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3rd International Conference of Science and

Technology (ICST)
UGM, Yogyakarta, 2017

Oligocene-Pleistocene Paleogeography
within Banyumas Basin and implication to petroleum potential
Eko Bayu Purwasatriya, Sugeng Sapto Surjono, D. Hendra Amijaya

Abstract This study attempts to reconstruct paleogeography of Banyumas Basin in association with magmatic arc evolution
and its implication to petroleum potential. Based on the volcanic rocks distribution, their association and relatives age, there
are three alignment of magmatic arc, that are: (1) Oligo-Miocene arc in the south (2) Mio-Pliocene arc in the middle (3) Plio-
Pleistocene arc in the north. The consequences of magmatic arc movement were tectonic setting changing during Oligocene
to Pleistocene, as well as their paleogeography. During Oligo-Miocene where magmatic arc existed in southern part, the
Banyumas tectonic setting was a back-arc basin. This tectonic setting was changing to intra-arc basin during Mio-Pliocene
and subsequently to fore-arc basin since Plio-Pleistocene until today. Back-arc basin is the most suitable paleogeography to
create depositional environment for potential source rocks. Exploration activity to proof existence of source rocks during
Oligo-Miocene is needed to reveal petroleum potential in Banyumas Basin.

Key words: Paleogeography, Banyumas Basin, Back-arc Basin, Petroleum potential

Abstrak Penelitian ini mencoba merekonstruksi paleogeografi Cekungan Banyumas yang berasosiasi dengan evolusi busur
magmatik dan implikasinya terhadap potensi petroleum. Berdasarkan distribusi batuan vulkanik,asosiasi batuan dan umur
relatiftnya, ada tiga jalur busur magmatik, yaitu: (1) busur Oligo-Miosen di selatan (2) busur Mio-Pliosen di tengah (3)
Busur Plio-Pleistosen di utara. Konsekuensi pergerakan busur magmatik ini adalah perubahan seting tektonik saat
Oligosen-Pleistosen, dan juga paleogeografinya. Saat umur Oligo-Miosen, dimana busur magmatik ada di bagian selatan,
setting tektoniknya adalah Cekungan belakang busur.Seting tektonik ini berubah menjadi Cekungan intra-busur selama
Mio-Pliosen dan kemudian menjadi Cekungan depan busur sejak Plio-Pleistosen sampai saat ini. Cekungan belakang busur
adalah paleogeografi yang paling baik untuk lingkungan pengendapan yang potensi petroleum. Kegiatan eksplorasi untuk
membuktikan keberadaan batuan induk selama Oligo-Miosen diperlukan untuk mengungkap potensi petroleum di Cekungan

Kata kunci : Paleogeografi, Cekungan Banyumas, Cekungan Belakang Busur, Potensi Petroleum.

1. Introduction If the basin’s position is among the mountains on

Banyumas basin is one of frontier basin in the magmatic arc, it’s called intra-arc basin. If the
southern coast of Central Java, Indonesia. The position of basin is in the back of a magmatic arc,
southern coast of Java is a part of Indonesia it’s called back-arc basin. [Kent, 1997] define,
archipelago that faces directly to subduction zone Fore-arc basins are marine depositional basins on
in the Indian Ocean [Arief dan Michiel, 2014]. the trench side of arcs and back-arc basins occur
Several oil and gas seeps found, but, not yet over descending slabs behind arc systems (Figure
economic petroleum revealed in this area. A 1). In petroleum systems, back-arc basin and intra-
previous researcher called Banyumas Basin as arc basin are the paleogeography which have
“Terra Incognita”, a place that not yet fully important role to create a petroleum source rock.
understood its petroleum systems [Awang, 2007]. It Petroleum source rock is usually a fine grain rock,
is important to know how is the petroleum systems contain sufficient organic matter and will be mature
works in Banyumas basin and one step to know the by thermal conduct. In back-arc and intra-arc basin,
petroleum systems better, is by study the the depositional environment is quiet of current and
paleogeography of Banyumas basin through time wave, so, the fine grain sediments can deposited
by time. Paleogeography means in this topic is rapidly and the organic matter also can be
related to its position to a magmatic arc. If the preserved in reduction environment. Banyumas
basin’s position in front of a magmatic arc and basin has an indication of changing its
directly face to open sea, it’s called fore-arc basin. paleogeography in different geological time. The
indication is visibly by the distribution of vulcanic
Eko Bayu Purwasatriya rock with different age and made an alignment.
Geological Engineering, Jenderal Soedirman University,
Indonesia and Doctoral Program Department of Geological
Geological study is needed to find the evidence in
Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia the surface and geophysical data such as gravity
bayusatriya@yahoo.com data is needed to support the interpretation by
provide the subsurface data. Integration of geology
Sugeng Sapto Surjono, D. Hendra Amijaya
Department of Geological Engineering, Universitas Gadjah
and geophysical data will increase the convidence
Mada, Indonesia of the interpretation.
2. The Methods 3. Result and Discussion
Basically, the methods divide into two parts, first is Geological fieldworks and studio analysis had been
geological method and second is geophysical conduct in Banyumas area. Some association of
method. Geological method is conduct to get the volcanic rocks found and made an East-West
surface data, such as lithology, stratigraphy and alignment based on its relative age. Association of
structural geology and geophysical method is to volcanic rocks related to central zone and proximal
provide the subsurface data. Geological method zone of a magmatic arc are : breccia, lava, intrusion
comprise of fieldwork and studio analysis. dike or sill. Association of volcanic rocks related to
Fieldwork means in this study is a general distal zone of magmatic arc such as tuff, marl,
geological surface mapping to identify the type of tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone and claystone.
lithology that indicates the volcanics product and Figure 3 shows the example of volcanic rocks in
also the location, is it made an alignment of the field. Figure 3(A) is a very rare kind of breccia,
magmatic arc or not. Studio analysis is comprise of it is called limestone breccia. It is very rare because
making the general geological map from the usually limestone is not associated with breccia and
fieldwork and analysis the type of rock samples in this case, the fragment of breccia is andesite and
picked from the field. The relative age of the rock the matrix of breccia is limestone. It is probably
are taken from the previous researcher that already happen when volcanic activity is shut off, so
have the age data for Banyumas area. The data carbonate reef can build up, but there is small
needs for geological method are : volcanic activity like diatreme made explosive and
- Regional geological maps for Banyumas mixed with reworked carbonate reef. Figure3(B) is
and surrounding area, scale 1:100,000 a “common” breccia, called andesite breccia,
- Topographic maps for Banyumas and compose of andesite as fragments and sandstone as
surrounding area, scale 1:25,000 matrix. Andesite breccia is distribute almost at all
- Literature from previous researcher for magmatic arc alignment but with different
references geological age. Figure 3(C) shows the magmatic
The tools needed for geological fieldwork intrusion in a limestone. The intrusion indicate
comprises of Geological Compass, Geological magmatic activity near central zone of magmatic
Hammer, Loupe, GPS, Camera, Stationery, Field arc. Figure 3(D) shows the volcaniclastic rocks,
books, medicine and other personal needs. intercalation of tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone.
The second method is geophysical method. The volcaniclastic rocks usually indicate the distal
Geophysical method means in this study is gravity zone of magmatic arc. After doing fieldwork and
method. Gravity data is taken from the [Topex, studio analysis, a regional geological map of
2014] http://topex.ucsd.edu/cgi-bin/get_data.cgi. It Banyumas and surrounding area had made.
is a sattelite gravity data and can be download for Geological map of Banyumas and surrounding area
free of charge. Around 1,800 point of gravity data is shown in (Figure 4). The picture in figure 4 a
was download for Banyumas and surrounding area little bit complex because of the area is large, but
and need to process to get the gravity anomaly the legend give the explanation of the figure to
map. The step of gravity processing data is provide understand the meaning. The various range of
on (figure 2). The figure 2 shows the steps from colour from red to brown is showing the
acquisition data to regional and residual anomaly association of volcanic rocks such as breccia, lava
maps, but actually, if we download the data from and intrusion, means the area is near with
topex’s website, the data already free-air anomaly, magmatic arc. The various range of colour from
so the step is shorter than the flow diagram. Gravity yellow to green is showing the volcaniclastic rocks
data will support the analysis and interpretation of such as tuff, marl, tuffaceous sandstone, siltstone
magmatic arc from subsurface information. Gravity and claystone, means the area probably a distal
works based on the contrast density of rocks in the zone or far zone of magmatic arc. The blue colour
subsurface and volcanic rocks has higher density means limestone and grey colour means alluvium.
than other sedimentary rocks. Regional anomaly The brown line crossing the map is a structural
gravity usually used to identify the deep anomaly geology such as fault or fold axis and the blue
such as border of a paleobasin and the residual curve is a delineation of Banyumas Basin taken
anomaly gravity usually used to identify shallow from [Eko, 2014]. This geological map is modified
and local anomaly. This study used the residual from previous regional geological map from
anomaly to detect the alignment of paleo-magmatic [Asikin, 1992] for Banyumas area, [Djuri et.al.,
arc and matching the interpretation with the 1996] for Purwokerto and Tegal area, [Kastowo,
geological surface data. The integration of surface 1975] for Majenang area and [Simandjuntak and
data from geological study and subsurface data Surono, 1992] for Pangandaran area. There area
from gravity interpretation should give better three alignment of magmatic arc in Banyumas
results to define the alignment of paleo-magmatic basin and bordered by black dashed line in
arc and then interpret the paleogeography of the geological map. First alignment is in the south of
basin through geological time. Banyumas basin, called Oligo-Miocene magmatic
arc. Second alignment is in the middle of the basin, only gravity residual map used to support the
called Mio-Pliocene magmatic arc and the third interpretation of alignment of magmatic arc from
alignment is Plio-Pleistocene magmatic arc in the surface data. Gravity residual map (Figure 5) also
north of the basin. Oligocene is around 33.9 million shown the alignment of three magmatic arc, same
years ago, Miocene is around 23 million years ago, with geological map. Low anomaly with green
Pliocene is around 5.3 million years ago and colour among high anomaly with orange colour
Pleistocene is around 2,6 million years ago [Walker interpreted as a mountaineous arc. This
et.al 2012]. Based on the position of magmatic arc, interpretation based on Slamet mountain in the
the paleogeography of Banyumas basin change north of Banyumas basin, that give the same
through geological time. At Oligocene-Miocene, respons, low anomaly among high anomaly. It can
the paleogeography probably a back-arc basin if the be understand, because gravity works based on
basement is continent or an island arc if the density of medium and mountains will have a hole
basement is oceanic crust. At Miocene-Pliocene in the middle of it’s cone filled with soft sediments
time, the paleogeography probably an intra-arc and give low anomaly respon in gravity. The flank
basin and at Pliocene-Pleistocene the of the cone usually compose of breccia, lava and
paleogeography become a fore-arc basin until now. intrusion which are high densities and give high
The geophysical method create a gravity residual anomaly respons in gravity.
map and gravity regional map, but in this study,

Figure 1. Diagrammatic cross sections of (a) continental margin and (b) island arc, showing fore-arc basin, intra-
arc basin and back-arc basin [Kent, 1997]

Reading value at
gravimeter 127
-Instrument scale factor
- Tidal correction

Observed Gravity
-Latitude Correction

Normal Gravity
-Free-air Correction

Free-air Anomaly
-Bouguer Correction

Bouguer Anomaly

-Terrain Correction

Complete Bouguer

Regional Anomaly Residual Anomaly

Figure 2. Flow diagram of gravity processing to get the regional and residual anomaly maps

Figure 3. (A) Limestone Breccia, (B) Andesite Breccia, (C) Magmatic intrusion on limestone and (D)
intercalating of tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone

Figure 4. Geological map of Banyumas and surrounding area shows basin delineation and three alignment of
magmatic arc.

Figure 5. Gravity residual map showing the three alignment of magmatic arc indicated by low anomaly (green)
among high anomaly (orange)

5. Conclusion Acknowledgement
There are three magmatic arc within Banyumas I would like to thank to Departement of Geological
basin, first is Oligo-Miocene magmatic arc in the Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada and
southern part of basin, second is Mio-Pliocene Geological Engineering Jenderal Soedirman
magmatic arc in the middle of the basin and third is University.
Plio-Pleistocene magmatic arc in the northern part
of the basin. The movement of the magmatic arc References
through geological time, giving implication to the Arief Widianto, Michiel Damen (2014),
paleogeography of Banyumas basin. At Oligo- Determination of coastal belt in the disaster
Miocene, the paleogeography probably back-arc prone area : A case study in the coastal area of
basin or island arc, at Mio-Pliocene the Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
paleogeography probably intra-arc basin and at Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol.46 No.2,
Plio-Pleistocene the paleogeography should be December 2014, pp.125-137
fore-arc basin. Back-arc basin and intra-arc basin is Asikin, S., Handoyo, A., Prastistho, B., dan Gafoer,
the most suitable paleogeography for petroleum S., (1992), Peta Geologi Lembar Banyumas,
potential, because the environment is quite of Jawa, Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan
current and wave, so, the fine grain sediment and Geologi, Bandung, Indonesia
organic matter can be deposited and preserved. By Awang H. Satyana (2007), Central java indonesia-
burial for million years, the temperature will a’terra incognita’ in petroleum exploration :
increase and the organic matter should be mature new consideration on the tectonic evolution and
and convert to petroleum. A petroleum source rock petroleum implication, Proceedings Indonesian
that had been mature and full of petroleum will Petroleum Association, 31st annual convention
expell to carrier bed like sandstone and migrate to a Jakarta, pp. 105-126
trap consist of good reservoir. Need more Djuri, M., Samodra, H., Amin, T.C., dan Gafoer,
investigation about the petroleum systems in this S., (1996), Peta Geologi Lembar Purwokerto
area for make a prospect of petroleum.

Dan Tegal, Jawa, Pusat Penelitian dan Simandjuntak, T.O., dan Surono, (1992), Peta
Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung, Indonesia Geologi Lembar Pangandaran, Jawa, Pusat
Eko Bayu Purwasatriya (2014), Tinjauan kembali Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi,
potensi hidrokarbon Cekungan Banyumas Bandung, Indonesia
berdasarkan data geologi dan geofisika, Topex (2014), Extract XYZ Grid – Topography or
Proceeding Seminar Kebumian Ke-7, Gravity, http://topex.ucsd.edu/cgi-
Yogyakarta bin/get_data.cgi, Accessed: May, 2014
Kastowo (1975), Peta Geologi Lembar Majenang, Walker J.D., Geissman, J.W., Bowring, S.A.,
Jawa, Direktorat Geologi, Bandung, Indonesia Babcock L.A., (2012), GSA Geologic Time
Kent C. Condie (1997), Plate Tectonics and Crustal Scale v. 4.0, Geological Society of America,
Evolution, Fourth Edition, Butterworth- America
Heinemann, Oxford

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