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SECTION B [15 marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

16. An electric circuit consisting of five resistors and three batteries with negligible
internal resistance is shown below.

R1= 2.0Ω A R3= 3.0Ω

I1 E2= 4.0V I I3
E1= 8.0V E3= 10.0V
R5= 4.0Ω

R2= 2.0Ω B R4= 3.0Ω

(a) Calculate the currents I1, I2 and I3.

[6 marks]

(b) Determine the potential difference VAB. [2 marks]

17. The figure shows two long parallel wires P and Q both conducting current I in
opposite directions. Point Y is situated at the mid-point between wires P and Q.
Points X and Y are perpendicular and equidistant from wire P.

(a) State the ratio of the magnetic flux density at Y to that at X [3 marks]

(b) If the wires P and Q carry currents of 5 A and 10 A respectively in a vacuum.

The force on the wire P is 0.05 N.
(i) What is the magnitude and direction of the force on wire Q? [2marks]

(ii) if the current on both wire are the same direction as show on the figure
below, sketch a diagram to show the direction exerted by the magnetic flux
density, B produced by current I1 on wire Y. On the same diagram, show the
direction of the force, F exerted on wire Y due to current I1. [2marks]
Marking Shceme Trial S2 2019
17 An electric circuit consisting of five resistors and three batteries with negligible
internal resistance is shown below.
R1= 2.0Ω A R3= 3.0Ω

I1 E2= 4.0V I I3
E1= 8.0V E3= 10.0V
R5= 4.0Ω

R2= 2.0Ω B R4= 3.0Ω

(a) Calculate the currents I1, I2 and I3.
[6 marks]
I2 = I1 +I3
I3 = I2 - I1

Loop (1): ∑E =∑(IR)

8.0 + 4.0 = I1(2.0)+ I2(4.0) +I1(2.0)
12.0 = 4.0 I1 + 4.0 I2
3.0 = I1 + I2 …………………….(1)

Loop(2) : ∑E =∑(IR)
4.0 +10.0 = I2 (4.0)+ I3(3.0) + I3(3.0)
14.0 = 4 I2 + 6 I3
14.0 = 4 I2 + 6 (I2 - I3)
14.0 = 10I2 - 6I1
7.0 = -3I1 + 5I2 …………………(2)

(1)x5: 15.0 = 5I1 + 5I2 …………………(3)

(2)-(3): -8.0 = -8 I1
I1 = 1.0 A

Substitute I1 = 1.0 A into (1),

3.0 = 1.0 + I2
I2 = 2.0A

Substitute I1 = 1.0 A and I2 = 2.0A into

I3 = I2 - I1
= 2.0 -1.0
I3 = 1.0A

(b) Determine the potential difference VAB.

[2 marks]
VAB = E2 - I2 R5
= 4.0 – (2.0)(4.0)
= -4.0 V
= 4.0 V
17. (a)



(b) (i) Currents in opposite directions repel. The forces are of equal magnitude.


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