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Fulminant Hepatic Failure 1. Acute liver failure is also known as what?

Liver Failure 2. This can be the end result of any liver disease.
Ascites 3. It occurs as a result of the liver’s failure to conjugate bilirubin.
Liver Transplant 4. What is the surgery needed for liver failure?
Viral Hepatitis 5.It is the common cause of Acute liver failure
Acute liver Failure 6. This develops within 8 weeks after the first symptoms of jaundice.
Pylorus 7. It is the opening between the stomach and duodenum.
Gastric Ulcer 8. This is characterized with pain that worsens with eating.
Duodenal Ulcer 9. This is characterized by gnwaing, dull, aching, “hungerlike” epigastric pain; relieved by
food or antacids.

II. True or False.

True 1. Peptic ulcers occur mainly in the gastroduodenal mucosa.

True 2. The only cure for Liver failure is Liver transplant.
False3. Peptic ulcer is caused by Helicabocater pylori infection, used of NSAIDs, and pathologic
hypersecretory disorders.

III. Enumeration

1-2 These are short term devices; which remains experimental, may help patients survivce until
transplantation is possible. (Do not abbreviate)
ELAD Extracorporeal Liver
Bioartificial Liver

>Give 3 Nursing Management for Liver failure

>Give 3 Nursing Management for Peptic Ulcer.

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