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Basilio, Shara Marie B.

BS- Psychology 3-A

Sitting, standing, walking, picking up a pencil and taking a breath all include the Skeletal System.
The skeletal system consists of bones such as their associated connective tissues, which include
cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Without the skeletal system, there would be no rigid framework
to support the self the tissues of the body and no system of joints and levers to allow the body to
move. Although the skeletal system is usually thought of as the framework of the body, the skeletal
system has many other functions in addition to support. But the major functions of the skeletal
system include 1. Support 2. Protection 3. Movement 4. Storage and 5. Blood cell production.
The skeletal system actually composed of connective tissues that are largely determined by their
matrix. The effects of aging on bone matrix and joints has something to do that leads diseases and
disorders. One of the common known disease under the decalcification is osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is the reduction of overall quantity of bone tissue. It is a loss of bone matrix. This
loss of mass makes the bone so porous and weakened that they become deform and prone to
fracture. Here are some recent studies and articles about our skeletal system: Management of Acute
Hip Fracture by Bhandari M. and Swiontkwoski M. Hip fracture categorized according to
location as femoral-neck, intertrochanteric or sub trochanteric is treated in most patients with
prompt surgery. The specific approach is determined according to fracture location and other
patient and fracture characteristics. Romosozumab or alendronate for fracture prevention in
women with osteoporosis. It is a monoclonal antibody that binds to and inhibits sclerostin,
increases bone formation and decreases bone resorption. Methods on 4093 postmenopausal
women with osteoporosis and fracture fragility to receive monthly subcutaneous romosozumab or
weekly oral alendronate. GGPS1 mutation and atypical femoral fractures with biophosphonates.
Atypical femoral fractures have been associated with long term biophosphonate treatment. 1,2
However, the underlying mechanisms remain obscure. We studied three sisters who had a typical
femoral fracture after receiving various oral bisphosphonate for 6 years. Two of the sisters had a
single fracture (at the ages of 64 and 73 years), and one had bilateral fractures (one at the age of
60 years and the other at the age 61 years). Given the low incidence of atypical femoral fractures
in the general population (5.9 per 10,000 person-years), 3 we hypothesized that these sisters might
have an underlying genetic background that contributed to these fractures. We performed whole-
exome sequencing to detect possible shared genetic variants involved in their apparent increased
risk. In addition, we performed whole-exome sequencing in three unrelated patients with atypical
femoral fractures who each had received bisphosphonates for more than 5 years. We prioritized
rare nonsynonymous mutations in the variant filtering, and only mutations that were shared among
the three sisters were considered. No mutations were found to be homozygous or in any gene
containing mutations in both chromosomes (compound heterozygous).

Then, our skeletal system has a major role in our body for us to be able to function well. Our bones
are interrelated to our other systems of our bodies. And our different researches add up to our life
so that it will help us to maintain such good systems and to limit factors of having diseases.

Mcgraw hill Eduction

Anatomy and Physiology revealed// apprevealed.com

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