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Call for an Early Night

By: Jeliane Gargantilla

Academic demands placed among students, specifically seniors, has increased

significantly. This has led to increase in workload, consequently, the amount of time needed to
study for a specific subject. Nowadays, college students and even senior high school students
represents the most deprived one.

According to Gayla Martindale, 63% of the students who attend college do not get
enough sleep, so 15% of it tend to sleep during class. Likewise, according to John Reese college
student is deprived at least two full hours asleep each night.

Rest is also one of the most neglected piece of advice and becomes one of the least
priority by every student. Sleep deprivation has become a serious problem in the life of every
students both psychological physiological complications.

Study shows that those people who deprive their bodies of less than six to seven hours of
sleep per night impair their psychomotor performance and neurocognitive thinking. This includes
reduction in attention, concentration, critical thinking, and memory.

Considering the effects mentioned, this could not only affect your lifestyle but can also
lessen your productivity. It will cause to your academic performance to diminish, resulting for
you to have low grades or poor grade point average. If you're having a trouble in focusing in
your task, having a trouble paying attention in class, and completely being unproductive. You
have the sign of sleep deprivation.

Know that when you have a lot of work, try another time to work for it. Avoid cramming,
there's always a time for everything, instead of doing luxurious things, be productive. Always
manage your works according to the time allotted.

Moreover, ask yourself the last time you've had your best sleep. The workloads shouldn't
be a hindrance of your good sleep. Sleep keeps your heart healthy, reduces stress, improves your
memory, and helps reduce the risk of depression.
You should call for an early night to reduce stress. The best relaxation technique is to
counteract the effects of stress and fall asleep. Having lower level of stress can help you to focus
and makes you more alert. Considering that napping improves memory and cognitive function,
it'll make you smarter.

Sleeping is a time to relax. Don't repress the call for an early night through consumption
of stimulant and/or drinking coffee and energy drinks. If you've done enough for your school
works, then call it a day. This time tell yourself that tomorrow will still come. Don't sacrifice
your sleep for your school works. Although, we really can't do time management, because
honestly we really can't. Yet, we can manage things according to time.

So sleep, take a rest, forget the world, and build another world when you had your sleep.
Sleep is always the best meditation and makes a ma healthy, wealthy and wise.

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