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One Time Costs:

Hardware Cost:

1. No of users = No Of Users + (No Of Users * User Growth % /100)

2. No Of Phones (if any) * Phone Cost
3. No Of Labs (If any) * Lab Cost
4. Floor Cost should be Zero. (that is floor cost is not being calculated as of
5. Telepresence Cost
TP Cost = 2390$
If Telepresence Service selected & Leased Line then add 2 more count to No Of
If Telepresence Service selected & SBVPN RLAN then less 2 more count to No Of
6. ISP Charge (If only UBVPN then no ISP Charge)
7. If Wireless Service Selected then add Wireless Cost
8. ISR Cost
If only UBVPN then Hardware Cost = 0
1. If Leased Line and Voice Partner Provided, Equipment Cost * 3 (ISR Units)
2. If not Leased Line and Voice Partner Provided, Equopment Cost * 2 (ISR
9. Switch Cost
If Voice Cisco Provided,
1. Divide the No Of Users by 48 and take the result as No Of Swithces
2. If no of switched <= 4
Based on the Equipment Name(3850) get the Cost from the meta table
No Of Switches * base cost = Switch Cost
3. If no of switched > 4
Based on the Equipment Name(4510) get the Cost from the meta table
(No Of Switches/384) * base cost = Switch Cost
If Not Voice Cisco Provided,
1. Divide the No Of Users by 96 and take the result as No Of Swithces
2. If no of switched <= 4
Based on the Equipment Name(3850) get the Cost from the meta table
No Of Switches * base cost = Switch Cost
3. If no of switched > 4
Based on the Equipment Name(4510) get the Cost from the meta table
(No Of Switches/768) * base cost = Switch Cost

10. Console Cost (Get the base cost from meta table)

Now Single Hardware Cost = ISR Cost + Switch Cost + Console Cost + Lab Cost + Phone
If more than one of Priorities selected then
Hardware Cost = Single Hardware Cost * (No Of Connectivities);
Apply the country based discount % on Hardware Cost

Implementation Cost:
1. Based on the theatre, get the cost from meta table
Meta table has seperate cost for each connectivity types selected.
Add all of the costs

Network Cost:
1. If wirelss
Network Cost = Implementaion Cost
2. If not Wireless
Network Cost = 0

Monthly Cost
Circuit Installation Cost:
If only UBVPN then cost = 0
If not only UBVPN,
Take the cost from meta table.
If Telepresence,
TP Hardware Cost(0) + TP Support Cost

Connectivity Costs:
For each connectivity, there is a cost based on each Users or for a Site.
If cost based on Users then base cost * no of users
If Cost based on Site then only base cost

Annual Costs:
Extranet Security Consulting Service:
1. Cosulting Cost (5500)
Get the cost from Meta Data
2. Finance Cost (100)
Get the cost from Meta Data
Get the base cost from Meta Data * no of users

No Of Users

Cosnulting Cost : 5500

CSIRT Cost: (no Of Users * Meta Value(85)) : 8500
Financial Cost (Meta) : 100
CISRT Map value on Users * 24 * 12 : 4320

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