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REPORT practicum Zoology


Compiled By:
Name: AEP Mohammed Syaepudin
NIM: 58461245
Class: Biology C
Team: 2 (two)
Assistant: Sri Apriyanti

State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sheikh NURJATI

Lab report was filed to fulfill the task independently

Asst. Practicum, Praktikan,

Sri Apriyanti AEP M. Syaepudin

Lecturer pengampu,

Eka Fitriah, S. Si, M. Pd


Praise and thanks always prayed always in the presence of Robin Illaihi which in this
occasion for all the power I have to finish this lab report. Do not forget solawat and
greetings that also continues to shed limpahkan presence Nabiallah Mohammed SAW,
his family, his companions, the tabiinnya, and we as his people until the end of time
Amien ..
Full of effort that makes the lab report sewajibnya finally resolved. Vertebrate Zoology
with lab Lapran pengampu practicum lecturer Mrs Eka ... this as the basis for mandatory
duty on the results of lab work that has been implemented previously, and as a
prerequisite for admission or lab work to come.
A big thank you to all those who have helped the completion of this lab report, and do not
forget to apologize for the lack of any discussion or study materials that are less precise
and still far from perfection. And can only hope that the results of this report can be
useful both in the morning and the other authors.



I. Goal
1. Knowing the morphology and taxonomy of fish and fish Lele Mas
2. Distinguish between fish and fish Lele Mas morphology in terms of overall structure
and internal organs.
3. Analyzing the function of internal organs in fish and fish Catfish Mas.

II. Basic Theory

Fish (Pisces) are vertebrate animals that breathe with gills aquatis (several species of fish
to breathe through an additional tool in the form of modifications to the bubble pool / air
bubbles.) Having a brain which is divided into region-region. The brain is encased in the
cranium (skull) in the form of cartilage (cartilage) or bone-menulang. There are a pair of
eyes. Except siklostomata fish, the fish's mouth that is supported by the jaw (not
berahang aghnata = fish). (Mukayat D.B, Zoology Base: 181)
As for the taxonomy, fish belong to the group paraphytelic

III. Tools and Materials

III.1. Tool
A set of surgical instruments (scissors, knives split, Plugs Weakness, hooks, and
penjapit), Bath Preparations, Drugs, and a ruler.
III.2. Material
Fish (Clarias Batracus) and Fish Mas (Cipirus Caprio)
IV. How it Works
1. Anesthetize or weaken fish and fish Lele Mas with tranquilizer.
2. Observing and measuring the body length and height of starting all over, head, body,
tail, pectoral fins, pelvic fins, dorsal fin, anal fin, and large eyes.
3. Determining the sex of catfish and carp by pressing the anus if it means a female
yellow discharge if the white or clear means male.
4. Observing the presence or absence of gill sheet, type of scales as well as the inside of
the mouth.
5. Dissect and identify the organs in the catfish and carp.
6. Draw and analyze them as a result of observation.

V. Results and Discussion

V.1. Results
Here are the results of lab work presented in tables showing details of morphology
measurements catfish and carp:
Measurement Fish Names
Fish (Clarias batracus) Fish Mas (Cipirus carpio)
Length (cm) Height (cm) Length (cm) Height (cm)
All 24.5 2.5 15 7.8
Head 6.5 1.2 4 3
Board 9 2.5 5.8 4.9
Tail 13 3.5 6.6 3.5
Fin Chest 3 1.5 1.8 1.4
Fins Stomach 2.2 0.7 1.7 2
The tail fin 3 2 3.5 2.8
Fins 1 5.4 1.4 14.5 Ridge
Anal fin 10 1 1.5 1.8
Mata 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6

In addition there are other specifications of the catfish pengamata this gold fish
diataranya dn is:
a. In the catfish is unknown male gender, gill sheet does not exist, type scales smooth and
slippery or does not exist (plakoid), and the mouth section has little teeth, has particularly
shaft, and has no pelvic fins.
b. In gold fish gill sheet consists of 4 pairs, type cycloid scales, the teeth in the mouth
there is little, unknown gender is female.

V.2. Discussion
Fish (Pisces) are vertebrate animals that breathe with gills aquatis (several species of fish
to breathe through an additional tool in the form of modifications to the bubble pool / air
bubbles.) Having a brain which is divided into region-region. The brain is encased in the
cranium (skull) in the form of cartilage (cartilage) or bone-menulang. There are a pair of
eyes. Except siklostomata fish, the fish's mouth that is supported by the jaw (not
berahang aghnata = fish). (Mukayat D.B, Zoology Base: 181).
From the description above theory merupakn an overall morphology of fish can be
specified again for the discussion of the two fish species were observed in the lab this
time. At least two species of fish (catfish and goldfish) have a part-bagia morphology as
parsed from the theory. And after diamatipun these parts terbuti existence.
Briefly, fish are divided kedaam orders such as beriku:
a. Agnata (Cyclostomata), the fish do not berahang, conohnya: sea eel (Petromyzon sp.)
b. Chondrichthyes, the fish's mouth ventral degan supported by the jaw. Examples: shark
(Squalus sp), stingrays (Raja sp.)
c. Osteichthyes, namely berahang mouth, for example: silver fish (Cymastogaster
aggregatus), Fish Mas (Cipirus carpio)
d. And other orders by sources other reference books in full is not discussed here.
(Mukayat D.B, Zoology Base: 181).

From the above orders into the order we can match where catfish and carp are classified.
Here's an explanation of lab results that have been conducted on morphological
observations catfish and carp.
a. Catfish
Catfish prior to the theory from the observation that transactions are carried out to know
the catfish's body is divided into three parts, head, body, and tail. From the observations
prior to surgery were observed in the head flat on the top and bottom covered by a plate
of bone that form the cavity space above the gills, jam it berlanjt observations to the
body, visible dorsal fin, pectoral fin, pelvic fins and anal fins, and no forgot catfish have
spines similar shaft which megandung toxic to catfish adult and as a defense. Catfish is a
type of fish that live in freshwater. Catfish are easily recognized because of his smooth,
rather flat aft, and has a "mustache" long, which is sticking out of the mouth.
After the surgery to know the internal organs of catfish are: heart, liver, bile glands,
stomach, intestine, kidney, gonads (sex glands), and anus. There are interesting after
surgery, it turns out this catfish still have a high enough life force, is seen from the
heartbeat, and the reaction at the time or when surgery, according to the observations that
affect the internal organs of catfish can survive is a labyrinth as a form of the gills of the
catfish. And after the labyrinth was torn down or defaced, the catfish will eventually die.
Catfish has a tool called Aborescen additional respiratory organ that is the multiple
membrane filled with capillary blood. This tool is located inside the next room over the
gills. In the history of his life catfish catfish must take oxygen from the air directly, for
that he will swell the surface of water. In catfish, catfish male gonads can be
distinguished from characteristics that have serrations on one side gonadnya, darker
color, and has a gonad size smaller than females. Meanwhile, the female gonads catfish is
more yellow in color, visible spots eggs contained in it, and both the sides smooth, not
jagged. To find out the anal sex part is suppressed and observed discharge from the anus
are colored yellow to indicate whether the catfish was dalah females because of the
yellow fluid is a liquid of an egg cell, whereas in male catfish ditadai with a white
discharge which indicates the existence of specific sperm possessed only by males.

The way of breathing in the gills of catfish have a gill cover has 2 phases which
inspiration and expiration phases. Phase of inspiration, is the phase at the time of taking
O2 from water into the gills. For water put into the oral cavity. Enlarges the oral cavity
caused by movement toward the side of the gill cover, but still closed the gap behind the
membrane. As a result of air pressure in the oral cavity is smaller than the outside air
pressure. This was followed by membukannya slit mouth so that water penetrates into the
oral cavity. Expiratory phase, the phase is the release of CO2 with other gases from the
gills into the water. After the water went into the oral cavity, slit mouth closed. Then the
gill cover back to its original position and is followed by movement of the membrane to
the side so that the gill slits open and the water immediately to the outside through the
cracks. The exit of water through the gill slits would touch the gill sheets, so that there
pertukeran gas. Blood releasing CO2 into water and O2 from water binding. So the
process of gas exchange occurs in iakn mas took place at the time of expiration.
(Www.wikipedia.org / ikan_lele)
The classification of catfish include the following:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phyllum: Chordata
Sub-phyllum: Vertebrata
Class: Pisces
Sub-classes: Teleostei
Order: Ostariophysi
Sub-order: Siluroidea
Family: Clariidae
Genus: Clarias
Species: Clarias batrachus

b. Goldfish
Rigkas goldfish or from the observation and lab work performed can be identified as
follows, the body is divided into three parts of the head, body parts, and the tail. Earlier
this carp was classified as having bone Osteichtyes true. Goldfish has a slightly elongated
body and flattened upright.
At the head there is a fairly large pair of eyes, precisely located at the center of the head
(on the left and right) and there are a pair of nostrils and a pair of gill cover is located at
the back of the head. In addition, there is the mouth which is located in the middle of the
tip of the head (terminal) and can disembulkan (protaktil). In the anterior part of the
mouth are two pairs of antennae. At the end of the esophagus in the mouth there are teeth
(pharyngeal teeth), which is formed of three rows molars.
Goldfish body part that is from the end of the operculum (gill cover) at the back until the
beginning of the fin base stripe or often known as the anal fin. The organs contained in
the body include the dorsal fin, pectoral fin, pelvic fins, and in general most of the body
covered with scales except goldfish in several varieties that have little scales. Scales large
goldfish and classified into type cycloid scales (circles). fin back (dorsal) to length with
the back of the fingers hard and at the end (third and fourth fin) serrated. Location of
dorsal surface of the insert opposite the belly (ventral). Fin anus (anal) has such a
characteristic dorsal fin, which is fingered hard and finally part serrated. rib line (linea
lateralis or lateral line) are complete, are in the middle of the body with a cross section of
the gill cover to the ends of the rear base of the tail.

After surgery, organs observed in the bubble pool Mas fish, liver, stomach, spleen, gall,
heart, intestines and lamella. Lamella observed in goldfish consists of 4 sheets, color
lamella of goldfish is orange. In addition, will be observed regarding the sex of goldfish.
Based on the observations, the observed carp female because after the squeeze fluid out
of his belly yellowish. While the male gonad large goldfish and a long, filling two-thirds
of the abdominal cavity or nearly cover the organization's other organs prior to
pemburaian. Mengembung gonads, extending to the front and clear white.
The following is a classification of goldfish:
Phyllum: Chordata
Subphyllum: Vertebrate
Superclass: Pisces
Class: Osteichthyes
Subclass: Actinopterygii
Order: Cypriniformes
Suborder: Cyprinoidea
Family: Cyprinidae
Subfamily: Cyprininae
Genus: Cyprinus
Species: Cyprinus carpio

IV. Conclusion
Catfish (C. batrachus) is a kind of fish that live in water laughter., His smooth, rather flat
aft, and has a long mustache, which is sticking out of the mouth. In the middle badanya
pieces have rounded, with flattened head down (depressed), but the back of his body
shaped laterally flattened (compressed). While the organ - the inner organs of the catfish
itself consists of the heart, bile, labyrinth, gonads, liver, stomach and anus.
Goldfish is a fish species that live in freshwater. The morphology of goldfish is a
goldfish's body is divided into three parts, namely the head, body, and tail. Goldfish has a
slightly elongated shape and flattened body upright. The organ part in the goldfish that is
composed of the bubble pool, liver, stomach, spleen, gall, heart, intestines and lamella


Mukayat D.B, Elementary Zoology. Jogjakata: PT Media Facilities

Suyanto, SR. 1991. Catfish Fish Farming. New York: Sower Self Reliance.
www.wikipedia.org / ikan_lele
www.wikipedia.org / ikan_mas
id.wikipedia.org / wiki / Image: Clarias_batrachus
REPORT practicum Zoology

Compiled By:
Name: AEP Mohammed Syaepudin
NIM: 58461245
Class: Biology C
Team: 2 (two)
Assistant: Sri Apriyanti
State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sheikh NURJATI
V. Results and Discussion
V.1. Results
Here are the results of lab work done in the form of outcome measurement and
morphology observation of frogs and toads:
a. Frog
- Overall body length: 12 cm
- Width of body: 2 cm
- Length of head: 2 cm
- The length of the front foot: 2.5 cm
- The length of the hind legs: 8 cm
- The number of front toe: 4 pieces
- The number of rear toe: 5 pieces
- Diameter of eye: 0.4 cm
- Membrane of the eye: there is
- Subtle brown (skin)
- Membrane of the foot: there

b. Frog
- Overall Length: 12 cm
- Width of body: 3 cm
- Length of head: 2 cm
- The length of the front foot: 3 cm
- The length of the rear foot: 7.5 cm
- The number of front toe: 4 pieces
- The number of fingers behind kakki: 5 pieces
- Diameter of eye: 0.7 cm
- Membrane of the eyes: there is membrane nikitan
- Skin: rough spots of black, green
- Toothed section maxila
V.2. Discussion
Amphibia are vertebrates that are typically able to live both in fresh water (no one in sea
water) and on land. Most had metamorphosed from tadpoles (aquatis and breathing with
gills) to adult (amphibius and breathe with lungs). (Mukayat D.B, Zoology Base: 181).
The word amphibian comes from the Greek Amphi means two and Bios meaning life.
Because of that amphibious animal is defined as having two forms of life on land and
diair. In general, amphibia have a life cycle early in the waters and the life cycle of both
is on the mainland. (Zug, 1993).
In the phase of amphibious life berudru waters and breathe with gills. In this phase
berudru move using tail. In the adult phase of life on land and breathe with lungs. In the
present phase of amphibious moves with the foot. Changes in breathing way of life along
with the transition from water to land causes loss of gills and gill order to gradually
disappear. In Anura, can not find the neck as a mechanism of adaptation to life in their
burrows and move by jumping (Zug, 1993).
Amphibia have eyelids and tear glands are well developed. In there eyes nictitans
membrane that serves to protect the eyes from dust, drought and other conditions that
cause damage to the eye. (Duellman and Trueb, 1986).
About habitat and distribution, Amphibious emerged in mid-Jurassic period, pre
paleozoik era as the oldest vertebrates. Most amphibians are tropical animals, because it
is polikiloterm or cold blooded. Amphibious need hot sun to get ketubuhnya, because
they can not produce its own heat. Therefore, many amphibians are found in tropical and
sub tropical areas, including throughout Indonesia.
Amphibious generally a semi-aquatic creatures, which live on land in areas that are quiet
freshwater and shallow. Amphibians are found in wetland areas, areas around rivers,
marshes, ponds, even in the neighborhood could be found.
The above theory is the basis for a series of amphibious peraktikum about the opportunity
this time. Amphibious is that we observe is a kind or form of frogs and toads. In
bahasannya more or less known that frogs belonging to the order Anura, and so did the
Before moving to the explanation of each of frogs and toads, will discuss the
classification of Amphibious first. Amphibians can be classified as follows:
a. Order Urodela: Amphibious that the adult form has a tail, and body like a lizard.
Examples: Hynobius sp, tree frog (Polypedates sp).
b. Order Anura: Amphibious who are good at jumping and no tail on the adult form. For
example: Rana pipiens (green frog), Bufo terrestris (frog Bangkong).
c. Order Gymnophiona: Amphibious that have compact skull, with long ribs, the skin is
soft and issued a stinging liquid. Examples: Ichthyosis glutinosus.

After classification of Amphibious exposed, now is the time, more specifically to the type
of the order of amphibians which dipraktikumkan, namely the Order Anura. Anura name
has a meaning has no tail. As the name suggests, members of this Order have common
characteristics do not have tails, united with the agency head, neck and limbs have not
grown well. Rear leg is bigger than the front legs. This supports the movement is by
jumping. In some family there are membrane between his fingers. Tympanum membrane
located on the surface of the skin with a large enough size and located behind the eye.
Movable eyelids. The eyes are large and well sized. (Duellman and Trueb, 1986).
One example of the most representative amphibious animals are frogs and toads. One
would be puzzled to distinguish between frogs and toads of this. Both kinds of these
animals looks like. The difference frog was short, stocky or thin, slightly bent-backed,
four-legged and no tail (Anura: a no, ura tail). Frogs are generally smooth-skinned, moist,
with long hind legs. Conversely rough-skinned frog or Bangkong berbintil rash until
berbingkul-bingkul, often dry, often short-and hind limbs only, so most of the less clever
jump far. But these two terms are often used interchangeably.
There are two types of amphibians observed in this lab, such as frogs and toads. The
following will explain the details of the observations both at once with a discussion of the
results of lab work associated with the above theory before.
a. Frog (Rana cancrivora)
Frogs gained in the lab by size rather moderate. With the physical characteristics of
smooth-skinned, moist, longer hind legs. As well as a smaller body shape of a frog.
Frogs belonging to the group of vertebrates. The frog itself is classified into class
amphibia and grouped again into 3 sub-classes, namely: Stegocephala, caudate, and
Salienta (Anura). Rana cancrivora Latin names. In outline form of the frog that is a
covered entity, wet and moist skin, body color of green, the other variant color yellow,
red, black and shades of color combinations earlier. Her skin is coated mocus or mucus.
Frog leg consists of a pair of front legs and rear legs. Forefoot consists of the upper arm
(brancium), forearm (antebrancium), hand (manus), and the fingers (digiti). At the rear
leg consists of the thigh (femur), leg (crus), foot (pes) and fingers (digiti) (Radiopoetro,
1996: 474).
The hind legs are frog membrane, typically for this type of frog that lives in wetland or
aquatic area, often used for swimming.
In the caput are slit mouth (rima oris) which was built by the maxilla and mandible.
External nostrils (nares externa) which amounted to a pair and penetrate into the oral
cavity. The eyes (visual acuity Organon) are great. In the eyes of the lining of the eye are
typically in the frog, namely membrane nictitans. Seain it also contained the pupil, iris
and a pair of eyelids on each eye (top and bottom).
In the truncus ¬ frog, covered skin is always wet, smooth, slimy, and there are glands like
glands that produce skin pigment frogs and glands that produce mucous. Truncus area
covered skin, the texture of skin folds formed by the thickening of the skin. Panhandle
There are creases along the back of the so called plicae dermales dorsolateralis and there
are also the irregular skin folds at the side parts of the frog's back ¬ also called dermales
longitudinal plicae. Anal / hole remaining expenditure digestion and excretion of the
discharge of substances, present in the posterior end of body.
At the extremitas consists of the front limb (e. Anterior) and rear limb (e. Posterior).
Amounted to a pair of front limbs, each having parts, namely upper arm "brachium"
(seconded by os humerus), forearm "antebrachium" (os seconded by radio-ulna), and
soles "manus" (seconded by carpus and os os metacarpus). In the anterior extremitas has
4 fingers (digiti) not found membrane pool (membrane digiti). Rear limbs are also
numbered pair, each having parts, namely the thighs "femur" (seconded by the os femur),
lower leg-calf "crus" (seconded by os tibia-fibula), and the soles of the feet "pes"
(supported by os Tarsus and metatarsus os.) In the posterior part extremitas have 5 pieces
of the fingers (digiti) and has a swimming membrane (membrane digiti).
In the anatomic observations, due to the frogs and toads belonging to the same order, then
only one thing is dissected and observed the internal organs. After the dissected organs
were observed in these sections include socais vocalists, heart, lungs, liver, bile, stomach,
intestine, kidney and central channel.
The frog can be classified as follows:
Phylum: Chordata
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata
Classis: amphibian
Sub-Classis: Salienta (Anura)
Order: Diplasiocoela
Familia: Ranidae
Genus: Rana
Species: Rana cancrivora

c. Toad (Bufo melanostictu)

Actually, not much different from the frog, but because the views of the morphologic
structure which is a large frog, with rough and thick skin and spots.
Head and body width united, there are two pairs of legs or members, no neck and tail.
The inside is covered predictably smooth soft moist skin. Head has a wide mouth pliers to
pick up food, 2 nostrils / nares small externa near the tip of the nose that functions in
respiration, 2 large eyes spherical, flat, 2 holes behind closed by the tympani membrane
that serves as the ear to receive sound waves. Each eye has the upper and lower eyelids,
as well as in it has a clear eye membrane nictitans membrane to cover the eyes if they are
in the water. At the end of the body found behind the anus, a small hole to remove the
remains of food that is not digested, urinary and genital cells / egg or sperm from the
reproductive organs (Kastowo, 1982: 32)
A little picture of a very precise description of the above theory with the picture of the
results of lab work done on this frog observations. The anatomy of internal organs have
also been discussed in the discussion on the frog, then immediately following will be
described regarding its classification, are as follows:
Kingdom: Animalia
Class: amphibian
Order: Annura
Family: Bufodae
Genus: Bufo
Species Bufo melanostictu (Merrem, 1982).

VI. Conclusion
Frogs belonging to the group of vertebrates. The frog itself is classified into class
amphibia and grouped again into 3 sub-classes, namely: Stegocephala, caudate, and
Salienta (Anura). Rana cancrivora Latin names. In outline form of the frog that is a
covered entity, wet and moist skin, body color of green, the other variant color yellow,
red, black and shades of color combinations earlier. Her skin is coated mocus or mucus.
Head and body width united, there are two pairs of legs or members, no neck and tail.
The inside is covered predictably smooth soft moist skin. Head has a wide mouth pliers to
pick up food, 2 nostrils / nares small externa near the tip of the nose that functions in
respiration, 2 large eyes spherical, flat, 2 holes behind closed by the tympani membrane
that serves as the ear to receive sound waves. Each eye has the upper and lower eyelids,
as well as in it has a clear eye membrane nictitans membrane to cover the eyes if they are
in the water

Campbell, N.A, J.B. Reece, and L.G Michael. 2000. Concept and Connection. 3rd ed.
Addison Wesley Longman Inc.. 809p
Duellman, W.E. And L. Trueb. 1986. Biology of Amphibians. McGraw - Hill Book
Company. New York
Eprilurahman, 2007. Frogs and Toads of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
International Seminar on Advances in Biological Science. Faculty of Biology, Gadjah
Mada University.
Source: http://www.didik-abd.blogspot.com
Source: http://www.fksh.biologi.ugm.ac.id,
Zug, George. R. 1993. Herpetology: an Introductory Biology of Amphibians and Reftiles.
Academic Press. London.

REPORT practicum Zoology


Compiled By:
Name: AEP Mohammed Syaepudin
NIM: 58461245
Class: Biology C
Team: 2 (two)
Assistant: Sri Apriyanti

State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Sheikh NURJATI
V. Results And Discussion
V.1. Results
Here are the results of lab work done in the form of outcome measurement and
morphology observation lizards belonging to the class Reptiles:
- The entire body length: 25 cm
- Higher whole body: 1.5 cm
- Length of head: 2.4 cm
- High head: 0.9 cm
- Length of body: 6.5 cm
- Height: 1.5 cm
- Long tail: 15.5 cm
- High tail: 1.1 cm
- Diameter of eye: 0.4 cm
- The length of the front foot: 3.1 cm
- The length of the rear foot: 3.8 cm
- The number of toes all the foot: 5 pieces
- Membrane nikitan: There cornea
- Mouth: no upper jaw and teeth like saws
- Ear and ear hole: there and perforated
- Sex: male
- Scales back area: brownish yellow
- Scales in the abdominal region: yellowish white
V.2. Discussion
Reftilia is Vertebrates with dry skin, covered with scales or epidermal boards.
The skull is usually slightly depressed laterally, with a kondil occipital. Weight belts
(girdles) grow well. Vertebrae clearly divided into 5 parts: cervical, chest (thoracic),
lumbar, sacral, and tail (caudal). The fingers with claws. External auditory meatus is
present or absent. The middle ear contains the auditory oksikel. The eyes have a gland
(tear) that keeps the eyes still wet. Brain with a larger cerebrum. Most reftilia have 12
pairs of cranial nerves. Reftilia breathe with lungs that are structurally more complex than
amphibians. Heart consists of 2 auricle (porch) and 2 ventricles (chambers). In some
reftilia, ventricle was almost completely divided into 2 chambers, although the division is
not perfectly correct. Kidney-type metanefros. Reduced renal portal system. Internal
fertilization. (Mukayat D.B, Zoology Base: 203).
Reptiles (reptiles) are a group of cold-blooded vertebrate animals and have scales that
cover his body. Reptiles are tetrapods (animals with four limbs) and spawn eggs that
embryo covered by amniotic membrane. Now, they live every continent except
Antarctica, and now they are grouped as:
• Order Crocodilia (crocodiles, garhial, caiman, and alligators): 23 species
• Order Sphenodontia (tuatara New Zealand): 2 species
• Order Squamata (lizards, snakes and amphisbaenia ("worm-lizards")): approximately
7900 species
• Order Testudinata (tortoises, turtles, and Terrapin): approximately 300 species
The majority of reptiles are ovipar (spawn), although some Squamata species are
viviparous (give birth). Viviparous reptiles feed their fetuses using a similar type of
placental mammals.
Size of reptiles varies, from measuring up to 1.6 cm (small geckos, Sphaerodactylus
ariasae) up to size 6 m and weighed about 1 ton (saltwater crocodile, Crocodylus
porosus). Branch of science that studies reptiles is Herpetology. (Www.wikipedia.org /
Few materials can represent a discussion on lab work this time. Animals are used as
experimental material such as lizards (Mabouya multifasciata) are included in the order
Squamata. Order squamata reptile whose body is covered with small scales that is
flexible and no sub abdominal.
Lizards are scaly four-legged animals that includes reptiles group. Broadly speaking,
understanding or relatives lizard lizard (English: lizards) also includes a group of lizards,
geckos, chameleons, flying lizards, monitor lizards, iguanas and others. While narrowly,
the term lizards in the Indonesian language usually refers to limited groups of lizards are
generally small, scaly slippery shiny, and living on the land (Ingg.: skink, Scincidae tribe,
or a general member of infraordo Scincomorpha).
So, in general, this lizard species include small stature, such as sand lizards Lygosoma, to
the Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis), which can reach lengths of more than 3 m.
Scientifically, this large group known as the suborder or children of the nation Lacertilia
(= Sauria), part of the scaly animals (Squamata).
Besides the characters mentioned above, as a rule looks reptilian, cold-blooded lizards
(which is why lizards often bask) and have the scales of various shapes made up of
substances horn. Comprising no fewer than 40 tribes, the lizard has a pattern of colors,
shapes and sizes vary. Some species have smooth scales glistening, slippery or like oily
impressed, even though the scales was very dry because lizards do not have pores in the
skin to remove sweat or oil.
In the lab work done state morphology of lizards can be identified clearly. Among them
are the head of the mouth, eyes with membranes and membrane niktitan. Body section
contained a pair of legs or chest. And terahir tail section contained a pair of legs. With
brown scales at the top or back. While at the bottom or the belly is yellow. According to
existing sources and discussion of these lizards especially reptiles, that the yellow ventral
scales, the lizard is identified as female. As for the yellowish-white or yellow it is not
identifiable as male.
For the internal organs can be identified from the start of the mouth, the stem trachea,
lungs, heart, hevar (heart), stomach, intestine, and klakoid.
Lizards can be classified as follows:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata
Familia: Scincidae
Genus: Mabouya
Species: Mabouya multifasciata
VI. Conclusion
In practice this time, at least it can be concluded as follows:
1. Reftilia is Vertebrates with dry skin, covered with scales or epidermal boards.


2000. 3rd ed.




Bird is a member of the group of vertebrate animals (vertebrates) that have feathers and
wings. The oldest bird fossil found in Germany and known as Archaeopteryx.
The types of birds is so varied, ranging from the tiny hummingbird to the ostrich, which
is higher than men. It is estimated there are about 8800-10200 bird species around the
world, about 1,500 species of which are found in Indonesia. Various species of birds are
scientifically classified into the class Aves.



VI. Conclusion



2000. 3rd ed.





VI. Conclusion


VI. Conclusion


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Conservation status

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata
Species: C.

Binomial name

(Linnaeus, 1758)

In Indonesia, goldfish have a nickname that is kancra, tikeu, tombro, king, Rayo, ameh or
another name in accordance with the endemic area.
Table of contents

Goldfish likes living place (habitat) in fresh waters where the water is not too deep and
the flow is not too heavy, like on the edge of a river or lake. Goldfish can live well in
areas with an altitude of 150-600 meters above sea level (asl) and at a temperature of 25-
30 ° C.
Carp species classified as omnivores, ie fish that may prey on a variety of foods, whether
derived from microscopic plants and animals. However, the main food plants and animals
that appear at the bottom and edge waters.
[Edit] Breeding
However, in their natural habitat, the Bering carp spawn at the beginning of the rainy
season, due to stimulation from the smell of the stagnant water the dry soil.
This substrate will be used as a place to stick an egg at the same time help in the event of
spawning stimulation.
The nature of carp eggs are attached to the substrate. Egg-shaped goldfish, colored nodes,
1.5 to 1.8 mm in diameter, and weighing 0.17 to 0.20 mg. Egg size varies, depending on
the age and size or weight of the parent. The embryo will grow in eggs that have been
fertilized by sperm.
Between 2-3 days later, the eggs will hatch and grow into larvae. Carp larvae have a yolk
sack relatively large size as a reserve food for the larvae. Yolk bag will be completely
depleted within 2-4 days. Carp larvae are attached to and move vertically. The size of
larvae between 0,50,6 mm and weighs between 18-20 mg.
The larvae turn into kebul (late stage larvae) within 4-5 days. In this kebul stadia,
goldfish food supply is needed from outside to support life. Kebul natural feed mainly
derived from zooplankton, like rotifers, Moina, and daphnia. The need for natural food in
one day kebul about 60-70% of its weight.
After 2-3 weeks, kebul seed grow into a size 1-3 cm and weighs 0.1-0.5 grams. Ofwhite
will continue to grow. After three months turned into a log that weighs about 100 grams
per tail.
Logs will grow continue to be a parent. After six months maintained, the weight of the
male parent fish can reach 500 grams. Meanwhile, the parent females can reach 1.5 kg
weight after age 15 months. Parent-parent carp are in the habit of churning sea bed or
bottom of the pond to find food.

Each region has a favorite type of carp, for example in West Java, the most popular
goldfish is a type of carp Majalaya. The differences are usually influenced by the tastes
and habits of society the farmers who membudidayakannya hereditary.
Of the several types of goldfish that have been known to the public, including the type of
superior varieties Majalaya. The proof, these varieties have been released by the Ministry
of Agriculture in 1999 within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Agricultural
Research Agency.
The types of gold fish in general can be classified into two groups, namely the
consumption of carp and ornamental goldfish. This type of consumption goldfish are carp
species that are consumed or eaten by the community to meet the nutritional needs of
animal origin. Meanwhile, the types of ornamental carp is generally used to satisfy the
inner satisfaction or for decoration (decoration) and maintained in garden ponds or
[Edit] Fish Consumption Mas
1. Fish Mas Punten
This race was first developed in 1933 was showed, Malang, East Java. Therefore, the
shape of the body goldfish Punten impressed membuntak or short round (big belly).
Color scales dark green, slightly bulging eyes, slow body movements, and are benign.
2. Fish Diamond Princess Sinyonya or Yogya
Not known with certainty the origin of the name of this fish species. Elongated body
shape (long bodied form) and back were lower than Punten goldfish.
Young yellow scales such as citrus skin color. Young fish eyes rather prominent, then
turned into a narrow when the fish was getting old. Nature goldfish sinyonya more
benign than the fish Punten race. Sinyonya carp have a habit of gathering in the water.
Parent sinyonya male goldfish will mature first sex at age 8 months, while the females at
the age of 18 months.
3. Fish Mas Taiwan
Scales yellowish green to reddish yellow at the edge of the anal fin and below the tail fin.
Taiwan goldfish are very responsive to food so that it will fight each other when given
feed. Allegedly goldfish ancestors are from Taiwan, then introduced and developed in
4. Fish Red Diamond
A unique feature of this goldfish is red-gold-colored scales. Movement is active, not
tame, and most like to stir the bottom. Relatively elongated body shape.
5. Fish Mas Majalaya

Increasingly shape tapering towards the back and flat snout shape.

5. Fish Mas Yamato

Goldfish are less popular among farmers in Indonesian carp. Elongated shape.
6. Local Fish Mas
This goldfish really can not be classified as one race or type of goldfish. However, this
fish is the most commonly found in the field and most widely known by today's fish
Body shape and the color is a combination of several types of goldfish that already exists.
In general, elongated body shape and her eyes are not slanted. Most likely these fish
come from uncontrolled interbreeding with the kinds of other goldfish in the community.
[Edit] Diamond Ornamental Fish
The types of goldfish are classified into groups as follows ornamental goldfish.
Prominent features of kumpay goldfish fins are long and tufted all looked so wonderful
when you're moving. Color scales vary widely, there is a white, yellow, red, and dark
green. Elongated body shape like a goldfish sinyonya. Growth is relatively slow.
Sometimes, a goldfish is also used as fish consumption.
2. Fish Mas Kancra Domas
Elongated shape. His movements resemble goldfish Taiwan, which is always active and
less benign. Scales are small and irregular arrangement. Color scales vary, there is a blue,
brown, or green. Scales back dark. More to the stomach, the color is more bright silvery
or golden.
3. Diamond Glass Fish
Characteristic of this fish is partially his body not covered in scales. The part that is not
covered scales cursory look translucent, like glass. Along the lateral line (linea lateralis)
and around the base of the fins are white, shiny scales. Scales are large and not uniform.
4. Diamond Fancy Fish
Carp body shape is elongated. Scales white, yellow, and red.
Becoming known in Indonesia around 1980. Elongated rounded body shape. Color scales
vary, there are white, yellow, red, black, or combinations of these colors.
Koi hobbyists preferred because of its movement is slow and quite tame.
Koi fish have different names to suit the pattern and color of the body, such as platinum
Nishikigoi, shusui Nishikigoi, shusi Nishikigoi, Kohaku Nishikigoi, and taishusanshoku


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