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A. Service and Product Description

My GURU Mathematics Tutorial Services will be

offering tutorial services to Senior High students of

Saint Louis College.

B. Location

My GURU Mathematics Tutorial Services will be

close to Saint Louis College. It will be located at

Brgy. Lingsat, City of San Fernando, La Union. It is

along the highway, fronting Lingsat Integrated School

and beside Chronees.

C. Market Area

The target market of My GURU Mathematics Tutorial

Services will be the ABM and STEM Senior High School

students of Saint Louis College of the City of San

Fernando, La Union.

D. Main customers

The target customers of My GURU Mathematics

Tutorial Services are Senior High School Students

enrolled in the ABM and STEM strand.

E. Demand and Supply Analysis


 Demand Analysis

The target market of this study will be the

Senior High School Students of Saint Louis College.

The demand analysis was based on the number of Grade

11 and 12 ABM and STEM students of Saint Louis College

and the number of students enrolled in the said strand

will be the basis in determining the historical and

projected demand for the proposed project. The table

2.1 presents the number of enrollees of Grade 11 and

Grade 12 ABM and STEM for the school year 2016-2017 up

to 2017-2018.

Table 2.1 Historical Population of Grade 11 and 12


School Year Grade 11 Grade 12 Total

2016-2017 648 0 648

2017-2018 624 615 1,239

Source: Students Affairs Office-SHS

Using the Slovin’s Formula, the proponents came

up with a total of 302 respondents which is composed

of the total population of Grades 11 and 12 ABM and


Table 2.2 Distribution of Respondents



N n N n N n

Grade 11 238 149 386 196 624 152

Grade 12 230 146 385 196 615 150

TOTAL 1,239 302

It can be seen in the Table 2.3 that out of 302

students are 216 considered availing of the service if

it will be offered. This will be the basis for the

expected demand of enrollees in the proposed business.

Table 2.3 Summary of Respondents of Grade 11 and 12


Population Sample Interested Not Interested

1,239 302 216 86

The historical demand in Table 2.4 was based in

the summary of results of the survey.

Table 2.4 Historical Demand

School Historical Students who availed tutorial Historical

Year Population before divided by the total Demand

number of respondents

2016-2017 647 32
15/302*100% = 5%
2017-2018 1,239 62

TOTAL 1,887 94

The demand for school year 2018-2023 has been

projected and is shown below. The projected data shows that

there is an increase in the demand for the next 5 years as

reflected in the table.

Table 2.5 Projected Demand

School Year Projected

2018-2019 92

2019-2020 122

2020-2021 152

2021-2022 182

2022-2023 212

 Supply Analysis

Based on the data gathered from the Local

Economic and Business Development Office of the City

of San Fernando, La Union, there are existing tutorial

and learning centers in the City of San Fernando.

Gualberto Learning Center also offers Mathematics, but

their target market is not the same as that of the

proposed business. Kumon is also different because it

just provides a supplemental education though it also

offers Mathematics. This shows that there is no

existing direct competitor of the business.


The table shows the existing indirect competitors

and their addresses.

Table 2.6 Indirect Competitors

Existing Competitors Address

Gualberto Learning Center

Zigzag Rd., Brgy. II, City
(San Fernando La Union
of San Fernando, La Union

Kumon Philippines Inc.

Carlatan, City of San
(San Fernando La Union
Fernando, La Union
North Center)

Source: Local Economic and Business Development

Office, City of San Fernando, La Union

 Market share

Since there is no existing direct competitor or

supply for the proposed business, the projected demand

will be equal to the unsatisfied demand. Out of 302

respondent, 216 or 72% of the respondents said that

they will avail of the service. The proponents decided

to be more conservative in determining the market

share of the proposed business to just capture 33% for

2018, 69% for 2019, 63% for 2020, 59% for 2021, and

57% for 2022. Tutorial services will have a decreasing

trend in its market share percentage due to increase


in demand that causes the unsatisfied demand increase

by a great number as shown in the table.

Table 2.7 Market Share

Unsatisfied % Market Market Share

School Year
Demand Share (Students)

2018-2019 92 33% 30

2019-2020 122 69% 84

2020-2021 152 63% 96

2021-2022 182 59% 108

2022-2023 212 57% 120

 Price Study

The fees of the students who will enroll at My

Guru Mathematics Tutorial Center, will be Php

300.00 per student per two-hour session. The

students will attend tutorial lessons four times

every week. The proponents used the going-rate

price strategy as a basis wherein they set the

price of the service using the prevailing market

price. With a going-rate pricing method, the

business will feel secure as they are sure to get

the customers because of the same rates

prevailing in the market.

F. Own Marketing Plan


It is important to get out and be seen by all the

incoming students. The marketing strategy will

incorporate a networking focus where My GURU

Mathematics Tutorial Services will be in close contact

with the professors. This allows the company to be

quite familiar with the material the various

professors are teaching. It also provides the

professors with an opportunity to offer referrals to

My GURU Mathematics Tutorial Services for students

that need additional assistance the school cannot


My GURU Mathematics Tutorial Services will place

advertisements on social media such as Facebook. These

advertisements will be effective due to their low

cost. Since it is now the era where technology is

prominent and students are almost always connected in

Facebook, it will give opportunity for the business to

be known to the public.

Lastly, upon permission from the various schools,

My GURU Mathematics Tutorial Services will distribute

flyers, leaflets and posters to students at their

schools, informing them of the various services My

GURU Mathematics Tutorial Services could offer. These


flyers and posters will also be posted on various

bulletin boards within the school premises.

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