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Perception: Awareness about external world

Selection Organization Interpretation Retention

Interest (Movies) Binary Position Comfort zone Time /Frequency
Need /Aesthetics (color) Social Categories Importance
Biology Similarities Emotional Connection
Perceptual Biases: Stereotyping, Self serving basis
Attribution: attempt to determine the causes behind others’ behaviour: Consensus, Consistency, and
Attribution Errors: First impression error, Halo effect, Similar to me effect, Selective perception, Self fulfilling
prophesy (Pygmalion effect, Golem effect)
Impression Management Tactics: Behavioral matching, Self promotion, appreciating others

Attitude – Affective (emotion), Cognitive (belief), Behaviour

 Theory of reasoned action: Behavior depends on outcome
 The theory of cognitive dissonance- incompatibility between attitude and behavior
 Self perception theory –Attitude in line with action
Change attitude: Social influence, Persuasion, Compliance, conformity, reference groups, and norms
Work place attitude: Job satisfaction, Org commitment (Affective, continuance-Calculative)
Affective- support/trust/shared value/emp involvement/org comprehension
Emotion/Mood – (emotion- Felt/displayed)
AET- An event in the work environment triggers positive or negative emotional reactions.
Personality Theory: Psychoanalytic (Freud), Humanistic (Maslow- Self-Actualizing Person.
Rogers – person centric- Given the right environmental conditions, develop to our full potentials)
Contemporary Approaches
1) Trait theory- : Big Five personality (E, N, A, C, O) , MBTI (EI, SI,TF,JP) 2) Social-Cognitive theory
Mach- practical, no emotion, long run problem: narcissist- believes in self importance
Type A (competitive) Type B (laid back style)
Values and cultures: Power distance,uncertainity avoidance, individualism, masculinity, long term
Content theory-Maslows, X&Y, 2factor,Clayton/Alderfer’s ERG,David Maclelands needs (power,achieve, affiliate)
Process theory-Desi CET, Edwin lock GST,flow,
Contemporary theory-equity
Stress- General Adaptation syndrome
Leadership perspectives: competency, behavior, contingency, transformational, implicit

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