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April 8, 1947. L. A. WILLIAMS, JR.

, ETAL 2,418,682
Filed arch 20, 1943 2. Sheets-Sheet I


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April 8, 1947. L. A. WILLIAMs, Jr., ETAL 2,418,682
Filed arch 20, 1943 2. Sheets-Sheet 2

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Patented Apr. 8, 1947
Lynn A. Willians, Jr., Northfield, and Henry J.
De N. Wicicouai, Chicago, l.; said Williams as
signor to Stewart-Warner Corporation, Chi
cago, Ill., a corporation of Virginia; Thelma,
RicColluria, executrix of said Henry J. Be N.
McColtan, decease, assignor to Stewart
Warner Corporation, (Chicago, I., a corpora
tion of Virginia,
Application IAarch 20, 1943, Serial No. 479,896
12 Claims. (C. 244-34)
Our invention relates to propeller de-icers and a new and improved propeller de-icer which is
more particularly to a propeller de-icer wherein sturdy, reliable, efficient, and inexpensive to man
internal combustion heaters are located in the ufacture and install.
hollow blades of an airplane propeller. Another object of our invention is to provide
In airplane operation, considerable difficulty is a new and improved propeller de-icer Which re
experienced with the formation of ice on the pro quires a minimum of attention on the part of the
peller blades inder certain conditions of atmos Operator of the aircraft.
pheric temperature, and humidity. Attempts Other objects and advantages will become ap
have been made in the past to eliminate the for parent as the description proceeds.
mation of this ice by discharging of the engine 10 In the drawings:
exhaust gases through passages in the propeller Fig. 1 is an irregular, sectional view showing
blades With a view to heating these blades sufi our invention applied to a controllable pitch pro
ciently to prevent the formation of ice thereoin. peller. This view is taken generally on the line
Such arrangements have numerous disadvan - of Fig. 3;
tages and have proved unsatisfactory. 5 Fig. 2 is a transverse, sectional view through
Attempts have also been made to solve the de One of the propeller blades and is taken on the
icing problem by installing electric heaters in the line 2-2 of Fig. 1;
propelier blades. Such heaters are heavy and Fig. 3 is an irregular, sectional view taken gen
consume greater quantities of current than are erally on the line 3-3 of Fig. 1; and
readily available, so that a special generator must 20 Fig. 4 is a view showing a partial, longitudinal
be installed to furnish the current for such Section through a propeller blade. This view is
heaters. The addition of this special generator on an enlarged Scale and is taken on the line
materially increases the weight of the installa 4-4 of Fig. 2.
tion and results in a substantial reduction in the In the drawings, we have shown our invention
power output of the airplane engine where this 25 as being applied to a typical adjustable pitch
generator is driven by: Such engine. Where a propeller of the automatic type wherein weights
special engine is provided to drive the generator, Or other suitable devices are utilized to shift the
the Weight of the installation is still further in propeller blades to afford a substantially uniform
creased. propeller Speed for all conditions of operation.
An object of our invention is to provide a new In general, this adjustable pitch propeller is il
and improved propeller de-icer which will Sup lustrated as comprising three hollow blades 9,
ply the desired quantity of heat and which can each having a root or base end i2 rotatably
readily be rendered inoperative when heat for mounted in a bearing 4 carried in One of the
de-icing is not required. arms 6 of a hub 8. As best shown in Fig. 3,
Another object of our invention is to provide a the hub i8 is attached by bolts 29 to the flange
new and improved de-icer wherein internal con 22 of a sleeve 24 having longitudinally extending
busticn heaters are located in the shanks of hol Splines 25 located in longitudinal grooves 28
low propeller blades and are supplied with fuel formed in the Crankshaft 3 or an extension
by a barometric control which meters the fuel attached thereto and rotatable therewith. Each
to furnish the correct amount for constant pro of the propeller blades is rotatable for pitch ad
peller Speed at any altitude. - justment in its bearing by a ring gear 32 which
Another object of our invention is to provide meshes with a common bevel gear 34 driven by
a propeller de-icer which may be readily in the pivoted. Weights or other automatic adjust
Stalled in an adjustable pitch propeller of the ing means. The propeller mechanism thus far
types now in service. 45 described is 'no part of our inventions and has
Another object of our invention is to provide merely been selected as typical of adjustable
a new and improved propeller de-icer which re pitch propeller mechanisms. In some instances,
quires only a Small amount of electrical current the blades of an adjustable pitch propeller are
for its operation. W shifted to vary their pitch by an electric motor,
Another object of our invention is to provide 50 hydraulic motor, or ; other suitable manually or
a new and improved propeller de-icer which may automatically controlled mechanisms and our
be supplied with fuel from the main fuel tank invention is intended to be used with all types
or tanks of the aircraft or may have its own sepa Of variable pitch propellers.
rate Source of fuel Supply as desired. An internal combustion heater 36 is located in
Another object of our invention is to provide 55 the base of each propeller blade adjacent the
3 4.
root end 12 thereof. Each heater 36 comprises of flow of fuel to the slinger ring in accordance
a combustion chamber 38 having a cylindrical with variations in atmospheric density. Such
Wall 40 and an end wall 42. Combustible mixture altitude compensators are Well-known and any
is supplied to that portion of the combustion suitable type may be used. The solenoid valve
chamber adjacent the end wall 42 by an induc 5 84 is opened by closing a switch 88 in a circuit
tion tube 44 having a curved end 46 located in connecting this valve with a suitable source of
the combustion chamber and serving to preheat electrical energy, such, for example, as a bat
the mixture supplied thereto. The induction tube tery 90.
44 is preferably of uniform diameter and dis The fuel delivered to each Venturi tube 66 by
charges the combustible mixture in such manner 0. its associated jet 68 nixes with air entering the
as to create a ring of flame in the combustion inlet or lefthand end of the Venturi tube to form
chamber. a mixture of fuel and air. Which is delivered to a
A housing 48 is attached to the cylindrical Wall combustion chamber 42 through an induction tube
40 of the combustion chamber and provides a 44. The inlet of each Wenturi tube 66 is exposed
passage 50 in which a plug type of electric ig 15 to the pressure existing in the spinner 92. This
niter 52 is located. The igniter 52 is of smaller Spinner serves to protect the inlets of the Wen
diameter than the passage 50, so that an annu turi tubes against dirt and moisture, but the in
lar space is provided around the igniter for pas terior of this Spinner is in open communication
sage of combustible mixture therepast. Part of With atmosphere and the pressure in this spin
the combustible mixture delivered by the induc 20 ner varies with variations in atmospheric pres
tion tube 44 flows through an inlet 54 into the Sle. -

lower end of passage 50 and is heated as it passes The mixture of fuel and air supplied to each
between the igniter 52 and the Wall of the pas combustion chamber burns therein and is dis
sage 50. This mixture is ignited by the hot wire charged into the interior of one of the hollow
55 located in the end of the igniter and the burn propeller blades 9 where it mixes with second
ing mixture passes from the passage 50 through alry air drawn into the interior of the blade
outlet 56 into section 58 of the combustion cham through openings 94 located opposite the base
ber which is located between rings 60 and 62. of the combustion chamber and serving to con
The ring 60 has an in Wardly projecting por nect the interior of this blade with the interior
tion 64 which is directed toward the wall 42 of 30 of the Spinner 92. This secondary air mixes with
the combustion chamber and tends to prevent the hot products of combustion issuing from the
liquid fuel from escaping from that portion of combustion chamber and somewhat reduces the
the combustion chamber which contains the end temperature of these products of combustion.
46 of the induction tube except by passing into The resulting admixture of products of combus
the passage 50, where it is Vaporized by the ig 35 tion and Secondary air then flows radially out
niter 52. The ring 62 tends to prevent the escape Ward of the blades under the influence of cen
of any liquid fuel from the portion 58 of the trifugal force and is discharged to atmosphere
Combustion chamber and the combination of these through a suitable outlet of openings 96 adjacent
rings effectively insures complete combusticn of the tip of the blade. -
all liquid fuel before this fuel can pass out of 40 From the foregoing, it will be apparent that
the combustion chamber. the action of centrifugal force on the products
Certain features pertaining to the construction of combustion and secondary air is relied upon
and arrangement of the combustion chamber, in to move these fluids from the roots to the tips
duction tube, and igniter are the sole invention of the propeller blades. The same centrifugal
of Henry J. De N. McCollum and are claimed in force which causes this flow of gases toward the
his co-pending applications, Serial No. 477,080, tips of the propeller blades also serves to draw
filed February 25, 1943, and Serial No. 478,258, combustible mixture into the combustion cham
filed March 16, 1943. bers and Secondary air into the place through
Each induction tube 44 extends through a Wall the openings 94. Centrifugal force acting on the
of a propeller blade and has an inlet end at 50 fuel in the flexible hoses 70 feeds this fuel toward
tached to a Wenturi tube 66. Each Wenturi tube the Venturi tubes 66 and jet 68 and the nipples
has a restricted throat into which fuel is dis T2 are preferably provided with restrictions 98
charged by a fuel jet 68 connected by a flexible to insure even distribution of the fuel among
hose 70 to a nipple 12 attached to a slinger ring the several burners and uniform rates of flow to
14. The tube 66 and jet 68 constitute a car these burners.
buretor supplying a combustible mixture to the Each burner has a sufficient heat output to
combustion chamber. The slinger ring is V melt any Snow and ice which may collect on its
shaped in cross-section and rotates with the pro propeller blade and to maintain this blade
peller hub 8. The flexible,hoses 70 permit the throughout its entire surface area at a temper.
individual propeller blades to be rotated relative 60 ature above freezing throughout the atmospheric
to the hub 8 for pitch adjusting purposes without temperature range which is favorable to the
disturbing the Supply of fuel from the slinger formation of ice and Snow on the propeller blades.
ring 74 to the burners located in these blades. When the atmospheric temperature is above
Fuel is supplied to the slinger ring 74 by a freezing, no heat, of course, is required and the
stationary pipe 76 Supported in a bracket 78 at Switch 88 may then be opened to shut off the
tached to any suitable part of the airplane en . Supply of fuel to the burners. Likewise, when
gine or fuselage. The pipe 76 has a curved end the atmospheric temperature is well below freez
80 forming a spout located in the groove of the ing and all moisture in the air is frozen in the
slinger ring 74 and delivering fuel to this ring form of Snow or ice, there is no need to heat the
as the latter rotates with the propeller blades. 70 propeller blades and the control switch 88 should
A second pipe 82 leads from an engine fuel tank be in the Open or off position. Our novel propel
or a separate fuel tank for the de-icer, as may ler de-icer is Only needed when atmospheric tem
be preferred, and is connected to the pipe 76 by perature and humidity conditions are such that
way of a solenoid control shut-off valve 84 and Snow and ice tend to accumulate on the propeller
an altitude compensator 86 which varies the rate 75 blades and the solenoid valve 84 controlled by the
5 6
manual switch 88 provides a ready means for When the induction tubes. 44 are cold, some.
Starting and stopping the operation of our pro of the fuel entering the combustion chambers.
peller de-icer. may still be in liquid form. The rings. 60 pre
The exhaust outlets at the tips of the propeller vent this fuel from passing from the combus
blades are preferably located at the extreme end, tion chambers directly into the blades. Oand.
as is the outlet indicated by reference charac deflect this liquid fuel into the passages. 50 Sur
ter 96. However, these outlets may, if desired, rounding the igniters 52. The heat of these ig
be located a short distance from the extreme end niters Vaporizes this liquid fuel and forms a rich
of the propeller blade, as is the outlet 96. This mixture which may be readily set on fire by the
latter outlet is so positioned that the suction cre 0. hot wires 55. If the push button switch. 4 is
ated by a propeller blade as it moves through the not closed immediately after the switch. 88 is
air also tends to create a circulation through closed, the igniters 52 remain cold and liquid fuel
the propeller blade. Since the pull of centrifu entering the passages 50 may flow upwardly along
gal force is Sufficient to provide the requisite flow the walls of these passages and into the upper
through the hollow propellerblade, the additional 5 parts of the combustion chambers. Under these
pull of Suction is not required and the position conditions, the rings 62 will prevent the escape.
of the Outlet 96’ has the slight disadvantage that of this fuel from the combustion chambers into
a partially dead space is formed in the extreme the interior of the propeller blades.
tip of the propeller blade where condensed mois The rings 60 and 62 also serve to retard. Some
ture may collect. Either arrangement of the ex 20. what the outward flow of gases from the combus
haust outlets, however, Will provide Satisfactory tion chambers and thus promote complete com
In the particular embodiment shown in the bustion of the gases prior to discharge of these
drawings, the igniters 52 are supplied from the gases from the outlet ends of the combustion
same battery which furnishes the current for 25 The gases discharge from the combustion
opening the solenoid fuel Valve 84. Each igniter chambers and mix with secondary air admitted
52 has a Wire leading to a two part metal through the openings 94 in the bases of the pro
sleeve 02 which rotates with the propeller hub peller blades and the admixture thus formed
8. This two part sleeve is mounted on an in then flows lengthwise of these blades. This ad
sulating ring 4 interposed between the sleeve 30 mixture is hottest adjacent the discharge ends.
f02 and a supporting sleeve G6 attached to the of the combustion chambers and gradually cools
hub. 8, by bolts 20. Electricity is conducted to as it travels lengthwise of the propeller blades.
the sleeve O2 by a carbon contact 8 resiliently However, the rate of transfer between these gases,
mounted in a stationary housing ?o supported
in a bracket attached to the forward end of and the Walls of the propeller blades varies. With .
the engine or any Suitable part of the airplane 35. the rates of flow of these gases, being greatest
fuselage. A conductor 2 connects the brush where the rates of flow are greatest. The cross
to a push button switch f4, which in turn is. sectional areas of the hollow interiors of the pro
connected to the battery. 90 by wire 6. peller blades decrease from a maximum adjacent
In order to prevent any sparks formed at the the roots of these blades to a minimum adjacent
contact 08 from igniting fuel in the slinger ring 40 the tips of these blades, so that the rate of heat
14, we preferably provide a two part ring 02 transfer from the gases to the blades tends to in
with a radially extending flange 8 which forms crease as the gases approaches the tubes due to
a shield between the contact 08 and the slinger the greater rate of flow of these gases.
ring. It is understood that the wires 100 con ... Our new and improved propeller de-icer is par
necting the igniters with the ring 02 are suffi ticularly adapted for de-icing airplane propellers
ciently flexible to permit the individual propeller of the adjustable pitch type, but it is also equally
blades to be rotated in the hub 8 to change useful in de-icing fixed types of airplane pro
the pitch of these blades without disturbing the pellerS. and also propellers used for driving sleds.
electrical connections to the igniters. Or for any other purposes where the propeller is
Whenever it is desired to start the propeller de 50 eXposed to temperature and humidity conditions
icer, the pilot or a member of the airplane crew Which favor the accumulation of ice or snow on.
closes the switch 88 and presses down on the the propeller blades. '- - .
push button 4. When switch 88 is closed, Sole While we have shown and described only a
noid valve 84 opens and permits fuel to flow to Single embodiment of our invention, it is to be un
the jets 68. As the fuel is discharged from these 55 derstood that our invention is not limited to the
jets, it mixes with air entering the Venturi tube details shown and described, but may assume nu
66 and forms a fuel and air mixture delivered to merous other forms and that the scope of our
the combustion chambers by way of induction invention is defined by the following claims.
tubes 44. As soon as the pilot has closed the We claim:
switch 88, he presses down on the push button 1. A propeller de-icer, comprising a propeller
f4, thereby closing the circuits to the several having a hollow blade, a combustion chamber ro
igniters 52. In a few seconds, the hot wires 54 tatable With said propeller and Supplying hot
of these wires reach ignition temperature. Part products of combustion to the interior of said
of the fuel and air mixture delivered to the Con blade, a stationary source of fuel for said com
bustion chambers enters the passages 50 sur 65 bustion chamber, a rotating U-shaped ring mov
rounding the igniters 52 and is ignited by the able with said propeller, a connection for con
hot wires of these igniters. The resulting con ducting fuel from Said source to said ring, a car
bustion ignites all of the combustible mixture be buretor for said combustion chamber, a connec
ing supplied to the combustion chambers by the tion between said ring and said carburetor, and
induction tubes 44 and as soon as this occurs a 70 means for igniting combustible mixture supplied
ring of flame is created in the base of each com to Said combustion chamber by said carburetor.
bustion chamber which suffices to maintain com 2. De-icing means for a hollow propeller blade,
bustion therein. The push button 4 may then comprising a cup-shaped combustion chamber
be released to disconnect the igniters from their having a base located near the hub end of said.
Source of current, 75 blade and an Open end directed toward the tip of
7 8
said blade, an induction tube extending through heater for said blade, an electrical igniter for Said
a wall of said blade, a carburetor connected to heater, a carburetor for said heater, Said heater,
the outer end of said induction tube, means for carburetor and igniter being rotatable about Said
supplying fuel to said carburetor, a housing at axis, a non-rotatable source of fuel for Said car
tached to a side wall of said combustion, chamber buretor, a slinger ring rotatable with Said blade
and having a passage connected at Opposite ends about said axis, a connection between each car
to said combustion chamber, an electrical igniter buretor and said ring, a non-rotatable nozzle
located in said housing, a ring for deflecting liquid for supplying fuel to said slinger ring, a Solenoid
fuel from said combustion chamber into Said pas valve for cutting off the flow of fuel to said ring,
sage, and a second ring for preventing liquid fuel O a manual switch for controlling Said Valve, a.
leaving said passage from passing out of Said non-rotatable source of current for Said igniter,
combustion chamber. a rotating ring electrically connected to Said,
3. Apparatus of the class described, comprising igniter, a stationary brush contacting Said ring.
a propeller having a plurality of hollow blades and connected to a source of current, and manual,
rotatable about the axis of a common drive shaft, 15 means controlling electrical connection between
an internal combustion heater for each of Said Said brush and Said source.
blades, an electrical igniter attached to each of 7. De-icing means for a hollow propellerblade,
said heaters, a carburetor for each of said heat comprising a cup-shaped combustion chamber.
ers, said heaters, carburetors and igniters being having a base located near the hub end of Said
blade and an open end directed toward the tip
rotatable about said axis, a non-rotatable Source 20 of said blade, an induction tube extending through.
of fuel for said carburetors, a slinger ring rotat a wall
able with said blades about Said axis, a Connection of said blade, a carburetor connected to.
between each carburetor and Said ring, a non the outer end of said induction tube, means for
rotatable nozzle for supplying fuel to said slinger supplying fuel to said carburetor, a housing at
ring, altitude responsive means for varying the 25 tached to a side Wall of said combustion chamber.
and having a passage connected at Opposite ends
rate of fuel flow to said slinger ring, a Solenoid to said combustion chamber, an electrical igniter
valve for cutting off the flow of fuel to said ring, located in said housing, and a ring for deflecting
a manual SWitch for controlling Said Valve, a non liquid fuel from said combustion chamber into
rotatable source of current for said igniters, a
rotating ring electrically connected to all igniters, 30 Said paSSage. . . .. -
a stationary brush contacting said ring and con 8. Apparatus for de-icing a hollow blade pro
peller, including in combination, a combustion
nected to a source of current, and a push button chamber mounted within and rotatable with said
controlling electrical connection between said propeller and supplying hot products of com
brush and said source.
4. Apparatus of the class described, comprising 35 bustion to the interior of said blade, a Venturi
a propeller having a plurality of hollow blades tube secured to the blade having an inlet open
ing communicating with atmosphere and an out
rotatable about the axis of a COmnon drive shaft, let opening within said combustion chamber, and
an internal combustion heater for each of said means including a conduit rotating with the blade
blades, an electrical igniter for each of said heat 40 having an outlet opening for supplying fuel to
ers, a carburetor for each of Said heaters, said Venturi tube and air inlet, an annular passage
heaters, carburetors and igniters being rotatable rotatable with the propeller connected to said
about Said axis, a non-rotatable source of fuel inlet, and a fixed conduit associated with said
for said carburetors, connections between said annular passage for Supplying fuel to the con
carburetors and said source, a solenoid valve for bustion chamber.
cutting off the flow of fuel to said carburetor, a 9. De-icing apparatus for a hollow propeller
manual SWitch for controlling said valve, a non blade, including in combination, a cup-shaped
rotatable source of current for said igniters, a combustion chamber having a base located near
rotating ring electrically connected to all igniters, the hub end of said blade and an open end di
a Stationary brush contacting said ring and con 50 rected toward the tip of said blade, means for sup
nected to a Source of current, and a switch con plying carbureted fuel to the interior of said com
trolling electrical connection between said brush bustion chamber and near its base, means includ
and Said Source. ing an igniter and a conduit in which said igniter.
5. Apparatus of the class described, compris is located communicating with said combustion
ing a propeller having a plurality of hollow 55 chamber near its closed and open ends, and a
blades rotatable about the axis of a common drive ring Secured inside said combustion chamber be
shaft, an internal combustion heater for each of tween the ends of said igniter containing conduit
Said blades, an electrical igniter for each of said for defecting liquid fuel from said combustion
heaters, a carburetor for each of said heaters, chamber into said conduit.
Said heaters, carburetors and igniters being ro 60 10. Apparatus for de-icing a hollow blade pro
tatable about said axis, a non-rotatable source peller, including in combination, a cup-shaped
of fuel for said carburetors, a slinger ring rotat combustion chamber mounted within the pro
able with Said blades about said axis, a connection peller blade, and having a base located near the
between each carburetor and said ring, a solenoid hub end of said blade and an open end directed
valve for cutting off the flow of fuel to said ring, 65 toward the tip of Said blade, means including
a manual switch for controlling said valve, a an induction tube discharging into said chamber
non-rotatable source of current for said igniters, adjacent the base of said cup for supplying fuel to
a rotating ring electrically connected to all ig said chamber, a pair of fuel deflector rings lo
niters, a stationary brush contacting said ring cated between said base and the open end of said
and connected to a source of current, and a push 70 cup, each of said rings having inwardly pro
button controlling electrical connection between jecting inclined flanges for preventing escape of
said brush and said source. liquid fuel from said combustion chamber, a by
6. Apparatus of the class described, comprising pass passage located around the ring nearest the
a propeller having a hollow blade rotatable about base, and an igniter located in said by-pass pas
the axis of a drive shaft, an internal combustion 75. Sage, ... . . . . . . .. .. . . ..
. Y - - :
11. Apparatus for de-icing a hollow blade pro by-pass passage around one of Said rings, and
peller, including in combination, a combustion an igniter located in Said by-pass passage.
chamber rotatable with said propeller and Sup LYNN A. WILLIAMS, JR.
plying hot products of combustion to the interior HENRY J. DE N. MCCOLLUMI.
of the blade, means including a stationary fuel
jet and an annular inWardly opening ring facing REFERENCES CITED
the jet and rotatable with the propeller for sup The following references are of record in the
plying fuel to the ring, a carburetor rotatable file of this patent:
with the combustion chamber, and a fuel connec
tion between said ring and said carburetor for O UNITED STATES PATENTS
Supplying fuel from said ring to said carburetor. Number Name Date
12. An internal combustion heater, comprising 1,099,083 Duc -------------- June 2, 1914
a cup-shaped combustion chamber through which 1,519,444 Fales --------------- Dec. 16, 1924
liquid fuel tends to escape, a secondary air cham 2,011,061 Loescher ----------- Aug. 3, 1936
ber Surrounding Said combustion chamber into 5 2,073,552 Curioni ------------ Mar. 9, 1937
which the products of combustion from the open 2,142,601 Bleecker ----------- Jan, 3, 1939
end of said cup-shaped chamber flow, an induc FOREIGN PATENTS
tion tube for Supplying combustible inixture to
said combustion chamber, said induction tube Number Country Date
discharging into Said combustion chamber adja 20 27,087 British -------------------- 1910
cent the base of said cup, a pair of spaced apart 275,677 British ------------ Mar. 22, 1928
rings located between said base and the open end 227,151 British ------------- May 30, 1924
of Said cup, each of said rings having inwardly 1,132 British --------------------- 1911.
projecting inclined flanges for preventing escape 47,909 Neth. ------------- Mar, 15, 1940
of liquid fuel from said combustion chamber, a 25

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