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“Increase your weight sam, progressif!

MONDAY Lower Body A
TUESDAY Upper Body A
FRIDAY Upper Body B
10PM - 04AM - Sleep 09AM - 11AM - Workout
Lower Body A Workout - Squat & Abs (core) Focus Upper Body A Workout - Benchpress Focus
1. Barbell Squats (2x5, 1x5+) 1. Barbell Benchpress (2x5, 1x5+)
2. Barbell Romanian Deadlifts (2x8, 1x8+) 2. Barbell Bent Over Rows (2x5, 1x5+)
3. Hanging Leg Raises (2x8, 1x8+) 3. Incline Dumbbell Press (2x8, 1x8+)
4. Goblet Squats (2x12, 1x12+) 4. Lat Pulldown (2x8, 1x8+)
5. Dumbbell Calve Raises/Sled calf press (2x15, 1x15+) 5. Dumbbell Lateral Raises (2x12, 1x12)
6. Ab Workout/ 2-3 exercises ( 2x15, 1x15+) 6. Tricep Cable Pushdown (2x12, 1x12+)
7. Extra Isolation Work (2x12, 1x12+) 7. Dumbbell Concentration Curls (2x12, 1x12+)
8. Seated Straight Arm Clip Chest (2x12, 1x12+)

Lower Body B Workout - Deadlift & Abs (core) Focus Upper Body B Workout - Overhead Press Focus
1. Barbell Deadlift (1x5, 1x5+) 1. Barbell Overhead Press (2x5, 1x5+)
2. Barbell Squats (2x8, 1x8+) 2. Chin-Ups (2x10, 1x10+)
3. Hanging Leg Raises (2x8, 1x8+) 3. Flat Bench Dumbbell Press (2x8, 1x8+)
4. Single Leg Dumbbell Step Up (2x12, 1x12+) 4. Seated Cable Rows (2x8, 1x8+)
5. Dumbbell Calve Raises/Sled calf press (2x15, 1x15+) 5. Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral Raises (2x12, 1x12)
6. Ab Workout/ 2-3 exercises ( 2x15, 1x15+) 6. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension (2x12, 1x12+)
7. Extra Isolation Work (2x12, 1x12+) 7. Dumbbell Hammer Curls (2x12, 1x12+)
8. Seated Lever Reverse Fly (2x12, 1x12+)
2. Barbell Bent Over Rows 3. Incline Dumbbell Press
1. Barbell Benchpress

5. Dumbbell Lateral Raises 6. Tricep Cable Pushdown 7. Dumbbell Concentration Curls

4. Lat Pulldown

8. Seated Straight Arm Clip Chest

Upper Body A
1. Barbell Overhead Press 2. Chin-Ups 3. Flat Bench Dumbbell Press

4. Seated Cable Rows 5. Bent Over Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Upper Body B

6. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension 7. Dumbbell Hammer Curls 8. Seated lever reverse fly
1. Barbell Squats 2. Barbell Romanian Deadlifts 3. Hanging Leg Raises

4. Goblet Squats 5. Dumbbell Calve Raises 6. Single Leg Dumbbell Step Up

7. Sled calf press

Lower Body A
Lower Body B
Heels to the Heavens Step Through Plank

AB workout
X Man Crunches Alternating Thread the Needle

Alternating Jackknifes Stationary Bikes

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