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MATLAB Design of Sliding Mode Multivariable Control

Alan S.I. Zinober'
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Sheffield
Slieffield S10 2TN
United Kingdom

Ahs t rac t An alternative design approach is to specify some re-

gioii ~ I Ithe left-hand half-plane within which these
eigenvalues must lie. Regions studied include the
A MATLAB Toolbox is now available for the coin-
disc, vertical strip and damping sector in the left-
puter aided design of tlie sliding mode and feedback
control law for Variable Structure Control (VSC) SYS- liand half-plane. The methods for ensuring that the
tems.The methods programmed allow the straiglit- eigenvdues will lie in the required region involve the
forward design of sliding hyperplanes by various ap- solntion of certain matrix Riccati equations.
proaches including complete and partial eigenstruc-
ture assignment, and reduction of the sensitivity to After presenting the underlying theory of the sliding
uninatclied parameter variations. 111addition tlie user mode, we shall describe in this paper some of the
can design the control law and simulate the closetl- tecliniques relating to the design of the hyperplanes
loop system. This package caii be used with little related to the sliding mode. We describe briefly the
knowledge required of VSC t.lieory. quadratic performance approach (Utkin and Yang,
19733, and then consider eigenstructure assignment
and the mixed eigenstructure and sensitivity reduc-
tion problem. We briefly present a suitable control
1. Introductioii law to ensure tlie attainment of the sliding mode. All
these techniques have been programmed in a user-
We first describe some of the main features of Vari- friendly VSC Toolbox in the MATLAB environment.
able Structure Control (VSC) and the sliding mode. An example is presented.
VSC is a well-known solution to tlie prohleni of t.he
deterministic control of uncertain systems, since it
2. The ~egulatOl*
yields invariance t,o a class of parameter variations
(Draienovit, 19G9, Utkin, 1977, 1992; Ut,kin and
Yang, 1978; DeCarlo et al, 1988, Zinober 1990, 1993). Consitlcr the uncertain regulator
The characterizing feature of VSC is sliding ino-
i ( t ) = [ A + h A ( l ) ] z ( l ) + [ B + A B ( t ) ] ~ ( t ) + fU)( z (1)
tion, which occurs when the system state repeatedly
crosses certain subspaces, or slidiiig hyperplanes, in where c is an n-vector of states and U is an m-vector
the state space. A VSC controller comprises nonlin- of controls. It is assumed that n > m , that B is
ear and linear parts, and has been well studied in the of full rank in and that the pair ( A , B ) is control-
literature. lable. The matrices AA and AB represent tlie vari-
ations and uncertainties in the plant parameters and
One can design tlie sliding hyperplane by selcthg 11o11 tlie control interface respectively. f represents un-
space eigenvalues within the left-hand half-plane for certain time-varying additive terms. It is assumed
the reduced order equivalent system, which are asso- fnrther that the control interface uncertainties are
ciated with the sliding liyperplaiies, and then design- matched and occur only on tlie control channels; i.e.
ing the control to yield these eigerivalues (Dorling and R(8)= R.([B,AB]) (where 'IC(.) denotes the range
Zinober, 198G). Additionally one may wish to s p c +
space); and that rank [B AB(t)] = m for all t 2 0.
cify fully (or partially) tlie eigenvectors correspond-
ing to the closed-loop eigenvalues. There exists tlie Tlie overall aim of VSC is to drive the system state
additional possibility of reducing t,he sensitivity of the from an initial condition r(0) to the state space origin
specified eigenvalues to unmatched parameter uncer- as 1 .-* 00. Tlie jtli component t t j ( j = 1,. . . , m) of
tainty (Dorling and Zinober, 1988). the state feedback control vector U(.) has a discon-
tinuity on tlie jtli switching surface which is a hyper-
'This reseanzh was support,ed I J ~SERC grant CR/EJG943 plane A l j passing through tlie state origin. Defining

0 1993 IEEE
0191-2216/93/$3.00 2471
the hyperplanes by 4. The Sliding Mode

Mj = {z : cjx = O}, ( j= 1 , 2 , .. . ,m ) (2) When considering tile synthesis of the sliding hyper-
planes, it is sufficient to study the ideal regulator sys-
(where cj is a row n-vector), the sliding mode occurs
tem, without uncertainties and disturbances, given by
when the state lies in A f j for all j, i.e. in the sliding

M = n
hfj (3) Matched uncertainties are handled by suitable choice
of tlie control function. From (2) the sliding mode
In practice the control discontinuity may be replaced satisfies
by a sofl nonlinearity to reduce chattering (Burton
s = C + ( t )= 0 , 12 1, (9)
and Zinober, 198G).
where 1, is the time when the sliding subspace is
reached, and C is an m x n matrix. Differentiating
3. Model-Follow iiig C oiit1-01 equation (9) with respect to time, and substituting
for 5 ( f ) from (8) gives
Model-following control systems are very widely used
in practice and their control using VSC can achieved +
C'i(t) = C A z ( t ) CBu(t)= O , t 2 t, (IO)
in a manner very similar to the regulator systein
(Zinober et al, 1982). Consider t,he system Equa.tion (10) inay be rearranged to give

The hyperplane matrix C is selected so that lCBl #

0, and therefore the product CB is invertible. Hence
( 1 1) inay be rearranged to give the following expres-
where the first equation (as in ( 1 j ) describes t4heac-
sion for tlie e q u z z d e n t conirol,
tual plant, and the second equation is t,he model plant,
with xn, an n-vector of model st.at,es and r a vector ~ . , ~ (=t )-(CB)-lCA;c(t) = - K z ( t ) (12)
of reference inputs. It is desired t.liat t.lie actual plant.
states follow the model stales. The error where u e q ( t )is the linear open-loop control which
would force the trajectory to remain in the null space
of C , during sliding. Substituting for u e q ( t )from
should be forced to zero as time t
choice of the control U.
- oc, by suita.ble equation (12) into (8) gives

i ( t ) = {I - B ( C B ) - ' C } A z ( t ) (13)
Subject to the matrices A , B , All, AI?, A,,, a.nd = (,4- BK);c(t) (14)
satisfying certain structural and niatcliing properties
which is t*hesystem equation for the closed-loop sys-
(Landau, 1979), we can achieve the desired objective
t,eiu dyna.mics during sliding.
with suitable control. The error model satisfies

i(t) = A,e(t) + [(Al,, - A ) r ( f .-) f + Bllxr(l)]- Btr(t) This inot.ion is independent of the actual nonlinear
cont.ro1 and depends only on the choice of C , which
and, subject to certain matching condit~ions(see Spur- det.ermines the matrix K. The purpose of the control
geon et al, 1990), the model equations with suitable 'ti is to drive the state into the sliding subspace M ,

linear control components, reduce to and thereafter to niaintaiii it within the subspace M .

- Uu(t)
e ( t ) = -4,71e(2) (7) The convergence of t,he state vector to the origin is
ensured by suitable choice of the feedback matrix I<.
The VSC of this error system may be readily de- The determination of tallematrix Ii' or alternatively,
signed, using the techniques previously described, hy the deter~ninationof the matrix C defining the sub-
associating e with z in earlier sections. The sliding space M , inay be achieved without. prior knowledge
hyperplanes are iiow in the error state space. of the forin of the control vector U. (The reverse is not
true). The null space of C,N ( C ) ,and the range space
Further details and examples of practical time- of B, 72(B), are, under the hypotheses given earlier,
varying and nonlinear avionics syst.eiiis are given in complementary suhpaces, so N ( C ) n R(B)= (0).
Spurgeon et a1 (1990). Since motion lies ei~t~irely within N ( C ) during the

ideal sliding mode, the dynamic behaviour of the sys- so that. i n the sliding mode 92 is related linearly to
tem during sliding is unaffected by the controls, as T J ~ The
, sliding mode satisfies equation (21) and
they act only within R ( B ) . The developinenk of the
theory and design principles is simplified by using a yi = -4iiYl(t) +A12~2(t) (23)
particular canonical form for the system, wliicli is This represents an ( n - m )tli order system in which
closely related to the Kalnian canonical form for a y2 plays the role of a state feedback control. So we
multivariable linear syst,em.
Jil(t) = (Ail - A12f')yi(t) (24)
By assumption the matrix B has full rank i n ; so there
exists an orthogonal I I x n transformation ma.t8rix7 which is known as the reduced order equivalent sys-
such that tem. The design of a stable sliding mode such that
- 0 as f - cm,requires the determination of the
( Bo? ) y
gaiii matrix F such that All - A12F has n - ?TI left-
h a 11d Ira I f-pl a ne eigenvalues .
where B:! is ?TI x In and nonsingular. The orthogonnl-
ity restriction is imposed on 7 for reasons of numer-
ical stability, and to remove the. problem of invert- 5. Design of Slidiiig Hyperplane
ing 7 when transforming back t,o t>heoriginal system.
The transformed state is y = Tx,and tlie state equa- In this section we consider a variety of approaches to
tion becomes the design of the sliding hyperplanes.
Y ( t ) = T A P y ( t )+ ' T B u ( f ) (16)
5.1. Quadratic Performance
The sliding condition is C ' 7 T y ( f ) = 0, V 1 2 1,. If
the transformed stmatey is now partitioned as
One way to design the sliding hyperplanes is by min-
imizing t8hcqiia.dratic performance

and t,he matrices 7 A 7 ? ' , 7 B aiitl C'TT are parti-

tioned accordingly, then equation (16) may be writ t ~ i i
J = ils CO


as the following pair of equations where the matrix Q > 0 is positive definite symmetric
and t,. is tohetime of attaining the sliding mode (see
litkin and Yang (1978)). The matrix F (22) is readily
determintd once a matrix Riccati equation has been
The sliding condition becomes

ClYl(t) + C&t) =0 , t 2t , (19) 5.2. E i g e n s t r u c t u r e Assignment

For the multiva.ria.ble system Utkin and Yang (1978)
7ATT = ( it: iz ) , C!'TT = ( C , ('2)
ha.ve shown t,hat the pair (All, A12) is controllable
and tlial eigcnva.lue assignment in (24) is therefore
('LO) feasible. It, is well known, however, that the assign-
and C2 is nonsingiilar because C'B is nonsingular. ment of eigenvalues of a.n izth order m.input system
requires only n of tlie nm d.0.f. available in clioos-
This canonical form is central to hyperplane design ing tlie feedback gain matrix (Shah et al 1975). The
methods and it plays a significant role i n the solution remaining n(m - 1) d.0.f. ma.y be utilized in some
of tlie reachability problem, i.e. the determination other waS;; i n part,icula.r, by partially assigning the
of the control forin ensuring the attninnient of tlw eigenvectors. For convenience it is assumed here that
sliding mode in M (Utkin and Yang, 1978; Dorling t.lie n o n z ( ~ sliding
o mode eigenvalues are distinct from
and Zinober, 1980). each other and from t,lre eigenvalues of A1 Suppose
t,lint8the sliding mode Iias commenced on N ( C ) .Then
Equation (19) defining the sliding inodc is equivalent
to i ( 1 ) = ( A- Bli)x(t) (20)
y.(t) = -Fy1(f) (21) wliere A' is defined by (12). During the sliding mode
where the m x ( I I - i n ) mal r i s f' is tlcfiiictl by I must, reiiiain in ,b'(C), so that

F = CrF'Ci (22) C(il - B K ) = 0 e X , ( A - BIG) C_ N ( C ) (27)

Let { A i : i = 1, ...,n} be the eigenvalues of .4 BK 5.3. Semit ivit y Reduction
with corresponding eigenvectors Iris Then (2'7) implies
that When the matcliing criterion does not hold, VSC will
C ( A - B K ) v ~= XiCtli = 0 ('28) not yield total invariance to all the parameter uncer-
so that either A i is zero or vi E N ( C ) . Now A,, = tainties (Utkin, 1977). It may be useful to attempt to
A-BK has precisely m zero-valued eigenvaliies, so let minimize the sensitivity of the location of the closed-
A = { X i : i = 1, ...,n. in} be the nonzero distinct ei- loop eigenvalues to unmatched parameter variations.
genvalues. Specifying the corresponding eigenvectors We can use any remaining degrees of freedom to select
{vi : i = 1 , . . .,n - m} fixes t.he null space or C,since unspecified elements of the eigenvectors so as to min-
dim N ( C ) = n - m. However, C is not uniquely imize the sensitivity. An algorithm for sliding hyper-
determined, because plane design has been described (Dorling and Zinober
lo$$), incorporating the algorithm of Kautsky and
cv = 0, v = (Vl . . (29) Nichols (1983). Tlie algorithm yields a near minimum
has m2 degrees of freedom. Defining value for the spectral condition number, ~ ( v )using,
an iterative algorithm, which minimizes a related con-
W= (2)= T V ditioning measure lit. In the MATLAB VSC Toolbox
an additional algorithm has been included which com-
with the partitioning of W compatible with that. of bines the previously described eigenstructure assign-
y, (29) becomes meiit techniques (Section 5.2.) with tlie sensitivity re-
duction approach. After computing s (s < n - m) ei-
genvectors according to the specified criteria, the re-
maining n - m - s eigenvectors are determined using
the iterative sensitivity reduction approach. Avail-
able degrees of freedom are used to select unspecified
eigenvectors so as to miiiiniize the measure IC,.
giving the equation
FWI = -Pi'? (32) 5.4. Eigeiivalue Assignment in a Region

Tlie eigenvectors vi of A - B K are iiot generally freely Eigenvaloes can also be assigned to lie in regions of
assignable. At most m elenient,s of an eigenvector the coniplex plane, e.g. disc, sector, strip (see Wood-
may be assigned arbitrarily, after which the remaining hain and Zinober, 1000, 1991, 1993).
n - m elements are fully determined by the assigned
elements. Full details of the theory have appeared
elsewhere (Dorling and Zinober, 1986). 6. Feedback Coiitrol Law

The concept of assignable subspaces is applied to slid- Once the sliding hyperplanes have been selected, at-
ing mode design as follows. The designer selects the tention must be turned to solving the reachability
desired elements of the closed-loop eigenvector U, cor- problem. This involves the selection of a state feed-
responding to a nonzero sliding inode eigenvalue A,. back cont.rol function U : 72" + amwhich will drive
If r (1 5 r 5 m) elements of ut are specified, the the state t into N ( C ) and thereafter maintain it
remaining n r elements are determined directly by within taliissubspace. In general tlie variable struc-
solving tlie equation H*(Ai)'Tv,= 0 (see Dorling and ture control law consists of two parts ; a linear control
Zinober, 198G), taking tlie minimum norm solution if law ut and a nonlinear part U " , which are added to
r < m. If more than in but less than 11 elements are form U. Tlie linear control is merely a state feedback
specified, m < r < n,a quadratic programming prob- controller
lem needs to be solved; i.e. determine an assignable ue(2) = Lx (33)
eigenvector using a least squares fit to the specified while the nordinear feedback controller U, incorpor-
elements whilst minimizing the contribution of the ates the discountinuoi~selements of the control law.
remaining elements. If all of the n elements of vi Consider here the nonlinear unit vector control
are specified, the assignability of the vector is tested
by transforming it and applying the assignability re-
quirement. If this result is nonzero, vi must be mod-
ified to give the closest assignable eigc~nvector,wliich
yielding the control (Ryan and Corless, 1984)
is found by projection into the current assignable
subspace N(H*(Ai)?-)- All these perniutations have
been programmed in the Toolbox. (35)


where the null spaces of N , A4 and C are coincident : eigenvector element. We consider the eigenvalue X =
, V ( N ) = , V ( M ) = ,V(C). m range s p c e eigenvalues -1.
need to be specified t,o ac.liieve suitably fast approach
of the state to the sliding hoperplnnc. For the inore For ti:, = (1, 0, *,*,*,*) we obtain
general system (1) in which disturbaiices and uncer-
tainties are present, a similar cont>rolstructure inay UT = (l,O, -.0388, .0388, -.2140, -.3053)
be employed. However, in t,Iiis case the sca1a.r pis re-
placed by a time-va.rying st,at,e-dependentfuiict.ion in-
corporating two desigil pa.rameters y1,72, upon which For = (1,0, -0.5, *, *,*) we obtain
the time to reach h f ( C )also depends (Rya.11a.nd Cor-
less, 1984). Di~cont~inuous relay-type cont.rol wises = (1.0040, -.1914,-.3979, .3979,-1.2345,-1.6714)
with 6 = 0, while a s~na.llpositive value of 6 yields a
smooth control by elimina.t.ingt,lie chatt,er mode (Bur-
ton and Zinober, 1986). For v : ~ = (1,0, - 3 , .5, *,*) we obtain

= (1.0045, -.2153, -.4426, .442G, -1.3615,-1.8414)

7. Example

To illudrate the tlieory we have solvcd the followi~~g \\'it11 the specified eigenvector 2/& we obtain for the
example of a remotely piloted veliicle (RI'\') (Safonov sliding inode eigenvalues A = {-1, -2, -3, -4) using
et al, 1981) using the MATLAB rI'oolI~os t,lie seiisitivit,y reduct,ion technique for assigning the
reniaiiiing eigenvectors the reduced order (91-space)
i! = Ax + Btr (36) eigenvector inatris

with n = G a.nd 177 = 2 -.9985 .1440 .lo07 -.9353
.0387 .4301 -.3113 .0009
P,!i =
(i) We consider first the quadratic perfornlance ap- -.0387 -.MO1 .9338 -.0035
proach. For Q = I,, the VSC Toolbox yields 0 ,2334 -.144G -.3530

F= [ 2,640
1.1102 -2.1252
-.7489 1.2822 1 and

with result iiig eigenvalues

F= [ .3812 13.1623 8.8499 -12.83G1
.5349 18.3054 12.3844 -17.5811 I
A = (-31.8682, -22.4504, -4.9609, -.G838]
(iv) We next, assign the eigeiivalues of the sliding
For Q = diag( 1,5,10,15,20,25) mode to lie i n a sector. Suppose a = -1 and 0 = 0,
with Q = 10Z4 and R = we get
F= [ 0.1943
1.0389 ,7154 -1.2218
-.5734 -.3950 .G235 1 I.'= [ 2.5601 13.4G19 2.7937
-1.1207 -13.5987 -1.9521 -4.6892
with A = (-26.3189. -4.9i16 f 'L.lOi'Li,-.6823}.
with t,he eigenvalues
(ii) Suppose t,hat we wish to place t.he eigenvaliies of
the sliding hyperplanes at, the 11 - ni (= 4) specified A = {-121.9553, -1G.G07G, -5.4937, -1.1107)
locat.ions in t,he left,-haiicl half-plane of the coniplcs
A = (-1, - 2 . - 3 . -4} \Vit,li Q = G I 4 and R = 12 we obtain

The VSC MATLAB Toolbox yields A = {-94.0G77,-17.F!r)0, -5.3790,-1.0104)

F= [ .i481 13.1149 8.G078 -13.8084

1.0580 18.3794 12.0859 -18.9744 1 while Q = q 1 4 , q 5 5 does not place the eigenvalues
in the appropriat,e region.

( v ) We can assign t,he eigenvalues to lie within a disc

(iii) For our example, with 711 = 2 , we can specify for For the disc w i t h centre -2 and radius 1 we obtain
a given eigenvalue at most two desired elements of
an eigenvector ' u d , and obtain an esact solution. We
shall use the symbol * to iiidjcate an unspecified
F= [ .4005 8.28G7 7.4507
.5GG1 11.5734 10.4775 -10.2811 I
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