech design. But it will not be a reality soon. There is a floating city that has underwater
entertainment centers. They will use 5G infrastructure. Buildings can protect themelves from falling. The
architectures will be art buildings.

Later, tiny houses could offer security and mobility. Paying the bills will be easier for college
students and recent grads. They’re still flexible to new opportunities in other areas because of this tiny
house. There are many benefits of tiny living. There will be no thieves anymore. Great design is
universal, so the design of houses will have a change. Everything in the house will look all white. We can
see our electricity usage because of “the Motherhen”, an internal server which runs the house by
connecting everything from beds and wardrobes to one central technology system. The home’s energy
consumption and the weather are displayed there. Everything will be displayed in holograms.

Schools will still be there, but with more new technologies. We will be using 5G and there will be
holograms. Students will be using using virtual reality for their needs. They will wear it around their
head. They could tap the hologram and control it with their hand. It’s easier than using the computer.
Extra courses are available in internet. The world is digital. College students or older people can
digitalize other people’s ideas. New lessons are available in universities. The schools can also float along
with the cities.

In conclusion, the future will be ultimately about its people. It will use holograms. Less electricity
is used because we will rely on clean resources. It will be greener and fresher. It will also be less-
crowded because some people will live in floating cities on sea. It will be like the futuristic or sci-fi
movies that we have seen before.

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