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Covered these four areas: family, sex, interpersonal relationships and self-concept.

"Below are 60 partly completed sentences. Read each one and finish it by writing the first thing that
comes to your mind. Work as quickly as you can. If you cannot complete an item, encircle the
number and return to it later".
For some anxious patient, it is fruitful to administer the items orally and to record the patient's oral
responses. Oral method provides an opportunity to note specific items on the subject by observing
his reaction time, flushing, facial expression, changes in tone, voice and general behavior.
A rating is made of the subject's degree of disturbance in this area, according to the following scale:
2 - Severely disturbed. Appears to require therapeutic aid in handling emotional conflicts in this area.
1 - Mildly disturbed. Has emotional conflicts in this area, but appears that he's able to handle them
without therapeutic aid.
0 - No significant disturbance noted in this area.
X - Unknown. Insufficient evidence.
I. Attitude towards father (1, 16, 31, 46)
2 - feels extreme hostility and contempt with overt death wishes
1 - admires father but wishes their relationship were closer
0 - complete expression of satisfaction with father's personality
II. Attitude towards own abilities (2, 17, 32, 47)
2 - feels completely incompetent and hopeless
1 - feels he has specific ability and persistence
0 - confident of his ability to overcome obstacles
III. Goals (3, 18, 33, 48)
2 - direct expression of hostility, aggression of society, extravagant and realistic
1 - desires material things for family as well as for self
0 - sees importance in happiness and health
IV. Attitude toward people supervised (4, 19, 34, 49)
2 - feels he would not be able to control his hostility in supervising others
1 - feels capable of doing good supervisory but has misgiving about assuming an authoritarian
0 - feels comfortable and well accepted by subordinate
V. Attitude towards future (5, 20, 35, 50)
2 - pessimistic, no hope in his own resources for happiness and success
1 - unsure of himself but generally optimistic
0 - seems confident in achieving his materialistic goals
VI. Attitude towards supervisors at work/school (6, 21, 36, 51)
2 - resents and fears authority
1 - mild difficulty in accepting authority
0 - accepts authority
VII. Fears (7, 22, 37, 52)
2 - disturbed by apparent fears of losing identity or consciousness and possibility to control his
1 - fear of self-assertion, which is commonly fair and not pervasive
0 - expresses lack of overt fear or insufficient evidence
VIII. Attitude towards friends and acquaintances (8, 23, 38, 53)
2 - suspicious and apparently seclusive
1 - seems to wait for approval of others before committing himself emotionally
0 - expresses good mutual feelings between friends and self
IX. Attitude towards past (9, 24, 39, 54)
2 - keenly felt lack of mother, rejected and emotionally isolated
1 - in the average
0 - feels well adjusted; positive feeling; tone and memory of accomplishment
X. Attitude towards men/women (10, 25, 40, 55)
2 - extremely suspicious, possible homosexual tendency
1 - high ideals but with ambivalent feelings
0 - only minor criticisms and superficial
XI. Attitude towards heterosexual relationship (11, 26, 41, 56)
2 - appears to have given up achieving good sexual adjustment
1 - desires sexual experience but show reservation
0 - indicates satisfaction towards this area
XII. Attitude towards family unit (12, 27, 42, 57)
2 - feels rejected by family, which always solidarity and which has constantly contented with
1 - aware that family does not recognize him as a mature person but feels no difficulty in identifying
with them
0 - instability of family domicile has had little effect on his feeling towards them
XIII. Attitude towards colleague at work/school (13, 28, 43, 58)
2 - feels rejected by colleagues and condemns them
1 - has some difficulty with his work and is dependent of his colleagues
0 - expresses good mutual feelings
XIV. Attitude towards mother (14, 29, 44, 59)
2 - completely rejects and depreciates mother whom he considers over demanding
1 - sees mother's faults but accepts and tolerates their difficulties
0 - expresses only positive feeling towards mother
XV. Guilt feelings (15, 30, 45, 60)
2 - concerned with spiritual and physical feelings
1 - has regret over past and seems mildly disturbed by his failure to control trouble
0 - does not seem to be aware of guilt feelings
I think most girls _______________.
If I had sex relationships ______________
Developed by Joseph M. Sachs and other psychologists of New York Veterans Administration
Mental Hygiene Service.

Sex Area
Family Areas
Bernadeth L. Celestino, RPm
Certain inferences on the subject's personality structure can be made on the basis of the SSCT such
1. A statement of those areas in which the subjects shows the most disturbed attitudes. This may
provide significant clues for the therapist.
2. A description of the interrelationships between attitudes with respect to content. This often
illuminates dynamic factors in a case.
My mother and I ___________________.
If my father would only ______________.
My family treats me like ______________.


Administration of the Test
SSCT Findings include the following:
Area of Self-Concept
It can be administered individually or to groups and subjects can take from 20-40 minutes.

Interpretation & Scoring

Designed to obtain significantly clinical material in four representative areas of adjustment.
Includes attitude toward women and heterosexual relationship.
The 8 items in this area allow the subject to express himself with regard to women as social
individual, toward marriage and with respect to sexual relationship themselves.
Includes attitude toward friend or acquaintances, colleagues at work or school and people
The 16 items in this area afford an opportunity for the subject to express feelings toward others.
1. The subject's manner of response to impulses from within or to stimuli from the environment.
2. The subject's nature of responding to stress - impulsive or well-controlled.
3. The subject's nature of thinking.
4. The subject's thinking content - realistic, artistic or fantastic.
Includes three sets of attitudes:
1. toward the mother
2. toward the father
3. family unit

Short Guide to Interpretation

1. A statement of those areas in which the subjects shows the most disturbed attitudes. This may
provide significant clues for the therapist.
2. A description of the interrelationships between attitudes with respect to content. This often
illuminates dynamic factors in a case.
I wish I could lose the fear of _______________.
My greatest mistake was ______________.
Someday, I ________________________.
When I was a child ___________________.
Involves fears, guilt feelings, goals and attitudes towards one's own abilities, past and future.
When I am not around, my friends ___________.
At work, I get along best with ______________.

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