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Topic: Action Research in Health & IT

Lecture & Discussion

Prof. Sundeep Sahay

( https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=l4VYtYwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao)
Prof. Arunima S Mukherjee

 Hospital Information System

 Participatory design of systems ( hospital etc. )
 In a design of hospital design system in Uttarakhand govt. project
o While designing the RFP (Request for Proposal), we can’t define what
would be the components of the tender etc.
o Hence make defining a part of the process of use
 Social structure play a major role in deciding the use of technology
 Worked in countries like Mozambique & guided PhD students
o Because in 1976, most of the educated people from the country left it
for Portugal
o Local talent nurture and participating at the local level by staying there
 Designed the system like https://www.dhis2.org/about
 Capacity building in Sri Lanka is supported by the ministry
o Has helped the people
o One of the best health indicators in the south Asian region
 GPG = Global Public Good (e.g. Traffic Light )
o Research question: how to improve the openness of the platform
 Problems & Challenges
o Too much action, little research
 Solutions:
o Able to step back, relate to the theoretical concepts that you have
o It is not easy to do
 Apprehensions & fears
 Institutional collaborations absent
o Action researcher
 Process
o Write down in systematic
o Write down the Interpretations
o This is most important so that the understanding is not lost after

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