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Facility layout play an important role both between banks and

customers. Without the proper facility layout, meeting face-to-face

will not be carried out effectively and efficiently.

The use of creative space can support a specific position and

segmentation strategies and improve marketing objectives, for
example customer behaviour.

The very important place for one company was the reception area or
counter because that place is where the company meets its whole
public which are investor, shareholder, clients and potential clients,
suppliers and staff. Some of the most company lobbies are also used
as exhibition spaces, where the company products and services,
processes are explained and display.

Various types of layout design can be seen when in a bank. This

layout is sometimes appropriate in a particular place. There are
different perceptions of clients who deal with a bank.

Layout design considers all equipment, machinery and operational

support structure within the perimeter. All these have different
functions and roles according to the suitability of the services

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