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Sarah Hecker

Dr. Lidstone/Dr. Kaninjing

Spring 2019 Internship

Journal Week Eight

3/3/19 9:00-5, 8 hours; 3/4/19 9:00-3:00, 6; 3/5/19 9:00-3, 6; 3/6/19 9:00-3, 6; 3/7/19 9:00- 4, 7;

3/8/19 9:00- 3:30, 6 hours 30 minutes Total hours worked for the week: 40 Total hours

cumulative: 228 hours

This week I have been working on catching up on my hours, so on Sunday I worked a

few hours later than normal until 5 P.M. We were not very busy early in the week since it had

been raining. We are still seeing a lot of the same stuff such as flu, strep throat, and work-related

injuries. We had a man have his hand slammed in the door at work, so he came in and got x-rays

done at our facility. He ended up having a finger fracture, but everything worked out and he will

be okay. We should be seeing less flu in the following weeks, since it is almost past flu season.

We did have to send a woman to the hospital on Sunday, because she was having severe

abdominal pain even though her pregnancy test was negative and nothing abnormal showed up in

her urine analysis.

Regarding the project, I have gotten into contact with the woman who deals with toy

donations at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Scottish Rite, so we are working out a date that I

can come by and drop off the donations that Roswell Urgent Care received. That is the final step

of the project portion, so after the toys are dropped off it will be complete.
I am feeling better this week about my internship. I worked with all three medics this

week which were Mary, John, and Jemyle. They are becoming really close with me, which will

be great going forward with schooling and careers where I will need references and

recommendations. I am working extra hours this week to try and stay on track or get ahead to

reduce some of the stress that I was feeling last week regarding this internship. I am in more of a

routine this week now that I am settled after being out of town. I am excited to finish out these

last few months of my internship and keep gaining public health experience.

An additional note, I had messed up on my journal week two, and had put only the total

for that week, not the total of week one plus week two hours. When I was working on my journal

week three, I missed that I had forgotten to put the total for all weeks and based how many hours

I worked total on just week two and week three. I completely left out week one and have

continued to mess that up until this week when I realized my error. My total for last week should

have been 188 hours and 30 minutes. This week’s journal has the correct total for the hours

worked overall, and matches up all the hours of each journal if the math is done from the entries

that I have turned in. I just wanted to clarify that since the math looks wrong jumping from last

weeks to this week’s total hours worked. I had to go back and add week one’s hours (25 hours

and 15 minutes) to the total.

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